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Vito's Game Giveaway Announcement: Bastion Contest!

No Caption Provided
Hello! I know many of you are looking forward to purchasing Bastion this coming Wednesday, so I figured making an announcement thread would be better instead of surprising everyone with the contest. On July 20th, from 9 AM Eastern Time to 9 PM Eastern Time (go here to figure out when that is for you), I will be hosting a special Game Giveaway for one copy of Bastion. The reason the contest only lasts 12 hours is because, well, who wants to wait a week, right? You can either enter from the blog post or the thread that will be posted in the General Discussion forum. As usual, all you'll have to do is answer a simple question to enter. The winner will be chosen randomly using Random Line Picker.
As of now, the contest will be for U.S. Xbox Live people only (not in my control). If this changes, I will let everyone know in the thread. 
See you then!

Vito's Game Giveaway #28! 8 More Games + Bonus Audiosurf Contest!

How to Play:  Go to the Quests page. Scroll through the quests and find which quest icon (all done by Turbo_Toaster) is your favorite. Tell me the name of the quest associated with that icon. Be sure to tell me what game you want! You have until Thursday, July 21st to enter.  
How to Play:  Go to the Quests page. Scroll through the quests and find which quest icon (all done by Turbo_Toaster) is your favorite. Tell me the name of the quest associated with that icon. Be sure to tell me what game you want! You have until Thursday, July 21st to enter.  
Quest Page (linking to mine to make it easier) 

On a side note, EpicSteve's internship has ended early as he is leaving for Afghanistan. Check out his blog here and wish him a safe deployment if you haven't yet! 
OK, let's get on with the contest! 

I. Disclaimer

II. Donations

III. Past Winners

Vito's Game Giveaway #27! New Games + Bonus Puzzle Agent Contest Winners
Congratulations to Zealousadonis for winning Cargo! The Quest for Gravity (donated by Little_Socrates)! 
Congratulations to h83r for winning Puzzle Agent (donated by Little_Socrates)!
Congratulations to Sparklykiss for winning Puzzle Agent (donated by rentfn)! Today, the 14th, is her birthday! Happy Birthday!
Bonus Audiosurf Contest!
Anyone that says they want Audiosurf will be entered into the contest separately, increasing their odds of winning.
New Games!
I've received my nineteenth donation! Thanks to TMThomsen for donating his Steam copies of Half-Life, Half-Life: Opposing Force, Half-Life: Blue Shift, Ricochet, Deathmatch Classic, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, and Half-Life: Counter-Strike. Due to the nature of this donation, these games will be offered as bundle. Just say you want the "Half-Life Bundle" to make things easier for everyone. =D
I've received my twentieth donation! Thanks to YoungFrey for donating a Steam code for Puzzle Agent.
Available Games (PC)Donated By
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!!: A Reckless Disregard for Gravity (Steam GIft)rentfn
Audiosurf (Steam Gift)Kyreo
Audiosurf (Steam Gift)Sjosz
Cogs (Steam Gift)Sjosz
Half-Life Bundle - Half-Life, Half-Life: Opposing Force, Half-Life: Blue Shift, Ricochet, Deathmatch Classic, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, Half-Life: Counter-Strike (Steam Gift). See above if you're confused.TMThomsen
Nimbus (Steam Gift)Rockanomics
Portal (Steam Gift)Rockanomics
Portal (Steam Gift)grant742
Puzzle Agent (Steam Code)YoungFrey
The Temple of Elemental Evil: A Classic Greyhawk Adventure (GoG Gift)ArbitraryWater
Toki Tori (Steam Gift)rentfn

Vito's Game Giveaway #27! New Games + Bonus Puzzle Agent Contest

Edit: Contest closed!

How to Play (ANSWER THIS QUESTION): Do you participate in any Giant Bomb community game sessions? If so, which one(s)? If not, how come? Be sure to tell me what game you want. You have until Thursday, July 14th.
How to Play (ANSWER THIS QUESTION): Do you participate in any Giant Bomb community game sessions? If so, which one(s)? If not, how come? Be sure to tell me what game you want. You have until Thursday, July 14th.

I. Disclaimer

II. Donations

III. Past Winners

Vito's Game Giveaway #26! 1 New Game Added + Bonus Portal Contest Winners
Congratulations to Little_Socrates for winning Killing Floor (donated by Freddie_Bert)! Out of 37 contestants, their username was the one Random Line Picker chose!
Congratulations to OneAndOnlyBigE for winning Portal (donated by Freddie_Bert)! Out of 2 contestants, their username was the one Random Line Picker chose!
Bonus Puzzle Agent Contest!
Anyone that says they want Puzzle Agent will be entered into the contest separately.
New Games!
I've received my sixteenth donation! Thanks to grant742 for donating their Steam copy of Portal.
I've received my seventeenth donation! Thanks to Little_Socrates for donating their Steam copies of Puzzle Agent and Cargo! The Quest for Gravity.
I've received my eighteenth donation! Thanks to rentfn for donating their Steam copy of Puzzle Agent.
Available Games (PC)Donated By
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!!: A Reckless Disregard for Gravity (Steam GIft)rentfn
Audiosurf (Steam Gift)Kyreo
Audiosurf (Steam Gift)Sjosz
Cargo! The Quest for Gravity (Steam Gift)Little_Socrates
Cogs (Steam Gift)Sjosz
Nimbus (Steam Gift)Rockanomics
Portal (Steam Gift)Rockanomics
Portal (Steam Gift)grant742
Puzzle Agent (Steam Gift)Little_Socrates
Puzzle Agent (Steam Gift)rentfn
The Temple of Elemental Evil: A Classic Greyhawk Adventure (GoG Gift)ArbitraryWater
Toki Tori (Steam Gift)rentfn

Vito's Game Giveaway: Six Months and Counting

No Caption Provided
  The first Vito's Game Giveaway was posted on January 16th in the Off-Topic forum. Since its inception (bwaaaaaah):


  • 28 games have been given away
  • 20 of those games were donations from 11 different people
  • 12 out of 28 games were physical copies and had to be shipped. Let's say it cost $7 average for me to ship each game, including cost of bubble envelopes, delivery confirmation etc. 12x7 = $84 spent. This does not include the cost of shipping that the two donors who sent physical games had to pay.
  • 3200 Microsoft Points have been given away. These were digital codes, so I didn't need to pay shipping, meaning the cost was $40 total. This means, along with the cost of shipping the physical games, about $124 has been spent thus far.
  • 30 people have won something.
  • 1 contest began and ended while flying several thousands of feet in the air
  • Vito's Game Giveaway has never missed a week!


I've had a few people ask me why I started doing this. Sometimes the question is phrased in an almost mistrustful manner, as if it isn't possible for a person to just give away games without some insidious motive. It's perfectly understandable, really, with the Internet the way it is, though I still find it amusing whenever I see my threads mentioned elsewhere as spam.

The origin of Vito's Game Giveaway isn't very interesting. If you want to get really deep into it, it all started when I was younger and had to sell games to afford new ones. I've never been a collector, and I very rarely ever want to replay a game once I beat it. The ones I do, I keep. But the habit of selling games I no longer want to play stayed with me as I got older, even though it wasn't necessary anymore. So I was sitting at my desk, looking at a stack of 360/PS3 games I had organized into a pile of "things I probably won't play again", thinking to myself, "Welp, let's see how much I can get for these on eBay."

Now, eBay has been very good to me. It was even a major source of income at one point, making thousands of monies selling my old stuff and even selling stuff for other people, taking a cut. It was also, surprisingly, not a bad way to make money as a model photographer. But I was looking at these games, figuring out about how much I would make, and it suddenly hit me: Why not give them away to the community of Giant Bomb? Giant Bomb is awesome, and I wouldn't be getting a whole bunch of money anyway. I love Giant Bomb, and I wanted to do something to give back to the community, so to speak.

So I took some time to think about how I would do it, how much money I would be spending doing this and if that was something I'm OK with, etc. I also thought about if I should make people do something to enter that would directly benefit me, but quickly decided against it. I wanted this to be a contest for the community of the greatest video game site in the world, and I wanted it to be as easy, fair and non-sleazy as possible. Easy in that all a person has to do is answer a random question I've come up with (I mean, you guys have to do something), fair in that the winner would be randomly selected, and non-sleazy in that it would never be a requirement to do anything that would directly benefit me to enter.

I typed up a Notepad document outlining how I wanted to do it, found a random selecting tool, and eventually started the first Vito's Game Giveaway. JohnAsscream was the first winner, winning Alan Wake. I thought it was funny that he was the first to win, since he is one of the few people from the site I know. The contest would have only been rigged if I had chosen again to get a person I didn't know, however.

I had only expected Vito's Game Giveaway to last about six weeks, seeing as that's all I wanted to give away at the time. I then thought of maybe having a monthly contest where I give away $20 worth of Microsoft Points or something, using sites that let you buy points cards from other parts of the world so it wouldn't only be limited to those in the U.S. I also thought of buying cheap, used games that I could use to give away. These concerns were soon alleviated, however, when I started getting PMs from people offering to donate. Other users sending donations was honestly never something that entered my mind, but I wouldn't be writing this post if they hadn't. The first mention I made of donations was on February 15th in Vito's Game Giveaway #5, exactly 30 days after it all started. I had received my first donation by the seventh contest: an unused copy of Mass Effect 2 from zoskia. By the eighth contest I had received my second donation, this time from nintendoeats, who had donated four games. Out of all the donations I've received (and not to diminish the effort or value of the others), nintendoeats's would have to be my favorite. Every time someone wins a contest, I send them a PM titled "You're Winner!" asking for their details. nintendoeats is the only person to acknowledge the reference (whether that's because people don't know it or just don't say anything) with the awesome package he sent me: 

It's Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, by the way. 
It's Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, by the way. 
Since then, eight others have also generously donated games. Big thanks to mosdlrentfnKyreoSjoszmracoonrebgavDalai, and ArbitraryWater for always following through and keeping this going as long as it has. 

Another question I've been asked is why don't people just give away the games themselves, instead of giving them to me first. I can't speak for anyone that has donated, but it's probably because it's easier. They don't have to make a thread, come up with rules, select a winner, and then send the game out. They can just give it to me and still get the proper credit they deserve. Sending a game out doesn't really matter anymore, either, since Vito's Game Giveaway has dealt almost exclusively in digital donations for a while now. I give the donor the winner's Steam ID or whatever, and they get sent the game. It's an easy process that saves everyone shipping costs!      


The Look and Changes

The banner that has been at the top of every thread was done by Turbo_Toaster, who you probably know best as the fantastic artist who does all the quest icons, or for her work on Season 3 of the Bombcast (and Season 4 pretty soon!). It was a piece I hired her to do a while before the game giveaway was even thought of, but I thought it was fitting. I had asked her to do a drawing of me surrounded by all the major gaming platforms, with all of us happy and such, and I love what she came back with. I now use it as my avatar everywhere I go and have even had people identify me because of it. I'll probably need to have the DS and PSP changed out for the 3DS and Vita some time in the future, though!

Now to talk about how the contests have changed. I've always been fascinated by the evolution of something, and I don't think I've ever done anything for this long a time that I can look back on and be like, "Yeah, I can see what I was thinking there."

So... yeah, this next part is mainly for myself. You can probably stop reading now.

With Vito's Game Giveaway #1, I didn't really have a set plan; I just knew I wanted an image at the top that would become synonymous with the contest and myself. I also didn't know what Vito's Game Giveaway was going to become, so it was pretty simple to set up. I made sure to throw in a disclaimer in there about these being my own, used games, and that I wouldn't be held responsible if anything happened to them during shipping. I also had placed "Art by Turbo_Toaster" under the banner.

In Vito's Game Giveaway #2, I made things a bit clearer by using bold, underlined headers so people could quickly see how to enter and when the deadline was. I also added a "Previous Winners" section at the bottom, and announced the winner at the top along with how many contestants there were, which is something I've continuously done.

Vito's Game Giveaway #3 was the first contest to have games for different platforms, so I divided them up with a small header.

I threw in a "Quick Notes" section in Vito's Game Giveaway #4, which would be where I first mentioned donations in Vito's Game Giveaway #5. Giveaway #4 was also the first time I wrote the contest as a blog and attached it to the forums, as opposed to just making them threads. I did this so it would be easier for followers to know when a new contest started.

Vito's Game Giveaway #6 was when I started attaching the blog posts to the General Discussion forum instead of the Off-Topic forum. General Discussion is a more appropriate place since the blogs are about games. I was also hoping it would get the contests more views.

I added a "Donations" section to Vito's Game Giveaway #7, since it was the first contest where I had a donation. I also mentioned at the bottom that people could follow my Twitter and Facebook page for updates on contests.

Vito's Game Giveaway #8 was the first time I had a non-game-related question for people to answer, having everyone tell me what their favorite Brad Pitt movie was. This was the contest where nintendoeats sent me the "You're Winner!" box, and I couldn't stop thinking about the end of Se7en.

Vito's Game Giveaway #13 was where I introduced the big redesign by placing everything in tables. I also removed the "Art by Turbo_Toaster" caption from the banner, because we got into a huge fight. That was a lie. It was actually because I thought it made things look cleaner, and I figured that most people probably knew it was by her after 12 weeks. If newcomers wanted to know who it was by, I would happily tell them! This was also the lengthiest first post I ever made for VGG. I started toying around with using an image in the "How to Play" section, as well, using an image from Tangled. This was the first time where I mentioned a future Facebook-related contest.

Vito's Game Giveaway #14 continued the redesign of #13, albeit in shorter form. This was because I decided to make separate blog posts for the "Disclaimer" and "Donations" part of the contest and just link to them, saving a ton of space. It was also the last contest to use an image for the "How to Play" section. I mentioned in the notes section that when the "Past Winners" section reached 20 people, I would carry their names over to a separate blog post and start fresh with Vito's Game Giveaway #21.

Vito's Game Giveaway #15 was the first time I introduced the concept of a "Bonus" contest. I had three copies of Portal and decided to let people who just wanted Portal enter into their own little contest where they would have a much higher chance of winning. This was also when I had started moving and was staying at various hotels and using an annoying laptop to do all the work. 

I was still moving during contests #16 and #17, so I put as little effort into them as possible. Vito's Game Giveaway #18 is when I started including the "How to Play" bit under the banner, all in the interest of saving space. I made the "Disclaimer" and "Donations" links a bit more prominent, as well.

Vito's Game Giveaway #21 was the first (and only) contest without a banner, due to me having a ton of trouble with the editor that night. I threw in a quick "How to Play" and the list of games people could win and left it at that.

Vito's Game Giveaway #22 was where I decided to just host all "Past Winners" in a separate blog post instead of including any at the bottom. I don't think it's something important enough to warrant being at the bottom of every contest, and most people probably don't care.

Vito's Game Giveaway #23 is probably the best-looking contest I've hosted thus far, and it's definitely a look I'm going to be keeping for a while. I mean, seriously, look how clean it is!

I hosted Vito's Game Giveaway #25 from a goddamn airplane.  :@

Vito's Game Giveaway #20

I wanted to do something special for the 20th edition of the contest, so I decided to give away $20 in the form of Microsoft Points, PlayStation Network money, or Steam games. I also wanted to do something for myself while keeping in line with the "not making people do anything other than answer a question as a requirement" rule that I had set up from the beginning. I was a little concerned about how people would respond to it, but I made it so anyone who "Like"d my Facebook fan page (I know, I know...) would get an additional entry into the contest. The fan page is just a place where I link to blogs I write on Giant Bomb in an effort to get more views, so it all still ties into the site. I made it very clear that this way of getting an additional entry into the contest is only for VGG #20, and that it wasn't a requirement at all.

Regardless of what some may have thought about it, no complaints were voiced (at least that I saw), which I was happy about. It actually ended up being my most successful contest thus far, with 156 contestants total, and 54 of them participating in the Facebook drawing (it was actually a user's Facebook entry that won them the contest). My fan page went from around five fans to over 90 in just a few days. It was more successful than I expected it to be, and it's definitely something I will be doing again in the future.

The Future

There are some neat things happening with Vito's Game Giveaway later this year. While I'm not going into detail on most of it, I will say to be on the lookout for a special contest on July 20th. 

I also wanted to mention that it was cool making it into the March 2011 and April 2011 editions of Ethan's Data Porn posts. I hope to one day make it into the "Most Viewed Blog" category without the allure of free video games, though I suppose that would require me to write consistently, first. Here's to hoping!

And seriously, you guys? With the way things are going, I fully expect Vito's Game Giveaway to run a whole year straight.

If you ask me, I think that's pretty fucking cool.


Vito's Game Giveaway #26! 1 New Game Added + Bonus Portal Contest

Contest closed!

How to Play: Um, uh, uhhhhhh tell me what you are doing this weekend? Make sure you tell me what game you want! You have until Saturday, July 9th.
How to Play: Um, uh, uhhhhhh tell me what you are doing this weekend? Make sure you tell me what game you want! You have until Saturday, July 9th.
Vito's Game Giveaway #24! Winner
Congratulations to emergency for winning RUSH (donated by rebgav)! Out of 51 contestants, their username was the one Random Line Picker chose!
Vito's Game Giveaway #25 - Bonus Airplane Edition! Winner
Congratulations to CCforUA for winning 1600 Microsoft Points! I don't remember how many contestants there were, but their username was the one Random Line Picker chose! I heard a rumor that they bought Trenched with their points.
Bonus Portal Contest!
Anyone that says they want Portal will be entered into the contest separately.

I. Disclaimer

II. Donations

III. Past Winners

I've received my fifteenth donation! Thanks to Rockanomics for donating his Steam copies of Nimbus and Portal.

Available Games (PC)Donated By
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!!: A Reckless Disregard for Gravity (Steam GIft)rentfn
Audiosurf (Steam Gift)Kyreo
Audiosurf (Steam Gift)Sjosz
Cogs (Steam Gift)Sjosz
Killing Floor (Steam Gift)Freddie_Bert
Nimbus (Steam Gift)Rockanomics
Portal (Steam Gift)Freddie_Bert
Portal (Steam Gift)Rockanomics
The Temple of Elemental Evil: A Classic Greyhawk Adventure (GoG Gift)ArbitraryWater
Toki Tori (Steam Gift)rentfn

Vito's Game Giveaway #25-Bonus Airplane Edition!

Edit: Contest closed! Feel free to participate in Vito's Game Giveaway #24, which runs until Saturday, July 2nd.

No Caption Provided

Sup, duders! So I'm currently thousands of feet in the air on my way back to North Carolina after visiting the Whiskey Media office to watch the Happy Hour in person, and upon discovery that this will be my first* (see below) flight with wireless Internet, have decided to give away $20 worth of Microsoft Points (U.S. only. Does not work on Canadian accounts), PSN monies (U.S. accounts only), or Steam monies (everyone)! In regards to Steam, the winner will choose their item(s) and I'll gift it to them. The winner of this contest will choose which of the three prizes they want when I PM them.

Anyone who watched the Whiskey Media Happy Hour live and in person yesterday (as in, we met) will have their entry counted twice for this contest. If you don't want to post that you were there, you can PM me. Please don't try and trick me!

You have until the plane lands to enter. Seeing as I'm flying to the opposite side of the country, you have a few hours.

To be eligible, tell me the nicest flying experience you've ever had, whether anything special happened or not. Haven't flown? Just say so and you will still be eligible.

Keep in mind that Vito's Game Giveaway #24 is currently running until Saturday, July 2nd. You may enter both contests!

I'm a bit wary about posting on a site called Giant Bomb while on an airplane, but... video games!

On a side note, everyone I met at Whiskey Media was super cool and nice. I also want to give special thanks to Ethan for being so helpful.

Everything above is all you need to enter. The rest of this post is pure self-indulgence.

Though, there is a way to obtain five entries into Vito's Game Giveaway #26 below. See the first paragraph under the dotted line.


*It's actually my second time trying to host this contest. I tried to do this on my way to San Francisco, but... things didn't work out. The following is what I wrote on paper on my way there. I'm posting this so I don't feel like I wasted a bunch of time, and maybe it'll be entertaining? Also, there will be a question at the end of the post. The first person to answer it correctly will get five total entries into Vito's Game Giveaway #26, as opposed to the usual one entry.

"Sup, duders! So I'm currently thousands of feet in the air on my way to San Francisco for the Whiskey Media Happy Hour tomorrow, and--upon discovery that this will be my first flight with wireless Internet--have decided to give away $10 worth of Microsoft Points, PSN monies, or Steam monies (winner's choice!). In regards to Steam, the winner will choose their item(s) and I will gift it to them. You have until the plane lands to enter. Seeing as I'm flying from the opposite side of the country, you have a few hours. To enter, tell me the nicest flying experience you've ever had, whether anything special happened or not. Haven't flown? Just say so and you will still be eligible.
Keep in mind that Vito's Game Giveaway #24 is currently running until Saturday. You may enter both contests!
Also, I'm a bit wary about posting on a site called Giant Bomb while on a plane, but... video games!
Well, that didn't work out! After writing all of this on a piece of paper so I could easily type it up, I discovered that the laptop was dead. I then went on my 3DS and paid the wireless fee ($9!), only to remember that I just recently started using KeePass, and that I don't know any of my passwords. All of that information was on the USB stick I brought with me, which I can't use at the moment. All of this occurred a few minutes ago. What's probably going to happen now is that I will copy this over to a Notepad document, make sure that my laptop is actually charged, and host the contest on my way back to North Carolina. I MUST GIVE SOMETHING AWAY WHILE FLYING."
Yep, that's totally what's happening. Or I'm assuming so, since I'm still actually writing this on a piece of paper on my way to San Francisco. I'm also assuming Vito's Game Giveaway #24 will be running alongside this, which you can check out here. Wait, how do you link something on a piece of paper again? Future Vito: No worries, brah--I got you covered. Wait, is that really future Vito, or is it present Vito since I'm still writing this on the way to San Francisco? Or is it past Vito since if I'm typing this it must be the future which is my future present? Ahhhhhhh
Anyway, to recap, tell me the nicest flying experience you've had to enter (or just say you haven't flown if you haven't).
I hope Past Paper Vito and Future Computer Vito interacting with each other wasn't too confusing.
Oh, and I wish the people I'm sitting between would stop being nosy and staring at my paper (we're on page three, by the way).
OK, we're done. Unless Future Vito chooses to add something.
Future Vito: Nope!
Psyche, that was still what will be known to us as Past Vito. He really needs to learn when to stop writing.

OK, you have to the the first person to answer both of these questions correctly to gain five entries into Vito's Game Giveaway #26: How much was the prize money increased by, and how many 'h's were in the "Ah" bit?

Edit: FancySoapsMan won the five entries thingy. No need to answer anymore (though you can if you want, of course. Cheaters).


Vito's Game Giveaway #24!

Edit: Contest closed! Check the General Discussion forum/my blog tomorrow for a new contest!

How to Play: My brain is mush right now (at San Francisco airport), so no question to answer. Just tell me what game you want, damn it! You have until Friday, July 1st.
How to Play: My brain is mush right now (at San Francisco airport), so no question to answer. Just tell me what game you want, damn it! You have until Friday, July 1st.
Vito's Game Giveaway #23! One New Game Added! Winner
Congratulations to ratscats for winning Amnesia: The Dark Descent (donated by rentfn). Out of 42 contestants, their username was the one Random Line Picker chose!

I. Disclaimer

II. Donations

III. Past Winners

To those who came out to watch the Happy Hour at the Whiskey Media office yesterday, you will have your name entered into the contest twice. Just be sure to tell me who you were (you can do this via PM if you'd rather not post). Please don't try and trick me!

Available Games (PC)Donated By
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!!: A Reckless Disregard for Gravity (Steam GIft)rentfn
Audiosurf (Steam Gift)Kyreo
Audiosurf (Steam Gift)Sjosz
Cogs (Steam Gift)Sjosz
Killing Floor (Steam Gift)Freddie_Bert
Portal (Steam Gift)Freddie_Bert
RUSH (Steam Gift)rebgav
The Temple of Elemental Evil: A Classic Greyhawk Adventure (GoG Gift)ArbitraryWater
Toki Tori (Steam Gift)rentfn

Vito's Game Giveaway #23! One New Game Added!

How to Play: If you had the chance to visit the Whiskey Media offices, which staff member(s) (from any of the sites) would you be most excited to meet? Make sure you tell me what game you want! You have until Saturday, June 25th.
How to Play: If you had the chance to visit the Whiskey Media offices, which staff member(s) (from any of the sites) would you be most excited to meet? Make sure you tell me what game you want! You have until Saturday, June 25th.

Vito's Game Giveaway #22!: A Return to Form Winner
Congratulations to Eaxis for winning Half-Life 2: Episode One (donated by rentfn)! Out of 39 contestants, their username was the one Random Line Picker chose!

I. Disclaimer

II. Donations

III. Past Winners


 I've received my fourteenth donation! Thanks to ArbitraryWater for donating The Temple of Elemental Evil: A Classic Greyhawk Adventure!


Available Games (PC)Donated By
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!!: A Reckless Disregard for Gravity (Steam GIft)rentfn
Amnesia: The Dark Descent (Steam Gift)rentfn
Audiosurf (Steam Gift)Kyreo
Audiosurf (Steam Gift)Sjosz
Cogs (Steam Gift)Sjosz
Killing Floor (Steam Gift)Freddie_Bert
Portal (Steam Gift)Freddie_Bert
RUSH (Steam Gift)rebgav
The Temple of Elemental Evil: A Classic Greyhawk Adventure (GoG Gift)ArbitraryWater
Toki Tori (Steam Gift)rentfn

Vito's Game Giveaway #22!: A Return to Form


How to Play: Tell me your favorite piece of E3 coverage by Giant Bomb this year. Also, be sure to tell me what game you want! You have until Saturday, June 18th.
How to Play: Tell me your favorite piece of E3 coverage by Giant Bomb this year. Also, be sure to tell me what game you want! You have until Saturday, June 18th.
Vito's Game Giveaway #19! More Games + Bonus Audiosurf Contest! Winners
Congratulations to WR311 for winning Enslaved: Odyssey to the West! Out of 54 contestants, their username was the one Random Line Picker chose!
Congratulations to  PeasantAbuse for winning Audiosurf (donated by rentfn)! Out of 11 contestants, their username was the one Random Line Picker chose!
Vito's Game Giveaway #20! 1600 MSP, $20 PSN, or $20 Steam! Winner
Congratulations to lebkin for winning 1600 Microsoft Points! Out of 156 contestants (a new record!), 54 of you commented on the Facebook page for an additional entry. It was lebkin's Facebook entry that was selected by Random Line Picker.

Vito's Game Giveaway #21! Winner
Congratulations to Winternet for winning DiRT 2 (donated by rebgav)! Out of 49 contestants, their username was the one Random Line Picker chose!
I. Disclaimer 
II. Donations 
III. Past Winners 
Available Games (PC)Donated By
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!!: A Reckless Disregard for Gravity (Steam GIft)rentfn
Amnesia: The Dark Descent (Steam Gift)rentfn
Audiosurf (Steam Gift)Kyreo
Audiosurf (Steam Gift)Sjosz
Cogs (Steam Gift)Sjosz
Half-Life 2: Episode One (Steam Gift)rentfn
Killing Floor (Steam Gift)Freddie_Bert
Portal (Steam Gift)Freddie_Bert
RUSH (Steam Gift)rebgav
Toki Tori (Steam Gift)rentfn

My Xbox 360 Avatar Showdown

As an owner and active user of the Kinect, I was excited when Microsoft announced and released Kinect Fun Labs during their E3 2011 press conference yesterday. I immediately wanted to try out Kinect Me, an application in which you scan yourself to build an Xbox Live avatar, and compare it to the avatar that I built myself using their premade face parts and clothing. I was too busy watching live streams of E3 yesterday to do it then, but today I threw on one of my several Whiskey Media shirts and compared the two.

Here's the avatar I had before (changed my clothes and hair to something closer to what I expected the scan would be. My hair is like that since I chose to watch Nintendo's conference instead of showering):

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and here's the avatar made in Kinect Me:

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While it captured my "I'm a Wizard" shirt and black jean shorts pretty well, it did a horrendous job with my face. For most of you who don't know what I look like, I most certainly don't look anything like a Mexican middle-schooler who opts not to shave his shitty preteen moustache just because he's the only kid that can grow one. Oh, and on the closeup, it looks like I have some sort of horrible skin disease. At least it wasn't as bad as this one report where a white guy with good complexion got turned into a black guy with terrible acne.

This was actually my second try, and the lighting and setup seemed fine, but this is what I got. That's not the most disappointing part, though. Maybe I missed something during the press conference, but I thought I could actually use this as my avatar, when instead all I can do is record a short photoshoot and upload the video to I mean, I can certainly understand why they wouldn't let people use their scans as their public avatars, but I still hope it is something we can do in the near future.

There was one neat surprise, though: achievements. Yep! You can totally unlock eight achievements for a total of 50 Gamerscore. They're super easy, too. I thought that was kind of weird.

Now I'm going to go scan myself naked; I'll be sure to post up pics later.