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#1  Edited By Karmosin

Trails in the sky, specifically First Chapter is a great story which has a strong personal plotline (Estelles father dissapearing, with her and Joshua trying to find him), during which they stumble upon several seemingly seperate events which evolves into a much bigger conspiracy. It is very well-told and alot of fun to play through. They especially tie the adventerous vibes really well with its more political themes towards the end. Its Sequel, second chapter follows directly after. It also has a strong emotional core, but also has a bit of a pacing-issue I feel and the plotline itself does feel much more "anime" even though it is still intriguing and fun.

Third chapter is good, but It's the cast and their interactions, as well as the build up for future events which makes it really work.

Playing through Trails of Zero right now, and it's certainly promising.

Suikoden 2 is fantastic, it holds up really well in the story-department.

Persona 2 has in my opinion the best story in the series. It is certainly the most bonkers out of the whole series, but I love it.

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#2  Edited By Karmosin

It's good so far, not much is different from the original. Still a great dungeoncrawler with a fantastic setting and atmosphere. While I prefer Kanekos illustrations, the different expressions on the portraits are nice, and the fact that there's a portrait for every minor character is also nice.

Haven't gotten into any of the new story-content yet. Playing on expert, but don't think it feels that different from the original, so wondering if they maybe made the original difficulty into expert, since the original were pretty challenging in itself. Could also be that I'm much more well-versed in the Megaten-formula by now.

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#3  Edited By Karmosin

Maybe not Mythology as much as Norse folklore, but Year Walk is a great little game based on an old Swedish custom where a person walks outside on a special night and in the end of their promenade gets a glimpse of the future. It's got well-balanced puzzles, a cold, harsh aesthetic and genuinely creepy atmosphere.

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#4  Edited By Karmosin

I don't think the site would survive that...

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I don't know. P3 and P4 should, if they were ever to get remakes, update their dungeon-design to the same standard as P5. That's my opinion, and that's not what this kind of remake entails. If it were, I'd be more interested in a P2 remake, how unlikely that would even be.

But games that I would like to see get the SoTC and Crash treatment...

Devil May Cry 3 I guess.

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne would be great to have on the switch, but would not want Atlus to put a new waifu in there just for the sake of it, like they've done with every other remake/remaster they've released. That game also still looks good overall, and the kind of drab and minimalistic aesthetics it provides dosen't really need the Persona kind of flare.

Not that many old games that I feel should ONLY get a nicer coat of paint.

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I think Celeste is the better game overall, but I got weirdly engaged in Iconoclasts story and characters. Enjoyed both games alot, a really strong start for 2018 along with DBFZ and Monster Hunter World.

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#8  Edited By Karmosin

Trails in the sky the 3rd is not exactly what I expected from the third game of the series, or atleast not what I imagined when starting out in FC. It has a very different structure, the in-world reason you're told the side-stories feel kinda forced (basically showing flashbacks only to the people who already have experienced it), and the main story in itself feels pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things.

But as a good bye to the world and characters that you've experienced throughout the first and second chapter it's really good stuff. Many good sidestories overall that give some more insight in these characters and especially one of them is so gut-wrenching that I couldn't help but see a certain character in a much different light afterwards (I think you know which one I'm talking about). Gameplay-wise I think it's one of the best in the series, much of it because it's the one that allows you the most to play around with your team-composition.

I wrote this someplace else, but it's telling how attached I am to Estelle as a character when I feel something close to actual pride when watching her grow throughout the series. When it comes to fictional characters that's not something I think I've experienced... Ever.

I liked Kevin, I tolerate Rean, but Estelle continues for me to be the best protagonist of the series.

Like you, this game is my number 1 this year, and much of that is, like you, because its a continuation, and extended farewell, of a series that's dear to my heart.

I really hope that Ao and Zero no kiseki will come here, technical complications aside.

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I've taken up Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse again, and it's a game I've had a weird relationship to. Started out liking it, especially due to mechanical improvements from IV, but later started to really dislike it because it dawned on me how little consequence there is in dying, the characters didn't feel like they belonged to this series and the moral dilemma in the story more or less boils down to either: Friendship is great or fuck friendship and everyone around me. It felt more like something straight out of Persona, which is a series that I love dearly, but it's simply not fitting for a Shin Megami Tensei mainline-game.

Now, I still have those problems, though I've tried to solve atleast the death-problem by deciding on certain-save spots, and not accepting Dagdas revivals unless I died just after I saved, as to keep tension up while dungeoncrawling. I just find everything else gameplay-wise very very enjoyable. I think the fusion-system and demon gathering overall is the best it's ever been, giving you lots of space for demons, maxing out their abilities pretty fast as to make it more attractive to fuse more instead of just hogging the same team through most of the game. We'll see what I think of itafter I've beat it, but right now it's very enjoyable.

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Will have to put up Nex Machina here. Not as good as Furi's ost in my opinion, but still pretty damn great!

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And then we have Trails in the sky: The third with a soundtrack that can actually rival that in the latest game in the trilogy, and might even surpass it at seperate occassions. Good at putting just the right mood for the scenes of the game, both heavy and light. And then we have tracks like this one which just gives me chills whenever I listen to it. Just one of the reasons that game is my Goty so far.

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I haven't listened to the whole soundtrack yet, as I want to discover it while playing the game, but I'm sure Etrian Odyssey 5 will have something worthy of this thread too.