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More detailed thoughts on my time with MvC3.

So, as you may or may not know, I acquired a copy of MvC3 Friday last week. And I spent a large chunk of the weekend playing it. Here's my thoughts (PS3 version, just so you know): 


Damn, this is a nice looking game. Capcom nailed the comic-book look of the game just about perfectly. Even better is that even at its craziest, the framerate never, EVER drops. Well, at least not when playing offline, but that's beside the point. It's a game that really needs to be seen (preferably on a large, HD television) to be believed. The menus are pretty slick looking too (what with still frames of various characters mid-combat), but they can be a little clumsy to navigate at times. The load times are also really fast, which is nice. 
And I was quite impressed with the instruction book. It was fairly thick (probably 40-ish pages, and only one language), and was in full color. It even has abridged move lists for the non-secret characters in the game.


Never having played an MvC game before, I wasn't exactly sure what to expect in terms of how to play it, but the game is really easy to pick up, even with the normal control scheme (speaking of which, don't play on Simple mode unless you're absolutely terrible at fighting games). Yeah, I was mashing a lot at first, but it's pretty easy to figure out how characters play, and what stick movements need to be done to pull off hypers.  
Overall, the gameplay is what really makes this game shine, and keeps me coming back for more despite its shortcomings. It's easy to pick up, yet very deep, and always fun. And always crazy. 

Game Modes

This is where the game falls short. While I didn't dabble in the online much (at least not beyond getting the Trophies for pitting specific characters against each other (and if you're reading this, thank you to the guy who helped me (not sure if that PSN name is tied to someone here on GB, and if so who it is (sorry!)))), I have played the offline modes pretty extensively. Also, my time online was pretty laggy, though that probably has more to do with my internet than anything else (it was snowing out, and it tends to run slower when it's cold out (I blame Comcast and old/crappy cable lines)).
Versus mode: Your typical 2 player local multiplayer mode. It has options for time limits and handicaps (I always set time to infinite), but not much beyond that. But this is the ideal way to play against people, because it's lag-free, and the framerate is as solid as ever. Plus, I always find playing with people in the same room to be INFINITELY more fun than playing with people online, even if those people are my slightly-annoying crazy cousins. But if you're going to be playing this game, this is the mode I recommend spending time with. 
Arcade mode: This mode was a little disappointing to me. You pick your crew, fight a few fights, and then go up against Galactus and a couple of his heralds. The final fight (pun intended, but only if you're playing as Haggar) is kinda clunky, because the game wasn't really built with fighting something as big as Galactus in mind, and I ran into some troubles fighting two heralds at once, because there doesn't seem to be any way to pick which direction you're facing when you have one on each side.  
Then, after beating Galactus (which is hard, I can barely do it on normal), you get two static images (which aren't even full screen) along with some text in the form of dialog from one or more characters. That's it. No animations, and no voice acting. Which is a real shame, because the voice acting is really good overall (with Nolan North stealing the show as Deadpool), and even a little bit of voice acting would make the endings tremendously better. After the credits roll, you unlock some more stuff like character bios and stuff, but again, it's all kinda underwhelming.  
However, it doesn't stop the mode from being fun though, at least if you're like me and not good enough to destroy the AI. And while the endings aren't that great, I have a strange urge to go and get them all... 
Training and Mission modes: I'm lumping these two because they both revolve around raising one's skill in the game. Training mode is what you expect from a fighting game, and is notable only in that you can do two player in it (which may be standard for all I know), and that it lets you simulate lag. But the trouble with the lag simulator is that the lag is too consistent, whereas in my experience with real lag, it's constantly changing in the level of laginess. Still a neat feature though, if only because it's funny. 
Mission mode is different though (and poorly named). Here, the game gives you some moves to do, and you complete the "mission" by doing them. The big problem here is that with the game not paused, it only tells you the names of the moves, not how to actually do them, so I often found myself pausing the game, and going to a menu (and the game automatically brings the menu selector thingy to the correct menu, as if the developers knew this was a problem) to find out how the moves are done. But the bigger problem (for me) was that I'm not actually fast and accurate enough to do most of the moves, so I wind up with only two or three "missions" done for most characters. I was able to get to five or six on a couple of them (Magneto comes to mind), but there are 10 (I think) per character, so I'm not that great. But if you're better than me, then you may blow through these, so whatever.  
And that's about it in terms of gameplay modes. There's not a lot here beyond the core combat. But, if that's all you want out of a game, then this is the game to get, because this is the fun I've had with a fighting game in years. Of course, a lot of my enjoyment is coming from the fact that I love having a fun fighting game filled with Marvel characters (and to a lesser extent, the Capcom ones), so the roster is going to have a fairly big impact on what you think of the game. If you can't stand Marvel comics (though I can't think of any logical reason as to why), then you might not get as much out of hearing Deadpool say "Welcome to die" to Magneto. But if you understand why that is awesome, then you're going to love the characters in this game.  
So, my final word is that if you like fighting games, check this game out. But, if you like fighting games, Marvel comics, and things that are CONSTANTLY CRAZY, then you need to play this game.  
Also, Thor says, "By Odin's beard!" during one of his hyper moves. 

Target was out of free action figures! (And I got MvC3 too).

So, I went to Target today, and got me a copy of MvC3. Unfortunately, they were out of the action figures that were supposed to come free with it.  
But whatever, like I was going to do anything with a lame 3.75 inch action figure. 
More to the point though, I BOUGHT MVC3 TODAY!!!!  
All I can say is that it has indeed take me for a ride. Actually, I can say more than that. It's super fun (more than I was expecting, actually), but I haven't had a chance to really dive deep into it and do much more than button mash and do the occasional super. But I shall! 
That is all for now. 


Bathroom graffiti is awesome.

As someone who is currently living on campus at a university, I end up using a lot of public restrooms. And quite often, people have written on the walls. Now, I'm sure you can imagine what most of the stuff is, but every once in a while I come across a few gems. For example: 
"Chrono Trigger is the best game ever." 
"This is the worst graffiti ever." 
"But is the like for the OP or the graffiti disparagement??" 
People conversing about Chrono Trigger. Doesn't get much better than that.  
Now, someone else misspelled the word definitely (he put "definately"), and someone else decided to correct the person by not only putting the correct spelling, but by also putting a trick to remember how to spell it:  
"De-fin (like a fish) it, Ely! (A name) "  
Wise words, from someone with too much time in a restroom.  
So, anyone else out there come across anything good whilst staring at the walls of restrooms (or anywhere)?  


MvC3: Confirmed compatible with guitar controllers.


In rememberance of the Guitar Hero series, some fine fellows over at Capcom (that Seth guy and some other guy whose name I couldn't really make out in the video) decided to film a round of MvC3 played with Guitar Hero controllers.  
And, oddly enough, it looks like they actually managed to play it fairly well. They were using simple mode, but they were still pulling off some fairly cool stuff.  
And now it's given me a cool idea. Playing MvC3 with whatever crazy controller happens to be lying around. I'd like to try a flight stick setup, or a driving wheel. Anyone else know of weird/obscure PS3/360 controllers that could be used for nonsense like this? 

It's THAN, not THEN!

When I'm on the internet, I usually try not to be a "grammar Nazi," as the kids like to call them. But there's one thing, that no matter how many times I see, it ALWAYS makes me angry. And what is this, you ask? 
Well, it's when people use the word "then" when they really mean "than." For example: 
Incorrect: I like this game more then that other game.  
Correct: I like this game more than that other game. 
Incorrect: There are more dogs then cats.  
Correct: There are more dogs than cats.  
Then is used in the context of time. I went to the park, and then I saw some dogs. You turn the car on, then you drive.  
Than is used when comparing things. Pizza is better than broccoli. I'd rather eat broccoli (which I hate) than read people miss use the word then.  
So, my question is, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?! Did you not pay ANY attention during English class in school? Do you just not care? Just typing fast, push the wrong button, and you don't take the time to make sure you used the correct word?  
And I CAN'T take it. All it does is make the writer look like an idiot for not knowing the proper grammar, or for not caring.  
Now, I'm not going try and say that I use proper grammar all the time, but I don't do anything as glaringly wrong as that (at least I don't think I do).  
Anyway, does anyone else get this angry over stupid little things on the internet like this? 


Update on my gaming goals of 2011

Because I know you all care so much about the goings-on of my life, here's an update on my progress toward accomplishing my gaming related goals for this year. 

Play through the entire Mass Effect trilogy.

Progress: Not yet started, as the third one is still a long ways off. 

Buy a 3DS.

Progress: Re-evaluating it. See, since the announcement of the "NGP," and the realization that there aren't any games for either system that I "need" to get, I probably won't be getting a 3DS until there's a decent price drop, which likely won't be this year.  

Upload at least one good LittleBigPlanet 2 level.

Progress: Working on it! I have the game, and played a bunch of it, and went through most of the tutorials. I have not started actually building a level yet, but I've got some good ideas cooking.  

Become skilled at Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Progress: Not started yet. The game is out next week (!!), but unless it's on sale, I shan't be getting it any time soon. I have been watching videos online, and reading up on the game, so I do at least have a basic understanding of the gameplay from a theoretical point of view, but that's not much.  

Acquire a copy of ZHP: Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman

Progress: Complete! I bought a copy, and have put 8-9 hours into it thus far. Loving it so far, as it's a pretty great game. 

S-Rank Deadly Premonition

Progress: Still goin' at it. I haven't actually played the game yet this year, but I was well on my way to the S-Rank to begin with. I still have a lot of it to go though. 

S-Rank Mass Effect 3

Progress: Not started yet.  

Finish Alpha Protocol (with my friend).

Progress: No more than last time. But you know, schoolwork.  

Beat Deus Ex: Human Revolution with zero kills.

Progress: Take a guess.  

Try once again to beat Dead Rising (and probably not succeed).

Progress: No more than last time. Haven't had a chance to play any of this. 

Don't buy this year's Call of Duty.

Progress: Lookin' good. Activision may have axed Guitar Hero and Tony Hawk, but CoD is still going strong. But I shan't buy it this year! 

Don't buy anything at GameStop.

Progress: Goin' strong! You won't get any of my money this year, GameStop! 

Buy at least one Wii game.

Progress: None. Still no Wii games catching my eye this year. Well, Skyward Sword is supposed to be coming out this year, but I'm still leery about the mandatory Wii-Motion Plus, and the supposed changes to the Zelda formula. Normally I wouldn't mind changes being made to a series that hasn't changed much over the years, but the Zelda formula is so good, and I would not put it past Nintendo to "casual-ify" the game too much. Don't let me down Nintendo! (And bundle in WiiMotion Plus for cheap).  
So that's about it. Pretty much the only thing I've actually done is buy ZHP, but I think that's pretty good.  

Early thoughts on ZHP: Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman.

So, I recently acquired a copy of ZHP, and started playing it. Here's my thoughts: 


 For such an odd sounding game, the gameplay is pretty straightforward. It's a dungeon crawler (or roguelike, if you want to be technical). It's turn based, which is nice, and there are a lot of penalties for dying, like losing all of your money and items. Stat boosts remain though, which is awesome, because the entire point of the game is to level up and beat the final boss. Overall, the gameplay isn't really anything special, but it's good enough to be fun. 


Being a PSP game, ZHP doesn't really wow from a technical perspective, but it's got a great art style. Well, it's pretty much just anime nonsense, but it fits well with the game's goofy tone, and keeps everything upbeat and cheery. Worth noting is that unlike most games with 2D sprites for characters, in this one, when you equip items/weapons, they actually change your appearance, which is great. Now I know that headgear such'n'such is made out of candles. Yup, there's a hat made out of candles. 


The music in this game reminds me of another game. You know, that game where the music plays loudly, and constantly over the dialog. You know the one I'm talking about. The music does the same thing here, and it's pretty good too. I did turn it down a bit (and the dialog up a bit), but it's still pretty good. 


Now here's the best part of ZHP. The plot here is simple enough, involving and evil lion-man thing, a super powered infant, a super hero who forgets to look both ways before crossing the street, training on Bizarro Earth, being married to a Prinny.... 
Okay, so it's not that simple, and so far it's not terribly deep (pretty much the old DBZ standby of "go train to get more powerful and defeat the villain"), but the amazing writing and great voice acting are what seal the deal. The game is absolutely hilarious. It's the little things, like how Darkdeath Evilman is described as being able to "Breath fire from his mouth." I don't really want to give too many more examples, because I don't want to spoil anything for people who haven't played the game yet. 
So, while I haven't had a ton of time to play the game (about three hours), I can definitely say that this is one of the (if not the) best games I have played on the PSP. If you own a PSP, and you like dungeon crawlers, and especially if you like things that are crazy and Japanese, you really need to buy this game. It's about $30 on Amazon, and it's supposed to be fairly long (the marketing for the game claimed you could play it 40 million times too).  
Sadly though, I kinda of feel like my saying this is falling on deaf ears (eyes?). At this point, most people who want this game have probably already bought it. You know what would be great? If some website rose awareness for this game by playing through the entirety of it, along with color commentary. They could even put a video up every weekday.  
Kidding! I'm just kidding.  
But still. Buy this game. 

Here's that poem that was emailed to Jeff.

As I'm sure you heard whilst listening to the greatest podcast ever, someone named "Brett" emailed Jeff a poem.  
Well, I wrote it (yeah, my real name's Brett, deal with it), and I've decided that since Jeff didn't read it (and frankly, I didn't expect him to), I'm going to put it here, in its entirety. Please note that since I am not a poet, there is no rhyme scheme, or anything fancy like that. It's free-form. 
Anyway, here it is: 
There once was a man, 
Who believed in good, and fun,
And every week, he tried his best,
To bring joy to duders everywhere.

He'd read the WiiWare,
And he'd read the DSIWare,
And sometimes there'd be Virtual Console too.

Everyone loved it,
It was even nominated for an award, 
But there were dark times ahead.

The man disappeared, 
To ride go-karts or something,
And with him, went the joy. 
For there were some that cared not for WiiWare,
And especially not DSIWare.

But lo, the man returned! 
With fiery vengeance in his heart!
Upon hearing of what had happened,
He knew something must be done.

He toiled and toiled, 
For longer than any other would,
And in the end, 
The NintenDownload X-Press was born.



Finally bought Unlosing Ranger!

I was on Amazon yesterday, to buy a book for school that none of the nearby bookstores had, and I decided that the best way to avoid paying $4 in shipping on a $6 book was to also buy a $30 game (you know, to get the total price over $25, and get free shipping). Thus, I also bought ZHP Unlosing Ranger vs. DarkDeath Evilman.  
Of course, it has yet to arrive, but Amazon is so speedy that it should be arriving some point this week.  
So, I'll make sure to say something about my thoughts on the game once I get my hands on it, but until then... 
I played a bunch of LittleBigPlanet 2 this weekend. And you know what? That game is pretty awesome. The story levels are awesome (complete with more than one voice actor this time), and the online stuff is already crazy. There's a level that looks almost exactly like the first level of the Donkey Kong arcade game. Of course it doesn't sound just like it, and the controls don't feel quite right, but still, some really crazy stuff up there.  
But that's it. Nothing else going on, beyond school stuff.