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Games I have completed (Current) - New

I keep track of games i have beaten on all platforms I have and on which date I did it. I started it somewhere in 2008 but there were many before which I can't remeber to order of then.

List items

  • 11/8/2017. PS4. Finally finished this epic RPG. Clock is at 122 hours. I've been working on this game for months. I really enjoyed it. It is very similar to Persona 4 but with some improvements. The presentation isn't top notch and mostly static. Voice acting also is not too special. However the game and the story are still great. Some of the dungeons are a bit too long (especially the last one). The music is cool. The game has a ton of style. All in all, I really like it (even though it didn't reach the highs of 4).

  • 12/8/2017. PC. This tiny indie game is a cool little detective sci fi story. It is very short and has unique premise. I enjoyed for the the short time it takes to complete. Nothing too special here.

  • 14/8/2017. PC. This is another space game right after the last one I played. This is a game from the guys that made Gone Home. It is very similar in that way, where you go alone through an environment, try to piece together what had happened. There is a nice mechanic where you can play partial recordings in AR and see where people were and what they said. It's a fun concept. I also like the story and the twist at the end. When you know an AI is involved you always assume it will go rogue, and it does, but not in the way I expected. I didn't see it coming. I liked the idea. I would have loved to had to a little more detail on the characters as they are nothing but single color blobs and they stand out in contrast to the lovely rendered hi res environment, but it doesn't ruin the game. All in all, it was a unique fun experience which I can highly recommend.

  • 22/8/2017. PC. This unique game deals with heavy mental issues. I really liked it and found it very extraordinary. The visuals are very impressive (though there were some shortcuts taken with FMV and there some minor visual glitches). The sound work is really great and I would highly recommend playing it with headphones as the voices you hear really add to the experience. The story can be a bit hard to follow near the end. The combat also gets really repetitive and boring at the final hour. But all in all, it is a very good game and it's worth your time.

  • 27/9/2017. PC. Finished Episode 1. A new season and way quicker than I expected. The quality is on par with the first season. I enjoyed the story and I'm looking forward to seeing where the Joker story line goes too as this interpretation of the Joker is one I've never seen before. A worth while playthrough.

    26/10/2017. PC. Finished Episode 2. While there wasn't much action per se, I really enjoyed this episode as the tension was high. I really like the new interpretations tell tale gives to the classic Batman villains. I really like the Hearly is the dominant one in her relationship with the Joker. I've been enjoying this season so far way more than I expected.

    5/12/2017. PC. Finished Episode 3. This wasn't as good as the previous episode. Not much happened and story was mostly boring. I really like this version of the Joker, but this episode didn't evolve the character or story much. Hoping next episode will be better.

    25/1/2018. PC. Finished Episode 4. Middle of the road episode. Not the best nor the worst. Mostly setting things up for the finale. Mediocre overall.

  • 23/11/2017. PC. As I was getting hyped for Wolfenstein 2, I decided to play the first game, Since I never did before and I heard it was a great campign. I'm glad that I did. While it is a bit of a slow starter, once it gets going, the campaign is unique and exciting with planty interesting twist and turns. The charecters are fun and weird in just the right ways. The level design is very good and well paced. I liked pretty much everything about this once and I'm glad I didn't skip it. You should play it too.

  • 14/12/2017. PC. Playing both Wolfenstein games back to back makes it really easy to see the differences between them. This game looks dramatically better and ID tech 6 looks fantastic. The story in this game is also way crazier. I found myself covering my mouth in shock during the execution scene. That never happened before to me in a game. The audition scene was also great. The cast is also great and I really like new comer Sigron.

    However, the gameplay wasn't as sharp as the first game. The encounter design wasn't as tight. Also, Sigron not participating in the final showdown feels like a missed opportunity.

    All in all, it's worth playing for the crazy story.

  • 20/12/2017. PC. While this game is better then the stick of truth on a technical level, I didn't enjoy it as much. Stick of truth felt way more fresh, has a better premise, was going all out crazy more often and was overall way funnier. This game was amusing, but not hilarious. It had maybe too much combat and not enough story. It was also too long unlike the first game. I didn't hate this one, mind you. The ending was great. The final act is where this finally this game picks up. It has some smart ideas. But in my opinion, it's much easier to recommend you to play the Stick of Truth. This on is enjoyable and there is fun to be had, but it's not a must play.

  • 21/12/2017. PC. This game is the sequel of "To the Moon" (and "A Bird Story"). Like it's predecessor, the story is the star of the show. The writing is great and the music is touching. Visually it looks the same, and if your opinion won't change with this one. While it didn't reach the highs of the first game, it still left me engaged and interested through out. My only complaint is the boring mini game after every memory, but they weren't a deal breaker. I enjoyed this game very much.

  • 15/1/2018. PC. This horror game was in my backlog for a long while. But after about 3 years of wanting to playing, I finally got around to it. The story is interesting. It makes you wonder. What is being human? What is being alive? I liked where it went. The sound design is great as it makes you scared at the exact right moments. The visual are fine, though not perfect. I didn't like much the constant hiding from monsters though. It was too frequent for it's own good and the game was a tad too long. It feels like it could have been made shorter and the experience would benefit from it. At the end of the day, it's a good game and I'm glad I was finally able it, even all those years later.

  • 4/2/2018. iOS. Finished the main story. The Ace Attorney series continues to be a guilty pleasure of mine. While the series isn't as good as the original trilogy, I still enjoy the court room drama and the odd characters. I'll say that I did enjoy this one way more than Dual Destinies. The animation is also much better and the music is great. I'm sad that the cliffhanger from 4 (the fact that Apollo and Trucy are siblings) is still unaddressed (except for a throw away line at the very end) and i'm still hopeful that it will be resolved in the next game.

    I really liked playing on my iPhone instead of 3DS as I have my phone with me anyways and it has a better screen. I hope future games in the series will also come to mobile day and date. I would rather it be on mobile than on the Switch.

    I will play the DLC case next.

    19/4/2018. iOS. Finished the DLC case. Not the bast case, but a cool mystery non the less. I liked that it's like a reunion of sorts with Maya and Edgeworth. If you like the first game, you will most likely enjoy this DLC case too...

  • 17/2/2018. Switch. The first game I beat on the Switch. This game is quite amazing. I'm really surprised how much a liked it. It's really well designed, with great levels, great music and unique mechanics. I never thought I would like a platformer this much. I've played all the way to credits, but I think I'm going to explore some more.

  • 4/3/2018. PC. Finished Episode 1. I was surprised by how much I liked this episode. The writing is really good and the characters are compelling. While not everything is perfect and lip-sync is still bad, it doesn't ruin the experience (even though not much happened). Given how much this game had going against it, it's a miracle it came out as good as it is.

    10/3/2018. PC. Finished Episode 2. I think this episode has better writing than the first. The story continues to be good and intriguing and I really feel for the characters. However, I think the episode last for one scene too long just to end for a cliffhanger. I hope it sticks to landing in the last episode.

    17/3/2018. PC. Finished Episode 3. I'm kind of disappointed with the ending. While it wasn't bad per se, most of the choices fell flat for me and felt artificial. The ending was also a bit to brief. The feels didn't come for me. I expected more out of this series.

    20/3/2018. PC. Finished the bonus episode. This episode was much shorter than any other in the series. It had the feels and emotions needed to be a nice goodbye to these characters as I assume this is the last time we see them. I will miss them. It's a proper send off.

  • 24/3/2018. PC. This little small indie game is kind of like Portal, but without Glados. The puzzle are cool and varied without repeating the same mechanic too much. It's short, sweet, looks good and easy to recommend if you are in for some puzzles.

  • 19/4/2018. PC. This sequel is a little higher budget than the previous game, while still being very indie. The story is more involved and the puzzles are more complex. The visuals are also a step up and the overall package shows a lot of love and care was tended this game. However, I would admit that I like the original game better. Still, if you enjoy puzzle games, this one is not a bad choice at all.

  • 27/5/2018. PS4. This game is quite incredible. A masterpiece in every category. From visual to sound to design to combat. Everything in this game is extremely well crafted and thought out. The no cuts camera is quite impressive . The story and actors do a fantastic work. This is a great package all around. If you own a PS4, don't miss this game as it is currently the best the platform has to offer.

  • 26/6/2018. PC. This small free episode in the Life is Strange franchise is supposed to lead into season 2. None of the main characters from the first season is present. While they did take a step up in the animation, the lip syncing is still not the best. Also, there weren't enough meaningful choices. Or at least, none that came to any payoff by the end of this episode. Music was still the same licensed song that were before. All in all, I wanted to like this episode more than I actually did, but I can't complain to much since it is free.

  • 4/7/2018. PS4. This is another plot driven game from Quantic Dream. The visuals look gorgeous. The plot is also quite good, with Conner being my favorite character from the game. The main actors deliver a solid performance all around. The decisions felt mostly meaningful, especially later in the game. Some scenes can drag a bit and might be a bit boring early on, but it's neat picky. Bottom line is, I liked it quite a bit. More than I expected I would.

  • 8/7/2018. PC. After starting this game over 2 years ago (with a long break in the middle), I've finally beat it. It was very good and I'm embarrassed I haven't finished it sooner. Visually it looks good, mechanics are great and the world feels very appropriate. Going to do the DLC next.

  • 18/8/2018. PC. Finished Episode 1. The new season starts off great in my opinion. While not that much happened, I find the new charterers and story to very appealing. There is a real lord of the flies vibe with some intense tension filled moments. I'm not sure if Telltale upgraded their engine but the game looks visually great. All the characters are highly detailed and look great. The voice actors also do a fine job. Combat was also upgraded somewhat, yet this is still not an action game. I love playing as Clementine again, now that she has grown up, she really deserves the lead the role. All in all, this was one of the better episodes and I hope this season continues on this path.

  • 10/10/2018. PC. Finished Episode 1. The new game in the series pretty much has not common story elements with the first game. While the story is still good and intriguing, not enough is happening like the first episode of the first game. While in the first game the protagonist had time manipulation powers that were actually used as a mechanic in the game, this time the powers are giving to an NPC and is pretty much out of the player's control and it's a shame. Visually the game looks quite better with the lip syncing much improved. The episode was basically ok at everything, but excelled at nothing, which is a shame. I was hoping for me. I liked the game, but not as much as I wish I did.

  • 28/10/2018. PC. This unique mystery game comes to us from the mind who made Papers Please. Like Papers Please, this game is unlike anything else I've ever played. It has a unique 1-bit art style which looks distinct, it has great voice acting and it's own brand of game play. I heard it described as a detective Sudoku which is very appropriate. With a meaty play time of 8 or so hours, if you like feeling smart and like solving not so obvious puzzles, this one is easy to recommend, even if the ending isn't so great.

  • 29/11/2018. PS4. This game is unique as it's only playable in co-op. No single player here. The puzzles are nice if simple, the the opening chapter as well as the ending are very well made. It has a great escape sequence in the middle too. The games falls short when it tries to be a shooter near the end and it's a shame. Otherwise, this game is pretty remarkable. If you have a partner to play this one with, make sure you do.

  • 15/12/2018. PC. While being a decent puzzle game, The Spectrum Retreat lacks the charm and originality the original Portal had, which was clearly the inspiration for this game. The story is a bit weird. The puzzles are ok, but I personally hate the face that you can screw yourself in a puzzle and get yourself stuck and have to restart. In my opinion it is bad design and I wish the game had a clever solution to work around this issue. Otherwise, it is fine. If you have some free time, this isn't the worst way to spend your time, but if you want something more interesting, check out Return of the Obra Dinn instead.

  • 23/2/2019. PC. I loved this programming puzzle game. In my opinion, this is the best Zachtronics game to date. If you like this kind of puzzles, don't miss this one. Cool puzzles, nice story and killer sound track. It's just great all around.

  • 3/3/2019. PS4. This is pretty much a short condensed uncharted experience. The story is very predictable. You pretty much can guess every story bit coming. Also the levels themselves are not so varied and the puzzles are nothing more than passable. While you can see the production value is high, this game doesn't come close to having the feels of the main Uncharted games. It's at best an OK game. You can skip this one and you won't miss much.

  • 8/4/2019. PS4. This open world game is kinda of ok. Production values on both graphics, voice acting and music are top notch. However, I grew tired of the repetitive mission design in open world games and this one has plenty of it. A lot of the side activities is doing the same objectives over and over again. It gets tiresome. The story is ok but not so amazing. Swinging feels great. All in all, it's a fine game which I wish I would have liked more than I actually did.

  • 6/6/2019. Switch. Played this game during my trip to Budapest. Like the original Bayonetta, this a FINE action game. The story is kind of whatever, but the over the top action and game play steal the show. Really addicting and a fun playthrough, easy to recommend. Shame it's not out on more platforms as it deserves more recognition.

  • 15/6/2019. PC. After quite a while of playing this game I finally beat it. This another great installment from From Software. I took me a little way to unlearn what I was used to from Dark Souls, but once I did everything clicked into place. I didn't find much harder than the other games so I found the discussion around it a bit undeserved.

    I enjoyed it a lot and had a great time. I got the return ending (best one). Easy to recommend to those while From Software.

  • 29/7/2019. PC. I felt like doing some AAA cinematic game so I went with this one. While I really liked the first game in the reboot series, and was ok with the sequel, this one pretty much fell flat for me. Coming from a different developer really shows. The visuals are good, but pretty much everything else is sub par. Gameplay is lack luster, story is pretty boring. Lara is kind of a dick in this one. It gets repetitive and the ending is quite bad. I'm not why I stuck with it all the way to the end. You can skip this one.

  • 19/8/2019. PS4. The first game I beat on PSVR. Wow, what an incredible experience. I've enjoyed it greatly. While in general this is a fairly standard adventure platformer, having set in VR makes it very unique. The interaction between you and Quill (the mouse) feels great. It is is if you are actually going through the adventure together. The voice actress does a great job, the animations are smooth and beautiful and the combat is mostly fun. I've enjoyed this game a lot and it's a must play for anyone with a VR headset.

  • 23/8/2019. PS4. This small VR puzzle game is very unique and interesting. It gave me Portal vibes (minus the GLaDOS humor). Some of the puzzles can be difficult but nothing is too complicated. I do wish the story was a bit better, but all in all, it's a fun short playthrough.

  • 1/10/2019. PC. I LOVED this Remedy game. I kind of want to call it a metroidvania, but that's not really the case. The graphics are quite amazing, the game plays incredibly well and the story is unique and interesting if a bit hard to follow at times. It has a lot of good music and the maze part is awesome. Can be one of the moments of the year just for that. Great game, easy to recommend!

  • 27/10/2019. PS4. This is a nice little adventure from the co creator of Rick and Morty. It shares a similar style and the gameplay is novel in VR (though not necessary). It is impressive how long the audio bits are and fully animated they can get. It's funny at times but can get long at others. All in all, a cool little experience.

  • 31/10/2019. Switch. A fantastic old school Zelda game. Sounds and plays great the the old game. The visual style is very cool but I wish the it didn't have the performance issues. In any case, a cool title and easy to recommend to any Switch owner.

  • 23/11/2019. PC. This is a nice little indie puzzle game about perspective and dreams. The puzzles aren't two difficult but they are certainly unique. I've enjoyed it very much in the ~2 hours it takes to finish it and I can easily recommend it to fans of the genera.

  • 8/1/2020. PS4. This is an "open world"ish yakuza style game. It was very long, clocking in at about 50 hours for me to complete. The story feels complicated and involved, yet goofy at times (though it's intended). The voice acting is mostly fine all the way through, but the music gets repetitive. You meet a lot of goofy and weird characters. Maybe even too many as it can drag the game down at times. The combat feels mashy and not deep enough. Some of the side activities are just not that fun. Having to tail a guy or having the fight the gang leaders again feels like padding to a game that doesn't need that. All in all though, the game is fun. Even though I've said mostly negative things so far, I did enjoy the game, but it is not for everyone. I'm glad I've played it, but I need something shorter now.

  • 16/1/2020. PC. A really cool unique little puzzle game that is super funny and has very little to do with actual golf. Play it!

  • 11/2/2020. PS4. I really liked this game back in the day when I originally played it. It was to my great delight that this remake is also excellent and I've enjoyed it immensely. The visuals are fantastic and the gameplay feels modern and satisfying. I've enjoyed so much that I've cleared both campaigns of Leon and Claire even though I don't usually do that since they fairly similar. This one is gem, and I hope the remake of RE3 would be just as good.

  • 1/4/2020. PC. The latest gears game is pretty by the numbers. Visually it looks great. They've done a fantastic job. I also liked that Kait is the main protagonist instead of JD. However, the game play is very similar to the last game. Stop, pop, shoot, repeat. The so called open world doesn't really add much instead of travel time. I would have preferred if it was a tighter experience. Regarding story, this feels very much like a middle chapter in a trilogy. The threat that began at 4 is still there and needs to be addressed. Like Gears of War 4 before it, I wish I got to play as Marcus and hang out with the original crew way more. It's a fine competent game, but nothing amazing. Play if you have the time.

    21/2/2022. PC. Finished the Hivebusters DLC. This is very much a short story which focuses mostly on the action part of things. It's very short and if you're in the mood for something of that kind, you will most likely enjoy it.

  • 3/4/2020. Android. Just as the original game, this a charming and beautiful little puzzler. Non of the riddles is too difficult and the run time is minimal. It was free on the store so grabbed it then. Enjoyed quite a bit while it lasted and easy to recommend to anyone.

  • 10/4/2020. PC. This is game is incredible. I can not praise it enough. It looks fantastic, the sound track is great, the story is heartwarming and what really steals the show is the tight, perfect and demanding game play. It plays like a dream. Landing some of the bosses feel likes defeating a Dark Souls boss. I thought that Ori and Blind Forest would be hard one to beat, but this game tops it's predecessor in every conceivable way. It's a must play. It's one of the best games ever made. I did have some crashes, but it wasn't enough of an issue to drag the experience down. It's worth getting game pass just for this one. So far, it's my game of the year of 2020.

  • 25/4/2020. PS4. This little puzzle game has a unique premise which is nice and short and I won't spoil here. Cool little VR experience if you have the time. Not much else to say about it.

  • 27/4/2020. PS4. This game is exciting and gets your blood pumping without running at break neck pace. The puzzles are fun to do and just like the original SUPERHOT, it's a great experience through out.

    I wished it check pointed a little more as it did lead to a lot of repeated attempts at level I already completed and it feels like it's there to pad out the game. Also wish the story was a little bit better as the original game had it much better. All in all, it's a cool VR experience you should not miss if you have a VR headset.

  • 30/4/2020. PC. A few years late to the party, huh? Well, I finally beat this one. While the action is good, it gets repetitive during the later half of the game. The story doesn't really exist. The music has some good tracks, but none is memorable as in the original Doom from the 90's. The graphics are sharp and superbly optimized. A great example other developers should take a lesson from this one.

    All in all, a decent package. I do wish Doom Eternal will be better.

  • 6/5/2020. PC. This indie game is a gem. While in my opinion is a bit hard to get into at first, once you do the mystery will hook you in. You need to be an archaeologist/detective in order to figure out how to save the universe. The exploration is done very well and you feel smart when you are able to figure it out. You don't get any new abilities or tools during your adventure, the only thing stopping you from finishing the game at any point is your own knowledge of knowing what to do. The theme is addictive and there is a lot of fun to be had with this one. The ending is a bit weird though, but nevertheless, this game is great and I've really enjoyed it a lot. It's very unique and you won't find anything else quite like it.

  • 18/5/2020. PS4. Very disappointed by this game. After playing Trover saves the universe I had expectation that this game would have some nice puzzles and funny humor. Unfortunately it wasn't as good as Trover. The puzzles are very basic and seem to be more busy work than anything else, the dialog isn't so funny and doesn't really match the quality of the TV show. The ending revel is cute, but not worth the time. Play this only if you are a super fan and have nothing better to play. Otherwise, skip it.

  • 24/5/2020. PC. I was very impressed on how good this game is. While it is very much inspired by Dark Souls, it is not as difficult and much more forgiving. I've played it on the hard difficultly and had little trouble getting through everything. The adventure though is much fun and the story is pretty good. The gameplay is tight and the visually it looks fantastic. The bosses are a bit disappointing, not feeling as varied or challenging as the ones in Dark Souls. But at the end, I've very much enjoyed this game. I hope they will make a sequel.

  • 30/5/2020. PC. I was quite impressed with this game. While the puzzles are not that hard, the visuals really pull you in to the story, making it look real and make you invested in the story. The story is not bad with a nice twist yet a weird ending. It's a fun not too long ride that is worth your time.

  • 6/6/2020. PC. This very nice game is a cool and short puzzle platformer. The visuals are nice and it has a good soundtrack. It's fun and short, having a few set pieces along the way. Worth a play through, but probably won't amaze you.

  • 22/6/2020. PC. While originally I wasn't sure how much I would like this game, I quickly fell in love with it. I really liked the visuals and the story. The encounters. It all clicked for me in the right way, giving me Half Life vibes all through out. It might not be as ground breaking, but it's a solid game through and through and I've enjoyed it far more then I have anticipated. It's a shame I haven't played this one sooner, but on the plus side, I can start playing the DLC right away which I'm going to do! :)

    24/6/2020. PC. Finished "The Two Colonels". It's a nice story, and it's very short. Not much beyond that. The combat feels meaningless in this one, either because the flamethrower is too strong or the enemies are not really interesting. Those sections are kind of boring. I'm a bit disappointed by this DLC, as it's not on the level of the base game. You can skip if you can't spare the time as there isn't much here.

    29/6/2020. PC. Finished "Sam's Story". Out of the 2 DLC packages for this game, this was clearly the better one. A lot more gameplay and A lot more story which focused around Sam. The length of this DLC is like longer than some games and it's a fitting story. The seances with the Captain are great, especially the one where they drink together. If you played the main game, don't miss this DLC as well as it's better then even some parts of the main game.

    And now, I'm finally done with the game and can move on to the next game.

  • 13/7/2020. PC. After several times I've tried to get into this game and it didn't quite grab me, I've finally went for one last time and it totally did. The puzzles are challenging and can be solved in so many ways, that it makes is fun to keep solving the same puzzle again and again, trying to optimize everything you can each time. Being a programmer, optimizing for cycles was what I most enjoyed (keeping in mine that the cost and area should stay around average levels. The story is a nice addition, though the conclusion is a bit anti climactic. While this is not my favorite Zachtronics game (I liked Exa Punks, Shenzen I/O and Infini factory way more) this one is still a good game. It reminds me of a 2D infini factory tbh. Anyways, If you like programming games (while not really writing any real code) this is a game for you.

  • 26/7/2020. PS4. This game is top notch. Everything from the graphics, the level design, the music, the UI, the game play, the acting and almost everything else is extremely polished. The production values are through the roof and it shows. Even God of War 2018 can't compete here. I liked this game a lot. They do pull a controversial twist mid way though. A MGS2 level of twist really. I respect them for this choice. I think it was ballsy and it gives you perspective. That's maybe why I didn't really liked the ending fight. I felt like I didn't want to fight at all but I had no choice since the story force me too. Still, I really like this game a lot and in my opinion it's easy to recommend if you have a PS4. It's a top notch game. Maybe not a master piece, but still at the top of it's class.

  • 9/8/2020. PC. I actually never heard of this game until the very recent PlayStation Experience where they announced it would be coming to PS4 later this year. It seemed like a cute little indie puzzler and after checking, seems that it's been out for months on PC already. Quickly downloaded and started playing. Some nice puzzles and background. An interesting concept but I wish there was a little more story to go a long with it. As it's stands, it's a lot of consecutive puzzles with no real reward between them. But it is still nice and short and sweet and easy to recommend if you are in the mood to challange your brain for a bit.

  • 31/8/2020. PC. This is an X-Com like game but not with as much depth. The tactics portion is fine and is very similar to X-Com, but the strategy layer pales is in comparison. There is no base building, only equipment for your troops and that's it. The game is a bit too long, with many "Side" missions near the end that are actually mandatory. They are generic and repetitive, offering no unique story and they over stay their welcome. The final mission forces you to take only your hero charecters, meaning you can't take any of the guys you attached to even if you want or they are higher level then the hero characters. Also it's not worth investing in any guys because it takes way too long to level them up. Usually, it's better to just dismiss your soldiers and get new ones from the poll as they will likely be higher level. It actually discourages you from caring for the soldiers. The ending is also very anti climactic. The story in general isn't the best gears has to offer and feels very thin. Visually the game looks great and the cut scenes are on the level of Gears 5. The game play itself is also very fun and well thought out. The enemy AI isn't the best, but it can offer a challenge at the later levels.

    All in all, I might have sounded more negative on this game then I meant to, but I still very much enjoyed it, and I'm glad Microsoft took this risky move and made Gears into a tactics game. If you are in the mode for a slow paced game, give this one a shot.

  • 17/10/2020. PC. Started playing this game after it went out of early access. I've reached all the way to the credits and the true ending. What a traffic game. The game play is so tight and feels greats. Each run feels unique and satisfying as you are always making progress. The music is top notch. The story is good if basic a bit. However, it is unbelievable how much unique dialog these characters have with recorded voice works, It's incredible. It gets a bit repetitive near the end but that comes with the territory for a rouge like. There's not much I can fault this game. It's a fantastic experience and one of the best games of the year for sure.

  • 26/10/2020. PS4. This remake is quite incredible. It's obvious that the production values are through the roof. The visuals look amazing and the voice acting is top notch. All of the cut scenes are epic and the music is both nostalgic and exciting. By no doubt a lot of love and care was put into this game. The place where the game might be a bit lacking is that there is a bit too much game in here. A lot of liberties were taken in order the extended the length of the game, and even though it is only the first part of the original game, it took me over 40 hours to complete. While it was good, it could have been a bit shorter. Still, if you liked the original game, or if you never played and want to experience it in 2020, it is by doubt the way to go.

  • 5/11/2020. PC. This game is very similar to the Resident Evil 2 remake but not as good. There weren't as many puzzles and it felt a bit cheesy. The original was too, but I remember it more fondly I guess. 2 Is better of those two games. Still, it was short and nice and if you have the time, going through is not completely a waste of time. Visually it looks great. All in all the game is OK, and not more than that (and it doesn't have to be).

  • 9/12/20. PC. This visual novel is a game coming from Zachtronics. It is really different from their other games as it has no puzzles really, just a story. It is a good story though about working in the software industry and mental health. It feels like a black mirror episode. The voice acting is top notch and makes you connect with characters. If you have time for a nice story and in a mood for a more passive experience, then this one is a good option.

  • 6/1/21. PC. The most expected game of 2020. For me personally, it came out during the best time for me to play as I had the most free time to actually beat relatively quickly. I did all gigs, side quests and got all endings of the main quest. I can say that I've enjoyed the game very much. It did give me a lot of Witcher vibes in a different setting. It's not my GOTY, but it doesn't have to be. It's a very good game, the main quest is quite good, some of the stories in the side quests are amazing. Yes, the gigs are quite repetitive and there isn't too much there. I enjoyed a lot of the characters and the game play is also quite good. Johnny's character fits well into many of the other missions besides the main quest and a great companion for the adventure. However, I didn't like most of the endings as they leave no room for a follow up. I wonder what the planed expansion are going to be given these endings. Are they going to be after the end of the main quest or before. Also, I can not ignore the bugs. They were too many bugs and crashes for a game of this caliber and it was clear to me that this should have been delayed by another year or so and have the last gen console versions cancelled. I understand why it didn't go this way, but I think it would have been better for everyone involved by the end.

    Also this game is heavy. My GTX1080 wasn't able to run this at my usual 1440p at 60fps. I had to drop it to 1080p to get a mostly stable around 60. I wish I can upgrade to 3080 sooner rather than later.

    As all in all, I very much enjoyed the game, I can say I recommend it, but yes, you can wait a bit for the bugs to be ironed out. And I will be playing the expansions once those come out.

  • 11/1/21. PC. This small indie game is kind of a stripped down Legend of Zelda BotW. It's mostly small puzzles in an open world with no enemies at all except for some boss fights. It has a unique cool movement system, but it doesn't develop too much. I didn't do all the puzzles like a usually do as I felt the game is a bit overstaying it's welcome. The puzzles aren't to interesting. The story is a big generic too. It's nice for what it is, it's not a bad game, but I wanted to like it more than I actually did. I'm done and I can move on.

  • 26/1/21. PC. Finally got around to this and played it through gamepass. This indie game is mostly puzzle focused with some very light combat and a very heavy story which gets a bit b-movie cheesy at the end. It freshens up it's mechanics quite frequently through out the adventure and keeps it interesting through out. The graphics are not bad at all and the voice acting is decent enough. It's a solid package overall, and if you are looking for something more puzzle focused, this is not a bad choice.

  • 5/2/2021. PC. This indie horror game trys to harken back to the days of Silent Hill. While is has potential, I think it fails on realizing it. The unique mechanic of controlling to entities at the same time is really being used for clever puzzles and everything is always with in arms reach. It wants to be smarter than it actually is. The story is kind of non sensical and hard to follow. The stealth sections feel mostly like a chore. There is not combat really but that is mostly a good thing for this kind of game. The art is kind of repetitive and everything looks mostly the same through, especially in the other world. I played this mostly because it is a new game and it was out on game pass, but feel free to skip this one, I'm sad to say it doesn't payoff.

  • 24/2/2021. PC. The game pass games march continues with this ok puzzle indie game. It's not amazing. This one feels like and escape room. Everything you need is always with reach and the puzzles are not too complicated. It's not too long so it's a nice run if you want something on the lighter side. The story is not great, kinda like an escape room. Go ahead for it if your'e in the mood for one of those, but it's not a must play.

  • 23/3/2021. PC. This is a little puzzle game with a puzzle mechanic similar to that of Fisherman's tale. It's a bit short but feels long at the same time. For me at least, solving most of the puzzles, doesn't really make you feel smart. Some do, but most don't. I wanted to like the game more that I actually did. The story is ok, talking mostly about relationships. The voice actors do a good job and feel believable. It's an ok time, but there are better puzzle games out there.

  • 3/4/2021. Switch. This game is the first game I completed with my son on co-op from start to finish. While it took us months to complete, it was fun all the way through and never really out stayed it's welcome. It was never boring and too reputative as the mechanics changes quite frequently and every floor feels fresh. It does have some padding, but that didn't really detract from the experience for us and we enjoyed it all the way through even though it is quite a long game. The graphics looks great and some of the puzzles are quite clever. If you have a switch (and especially so if you a partner to play this with) don't pass on this game, it's a jam!

  • 29/6/2021. PC. I've been itching for a souls like, and boy did Nioh 2 deliver! That game is quite great if you're into the genera. Yes, the story is a bit hard to follow, but that's not what we are her for. It's for the game mechanics, and in that regard this game is great. It's hard yet fair and very addicting. It's a bit too long though, so only go in if you're up for a quite a long ride. I did enjoy it most of the way through, this I was ready for it to be done already by the time I rolled credits. In any case, this is quite a gem and I wouldn't pass on it.

  • 23/7/2021. PC. This is a surprisingly good little game. It's a little fun adventure with a relatively rich story give the ridicules subject matter. The puzzles aren't too hard, and it feels very lively with vivid colors. It's not amazing, but not bad either. I can't say it's a must play, but if you the time, it's worth a playthrough. I enjoyed it, but it didn't wow me, but that's ok, it doesn't have to.

  • 10/8/2021. PC. I really enjoyed playing RE7 as I thought it was intense and a great turn to form, so when this direct sequel was announced I was really excited for it. This time around they tried to mix RE7 with RE4. So there is a much bigger emphasis on combat, which too me makes it less exciting. The game is fine, but I was personally hoping for something different. It's not a bad game, but at times there are so many enemies like in call of duty and it's not as scary as resident evil should be. The story is quite a bit of nonsense, with quite a few retcons to previous games. It's kind of stupid and makes no sense, but it's serviceable. Overall, it's fine, it's fun to play through and doesn't last too long, but for me it didn't reach the heights of RE7.

  • 18/8/2021. PC. Wow. What a great (non) game! This indie game tries so hard to not be a game which makes it one of the most unique games I've ever played. It's a lot of fun to interact with it, the puzzles are quite good and original, require you think outside the box quite often. The characters are original and charming and are acted well. If you love video games you will also enjoy all the refrences this game makes, and above all there is a crazy story hidden underneath it all. It is a such a shame this game is not more well known as it certainly deserves it. If you enjoyed the Stanly parable, like puzzles games and enjoy witty and clever writing, this is one a gem you don't want to miss out on! Play this one!

  • 21/8/2021. PC. I've been waiting for this game to come out ever since I saw it during PAX East 2015. So, it's been a while... Was it worth the wait so many years later? Well, the story which is the main drawing point, is good. The twists are unique and I didn't see those coming. The voice cast does a good job, mostly James McAvoy. The puzzles are good, but some feel a bit unfair. The repeating loop mechanic, could be annoying at times, since if you miss an action, you have to restart the loop and you have to repeat through many loops, so at times it does feel like busy work. The visuals are a bit disappointing for a game that was in development for so long, since there are many glitches and clipping. The ending is quite confusing. It took some search to understand what I just witnessed. All in all, the game is fine, but I wanted to like it more than I actually did.

  • 22/8/2021. PC. This little puzzle game is cute. The puzzles are very simple and don't take much thinking. The story is simple and doesn't have a complicated narrative. The visuals are very good. With RTX on, it brings my RTX 3080 to it's knees if I don't use DLSS. It's very short, so don't expect anything too special. It's fine if you have a 2 hours to burn through.

  • 8/9/2021. PC. Wow! When I played 12 Minutes I was a bit disappointed with the final game after waiting for it for 5 years. I thought to myself to no game can even meet the expectations of waiting for so long. Well, after waiting 16 years for Psychonauts 2, it proved me wrong. This game exceeded all my expectations and more. Really, I couldn't have asked for a better game (and so far in 2021, it's my GOTY). The visual looks amazing, taking that weird Burton Muppets look and translating great to Unreal Engine 4. The story is original and funny. It has the most unique and weird level you will ever play (staying true to the original game). The voice acting is very well done and so is the music. It's a worth sequel to the original game. The story is also very good, giving you new context to some of the events of the first game as well as tying up loose ends. I did see some of the twists coming (who the brain in the jar belongs to), but some I did not (who is the mole, who is Maligula). If I had to find a complaint, is that the interns feel a bit underused and I didn't get a deep enough connection with them, but that's nitpicking. Really, this game is great and is easy to recommend. The last level was also fantastic and felt truly special. Really, this game is a winner and I hope you play it. I really hope though that we will have to wait a lot less than 16 years for Psychonauts 3.

  • 9/9/2021. PS4. Since Psychonauts 2 left me with a taste for more after finishing it, I decided I should give the prelude VR title a shot. It's a much shorter experience. It's nice and cute and very simple, but doesn't really elevate to levels of greatness of either the original game or the sequel. The story is a bit meh and the jokes aren't as funny. If you have it, try it, it's very short lasting around 2 hours, but it's not a must play.

  • 1/11/2021. PC. At last, I finished this latest game in the Yakuza series. I've liked it quite a bit, having done almost everything there is to do in the game. The story is very good and epic but a bit quirky at times. The voice actors do a great job through out. The graphics are bit dated and stiff. The audio design is done well. I like to combat mechanics but they get reputative, especially near the end. Some of the cut scenes are super long (20-30 mins long) which can be a drag at times. I also very much disliked the design decision of not being able to save any time you want while in a "dungeon", but that's neat picking. Bottom line, it's a very good game, but I can only recommend if you are ok with slow burns and investing 80+ hours on a game.

  • 7/11/2021. PC. Serving as both a sequel and a prequel for "To The Moon" and "Finding Paradise" this latest entry in the Freebird games series continues to be great. The story is very touching and very well done. I found it to be on par with To The Moon. The revelations are shocking and there are quite a few twist and turns even if you think you know what's coming. Even you played the previous games and liked them, there is no reason why you shouldn't play this one as well, you will get a lot of enjoyment out of it. I'm excited for more episodes to come. Top notch story telling.

  • 20/11/2021. PS5. My first game to beat on PS5. What a delightful experience. I had a stupid grin on my face the whole way through. It is so much fun. Serving mostly as a tech demo for the Dualsense controller, the entire game runs through the history of the PlayStation brand. It is such a delight trying to spot and name all the references. It doesn't really have a story or complex puzzles, but is still very much a good time. If you have a PS5 you get it for free, so there is no excuse for not checking it out especially if you ever own another PlayStation console.

  • 22/11/2021. Switch. This is a very good Metroid game. I enjoyed the exprience very much. The game is expertly designed, leading you where you need to go without actually holding your hand and pointing it out. It is very cleaver that way. The Story is kind of whatever, and it's not the real reason why you're here. It's a fine experience lasting exactly as long as it should an nothing more. My only gripe with it is that some of the bosses take way too much missiles before they go down.

    In any case, if you have a switch, don't skip this one.

  • 27/12/2021. PC. This a small indie game that centers about death and letting go of loved ones who died. It is quite long though as there is a lot of busy work to do. Too much of it in my opinion. The stories of the individual characters are good, and the characters themselves are mostly charming. The music is good and the animations is very nice. However, with the length being so long and the busy working being so repetitive, It kept wearing me out by the end. I wanted to like this game more than I actually did.

  • 31/12/2021. PC. I haven't really heard of the game until I saw the end of the year video created my Mark Brown on the GMTK channel. It seemed really interesting so I decided to give it a try, and I'm really glad I did. This an intriguing, captivating and a very smart story which involved time travel and understating of many ancient religions. In essence though, this is a detective mystery which is built very and designed very well. It rewards investigating and coming to conclusion and acting upon them. The voice acting is also done very well and helps pull you in into the adventure. The things that most sticks out as a sore thumb is the character animations. They feel very unrealistic and robotic. I understand why the developer couldn't really invest in that area as it was a very small team, but I wish they had a way to address it. Even still, that problem doesn't deter from how good this game is. If you like a good mystery and can look past the animations, don't skip this one. Is even on Gamepass!

  • 22/1/2022. PC. Finally played this game. It was good idea to wait since I've got to play the Final Cut version which has more tasks and full voice acting. This is an RPG, but a very different one. It really does feel like playing a pen and paper game with a DM. Every choice matters. And your dice rolls can lead you on many different paths. The story which is the main focus here is very solid and intriguing. The characters are fully rounded and have depth. The voice acting is superb and is handled extremely well throughout. The music and and animation work are a bit lacking compared to the rest of the package, but don't take away from the experience. I've enjoyed this game very much. More than I've expected I will. If you want a good mystery and have a yarning for some good rpg (without combat) or maybe just miss old adventure games, this one is a game you shouldn't overlook.

  • 27/1/2022. PC. Finished the main game. This is the latest in the series of the "Life is strange" games. It remains pretty faithful to the brand, focusing on emotional stories about young adults with super powers. Alex who is the protagonist is cool and is a great character, however I still like the power of time travel from the first game the most and I think it was the most interesting power the series had. I wish they would go back to it again. Mind reading here is nice, but despite what you might think, it doesn't allow for a real interesting interaction. The actions through out the game, feel like they don't have much of a consequence, as if there is no bad choice. Whatever you pick, something mostly positive will end up being the result. The story is mostly ok, not real ground breaking. I could see the twist of who the real villain is reveled at the end of the game, pretty easily when I first met the character at the beginning of the game. The music is mostly licensed indie bands again. The voice cast does excellent work though and make the characters feel real and believable. Visually, the game looks great as it uses Unreal engine 4, but there is one issue. Even when cranked to the maximum cinematic quality (and with ray tracing), there is constant texture pop-in issues on camera cuts. I'm using an RTX 3080 and this shouldn't happen on such a high end card. It makes the presentation be anything but "Cinematic", but I'm guessing this is a limitation of the engine. In any case, it is a mostly short nice and chill game and a worthy nice play through. Easily recommend it.

    28/1/2022. PC. Finished the Wavelengths DLC. This is a short story focusing on Steph. It's obvious that this DLC had a much tighter budget compared to the main game and a lot of corners were cut. Less animation, very little lip sync was needed, only one location. It has a much tighter scope. There are no real choice to do it this one as nothing that you pick really matters to the story and there is very little story and quite a bit of filler with mostly boring tasks. The voice cast is still very good. It's not a bad "Episode" per se, but it's mostly not worth your time. It didn't really need to exist. You can easily skip this one.

  • 1/2/2022. PC. I'm a bit late to the party on this one. After quite a few non combat games I felt like I need a pallet cleanser and do something more "actiony". I always heard this game has a good campaign so I gave it a shot on gamepass. It's quite short, but it's fun non the less. There is a very interesting mechanic used in the middle of the game I wish was used more. BT is a really cool dude and is fun to hand around with. Most of the fights are a bit samey but I was looking for something dumb and fun so that was fine. Overall, it's a cool game, not amazing, but not bad. Worth the ~6 hours is lasts.

  • 7/2/2022. PS5. This is actually the first game in the series that I really played (and beat). I actually liked it much more than I expected to. The production values, especially the animations and the voice over work is top notch. The game play is very polished and most level have a unique hook or setting to make them feel distinct from on another. The weapons are well designed and story is pretty good. It really does feel like an animated movie that you get to play. I really liked Rivet a lot, more than I liked either Ratchet or Clank, but they were cool too. It's hard for me to really find a negative point about this game. It is really quite good. If you are lucky enough to have a PS5, play this game!

  • 15/2/2022. PC. This is a small indie adventure zelda like game I've played on game pass. The levels and the design are really well made. The story is a bit whatever, but the game play is fun through out. I've enjoyed it so much to beat it all the way to a 100%. There are plenty of secrets to be found. My only gripe with the game is that the true ending is locked behind having the find all the seeds an plating them (50 in total each) which is too much of a chore. But the true ending doesn't really add too much, so you don't have to do it. Otherwise, I've really enjoyed this game and can easily recommend it.

  • 18/2/2022. PC. This sequel very much resembles the original Little nightmares. It does look quite a bit better and also included ray tracing which look great, but other than that it's very much the same. It's not a bad thing mind you. It does have some scary and gross moments in it, and mostly nice puzzles. The most problematic issue this game is the control, where in some cases you will now what to do, but executing it would be the challenging part. Still, if you enjoyed the original game, you'll enjoy this one too.

  • 9/5/2022. PC. Finally completed this EPIC journey. Not much more to say than this is most likely the best FromSoftware game as of yet. The size and scope of this game is staggering. There are so many places to go to and things to do, it feels like you've barely scratched the surface even after 30 hours. I liked this game very much, and gotten all of endings and all of the achievements, something I never do. It took me 168 hours. It's not without it's flaws though. While the graphics look good, it's the art style that holds it, not the technical power. A big problem is also the stuttering on PC and it's still an issue over 2 months after release and there is no indication if it will ever be fixed. The story is cryptic as usual and not everyone will connect with it. The difficulty is relatively easier in my opinion, as you have a lot of options of what to do if you get stuck. There also many ease of life improvements thought out the game compared to previous titles. As it stands right now, this is most likely GOTY for many publications and rightfully so. If you like FromSoft before, you'll love this one. If you haven't, you should give this one a try, as it might change your mind.

  • 14/5/2022. PC. The is the "sequel" to the original The Stanley Parable from 2013. Boy, is this game is still witty and charming and whole lot of fun to play. It's still give amazing perspective about player choice and the experience is just as great as it was all those years ago. I don't want to say much more not to spoil anything, but this game is amazing. if you have played the original, play this one too, it's well worth it. If you haven't played the original, what's wrong with you?! Play it! it is fantastic!!!

  • 21/5/2022. PC. Wow! I wasn't expecting THIS! I thought this game wasn't for me, but after playing through it, I was very wrong. What at first glance seems like a normal deck building game, quickly grows into something much bigger than the sum of its parts. To say anything really would be to spoil the experience. Know this, you should play this game. It is by far the best indie game of 2021 and if you've still didn't try it, you're missing out. Play this!

  • 18/6/2022. PC. This is a very unique and interesting indie game. While you would expect it to be a card game, it is not. It's more akin to a rhythm game where the goal is to cheat at cards. There are a lot of intriguing and unique techniques on how to cheat which get more and more complicated with time. I really really liked this game, the game play loop and story were very much to my liking. However, I do recognize that this is not for everyone. If you want something new which you most never likely played something like it before, this is a solid choice in my book.

  • 6/7/2022. Switch. After putting this game off for a long while as I knew how long it is, I finally got the time to tackle it. The story is still the main attraction here. If you enjoyed the previous games, you will like this one as well. Don't play if you haven't played 1 and 2 though, as it ties quite a bit and the ending won't make any sense if you haven't played them. It's still quite crazy like them though. Visually it still looks quite bad, and it has some performance issues and the switch. The characters are charming and interesting and the music can be both a hit and miss. Overall, it's a game I can easily recommend to those who like the genera.

  • 20/7/2022. PC. Played it on Game Pass. It's a little, low budget escape room game. The low budget really shows. There isn't much in terms of animation or voice work here. It's just some fun little puzzles and not much more than that. If that's what you're looking for, great. If not, it's one you can feel free to skip.

  • 23/7/2022. PS5. I've been playing this co-op game with my son for quite a while. It's very fun and unique adventure. As it requires two players to play it presents plenty of unique challenges and experiences to the player that you won't find in other games, and will ask you to constantly work together. It took us quite a long while to play and we didn't always have the time to seat together and play. However, it was fun when we did and we both very much enjoyed to experience. If you have some you can play this game with, it's an easy one to recommend.

  • 28/7/2022. PC. This is a AAA single player action adventure game. The production values are through the roof. It really does look and sound great. It has a killer licensed 80's soundtrack which really rocks and used to it's full benefit. I like the voice acting and the adventure as a whole. I weakest part for me was the combat. It got quite reputative pretty quick, with the enemies taking way to much damage before going down. It was my least favorite part of the game. The puzzles were fairly simple. And the game was too long for it's own good and out stayed it's welcome. I would have liked to game to be a much tighter experience at half of the game's length. Overall, it's a fine game, pretty fun and easy recommend to try out if you have gamepass, but it's not a must play.

  • 9/8/2022. PC. This is an adventure game that most resembles a telltale style game. However, it does stand out, specifically with it's story board presentation style and it's voice acting which is superb and really sells the believability of it's scenarios. Most of the journey felt suspenseful and full of impact. The characters are relatable and mostly memorable. It feels like it has many meaningful choices to make the impact the story, as you can see the branching at the end of each chapter. It's just short enough to not out stay it's welcome. I really enjoyed my team with it. My only gripe is that end doesn't stick to landing and doesn't really feel fulfilling, but otherwise the journey to get there is very entraining. I played through gamepass, and if you have it, don't skip on this one.

  • 3/9/2022. PC.

  • 22/9/2022. PC.

  • 27/9/2022. PC. What an epic return for this great series. So many years later, we finally get a chance to go back to where it all began with the original creators. This game has a lot to stand up against. In some ways it succeeds and in others fail. The story is great, and mostly funny, the ending doesn't really stick to landing though. It tries to be metaphoric in a way, but I think it could have done better. You'll get more out of it if you've played the earlier games in the series (all of them, not just the first two). The art style is a bit weird and ugly at times, but doesn't really detract from the experience. The puzzle feels very monkey island appropriate (played it on hard mode), act 4 stands out as a true classic. The voice cast does a great job, and music feel nostalgic and great. All in all, it seems like a great ending for the series, but there is no reason why Guybrush can't return once again. I enjoyed this game, it was very fun.

  • 3/10/2022. PC. This a indie management sim crossed with a rogue lite which a lot of cult iconography. It plays pretty tight, and the management sim is pretty complicated with many moving parts. I played on the normal difficulty and it never was really too challenging. It was starting to get pretty reputative by the end and I was pushing to finish it. I didn't really fell the urge to continue after I saw credits. There isn't much in terms of story and there is no VO. The music is nice and isn't annoying to hear again and again. Over all, it's a cute game. Worth the playthrough, but don't go out of your way for it.

  • 6/10/2022. PC. After waiting for a long while to play this, I finally decided to go for it when the anniversary edition came out. The game does look quite nice and it shows that the studio has it roots an in film animation. The vocals and music is also decent. However, that's where most of my praise end. The gameplay feels pretty dated. It felt like I was playing a PS2 game with better graphics. The story is very basic. It tried to tell 3 different stories, but all 3 are basically the same story, of a person misunderstands what it needs to do, tries to do good but end up doing bad, and getting corrupted in the process. The gameplay demands that you will be more precise that the controls allow for and many of the flights feel unfair at times. I wanted to like it more than I actually did. You can play it if you're looking for eye candy, but it's a pretty forgettable game.