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#1  Edited By bacongames
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#2  Edited By bacongames

Updated to include latest review information and updates.

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#3  Edited By bacongames

Actually this is about Quests in general and how I love some of it and hate other parts.  Well hate is a strong word.  I have some problems with it.
The first thing is Quests show how much better the site search feature could be.  At least the central search bar.  Why can't I add the category it pertains to in parenthesis?  Like ghost (concept) to narrow the search down to only concepts.  
The other thing is that it's pretty sad that so many people are adding updates out of nowhere because it gives them a leg-up on a quest.  Friends I haven't seen updates on for many many months throw one on there.  It's kind of annoying actually.
This has already been said but some of those clues are goddamn vague.  I have been keeping honest and avoiding the forums until the initial spoiler trend ends.  However the clues are weird and some intuitive answers are wrong.  Like how are Skeletons not a typical monster in an RPG?  That and some quests are tied to shit that I consciously avoid having like a Twitter or Facebook account.  I'm not making them just to do the quest but there it will be unfinished.  Oh well.
That and I've found that links within the quest module don't go to the pages.  Like "go to the [insert] page" and it doesn't link me to it.

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#4  Edited By bacongames

VJ first because they're the OG endurance runners.  However I can watch BR's later in the same day and be utterly fascinated by the difference in play styles and commentary.  I mean I love it when I catch BR being utterly silent in a spot VJ were making jokes.  That and BR say and play differently.  It's like two different ER's for the price of one!
I love it but I can't watch one after the other.  Too similar.  One for the afternoon, one at night.  I'm gonna love this.

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#5  Edited By bacongames

I'm curious how this affects the series.
I would say thank you for bringing to us gamers one of its most famous villains to life.

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#6  Edited By bacongames

How did I miss this post?  Have we finally reached the point where we can talk about GameSpot, and frankly any other respectable game site, and not devolve into mindless idiots?  Especially about GameSpot because people love the sexiness of conspiracy and hold Giant Bomb dear so obviously GameSpot is the devil.  I personally look forward to the day when people will just drop the drama already and respect that what happened is not relevant really, that both sites (and many others) work hard to bring us the video game playing people great content.
Ironically enough this is the review I've found myself most confliced with because although I respect KVO's opinion on many matters and games, I know I would never be able to put up with a Final Fantasy game.  This is very much like when glowing Street Fighter IV reviews came out, not for me.  And I get that, but I do kinda want someone in the professional business to review the game having never played Final Fantasy before just to see their take.

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#8  Edited By bacongames
@Bruce said:
" @Hamst3r:   I'm just wondering like, will I start sprouting BEARD from the spots that are completely clear as I get older? Or is that more or less set? "
Sorry to co-opt the quote but it's a question of patch.  The patch problem plagues many men and if it comes in small or faint but consistent, you're golden.  But it's all on letting it grow after a few weeks of shaving to make sure the face is completely clean to let the hair come in.  If it's a mess, then the prognosis isn't pretty.  If it is consistent but not thick, then beard is likely in your future.
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#9  Edited By bacongames
@Bruce said:
" Okay, so...I'm turning twenty in July. I'm in College, yada yada yada; anyway, in terms of, well, "ruggedness," I still look like I'm twelve. Okay, maybe that's overstating it a tad, but I do look pretty young for my age (I get fifteen-seventeen a lot, but since I'm tall, yeah). Anywho, as you can probably guess, I was never really able to grow much facial hair.   The sides of my face are completely clear (no stubble at all), and I can only grow a very faint goatee currently -- which I never do, because it looks terrible on me. Anyway, getting to the point, lately I've noticed that I've had to shave the aforementioned goatee-stubble more han usual. A month or two ago it increased to every other day, but now I'm almost at the point where I have to shave every morning.  So here's my question for those with beards (Claude, looking at you for this one): I'm not a little kid; I'm almost twenty. Can/Will I even develop a full beard at this point? Or is it pretty set as to what my potential facial hair is? I'm just worried that I'm going to break out into some sort of uncontrollable grizzly-adams thing in another year - which COULD be cool, though it would require some getting used to.  "
As a significantly bearded gentlemen about to turn 18 in what, 3 days?  I have seen many men in your position.  Basically patience is key if you ever want to grow facial hair in your position.  From what I can tell keep the habit going of shaving for about half a month.  See how quickly and thick this comes through.  Then let the sumbitch grow out.  This is a test to see if it can go.  From what I can tell there's hope yet.  If it STILL doesn't want to work, rinse and repeat if you see progress. If not, then well...there's nothing I can do about your genetics.
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#10  Edited By bacongames
@StingingVelvet said:
" Well, I'm pretty sure this thread was just the result of a long night or arguing about Assassin's Creed 2's DRM and some other frustrations lately... I feel better now.  Still, some great posts were made which makes me think.  Someone said I might be more of a console gamer who never really tried them... not sure if that is the case or not, but maybe I should try the experience out again, so I will use my 360 pad on a shooter on the couch, as I said before.  Now that I have slept and cooled down though, I doubt I could ever abandon my adventure games and RTS controls and all that though, so I likely just needed to cool down and might just get a console TOO, not instead of, as others have said.  Damn Assassin's Creed 2 DRM and it's stress. "
Really one game that you have absolutely no obligation to purchase is causing you stress?  The PR nightmare faced by Ubisoft at this point is exactly the kind of thing the industry need.  PC gaming needs draconian moves like this to scare everyone else into making better decisions.  I bet some people took notes when the Spore DRM thing happened and people are taking notes now.  That and I never got why people don't just buy the games they agree with and don't buy the ones they don't.  Anyway this was my rant that is not really releated to the larger discussion.
Being exclusive to one type, console or PC, both have their disadvantages and it all comes down to what one can dedicate themselves too if they are tight on money.  I chose PC years ago and it hasn't done me wrong yet.  The loss of dedicated servers and DRM are all a bunch of excuses to me.  I am personally happy enough that I get to play games and boy do I on the PC.  Steam and Amazon both have given me such an opportunity to play an amazing variety and volume of games.  There seems to be this myth that PC gamers don't exist anymore and I simply don't get it.  It arguably has the largest library out of any console and I sure see a lot of games that are still getting PC versions (which I'm very grateful for).  There are occasional hassels but unless convenience is really that important, I see no reason to jump to console games for any other reason than exclusive games on the platform. 
I've given you my "I'm a PC gamer only because of money and I still play a lot of games and I'm loving it but people who bitch about the platform piss me off" diatribe.  Hope this did something.