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A blog about some random games

Oh hi there. How’s it going? Pretty well for me, having just finished up a temporary job with the IT guys at my dad’s work, with another job opportunity lined up in the future.Ah, sporadic, temporary employment. As long as I don’t have to regain my job of the previous summer (Starts with “Frozen-Dairy Associate”, ends with “Worldwide retail chain ending in –Mart”) I’m pretty content to do whatever, as long as human contact is minimal. But oh right, I’m home and therefore have access to an Xbox again. Thus I played games on something other than my computer! Huzzah.

Shadowrun Returns

Mages can throw hadoukens, and that's pretty awesome.
Mages can throw hadoukens, and that's pretty awesome.

I’ll get this out of the way first. I’ve written exactly two formal reviews on this site. The first is for the exceptionally abysmal Oblivion DLC “The Orrey”. The second is for the XBLA version of Banjo-Kazooie. Both were written years ago back before I did this blogging thing, and both are kind of poorly-written. But for some reason, I felt the need to write a formal review for Shadowrun Returns. You can read it, if you want. I didn’t feel the need to throw in pictures, so I hope you like reading. I’ll just throw in some additional commentary here. I gave it 3 stars because I didn’t find the main game all that impressive, and I think it unfair to judge a game based on what it potentially could be, based on things the developer had no hand in creating. I understand that Harebrained Schemes is working on another campaign set in Berlin (it’s teased as much) with a more open ended structure, and I’m interested to see how that ends up, perhaps being the Hordes of the Underdark if we want to continue this Neverwinter Nights analogy. You should probably wait for a sale though. For $10, I’d say this game is something of a steal (though I feel the need to mention that you could get say… Fallout or Baldur’s Gate for the same price) and if the toolset is robust enough I can see a great future for this game. Also, the soundtrack is pretty great, as is the art design.

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked

Atsuro and Yuzu aren't exactly the brightest of teenage companions, so I'm eagerly anticipating the point in the story where I betray them or something. Also boobs.
Atsuro and Yuzu aren't exactly the brightest of teenage companions, so I'm eagerly anticipating the point in the story where I betray them or something. Also boobs.

I grabbed a copy of this game on the cheap, figuring that I could get my Shin Megami Tensei fix without having to pay the full $50 for SMT IV or feel the continual guilt of having never finished Nocturne (I WILL SOMEDAY. Really.) You know, for as much flack as Capcom gets for re-releasing improved versions of their games that I unapologetically purchase, Atlus is arguably just as bad in that regard. In fact, the reason why I bought this game instead of playing the copy of Devil Survivor 2 that I already own is because I found out they’re making an “enhanced” version of DS2 as well and I am a bad person. Also, you may recall Devil Survivor as one of @Video_Game_King’s least favorite things in the universe and I figure if he can take forever to play that copy of Might and Magic VII I gave to him, he can deal with me playing this and enjoying it so far. The story of you and your asshole friends being trapped in Tokyo but also Demons seems intriguing, and as a hybrid of turn-based tactics games and the typical SMT combat, Devil Survivor already seems sort of awesome. Between building optimal teams capable of covering most elements to taking advantage of passive abilities, I’ve enjoyed the 8 or so hours I’ve messed with so far. Keep in mind that I haven’t gotten to the parts of the game that people call “Absurdly, unfairly hard with just a splash of too much grinding”, so it’s very possible that I’ll change my mind. Or I’ll go for the bad ending because it’s the easiest. We’ll see.


I feel like any actual screenshot would be incomprehensible.
I feel like any actual screenshot would be incomprehensible.

For some reason, I hadn’t played this game until now. This was a serious mistake, and I have now rectified it. Bayonetta is basically a crazier, sassier Devil May Cry and given my love of DMC 3 (and the new one, to a lesser extent) I’m enjoying it. The story seems like complete nonsense, but that’s ok because it’s aware of how nonsensical it is? I dunno. I thought I could take the Japanese brand of crazy after watching all of Excel Saga, but apparently my tolerance is still pretty low as I see how over-the-top this game goes. I had always heard spectacular things, and thus far I think those people are probably right. It’s a bit less technical and brutal than DMC3, but it still rewards skillful play, and the part where time slows down if you dodge an attack is a nice touch and makes the game a lot more forgiving and less rage inducing. Will I like it more than New Devil May Cry? MAYBE YOU’LL FIND OUT AT SOME POINT.


The Zoltan Cruiser seems alright
The Zoltan Cruiser seems alright

I also played a bunch of FTL since ere I last blogged. Did you know that game is still awesome? I’d been playing here and there since it came out last year, but I think my breakthrough came when I unlocked a few more of the ships and finally beat the stupid, stupid, stupid Rebel Flagship with the Crystal Cruiser. I still hate it, but I think knowing it was defeatable was enough to incentivze more play. I’m still missing the mantis and slug cruisers, but once I get those I think I’ll start consistently playing on normal. The idea of someone beating the game with either variant of the Stealth Cruiser or Engi Cruiser B seems rather foreign, but if people on youtube can do it, it’s clearly possible.

Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny.

The remake that someone had to ask for, at some point. Probably in German.
The remake that someone had to ask for, at some point. Probably in German.

No, the remake. The one that came out this week apparently? The one that didn't have a page until I submitted it? I forgot that I bought it, but it already seems alienating and confusing, so I can conclude that it is a faithful remake. More to come?

And that’s it for now folks. Remember that winners don’t use drugs, speedruns for charity are the best thing ever, and apparently Bubsy 3D was a game that existed at some point in time. Also Sonic 2006.



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I keep meaning to go back to Bayonetta, but... I also have a pretty low tolerance for ''CRAAAaaaaAAAZEEE'' Japanese shit. DMC certainly brushed against my limits--DMC4 in particular, because fuck you Dante you try-hard douche--but Bayonetta is of course on a whole other level. I've already been told pretty much everything that happens in the story, and... it's only warded me even further tbh. Which is unfortunate because I don't doubt that Bayonetta is this technical masterpiece with some of the greatest character-action gameplay of all time. I just wish it wasn't so overbearingly in-your-face and utterly nonsensical.

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If you play more Realms of Arkania, let me know. I remember enjoying th original. As for Bayonetta, I liked the gameplay well enough. I'm not hugly fond of action beat-em-ups, but at tye discount price I bought it at, it was a solid six or so hours of fun.

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Why haven't you finished Nocturne? I mean, I managed to finish Nocturne, and I'm not too good about finishing long RPG's.

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@believer258: It's mostly the difficulty, and I'm in a rather frustrating area if I recall correctly. Don't worry, I'll have it done sometime this year. If I can beat the 100+ hour World of Xeen playing it over the course of 4 years, I can beat a Shin Megami Tensei game that lasts half of that at most.


Oh, I will play more Nordland Trilogie: Das Swarze Ague HD. As soon as I figure out where to go in that starting town. Would a few tooltips explaining what stuff does really kill them? I got about that far in the DOS version too (though my experiences with the third game in that trilogy, Shadows over Riva, actually went far better).


It's a bit much. I'm not going to pretend I don't sort of cringe and laugh at the same time when it starts with the gratuitous slow-mo crotch shots and the nonsensical dialogue, but it's not a deal-breaker like it apparently is with you. I guess maybe watch a bunch of batshit crazy anime until you're numb to it all?

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@yummylee said:

DMC4 in particular, because fuck you Dante you try-hard douche.

As if DmC Dante is any better? :P Not that the question really matters since that game most likely killed the franchise. Thanks, Ninja Theory!

I never got around to playing Bayonetta, mostly because I have a PS3, and we all know how that version of the game turned out. I might have to wait until Bayonetta 2 to really jump in on that.

Also, I am really interested in trying Shadowrun Returns. Though given what I heard about the save system, I might wait for a patch before I buy it. It's great to hear that aside from that, the game has been getting a lot of praise, and an old-school RPG of its type is sounding really good right about now.

Devil Survivor is a hard game, but at least Overclocked offers difficulty selection. I actually need to go back and play more of it; I picked up Overclocked after spending a lot of time with the original version and haven't touched it much since then.

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Edited By ArbitraryWater

@hailinel said:

@yummylee said:

DMC4 in particular, because fuck you Dante you try-hard douche.

As if DmC Dante is any better? :P Not that the question really matters since that game most likely killed the franchise. Thanks, Ninja Theory!

I never got around to playing Bayonetta, mostly because I have a PS3, and we all know how that version of the game turned out. I might have to wait until Bayonetta 2 to really jump in on that.

Also, I am really interested in trying Shadowrun Returns. Though given what I heard about the save system, I might wait for a patch before I buy it. It's great to hear that aside from that, the game has been getting a lot of praise, and an old-school RPG of its type is sounding really good right about now.

Devil Survivor is a hard game, but at least Overclocked offers difficulty selection. I actually need to go back and play more of it; I picked up Overclocked after spending a lot of time with the original version and haven't touched it much since then.

Awww, let's be a little more honest: There would have been no need for this (failed) reboot at all if not for Devil May Cry 4.

I feel like the praise for Shadowrun is tentative at best, other than this thread where I am quickly entering into a conflict I cannot possibly win. It is a short, sweet dose of that kind of RPG and if you aren't interested in dealing with something lengthier or the anachronisms that come with the classics, it's worth a look. Otherwise, wait for a sale or fan modules.

As far as Devil Survivor is concerned, I'm playing on Normal, so no excuses for me. I've almost reached the infamously difficult battle on Day 3 and we'll see how charitable I feel towards the game then. Reading through the older threads on this game not dominated by @video_game_king's seething rage give impression that the rest of the game see-saws between "manageably hard" and "Sadi-masochism", with special emphasis put on a few of the ending paths without going through New Game +.

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None of these games interest me to read and comment on, screw you.

Keep on trucking!