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GOTY 2012

  1. The Walking Dead
  2. Mark of the Ninja
  3. Hotline Miami
  4. Borderlands 2
  5. Need for Speed: Most Wanted
  6. One Piece: Pirate Warriors
  7. XCOM: Enemy Unknown
  8. Hitman: Absolution
  9. Torchlight II
  10. Dishonored

Honorable Mentions: Persona 4 Golden, Journey and Asura's Wrath

List items

  • I don't think a adventure game has ever made me go ugh and nooo so much. A depressing but well told game that lets you know that Telltale wanted to show how bleak life could be in that environment. It is just one of those games you need to play eventually. That's why it is my Game Of The Year.

  • Jeez 3 stealth games on my top 10 huh. I never knew stealth could be so good in 2D. Being able to tacitly plan out your movies and quickly stealth by or even terrorize guards to shoot themselves this is a near perfect stealth game.

  • Oh man I must be on drugs if I'm really playing this game wait I'm not. :O Anyway the pure puzzle aspect of this murder simulator is so good. I have no clue what is really going on but hey it's crazy game that's for sure.

  • What could I say about Borderlands 2. It is certainly more of the same but who says that's a bad thing? Now if they don't mix it up with 3 I doubt that'll get on my list but that's another story entirely. Shooting crazy enemies while leveling up is all you really need to know.

  • I have never had this much fun with a racer since the RUSH series on the N64. The online was so addicting I almost put more time into that than the single player. It's just plain fun while you complete to do the most donuts or a giant jump over a bridge.

  • It's a dynasty warriors like game. I know what you might be thinking but I just like this kind of game. Except for a few platforming points the game is a blast all the way through.

  • I never played the original XCOM but this one hooked me for a bit. Turn based strategy is one of my favorite genres although I didn't get to play this for long. Just couldn't get past the first few hours but I had fun every minute of it.

  • Although the game is certainly not as good as blood money in most peoples eyes I found that the contracts mode kept me busy with different ways to complete a mission . It is also the best controlling Hitman game ever.

  • This action RPG really got me to play like I was in high school again. I put way to many hours into it when I should have been doing something more important heh. The staying power didn't keep me around till the end but it was fun while it lasted and I hope I get around to it again soon.

  • It's been a while since I played a good stealth game and this one really hooked me. With the variety of choices it displayed per mission I almost couldn't put it down till I beat it. It was a fairly short game though and I'm not sure if I could come back for more. Time will tell...

  • Honorable Mention: I never got to play this but I know it's a great game so I think it's worth mentioning at least.

  • This game was truly a journey to play though. A coop game that makes you feel bummed if you miss out on your buddy at some point after all you go though till the end but another journey awaits if your willing to go down that path again.

  • This game sounds like a game I should really play. I don't know why I've never gotten to it but from secondhand knowledge I believe it's worth mentioning here.