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    Steve Rogers

    Character » appears in 55 games

    Captain America (Steve Rogers) is a superhero from Marvel comics. The only success of the United States' Super Soldier program, Rogers fought in World War II until he crashed a plane into the Arctic. There his body was left frozen in suspended animation until being revived in the modern day.

    Oh, hells yes! Captain America set to return in July!

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    #1  Edited By VWGTI

    He's back!
    He's back!

    Captain America is coming back to the Marvel Universe in July! As with any character who "dies" in the Marvel Universe, the writers always find a way to bring a character back from the dead. So while this is sort of "duh" news, since we all knew this would happen sooner or later, the confirmation has me very excited.

    I'm a huge fan of the Captain and I was pretty upset when Marvel decided to kill him off (although the Civil War story leading up to the events of his death was incredible). What I'm really curious to see is whether or not Steve Rodgers and Tony Stark can bury the hatchet, and if Captain will eventually lead the New Avengers. The possibilities are endless here and it'll be interesting to see what the writers have planned for Captain America in the coming months.

    Here's a sweet trailer.

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    #2  Edited By oldschool

    My Marvel collection is 1500 comics, all from the early 60s to the mid 70s.  I have The Avengers #2 in good condition.  I also have the original Star Wars series that appears to be worth a bit.  Nothing to do with the topic, I just wanted to show off  :-)  (that was a joke - I love Marvel)

    As for Captain America, he was one of the least interesting Marvel characters I am sorry to say.  He just never seemed relevant.

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    My favourite character is The Vision.  Nothing ever seems to happen with him.  I love the concept of being able to control your density - that is cool, even for an android.
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    #3  Edited By nexas

    And I was really liking Bucky as Cap to :(

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    #4  Edited By VWGTI

    Dude, it must be the area I live in. All the kids growing up here loved Captain America. Much like GI Joe, he was a real american hero...lame I know, but I don't know any other way to put it. We also used to love that Avengers arcade game, "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!" lol

    Also, nice collection.
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    #5  Edited By Systech

    Cool! Captain America was always one of my favorites.

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    #6  Edited By oldschool
    @VWGTI said:
    " @oldschool: Dude, it must be the area I live in. All the kids growing up here loved Captain America. Much like GI Joe, he was a real american hero...lame I know, but I don't know any other way to put it. We also used to love that Avengers arcade game, "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!" lolAlso, nice collection. "
    Yeah, I do understand, and Australians seriously don't get American patriotism - no offence intended.  That is what makes it feel kind cheesey to us.  Hey, it is better than Superman with all that truth, justice and the American way.  I remember seeing the 80s movie at the cinema and the audience laughed at it and not because it was funny.

    What the hell happened to Howard the Duck - I liked him  :-)
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    #7  Edited By suneku

    This just shows how Marvel or comics in general have absolutely NO BALLS. You kill off Steve Rogers claiming he's too old for this generation, you moved on to Cap's ward becoming the new Cap, and now you're bringing Rogers back? I loved Steve Rogers, Cap was one of my favorite Marvel heroes, but I saw this entire thing coming. I would've preferred Marvel grow some balls and keep him dead after going around spouting their bull shit and going out of their way to tell us about how he's not returning.

    This pretty much foreshadows Bruce Wayne's return since this is how the comic industry rolls.

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    #8  Edited By kitsune_conundrum
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    #9  Edited By sparky_buzzsaw

    I'm normally a fan of dead comic book characters staying that way, but I've got a soft spot for the one and only Captain America from my childhood.  I always loved his stories, especially when Crossbones and the Red Skull were involved.

    I'm looking forward to the inevitable conforntation with Iron Man.  That shit practically writes itself.

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    #10  Edited By TheHBK

    Man fuck Marvel.  Civil War?  Retarded.  House of M? Desperate. Peter and Mary Jane not being together anymore, for good or whatever?!?!  ASSHOLES.  THese guys are just too lazy to try and work off what they have and what has been established.  Retcons and bringing shit back to life is retarded and so I say fuck Marvel. I will watch the movies and cartoons because thats all I have left.  As soon as they rebooted Spidey to start at #1 (then they decide to go back to the old numbers) I knew it was downhill.

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