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Games I'm Looking Forward To In 2015

In no particular order here is a giant list of games I am looking forward to seeing more of and possibly playing in 2015:

Fuck yo books.
Fuck yo books.

Catlateral Damage - You play as a cat, you get to knock shit off of other shit, it goes into slow-mo when time is up. All great things that I want from games. The game has a free demo. I just hope they improve the music.

Quadrilateral Cowboy - Low-fi command-line hacking with a suitcase PC. Early '90s cyberpunk asthetic. It all sounds very ambitious and the game could either nail it and be great or just be a total flop. I just hope it lives up to the hype so far because I love the description.

The Witness - Jonathan Blow hasn't done much since Braid so it's exciting to finally see what he's been working on for 7 years. The screenshots look great and solving first-person puzzles on an uninhabited island reminds me a lot of Myst, one of the games I grew up on. Can't wait to see how it plays.

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Obduction - Speaking of good looking games that remind me of Myst. This one is actually made by the company that made Myst 20 years ago. Haven't heard too much about it but it seems intriguing.

Classroom Aquatic - You play as the sole human child in an all-dolphin school and must successfully cheat off of their tests without being caught. Conceptually unique but I'm a little worried about how deep it will be. Seems to be built for occulus where turning your head back from peering at your neighbor's exam to see the giant dolphin jaws of your teacher filling your entire field of view will be more startling. Hopefully it plays well on PC with a normal monitor.

Crypt of the Necrodancer - Saw people playing this at PAX east last year on actual dance pads which was pretty fun and goofy. Have played a bit myself on a normal keyboard. It's a fun roguelike that replaces much of the dull stat comparison of traditional roguelikes with a timing and maneuvering challenge. Each enemy behaves in predictable ways and you need to sneak around and hit them when they can't hit you while also staying on the beat. It's challenging but in a way that makes you want to get better at it. Also, a game which steals the Spelunky daily challenge idea can't be too bad.

Crawl - A pretty typical dungeon crawler with two big differences: 1: great art style and 2: you compete with your friends to be the hero to get to the final boss and kill it. A very interesting system that sometimes seem to leave the people playing the monsters without much to do. Looking forward to seeing the final version of the game.

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Axiom Verge - The trailer got me very excited. A metroidvania game with great graphics, good-looking boss design, a variety of weapons and kicking soundtrack. Then you learn that it was all done by one guy and your head explodes.

No Man's Sky - My leading contender for most disappointing game of 2015. The hype for this game since it was first unveiled has been insane. The prospect of flying around an infinite universe, discovering new worlds and their inhabitants and naming them so that future explorers will see your achievements all sounds very neat. Without some structure or goal however, the game could end up being a beautiful sandbox with no toys in it. I really hope that the game turns out as amazing as the trailers have set it up to be.

The Long Dark - I've watched some pre-release playthroughs of this game and it looks stunning. It seems like Day Z without the zombies or annoying other players. Just exploring the world and investigating why everyone else is gone while trying to stay alive in the harsh conditions could be fun.

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Firewatch - I've been a fan of Olly Moss's art for a long time and the prospect of seeing a whole world drawn by him and brought to life by many of the people who make Idle Thumbs (a great podcast) is exciting. I've bought all 4 posters that Olly Moss has made for the game already so even if it plays terribly I'll at least have some nice art on my walls.

Broken Age Act 2 - I backed this game on kickstarter what seems like a decade ago in terms of how much kickstarter has changed since then and played Act 1 a year ago. Act 1 ended on a real cliffhanger and I'm really excited to see how they resolve the story they set up.

Massive Chalice - Another Double Fine game I kickstarted but totally different from Broken Age in gameplay. I've been playing through the backer alpha they released and though there are still some balance tweaks they should make and they're still adding later-game features, the core concept is fun. It's primarily a turn-based tactical strategy game (like XCOM). However, unlike XCOM where you start with a bunch of dudes and if you can keep them alive those will be the same dudes (with more abilities) you end the game with, in Massive Chalice you start with a just few heroic bloodlines. The individuals in those bloodlines will eventually die of old age long before the demonic invaders have been dealt with so you need to make sure that you marry off your best heroes and produce strong children who can continue the fight. It combines tactical turn-based strategy combat with Crusader Kings-like ruler management which are both things I enjoy. Plus, you have a random chance of playing as the bloodline I created :D

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Return of the Obra Dinn - The titular Obra Dinn is a ship which was thought to have been lost at sea. It reappears with nothing but corpses left aboard. You investigate the fate of the crew with the help of your trusty pocket watch which allows you to see the exact moment of a person's death. -- At least that's what the pre-alpha demo that you can download makes the game out to be. But the most striking thing about Return of the Obra Dinn is the 1-bit art style. Everything is either sickly dark green or light green with no colors in between and just walking around the ship is exciting and amazing. I've never seen art like this in a game. When you go to the moment of a person's death all time has stopped and you are free to walk around and sight-see from whatever angle you wish. Just watching the gunpowder or sprays of dust or blood hang in mid air is breathtaking and reminds me of the French animated film Renaissance which was done in a stark black and white style. Screenshots don't do this game justice but I've included one anyway. I'd also like to try and play this on an occulus rift to just be totally immersed in the world.

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At the Gates - A turn-based 4x game created by the lead designer of Civ 5. I like the painting art style they have for the map and appreciate that they're trying to tackle the issue that a lot of 4x games have: By the midgame generally one or two players have become dominant and the rest of the game is just busywork. I haven't heard that much about it but ideas like limited resources and changing seasons that make you continue to expand and keep you on your toes even late into the game could lead to better gameplay.

Gang Beasts - This looks to be one of the best local multiplayer games ever. The relative simplicity of the game (pick a guy up and toss them to their death) combined with the goofy drunken movement and pudgy characters make it hilarious and fun.

Hotline Miami 2 - Really loved everything about the first Hotline Miami. Just straight from the opening titles you knew you were in for a brutal, drug-induced, heart-pounding time. The combination of the vicious, blood-splattered pixelated violence that was reminiscent of GTA2, the speed of the game, and the amazing soundtrack made every moment of the first game intense and enjoyable. The second game will have a tough time topping it but even if Hotline Miami 2 is just more of the same thing it will still be a good time.

Nuclear Throne - I've really fallen in love with Luftrausers since buying it in the steam sale about a week ago and this looks like the same kind of fun. Random, infinitely repeatable levels, a tough goal that takes a long time to master but as you play you can get closer and closer to that goal, different characters and an array of weapons that let you change things up. It all seems great and it's the kind of game that could really hook me.

Galak-Z - This game looked good when they did a quick look ex of it back in March and I like the idea of a procedurally-generated space shooter with different factions. I love being able to set AI enemies against each other and let them shoot it out while I slip through and just pick off the stragglers.

The Witcher 3 - I should really finish The Witcher 2.

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Cyberpunk 2077 - This game probably won't come out this year but it's still on this list. The teaser they showed at E3 2013 made it look like Ghost in the Shell: The Game and if it's even 50% that I'll be all over it. I imagine a world hunting down ghost-hacked androids while using thermoptic camo and futuristic battle rifles and it just makes me all happy and tingly.

Pillars of Eternity - A throwback to classic computer RPGs like Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale with a better UI, high-res graphics and some more modern design ideas sounds great. I kickstarted this a while back and can't wait for it to be released.

Heroes of Might and Magic III HD Edition - It's been over 15 years since HoMaM3 was released and it's still installed on my computer. Back before everyone had fancy internet my friends and I would hotseat this game for hours (no fair looking at the screen when it's not your turn). The re-release will have steamworks support so I can once again play with those old buddies. There's also a fan-made expansion/patch for the original game called Horn of the Abyss which I just learned about but have not tried yet.

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Evolve - I played the early beta/demo thing they had up for a weekend and it was very fun when your team was coordinated and using voice chat or playing as the monster and picking apart a poorly coordinated team. All of the different classes have unique feels and it was fun to try them all out. I only really played as the first monster and by the end of the weekend the dominant strategy was just run away, hide from the humans, eat animals until level 3 and then run in and kill them all. Hopefully the other monsters they add switch up how you have to play.

Superhot - The very short prototype seemed to be all everyone was talking about for a week in 2013. The best thing about the game was how it repeated "SUPERHOT" after each level. The time mechanic is also quite interesting but I'm not sure if it can carry a whole game.

Hellraid - Haven't seen too much coverage of this game but the little I have seen makes it seem like a great first-person RPG. It's being made by Techland which means it will either be amazing or terrible.

Star Wars Battlefront - I never really played much of the old Battlefront games but I'm into class-based multiplayer shooters and star wars. Hopefully they'll show some actual gameplay soon and not just release trailers talking about how much they love star wars.

Hyper Light Drifter - Another game I backed on kickstarter in 2013. A grand 2D Zelda-like game? Sign me up.

I might have missed a couple but if all of these games live up to expectations 2015 is looking to be a great year. A lot of smaller games with unique styles and a couple big games with amazing graphics. I can't wait. If I remember I'll return to this list in December and review how the year went.