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    Mass Effect 3

    Game » consists of 19 releases. Released Mar 06, 2012

    When Earth begins to fall in an ancient cycle of destruction, Commander Shepard must unite the forces of the galaxy to stop the Reapers in the final chapter of the original Mass Effect trilogy.

    brett990's Mass Effect 3 (Xbox 360) review

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    • 0 out of 0 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.
    • brett990 has written a total of 5 reviews. The last one was for Thief

    Mass Effect 3

    Mass Effect 3 is an excellent game by Bioware. It stirred a lot of controversy about it's ending, whether you loved it or hated it, it is still an excellent game. Here is my detailed analysis of this game.

    The Story

    This is the best story of the trilogy, depending on the way you played certain characters will live or die. Your choices throughout the series affect the experience you have playing the story. It successfully wraps up the story of Commander Shepard and does so in an epic way. The game also allows you to form relationships with some characters. It is intresting seeing how the story plays out and the whole thing comes together in the end for one of the most controversial endings of all time.

    The Gameplay and Combat

    The gameplay for the game is really good. The AI is excellent and very responsive. I really enjoyed the combat system, it made the experience more fun. If the gameplay hadn't been as excellent as it was then the game wouldn't have been as enjoyable. Also, weapon customization is really good this time around too.

    The Multiplayer

    The addition of competitive multiplayer is really cool. Seeing how the different classes of characters work together in multiplayer is real intresting, it makes you think twice about choosing your class. Co-op is really good too, it's actually one of the best features of the game. I think that the multiplayer made the experience last longer than if it was just single player.

    In conclusion, Mass Effect 3 is an excellent game with awesome multiplayer and story modes. The things I stated above are reasons I gave ME3 a 5 out of 5. I just wish more people had realized how amazing it is and would stop whining about the ending and start thinking about the epic story. I like the ending however.


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      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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