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The Definitive 108 Stars of Destiny

You guys should probably play a Suikoden game. Or watch The Water Margin. Or, I dunno, read the book I guess. This is a list for those who have done some of the above, where I expand the central "108 dudes chosen by destiny" conceit to include Giant Bomb's entire video game character database for many laughters and good time (in JRPG speak). Where possible, I'll take characters that suit the roles the game usually reserves for specific stars, just with my own spin on it.
NB: Not a transparent attempt at the Martin Luther Quest, since I already made a transparent attempt at that a while ago and got it. So there.
(Thanks to Suikosource for the names of the stars.)

List items

  • Chikei - The Avenging Star<br>


    Wild Card #13. A martial goddess with her own team of undead spirit warriors seems perfectly capable of holding her own in a fight. Plus, if anyone in our group dies, they get to go straight to Valhalla. So they've got that going for them. Which is nice.

  • Chisou - The Strong Star<br>


    Wild Card #14. Though a wild card star, it's almost always a female fighter in this slot. Perfect Dark's prodigy infiltrator is a good fit, since you can't have enough ninjas! I mean spies!

  • Chiken - The Mighty Star<br>


    Wild Card #15. Sometimes, because of his appearance, it's easy to forget how insanely powerful Kirby would be in any outside situation. I mean, he's basically a eldritch space monster capable of devouring an entire planet. But cuter than Unicron.

  • Chimou (Chikou) - The Rat Star<br>


    Resident cartographer and map guy. You'd need a top-notch explorer for a role like this and Vyse the Blue Rogue (or the Bold, or the Legend, or whatever) fits the bill. He'd be handy in a fight too.

  • Chizoku - The Thieving Star<br>


    Well. As a star almost always used by a bandit, you can't really find a better burglar than the Thief franchise's Garrett. I mean, it's right there in his game's name.

  • Chikou - The Dog Star<br>


    Finally we have the Castle's Shopkeeper. Recettear's Recette Lemongrass becomes pretty much the greatest mercantile mind on the planet by the end of her adventure, so she'd be a fine addition. It'd suck trying to haggle a decent price for stuff out of her though.


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Edited By Video_Game_King

There's only one way Mario can be the Video Game King, and that's if I'm Mario. * remembers own blog* Wait...

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Edited By gonzab

Someone needs to make a psin off Suikoden with these characters as the army.

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Edited By firespot

Can't say I am a fan of Mario.. XD I think Chrono or Link would be much more suitable.

Eiko Carol as the Chikei star is interesting. Jade from Beyond Good & Evil is there too!

The only person missing is Kya from Kya Dark Lineage.

I love the Chiku stars in the Suikoden games, and I'm okay with Pokemon trainer.

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Edited By delsaber

Make this happen, Konami! It's not like you're doing anything else with Suikoden right now.

Fantastic list.