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It's me, Moosey! They/them pronouns for anyone wondering.

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Update on my gaming goals of 2011

Because I know you all care so much about the goings-on of my life, here's an update on my progress toward accomplishing my gaming related goals for this year. 

Play through the entire Mass Effect trilogy.

Progress: Not yet started, as the third one is still a long ways off. 

Buy a 3DS.

Progress: Re-evaluating it. See, since the announcement of the "NGP," and the realization that there aren't any games for either system that I "need" to get, I probably won't be getting a 3DS until there's a decent price drop, which likely won't be this year.  

Upload at least one good LittleBigPlanet 2 level.

Progress: Working on it! I have the game, and played a bunch of it, and went through most of the tutorials. I have not started actually building a level yet, but I've got some good ideas cooking.  

Become skilled at Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Progress: Not started yet. The game is out next week (!!), but unless it's on sale, I shan't be getting it any time soon. I have been watching videos online, and reading up on the game, so I do at least have a basic understanding of the gameplay from a theoretical point of view, but that's not much.  

Acquire a copy of ZHP: Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman

Progress: Complete! I bought a copy, and have put 8-9 hours into it thus far. Loving it so far, as it's a pretty great game. 

S-Rank Deadly Premonition

Progress: Still goin' at it. I haven't actually played the game yet this year, but I was well on my way to the S-Rank to begin with. I still have a lot of it to go though. 

S-Rank Mass Effect 3

Progress: Not started yet.  

Finish Alpha Protocol (with my friend).

Progress: No more than last time. But you know, schoolwork.  

Beat Deus Ex: Human Revolution with zero kills.

Progress: Take a guess.  

Try once again to beat Dead Rising (and probably not succeed).

Progress: No more than last time. Haven't had a chance to play any of this. 

Don't buy this year's Call of Duty.

Progress: Lookin' good. Activision may have axed Guitar Hero and Tony Hawk, but CoD is still going strong. But I shan't buy it this year! 

Don't buy anything at GameStop.

Progress: Goin' strong! You won't get any of my money this year, GameStop! 

Buy at least one Wii game.

Progress: None. Still no Wii games catching my eye this year. Well, Skyward Sword is supposed to be coming out this year, but I'm still leery about the mandatory Wii-Motion Plus, and the supposed changes to the Zelda formula. Normally I wouldn't mind changes being made to a series that hasn't changed much over the years, but the Zelda formula is so good, and I would not put it past Nintendo to "casual-ify" the game too much. Don't let me down Nintendo! (And bundle in WiiMotion Plus for cheap).  
So that's about it. Pretty much the only thing I've actually done is buy ZHP, but I think that's pretty good.