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#1  Edited By Justin258

Cool beans. I'll try one out when I go pre-order Mass Effect 3 (since Kingdoms of Amalur's demo was kind of disappointing)

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#2  Edited By Justin258

@gorkamorkaorka said:

@believer258: Any educational game I had in mind, WOULD be fun enough to where you weren't thinking "This is hamfisted." I wish I didn't just look up Omega Boost's story. That's a really bad plot.

Yes, it is bad. But I was nine years old at the time, and after finding out that ENIAC was a real thing I just had to look it up.

Anyway, if an educational game comes out that proves itself entertaining, then I will by all means buy it. But I haven't been proven otherwise.

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#3  Edited By Justin258

@Hailinel said:

@believer258 said:

@Vitor said:

@believer258 said:

Why the fuck does Mega Man look like John Goodman in that picture!?

Seriously, though. This is Mega Man:

No Caption Provided

Read up on your history son, THIS is the original Mega Man box art:

I know. But that's a part of "my" history that I try to repress as much as I can. That one of my favorite childhood gaming characters was once a scared old man before turning out to be a Benjamin Button knock off the next game...

The Mega Man 2 box art wasn't much better:

*pic removed for the sake of space*

Also, why does Crash Man have four pecs?

Why are you people ruining my childhood!?

*breaks down weeping*

I'm kidding, I didn't even get into Mega Man until the late '90's, so I didn't know about the MM2 box art. Still, there's no reason why he has to look like that monstrosity these days when his newer incarnations were much better.

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#4  Edited By Justin258

@Vitor said:

@believer258 said:

Why the fuck does Mega Man look like John Goodman in that picture!?

Seriously, though. This is Mega Man:

No Caption Provided

Read up on your history son, THIS is the original Mega Man box art:

I know. But that's a part of "my" history that I try to repress as much as I can. That one of my favorite childhood gaming characters was once a scared old man before turning out to be a Benjamin Button knock off the next game...

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#5  Edited By Justin258

Why the fuck does Mega Man look like John Goodman in that picture!?

Seriously, though. This is Mega Man:

No Caption Provided

EDIT: And before a million people quote me, I ALREADY FUCKING KNOW!

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#6  Edited By Justin258

@gorkamorkaorka said:

@phrali said:

i used to play carmen sandiego and orgeon trail.

i don't think i actually learned anything from those games.

I learned some basic stuff like the Inca counted with knots of string, where some forts where in the 1800's, natural rock formations, plants, and where some states were, the Donner Party.

@Vinny_Says said:

I would play a math blaster remake no doubt!!

Wouldn't you need to play that with like, college level math though?

@believer258 said:

Not at 20 years old, I wouldn't. Educational games are meant for kids to learn stuff with. Anything they can be taught, I probably either already know or can Google search real quickly. Besides, I never really liked them when they were on the Elementary school computers. Super NES and PS1 games were just so much better, mostly because I could kill stuff with sensible things like fire from a small purple dragon, tornado spins, and plumbers jumping on the heads of things.

Hell, the only reason I gave two shits about Oregon Trail was because holy crap, I can shoot stuff and the adults think I'm actually learning something!

Who actually played Oregon Trail for anything other than shooting stuff?

Anything that I can learn, for that matter, would be better learnt from books than video games.

Anyway, I don't think there are many more educational games being made. I believe there's a Sesame Street game being made somewhere, but I'm not certain so you'll have to Google it.

You kids and your murder simulators. Yeah, anything can be taught with books but that's not purpose of educational games. They can break you into a subject that otherwise would have seen too daunting or you wouldn't have found interesting. I didn't want to read scholarly books about Antiquity until Europa Barbarorum exposed me to it. How many people are interested in String Theory from research papers? How many people are interested in String Theory from easily digestible episodes of Nova?

You missed my point. Perfectly excusable, given my rather poor wording, but it was still missed.

I don't want to play a game whose explicit purpose is my education. I do want to play a game whose explicit purpose is my entertainment. If said entertainment leads to a learning experience, then that is a good thing. Omega Boost led me to an interest in ENIAC; Call of Duty 2 led me to a (rather short lived) interest in World War 2 era battles and weapons. But those weren't the main focuses of these games. However, if a game is trying to half-heartedly feed me information, I would rather just hear it from a book.

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#7  Edited By Justin258

If you're going to do this stuff - and an obviously sizable amount of the GB community would prefer you not - you could have at the very least included a poll. Too late now but next time, God forbid there be a next time, put a poll in.

Also grammar. Yep, I'm gonna be that guy, you don't have to be perfect but you can do better.

And, finally, the Doomguy if I must.

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#8  Edited By Justin258

Not at 20 years old, I wouldn't. Educational games are meant for kids to learn stuff with. Anything they can be taught, I probably either already know or can Google search real quickly. Besides, I never really liked them when they were on the Elementary school computers. Super NES and PS1 games were just so much better, mostly because I could kill stuff with sensible things like fire from a small purple dragon, tornado spins, and plumbers jumping on the heads of things.

Hell, the only reason I gave two shits about Oregon Trail was because holy crap, I can shoot stuff and the adults think I'm actually learning something!

Who actually played Oregon Trail for anything other than shooting stuff?

Anything that I can learn, for that matter, would be better learnt from books than video games.

Anyway, I don't think there are many more educational games being made. I believe there's a Sesame Street game being made somewhere, but I'm not certain so you'll have to Google it.

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#9  Edited By Justin258

I say go for it and just have fun. Some people pick up something they didn't like again and find that now, they are really getting into it. Such was the case with Morrowind for me, though I still haven't played that much due to open world fatigue at the moment.

Also, I seem to be role-playing as an Idiot Hero, so my blacksmithing isn't that high but my one handed and destruction magic is. So I guess I'm more a blundering bruiser whose very reason for existence is beating up bad things than a learned man in a trade.

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#10  Edited By Justin258

@Commando said:

I do have a question for people who tailgate me to save gas.

Can I have a turn? I mean I know your tiny front-wheel drive car with a weed-eater motor isn't ideal for a Dodge Ram to draft behind, but I do want a turn. It's only fair!

So that's why some assholes follow me too closely! Unless it can't be done when I'm in a tiny compact car?

When someone is doing that and I'm not in a particular rush, I will slow down to 15 below the limit just to piss them the fuck off because they are pissing me the fuck off. Sorry, someone riding my bumper just grinds my gears to no end.

On topic, I drive the aforementioned tiny compact car. To be more specific, a 1999 Nissan Altima. How much a month? It depends. Last semester, I was spending $100+ on gas every month but that's because I drove from my house, to class, back to my house, back to class, and then to work everyday. It took a real toll on my pitiful bank accountl. This semester, all of my class and work are bunched up in a few hours, so I drive there and back and I'm done! $20 a week seems to be doing the job. What's better is that I'm also driving my brother to and from school, so my mom is paying me $20 a week to do that. This means that my gas costs don't have any bearing on me until the school year ends and I start (hopefully) working full time again.