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Blog-2022: We Happy Review!

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2020: Sir Isaac Reviewton

2020: Sir Isaac Reviewton

"My yearly diary of art entertainment"

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Three categories in this order

Every GAME I played


Every TV SERIES I saw


Every MOVIE I watched

Each category will start with my “Top 10 Favorites of the Year, then will be followed by an alphabetical list. Skip ahead to see what interests you. Happy New Year!





10. Astro’s Playroom -Trailer Link-

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Exuberant, Nostalgic, Reflective

You play as a little robot, who loves PlayStation ALMOST as much as they love smacking other robots. In this game, to unlock the full potential of the PlayStation 5, you must take a trip down memory lane and revisit past consoles starting with the original PlayStation. Each platforming level is imaginatively designed around a key component that helped define each gaming system.

Favorite Aspect: The Joy. Each level of this charming love letter to PlayStation is TEEMING with nostalgic references that celebrate the joy that this brand brought us over the years. Getting to revisit these memories warmed my little gamer heart, while playing through them with the new controller features, sparked excitement for what games are yet to come. Also the vitriol that my friends and I shared over the addictive Speed Run competitions turned out to be some of the most fun we've had in gaming this year.

9. Spider-Man Miles Morales -Trailer Link-

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Crisp, Vibrant, Endearing

You play as a 17 year old Spider-Man, tasked with filling in for Peter Parker while he's on vacation. This coming of age superhero game celebrates heritage, New York, and was also a slam dunk to showcase the power of the PlayStation 5.

Favorite Aspect: The Inclusivity. I was taken aback by the amount of inclusivity in this game. From empanadas being served for Christmas, to hearing Art Blakey’ Jazz coming through the record player, to even having a romantic interest who only speaks American Sign Language. I just loved it. Seeing representation in your video games is important and Spider-Man Miles Morales did that in many different ways.

8.Dreams -Trailer Link-

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Inspirational, Innovative, Infinite

You play as YOU, a creator whose limits are only capped by your imagination. While this game allows you to create your own games, I found most of my time spent diving into other people’s creations. Discovering the boundless creativity of others was inspiring.

Favorite Aspect: The Surfing. Dream Surfing through all the different User Made games was my favorite part. You can drop a like, leave a comment and generally impart positivity to those who have put in the effort to create.

7.Spiritfarer -Trailer Link-

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Touching, Brilliant, Elegant

You Play as Stella, the young girl who is replacing Charon (kind of like the Grim Reaper) as the ferrymaster through the afterlife. You manage this “After-Life Cruise” by cooking meals, farming for ingredients, fishing, fighting evil jelly fish and so much more.

Favorite Aspect: The Feels. Hands down. Each soul you welcome to your ship has a personal connection to you. Hugging each one always brought an unsolicited “aww” out of me.

6.Assassin’s Creed Valhalla -Trailer Link-

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Robust, Visceral, Vast

You play as Eivor, a Viking who is as quick to draw their axe as they are to spout their poetry. You spend the game building a settlement for your people and establishing political alliances with your neighbors. ALSO there's this Odin guy and he kind of a dick.

Favorite Aspect: The ORLOG. This dice-based card collecting game within a game is everything. Fun, intense, frustrating. It impressed our friend group so much, that real life versions of the game were found and gifted to us for Christmas! Another favorite aspect was Playing this game with said friends. As our first major PS5 game, we would all get online over the improved chat feature and “Assassin’s Creed n’ Chill”.

5. Ghost of Tsushima -Trailer Link-

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Striking, Fluid, Breath-Taking

You play as Jin, a Samurai who witnesses the true horrors of humanity and questions what honor means if it can’t save the ones you're sworn to protect

Favorite Aspect: The Honor. Normally in open world action games, I sneak around or pick off enemies from afar. Role Playing Jin as a man trying to keep his “Honor” meant having to take on enemies face to face. No ambushing, no stealth, no gadgets, just steel, grit and fair combat.

4.Hades -Trailer Link-

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Sharp, Earnest, Rewarding

You Play as Zagreus, the Prince of the Underworld, son of the titular Hades. Upon hearing that your estranged mother lives on the surface, you set off to break out of this dump to meet her for the first time. Again and again, your father’s hellish minions fight you, beat you and send you shamefully back home. But you don’t give up, you wipe the blood off your sandals and try again damnit.

Favorite Aspect: The Lore. As you traverse Tartarus, you pick up power ups in the form of Boons from the Olympian Gods. Every time you do you get another glimpse into this relatable dysfunctional family that are the Olympians. It’s humanizing, witty and all-around endearing.

3. Final Fantasy 7 Remake -Trailer Link-

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Surprising, Satisfying, Compelling

You play as Cloud, a jaded mercenary with a mysterious past who gets swept up into an action packed sci-fi opera. ALSO look at that SWORD

Favorite Aspect: The Balance. While the updated graphics helped humanize the characters in a remarkable way, it’s how they handled the story that impressed me the most. Balancing the whims of us nostalgic, while blazing forward a fresh new path for this franchise has left me impressed and poised for what comes next.

2. The Last of Us Part 2 -Trailer Link-

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Raw, Masterful, Challenging

You play as Ellie, a survivor who is working through her grief in the most heartbreaking ways. You play as Abby, a survivor who is working through her grief in the most heartbreaking ways. A silly thing to write, but the sentiment is true. This game is a technical marvel on all fronts.

Favortie Aspect: The Discussions. If I’m being honest, the most surprising aspect of The Last of Us 2 were the visceral conversations it inspired between myself, my wife and our friends. Not the ones about just what happens in the game, but the bigger themes of forgiveness, revenge, family and more. This came out during a time this year where tragedies were occurring because people acted on their assumptions and fears verses trying to connect with people as humans first. Last of Us gave me a place to process some of those feelings and help focus my own thoughts on it.

1. Animal Crossing New Horizons -Trailer Link-

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Calming, Affable, Necessary

You play as MELVIS. A sweet boy who never wears shoes, likes loose shirts, and harbors a deep fear of Astronauts. Or at least I did! This Monumental Achievement of a game provided comfort, security, and normalcy at a time when those things were in low supply. While yes, it is still the classic Social/Money Management village building game we love, the effect it had this year went so much deeper than any of its previous incarnations in a way that none of us could’ve imagined.

Favorite Aspect: The Impact. When we couldn’t pop over to each other’s house…we did it in Animal Crossing. When we couldn’t have birthday parties… we did it in Animal Crossing. When we couldn't go to concerts, graduations, weddings …we did it in Animal Crossing. This game gave us an avenue to continue creating positive memories in 2020. It filled the vacuum of routine when our jobs disappeared and even provided creative tools for grief for gamers who suffered lost this year. In March we turned what was going to be an Animal Crossing Themed Picnic for a few of our friends into an online group that has somehow blossomed into 250+ members, all filled with goodwill. Animal Crossing is about striving to be a good neighbor to your silly animal friends. This year it challenged us to be better neighbors to each other, to create new friendships, and connect with new people. Animal Crossing New Horizons was a great vehicle of calming positivity that helped get me through this year and that’s why it’s my favorite game of 2020.


Quite Gamed (53 games played)

A Mortician’s Tale (2017) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

I was not expecting such a robust and thoughtful experience from this game. I initially thought it was going to be like a cute dating sim, “I’m a young single mortician just looking for love!”, but I COULD NOT have been more wrong. They treat the subject of death with such truthful sincerity that it made me think about my own post-life plans, but in a positive and not scary way.

A Short Hike (2019) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

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A surprise hit for me this year. This game is witty, charming, and alarmingly relatable. You play as Claire, a bird who is tasked by her Aunt to hike to the top of a Mountain. Her chill journey is hilarious and rich.

A Way Out (2018) This is Great!

This is the second time I played through this game and it was just as much fun as the first time. It’s an action buddy co-op game that looks like a ‘70s grindhouse movie. Can’t wait for the next game by this developer.

After Party (2019) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

You play as two college friends who, while attending an awkward party, black out and wake up…in HELL. Refusing to accept their current situation, they find a loophole to get out of hell…which is out drinking the DEVIL himself. The real charm of this game is the world building they do by normalizing and “humanizing” all the demons and ghouls of the underworld. By the end of the game, you end up really caring about all the lovely demonic denizens.

Among Us (2018) This is Great

A SMASH hit of a party game. While I never got toooo deep into the many strategies surrounding high level play of Among Us, I did find a sweet spot in enjoying the lighthearted antics you could get up to with friends. The yells, the accusations, the FALSE accusation, all accumulated to some of the funniest moments of gaming this year.

Animal Crossing New Horizons (2020) Stunning! (link above)

I gushed about it’s significance up above, but what about the actual game. In short, the absolute charm of the characters, art, and cute “chore-like” game play loop far outshines any frustrations I found with the game. I’m looking at you “Nook Mile Ticket I have to buy one at a time…”

Apex Legends (2019) It is Good

I only played this game up until Loba was released, which was around April. While I may not be more than the most CASUAL of Apex players, I still enjoy sliding around this world playing hide and go seek. While I still wish the characters abilities could be more fun and effective, I do understand that would break the game.

Arcade Spirits (2019) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

One of the biggest smiles on my face this year was from playing Arcade Spirits. In this story driven narrative adventure, you are a floor manager of a small business Arcade, who themselves are battling with self-worth and depressive notions. Success, romance, danger, all factor into this beautifully written/acted/produced experience

Arise: A Simple Story (2019) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

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A gorgeous journey. The visuals themselves are enough to drop a thousand jaws. The game starts at your funeral. You “Arise” in limbo and must traverse through the memories of your life to make it to “the great beyond”. The way this game metaphorically represents important moments in your life is a testament to the power of game design. I still think of my wife and I playing the memory where the character goes on his first date. It’s one of gaming’s most accurate representation of the FEELING of falling in love I’ve ever seen.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (2020) Stunning! (link above)

It’s no secret that Assassin’s Creed is one of my favorite franchises. It has inspired me to learn more about history and geography then any class in school ever did. On top of that, they deliver gorgeous, detailed worlds designed to a freaking tee. This Viking adventure is the most robust and ambitious story they have told yet. They try many new things, while still refining what has worked in previous titles. Certain Narrative choices stopped this game from being higher on my list, but I can’t deny the game as a whole being some of the most fun I’ve had this year.

Astro’s Playroom (2020) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

A love letter to all fans of PlayStation. Seeing such a robust representation of my favorite gaming memories smashed into this debut game for the latest PlayStation console delivered not just a surge of excitement and nostalgia, but a deep sense of appreciation for the impact PlayStation has had on my life.

BioShock 2: Minerva’s Den (2010) This is Great

I waited over a decade to play this Stand Alone Expansion. When I finished BioShock 2 in 2010 I lamented that I sold the game back before knowing that it would get this DLC that would redefine what DLC could be. I’m glad I finally got to close this chapter.

Bugsnax (2020) This is Great

Lemme talk about Bugsnax. It is WAY better than I expected. I thought it would be a gimmicky one note joke, that would be fun for 15 minutes then tireout thereafter. I WAS WRONG. This game is full of heart. It’s a cross between Pokémon snap, animal crossing, where the wild things are, with a charming dash of weirdness akin to a Katamari Damacy like game. Please play it…I wanna talk more about it.

CLAM MAN (2019) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

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You are a Clam and a Man… and that is fun. I got serious vibes of Office Space from this Point a click adventure. What’s worth noting is just how damn FUNNY this game is. If you want a good laugh, I can’t recommend a title more than this.

Cook, Serve, Delicious 2 (2017) This is Great

I‘ve also heard about the delectable graphics of this game, how just a picture of the food in it would make YOU salivate. And y’all were right. What’s even better, however, is that a fast paced, puzzle typing game lies beneath the delicious graphics. I spent HOURS up at night trying to improve my cooking skills, clearing newer and harder levels. I’m a fan and will continue playing this game into 2021

Crucible (2020) eh, it’s not horrible

So, Amazon decided to make their own game. And it was a free to play, open world, battle royale, hero class base type game. Is that seemed like alot, then you fully understand how I felt playing this game. I give them an “A” for effort, but I’m pleased they took the game off the shelf to work on it some more

The Darkside Detective (2017) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

This was a game my wife played for our Twitch show “We Love Indies” (Sundays at 8pm EST on Even as a back-seat gamer/voice over contributor, I found this game to be incredibly darling. Its ability to be a parody of Twin Peaks, but still create a vibrant and original world, is incredible. Hat’s off to Spooky Doorway for developing such a wonderful episodic experience

Darwin Project (2018) It is good.

I wanted to really try out Battle Royales this year. Darwin Project’s unique take, came in the form of one real life player who gets to control the environment that the other 60 players are trying to survive in. It felt amazing to cause a storm in one area, forcing those players to run directly into others and watching them duke it out. While the game overall didn’t hold my attention for more than a week, the time I did spend with it was rewarding

Donut County (2018)

This is Great

Ugh, how I wish I played this game the year is debuted. I had downloaded it on my phone and forgot about it for like a year. For Shame. This is an amazingly imaginative experience. What started as a quirky game jam submission turned into a charming ass, FUNNY as hell, unique video game that everyone, kid and adult alike, should enjoy. Go play it!

Death and Taxes (2020) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

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I played A LOT of games dealing with death or the underworld this year. And this was by far the funniest. The premise of this game is “what if the Grim Reaper’s job was a typical 9-5?”. You have a desk, some tchotchkes placed around it, you get your paperswork with a soul on each of them, then YOU decide, who lives and who dies. The “fun” of this game comes from your enigmatic boss who submits qualifiers for you. Do you follow your boss’s commands, or…take matters into your own hands. Brilliant. I found every minute of this game fascinating.

Destiny 2 (2017) not for me

So, yea, remember when I made a vow, years ago, to NEVER doubt Destiny again? Well, that vow got put to the test this year and I had to recant it. While I still inherently have a deep love for this franchise, this is what happened. A new season would come out, I would buy it, and then be bummed that I wasn’t seeing any significant changes with it. PVP matchmaking changed and that had a big negative impact on me as well. Slowly and financially, I had to realize that this is not my year for Destiny. I played the first quarter of this year, but with my job being thrown into flux, I couldn’t rationalize spending money on something I wasn’t having a good time with, so goodbye for now, I hope to see you again one day my old friend.

Dreams (2020) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

If this game was released last year, there’s a good chance it would have been my game of the year. The concept of users, like myself, creating the most magical experiences blew me away. This year alone, Dreams became a gaming platform itself. Launching SO many imaginative and daring works that I find it hard to compare it with anything else on the market. This is one of the few games which I can’t just describe as being great, but I describe it as being important

Fall Guys Ultimate Knockout (2020) This is Great

Damn, this is the party game of the year for me. The second this game came out and the buzz started bubbling up, I had this quiet excitement that a something good was about to happen. And I was not wrong. I LOVE the joy that this game brings to a multiplayer experience. The fact that it roots its gameplay in SILLINESSS and FAILURE cuts the bite of everyone’s competitive natures and make for a funtastic night. I love it.

Far Cry 5 (2018) eh, it’s not horrible

This game almost fell into the category of obligation for me. This one…was hard for me. Ubisoft’s take on satirizing extreme right-wing America, came off more sad than funny to me. Probably because it hits so close to home, living in Florida. I just didn’t want to deal with the “guy who thinks blowing bulls testicles off while they’re banging cows” is fun. However the dynamic of an area who is self-sabotaging based on a megalomaniac cult leader was fascinating, and a few of the story beats especially involving Faith was truly rewarding. All in all, I had an okay time with this game

Far From Noise (2017) This is Great

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You start this game stuck in a car that is dangling off the edge of a cliff. THAT’S HOW IT STARTS. You start reflecting on how your outside situation mirrors your inside situation. Its poignant and effective in a spectacular way. Also you talk to a poetic Deer as if he’s your therapist! C’mon now, that’s great

Final Fantasy 7 Remake (2020) Stunning! -Trailer Link- (story)

I won’t lie, I had VERY low expectations for this game. As an old diehard fan of the original FF7, I really thought any attempt at remaking that game would be nothing short of a blatant cash grab or a half assed piece of fan service fluff. Add on top of that, the fact they have been promising this game for a decade, or more, made my feelings towards it sour even further. BUT…I am a die-hard fan of FF7. I was that kid who spent nights as a teenager reading novels of fan fiction…like...I would also be on the internet (circa late 90’s) finding message boards to spit FF7 fan theories around, so there was NO question about whether I would play this game or not. What I didn’t expect is that they would nail it. Not only does the combat feel fresh and up to date, but the story and graphics flesh out moments from the original game in a truly lovely way. For example, the characters who were on the PS1 were badly animated spikey blocks of colors and you had to infer a lot during tragic scenes to “see” their emotions. Now that they are beautifully animated, seeing the tremendous sorrow in subtle humanistic detail, deepened my relation to the characters in this game. On top of that, the story made some incredibly daring choices which have me on cliffhanger, anxious waiting for the next chapter of this adventure. In short, they reignited my love for Final Fantasy 7 with this game.

Fortnite (2017) It is Good

Alright, I respect Fortnite. This year I had one of the most epic musical experiences within this game with the Travis Scott Concert, I laughed my ass off when Groot tried to kill me with a HELICOPTER, I had chilld with an old friend, and I won my first Victory Royale. I get it. I get why this game is the titan that is and I respect that.

Friday the 13th the Game (2017) This is Great

Our friends have decided that every October, we bust this multiplayer game out and play. THIS year we upped the anti and streamed it for our Twitch show “The Friendzone” (Wednesdays at 8:30pmEST on And it was some of the most fun I’d ever had with it. MOSTLY because we were able to pack the game with friends so we could run private servers. Getting shanked, or drowned, or tossed into a fire pit is just more fun when it’s your friend who doing it.

Fuser (2020) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

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Fuser is made by Harmonix, the team who brought Guitar Hero to us. I’ve been a huge fan of them throughout the years, from Amplitude to DJ Hero, Band Hero, even their tabletop card collective DJ music game, Dropmix. Now they have made Fuser. A game that allows you to be the headlining DJ you’ve always wanted to be. While the single player campaign is little more than a clunky tutorial, the true magic of this game lies within the freestyle mode that allows you to mix your favorite songs together, seamlessly…if you do it right. When you DO get right… “Phew”...that feeling of pure power and accomplishment cannot be rivaled. It might be my favorite gaming feeling this year. I love mash-up music, this game has given me the tools to enjoy and make that genre myself. I’m hooked.

Ghost of Tsushima (2020) Stunning! -Trailer Link- (story)

The Visual Beauty in this game is unmatched. Not only did they make a grand open world adventure, but they also nailed the samurai film motif. It pays the most beautiful homage to the samurai genre of which it’s inspiration is built. That homage is not just face value, the way they perfected the combat makes you feel the danger and the responsibility of being a Samurai. This concept of Honor that is the crux of this game’s story hit me in a dynamic way. In other open world games, I would normally sneak around, eliminate foes in silence or from afar to avoid major conflict. I also never liked the idea of breaking down the door and mindlessly murdering everyone in a blood lust either. Ghost of Tsushima found a middle ground. You walk to the gate and announce yourself, give your enemies time to prepare and consensually agree to fight. This was such a fun concept to adhere to and at times… to break from! It made for a very robust gameplay experience that felt very unique in comparison to other games of its type.

Hades (2020) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

It’s a game rooted in repetition. As the son of Hades you attempt to break out of his underworld. Your efforts are met by minions fighting to sabotage your process through sheer violence. If they beat you, you “die”, fall into a pit of blood and reappear from where you started…which is embarrassingly your dad’s house. Then you start over. Over and over, you slowly get better with time. As the failures increase, the story does as well. The Narrative hook in this game is one of the most alluring parts this experience. Where I would normally be disappointed when defeated, I found myself actually happy, knowing I’d get to learn more about the plot. On the other hand, the gameplay is superb. Tight action based combat mixed with random drops of dynamic god powers make for a unique playthrough for every run you make. It’s a smartly designed game from top to bottom.

If Found… (2020) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

I learned about this game after I saw it nominated for multiple Indie and Impactful game awards. It’s super affordable and on your phone, so I was like ...”yea let’s do it”. It is remarkable. A grippingly poignant tale, told with an airy, whimsical art design. It feels like you paint or erase yourself into the next scene of the story. And the story is important, sad, and powerful. A must play if you have a couple hours and a phone.

KIDS (2019) it is good

This experimental weird ass game…well…yea its weird. And I loved that. It uses minimalism to evoke thoughts on complex subjects like peer pressure and crowd theory. You manipulate a crowd in various, mind bending scenarios. It reminded me of watching live performance art. The kind you would see on a street corner in the city or in a lower basement in an art house in somewhere. I like being challenged in my media, seeing things that are hard to describes and this interactive experience does that, and I commend that.

Last Day of June (2017) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

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This is like, “what if Groundhog’s day was sad?”. The number of times I teared up or whispered “oh no” at my screen while playing this is quite high. But don’t let that turn you off. There were many laughs and moments of peace that riddled this game too. In the end it’s also a powerful tale that I want to talk to more people about, so please play it!!!

The Last of Us Part 2 (2020) Stunning! -Story Trailer Link-

To expound more on this. Beyond the breakthrough performances and stellar story, the gameplay itself is aces. You survive by scraping and scrapping by. Crafting materials on the fly in highly tense situations. Skidding around corners, sliding under desks. The action and stealth in this is gruesomely top notch. With the story adding the element of trying to humanize your enemies, I found myself naturally changing the way I played the game as it went on. By the end of the game… I didn’t want to fight anymore….it was pointless, mean, and unnecessary. My game play changed into a true stealth adventure, where I’d rather take an extra 20 minutes to cross an area if it meant I didn’t have to hurt anyone. Amazing how the narrative morphed my game style. Props to powerful direction.

Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath (2020) It is good

This excited me. I notoriously come to the Mortal Kombat games solely for their story mode. I find it over the top and dumb, but in all the right ways. So yea, I was excited to see that this year they were adding it’s first story driven DLC ever to the game. I sunk my teeth into that extra content…and oh how sweet it was. The whole premise of MK11 had to do with time travel, and the DLC doubled down on all the ridiculous shit you can get up to with that motif. I loved it. plus ROBOCOP

One Night Stand (2016) This is Great

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What a surprisingly great game this is. The premise is that you wake up next to a stranger in bed and you quite remember how. That’s it. You choose how you want to move forward with that fact. Do you grab your clothes and try to get out of there? Do you stay and try to figure out who this stranger is, or do you scumbagily text your friend and brag about it. All options led to a very relatable humanistic ending. And I think that’s great.

Overwatch (2016) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

Hah! So this is the least I’ve played Overwatch in a year since it came out in 2016. But that doesn’t mean much in comparison to how much I actually play this game. The last half of the year I’ve only been logging on to do special events. Just waiting till we hear more news about Overwatch 2. Still this my favorite game of all time.

Overcooked 2 (2018) This is Great

Manda and I played this when it came out a few years ago, but we never got to try out the online multiplayer feature. This year on The Friendzone”( Wednesdays on the Taste of Dragons Gaming Network) we finally got to test this out. The mayhem and hilarity are second to none, a pure sense of chaotic fun

Red Dead Online (2018) This is Great

When Red Dead Online started, it’s online world was understandably barren. A couple missions here and there, occasionally you’d run into a real player. This year we finally got to see the fruits of all the work Rockstar as put into this game since it’s launch in 2018. What we found was a rich, diverse world, with lots of options to cater to our western needs. Playing as a posse of friends really sweetened the deal. Especially when we embraced our base tendencies of shooting, hogtying, and horse jousting eachother. In spite of the frustrating connection issues, this is one of my main highlights of this year.

Rogue Company (2020) eh, it’s not horrible

This fun free to play objective based FPS was a good amount of fun even for the short amount of time I played it for. The part that stands out most to me is the STYLE that it had. After picking your characters your team would get this slick intro, where your team is walking towards to camera in slow motion. Each player gets highlighted and introduced in this great action movie way. The actual game was fine, kind of felt like an shallower version of Valorant.

Sonic Forces (2017) it is good

You gotta love free games. This was included as a monthly free game for PS Plus Subscribers, and you know what, I liked it. You got to create your own Sonic universe character and somehow that process made me really fall in love with the cute wolf lady Manda and I made.

Spellbreak (2020) it is good

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Another foray into the Battle Royale Genre. This game was sold as “Mages fighting each other in a vast open battlefield”. It really felt more like a bunch of superheroes duking it out. And I kind of loved that. Each magic gauntlet you found adhered to a different element and you could combine those elements for devasting effects. I personally loved having the wind gauntlet paired with the earth gauntlet. I would create a tornado to suck in my foes then hurl a comet sized rock at their faces…heh…”oh video games”. The downside to this game was that the console community dried up quickly and I found myself mostly fighting boring AI opponents. STILL, it was fun while it lasted

Spider-Man Miles Morales (2020) Stunning! -Announcement Trailer Link-

I LOVED THIS GAME, I love this franchise, I love its characters. I just can’t say enough good things about it. The unique way of traversing through New York City alone would be enough for me to love this game. Swinging around Harem just feels so good. The Story they tell of Miles Morales coming of age as a superhero is heartwarming and the performances across the board are dripping with authenticity. I was taken aback by the amount of inclusivity in this game. From empanadas being served for Christmas, to hearing Art Blakey’ Jazz come through the record player, to even having a romantic interest who only speaks American Sign Language. I just loved it. Yes, it can be said the game is mainly reusing the assets from its predecessor and yes, the length of content may be on shorter side, but these are exceedingly small factors that do nothing to detract from a stellar PlayStation 5 experience

SpiritFarer (2020) Stunning! -Gameplay Trailer Link-

I didn’t finish this game. It makes me sad. I wanna be playing right now, but I’m writing this. Sigh.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) It is Good

The uproar over the release of this game back in 2017 was enough to turn me off from purchasing this title. BUT I was always intrigued by the original story lying its single player mode. When this was included in PlayStation plus’s monthly freebies, I jumped at the chance to check it out. And it was worth the wait. I found the single player gripping and super fulfilling. Iden Versio is a great new Star Wars character and I hope she gets more airtime somewhere in the future. I also decided to jump in with a friend and try out the multiplayer. While it was incredibly fun to play, the charm wore off after a few matches. My friend and I engaged in a single match that lasted over and hour, it was an amazing tug of war with highs and lows that rivaled any battle you might’ve seen in the big movies, but “holy hell” do I never want to go through that again. I’m so glad we won that match.

Streets of Rage 4 (2020) it is good

I loved side scrolling beat-em-ups as a kid. The Simpsons, X-Men, TMNT were all my favorites. I remember playing Streets of Rage at a friend’s house back then, so getting an updated version was very welcomed for me. I got to play through the game with a friend and it was a smashing good time

Super Smash Bros Ultimate (2018) This is Great

This year we got at least three new fighters and I love em. Min Min, Steve, Sephiroth, they were a great excuse to jump back in play a few rounds before going to anxiously waiting to see who they release next

Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1+2 (2020) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

Throw back to my youth. It was hilarious being part of a wave of 30 somehtings all reliving their teenage gaming years while playing this game. Bopping to the jams and swearing we used to be good at this when we were younger

Valorant (2020) not for me

I tried to be good at this…look I’ve never played an FPS on the computer before, but Valorant seemed really fascinating and it is! But my learning curve to get better at this game was so steep that the 45-minute-long matches were too heartbreaking and tedious to endure. If I suck and bring my team down, I’d feel a lot better if the matches were faster. Feeling embarrassed for 45 minutes straight made me feel horrible. Not to mention what it must’ve felt like for those who were unlucky to get matched with me.

Vampyr (2018) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

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My sleeper hit of the year. I’m so sad I missed this when it debuted two years ago. This game is phenomenal! You Play as a Surgeon who gets bitten and turned into a Vampire during the Spanish Flu. You end up taking care of the people of London as their primary doctor, prescribing medicine, giving them health advice. At the same time, the Vampire within you can see how potent their blood is. The healthier they are and the more you get know them, the more valuable their blood. This dance was magnificent to perform. I loved the predatory balance I tried to keep and the duality of my ethics versus my nature.

Watch Dogs Legion (2020) It is good

There no main characters of your game. What a risky choice, instead you play as a collective. Any background person in London can be turned into your main star. Add a perma-death feature to mix and you get a high stakes hacking adventure. The main plot was very shallow.

Wheels of Aurelia (2016) it is good

Wow! I learned a whole bunch about 1970’s Italian politics with this game. You play as a woman who is driving a newfound friend cross country. Along the way you pick up hitchhikers and learn about their problems. Interesting, but... in the end I found it kinda boring

Willy Morgan and the Curse of Bonetown (2020)This is Great

Another Game I watched my wife completely play through as I played co-pilot. This was a really sweet Point and click adventure game with heavy nods to the great adventure games of old. Its’ charm won us over on every front.





10. The Umbrella Academy -Trailer Link-

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Campy, Electric, Easy

It was another silly, slick, raucous season. These “X-men” misfits time traveled to the 1960’s with a tale that was riddled with conspiracies, cults, and bad wigs. We happily grabbed our popcorn, knocked back a beer and enjoyed this fun watch. Also, Klaus. It’s all worth watching just for Klaus.

9. The Queen’s Gambit -Trailer Link-

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Charming, Energetic, Fun

This chess crazed coming of age tale was a joy to be a part of. It tapped into my nostalgia of loving chess as a kid and tickled my fancy of seeing what pro players can do with the board. It even inspired me to toss on a couple of pro-chess Twitch channels occasionally, yea…there’s a big pro chess community on Twitch. The show also really got me to root for the main character, from the second she moved her first bishop to her final checkmate.

8. The Dragon Prince -Trailer Link-

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Heartfelt, Adventurous, Imaginative

From the main writer of Avatar the Last Airbender, this show delivers on all the heart and whimsy I could hope for, while providing a new compelling D&D-esque universe to play in.

7. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver -Pringles Clip-

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Sharp, Impressive, Tough

Normally this show would only be some political fun that Mandy and I would watch while eating dinner, but this year things got real. Seeing John Oliver and his team process the events of this year right alongside us was special.

6. Sex Education -Trailer Link-

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Important, Relatable, Uncomfortable

The Second season of this British coming of age tale, was just as spectacular as the first. You fall in love with each of the characters and feel every up and down they face.

5. Harley Quinn -Trailer Link-

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Raucous, Alarming, Hilarious

This animated gem is a must watch for fans of Batman. It is SUCH a good take on the, usually, way too stiff DC Universe. It tells a great break up story too, especially about the struggles of getting out of a toxic relationship.

4. The Mandalorian -Trailer Link-

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Sweeping, Nostalgic, Endearing

Second season of Mando was everything I could’ve hoped for. From the Samurai fight with Ashoka, to the high-speed chase with Bill Burr, I just ate up every second of this episodic adventure. On top of that, seeing some of my favorite characters from the animated series come to life was surreal. And that ENDING, dammit I love this show

3. Schitt’s Creek -Trailer Link-

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Uplifting, Special, Beautiful

I am in absolute LOVE with his show. From season one and on, each episode made me fall more and more in love with each character. The way the show weaves redemption and celebration so naturally into its plot is phenomenal. Super smart, super amazing, had us laughing and crying multiple times…sometimes at the same time

2. Lovecraft Country -Trailer Link-

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Daring, Wild, Mind-Bending

Every episode challenges your imagination in the most electric way. Combining the Lovecraft omnipresent feeling of fear with the real-life ugliness that was Jim Crow is….dreadfully effective. I still have nightmares of those Topsy Bopsey twins

1. The Crown -Trailer Link-

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Exquisite, Intentional, Unsettling

This is my favorite show of the year. Every episode I watched felt like a four-course meal. It is so packed with imagery and metaphor, intentionality and foreshadow. It was not a show to binge, rather one to savor. The latest season where they introduce Princess Diana is prophetically frightening yet extraordinarily beautiful. This balance that the show maintains between profound regality and quiet savagery is a wonder to watch.


Quite Shown (68 Seasons Seen)

Altered Carbon This is Great

Season 2. Anthony Mackie takes the helm of this cyber punk noir adventure and freaking nails it. The premise of this universe is that your conscious can be uploaded into different bodies. It’s a morbidly fun look at the digital future and this follow up season furthers the universe and expands on its characters in really fascinating ways.

Avatar The Last Airbender Stunning! -Trailer Link-

Seasons 1-3. This was the first show my wife and I decided to binge when quarantine hit us in March. To my shock, Mandy had never seen it. I was only surprised because we had watched 2 seasons worth of “Legend of Korra” years ago. We laughed and cried our way through this amazing series, still one of the masterpieces of episodic story weaving

Avenue 5 This is Great

This HBO comedy series starring Mathew Lorie is a wacky watch. It’s a space cruise ship that gets stranded indefinitely. The Antics that transpire onboard continuously ramp up and unravel every episode. It’s silly good fun

Big Mouth This is Great

Seasons 3&4. This is show is way more thoughtful than it seems at first. This show about puberty continues with it’s impressive way of relaying emotional state of mind and mental illness in the most imaginative ways.

The Circle It is Good

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Hey, I got my guilty pleasures and dumb reality show competitions with quirky premises do it for me dammit! This premise revolved around a group of people living in separate apartments in the same building and having to relate to each other using only their social media presence. Of course, they then vote to kick each other out every night. If you get kicked out you reveal if you were lying about who you were or not. Yea…I shamefully loved this show, Shubi for life!

Community Stunning! -Trailer Link-

Seasons 1-6. I’m SO glad I finally got to watch this show. For a decade, friends have been telling me how much I would like. It was so gratifying to find out they were all right. I’m sad that when this show was airing, I was too busy up “The Office’s” ass that I never gave this show a chance. I loved how witty it was, loved how it grew from a more classic sitcom to a wacky imaginative art piece. I was drawn into learning about the controversies that were happening behind the scenes and I was elated to see how the effect of this show found its way into big hits like The Avengers and further. Not all of its’ humor aged well. Joking about homosexuality and race made me shamefully look back at where I was in 2009 and go “what the F’ were we thinking?”

The Crown Stunning! (link above)

Seasons 1-4. I could write a dissertation on each of these seasons, which are a masterclass in story telling by themselves. Truth be told, I had attempted to watch the first episode of this series thrice before and had fallen asleep each time. This time I did some pre-work, I looked up a documentary series called the “The Royal House of Windsor” and educated myself on the basics of the British monarchy through the 20th century. With that intact, I went into this show equipped to understand all the nitty gritty political details the makers packed with each episode. I love this show. Each episode leaves with this feeling like I’ve just had a full meal. Satisfying is the word. And every season just got better. The casting is superb as well, I’m just floored the flawlessness that is this show.

The Dragon Prince This is Great

Seasons 1-3. So, after Manda and I finished watching Avatar the Last Airbender we looked at the writer behind the series, Aaron Ehasz. We wanted to know what they wrote next and it turns that The Dragon prince was the answer. Three seasons later we found ourselves in love with the tale and it’s diverse cast of characters. The Animation in the first season is a little odd at times but it smooths out in the latter seasons nicely. It basically feels like a really heartwarmingly fresh take on a D&D campaign.

Fleabag Stunning! -Trailer Link-

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Season 1 & 2. This would’ve been at the top of my list had I seen it last year. Funny, sad and a stalwart performance from Phoebe Waller Bridge made this one of the best shows on television.

Gargoyles Stunning! -Trailer Link-

Seasons 1&2. My Childhood in a nutshell.

Girlfriend Reviews This is Great

Year 2. I absolutely adore this couple. Not just because they are super funny, but because their work ethic is so admirable. These internet darlings put hours and hours into their well-polished videos, and it shows. So happy to be part of their fan team.

Harley Quinn Stunning! (link above)

Seasons 1&2. HBO Max dropped this year and one night I stumbled upon this animated series made by Kaley Cuoco. Within minutes I was sitting straight up, mouth agape, in a state of unbelief at what they were doing with the Batman Universe. And I loved it. I watched 3 episodes straight, then told Manda about it. We then went back and re-watched those episodes and just kept going. Not only did they make a supremely beautifully written comedy, but they also found a way to inject the chaotic and beautiful sides of Harley Quinn into the series

Klepper This is Great

I started watching Jordan Klepper interview Trump rallies years ago, found them quite entertaining. This show however breaks even further into hot button issues such as Immigration, Oil Drilling, Gun Violence and more. It is funny, smart, and unravels some truthfully hard to watch moments

Last Week Tonight John Oliver Stunning! (link above)

This year made John Oliver into more of a lifeline for us this year.

The Legend of Korra This is Great

Books 1-4. We started watching this show with group as it was airing years ago. But we fell off as it got harder to get the whole group together. One quarantine later we found ourselves knee deep in al things Korra, and we loved it. The first season is my favorite. The mystery, the intrigue, the nostalgia all clicked with. Season 2 the story went in a vastly different way then I was expecting, but I still found it fascinating and a little scary. Season 3 blew me away, the main villain still gives me chills when I think about him and his team, and the overarching themes were made thing about my own challenges and failure in life and how thieve shaped me. Season 4, while it did provide some great closure, felt somewhat lost to me. But in the end, I was happy to see how all the characters had grown.

Love on the Spectrum Stunning! -Trailer Link-

A dating show about people on the autism spectrum sounded voyeuristic in a way I was afraid would be mean spirited. Instead, this show takes your hand and opens your eyes in a nonjudgmental way. Teaching you more about a topic that is too often overlook. It’s really beautiful.

Lovecraft Country Stunning! (link above)

This show blew me away. Every episode felt like an acid trip dipped in a stew of civil rights. I love when a show can take me by surprise and Lovecraft Country did that with every single episode.

The Mandalorian Stunning! (link above)

Season 2. What a blast! I’m so onboard with everything this show does. It knows when to show its cards, but also knows when less is more. A lot of beloved Star Wars character made their comeback this season and I loved every one of them. Dave Filoni unserstands Star Wars, please let him make everything going forward.

Messiah This Is Great

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Growing up as a believer in Jesus, this show touched on a lot of feelings I, at one point, had myself. The enigmatic nature of the modern-day messiah was fascinating to see picked apart by modern day internet virilism. Intrigue is the main word that comes to mind when thinking of this Netflix original.

Mrs. Fletcher Stunning! -Trailer Link-

I am huge fan of Katheryn Hahn and she is brilliant in this coming of middle age tale of a mom who sends her only son to college and is dealing with an empty nest.

The Outsider It is Good

This Stephen King series caught me immediately from its premise. A Man who is convicted of murder has been positively identified in two separate places at the same exact time. While the ending didn’t wrap up the way I thought it should, I still enjoyed this crime caper. Jason Bateman is amazing in this

Ozark This is Great

Seasons 1-3. Speaking of Jason Bateman, I dug deep into this show this year. The first two seasons captivated me. It has the same vibes of a Weeds or Breaking Bad (“suburban folks must do bad things for good reasons”) But what I really liked about this, was that the whole family was complicate and had to navigate the criminal underworld of this small town together. Also, I learned how money laundering works. That’s GREAT. The Third season frustrated me as I feel they purposefully shoehorned themselves into trouble that didn’t feel natural or logical to me. But the performances continued to be stellar.

The Queen’s Gambit Stunning! (link above)

This chess crazed coming of age tale was a joy to be a part of. It tapped into my nostalgia of loving chess as a kid and tickled my fancy of seeing what pro players can do with the board. It even inspired me to toss on couple pro-chess Twitch channels occasionally, yea…there’s a big pro chess community on Twitch. The show also really got me to root for the main character, from the second she moved her first bishop to her final checkmate.

Rick and Morty Stunning! -Trailer Link-

Seasons 1-3. Yea so when Rock & Morty was still a back-door internet sensation my friend showed me the first season all out of order and I thought-“cool”. Flash forward like 5 years and it’s a powerhouse in animated comedy. I went back and started at season 1 and we worked our way through it. It’s superb, but you already know that.

The Royal House of Windsor It is Good

This is that historical miniseries that I mentioned that helped me learn enough about the Royal Family to get a deeper experience watching The Crown. It’s actually pretty good but definitely has a strong dislike for all things Princess Diana, which…you know… to each their own

RWBY It is Good

Seasons 1&2. So, I was on Twitter one night, oh no know…getting pissed at stuff, when these four letters came up as trending. “RWBY”. I clicked and everyone on that thread was freaking out over the latest season of what was apparently an animated show on YouTube. Intrigued and lured by the hype, I watch the first season of this show and you know what… I freaking loved it. It was endearing and action packed. Kind of felt like a new smart take on Sailor Moon. I was glowing when I finished that first season. Then came the second season and the news that the main writer had died after writing it and how the vision of the series kind of got lost. And while it might have been in my head, I truly found the second season lacking in the abundant charm department that the first season had. Still fun, but I haven’t been inspired to continue watching the series since.

Schitt’s Creek Stunning! (link above)

Season 1-5. SO many good feelings about this comedy show. It’s funny, endearing, relatable, warm, I honestly have nothing bad to say about it. It’s inspired me to write more and has spawned an affinity for monochromatic color schemes in my gaming create-a-characters. Seriously, I love this show

Sex Education Stunning! (link above)

Season 2. This show comes back and once again, delivers on a powerful coming of age story told by an ensemble of breathtakingly talented actors. The genuine tales of these British highscohoolers resonates with all ages.

Star Wars Clone Wars 2003 Stunning! -Trailer Link-

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Re-watched. This is the 2003 “Samurai Jack” Animation styled series. I really got into ALL things Obi Wan Kenobi this April. So, this was a must watch. This is the series that made me think twice about the prequel movies. And I eventually ended up liking them. Which is saying a lot.

Star Wars Clone Wars This is Great

Season 9. SO they brought back a new season of Dave Filoni’s Clone Wars. Hell yea. This season seemed more like a vehicle to launch spinoffs and to close chapters. It felt like housekeeping, but I loved it just as much anyway.

Star Wars Rebels Stunning! -Trailer Link-

Season 1-4 This is one of my favorite Star Wars Stories. Period. It’s Hard to believe that this story of rag tag survivors would resonate so deeply with me, but by the end of the story I had a tear in my eye and a fight in my heart for what comes next. It makes me so happy to see characters from Clone Wars and Rebels showing up in mainstream shows like the Mandalorian. It thrills me to think we might see more of them down the line

Tiger King Murder, Mayhem, Madness It is Good

We all had to watch it and I think we ‘re all glad we did. It was fun and the perfect distraction at a time when anxiety was so high. In the end it seems like the Tiger King himself is owning his part in the cruelty of animals and vows to put a stop to it once he gets out. That made me feel better about celebritizing him

The Umbrella Academy This is Great

Season 2. They made another truly slick, raucous show. These “X-men” misfits time travel to the 60’s and all hell breaks lose as they each traveled to a different year and must now find each other. Riddled with conspiracies and superpowers, it’s easy to grab your popcorn and knock back a couple episodes, simple fun.

The Walking Dead It is Good

Season 8. Not much to say, I’m a fan of the comic so it’s cool seeing how they play with the story. I hadn’t realized 3 seasons have passed since I stopped watching. I’ll pick it back up this year

Westworld This is Great

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Seasons 2-3. This was my first solo quarantine watch. My wife and I fell off when the 2nd season was airing, but now seemed like a great chance to catch up. So I did. I really love how freaking weird this show is. Top to bottom. This third season got even weirder and I’m not angry bout it. The bad part is that once the season ended, all that short term memory jargon of how it all fits together went right out the window.

Who is America? This is Great

I remember reading articles and watching small clips on YouTube when it aired, shocked in disbelief at how he was able to pull it off. Finally getting to watch the whole thing was a nice way to piece it all together and it was hilarious…and sad…and angering. I got lots of respect for Sash Baron Cohen, but I wonder if shaming people is as effective as it is entertaining





5. JoJo Rabbit -Trailer Link-

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Amazing, Next-Level, Brilliant

Ok I CONFESS, this movie came out last year. I missed it, but if I hadn’t, then it would’ve been at the top of my list in 2019. Also a lot of 2020 movies got pushed back a year so I didn't really see enough to make a full top ten…so you're gettin' five!

4. Soul -Trailer Link-

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Brave, Enriching, Abstract

The Music in this Pixar film by itself already sets it as one of my favorites. On top of that, I found the challenging artistic designs that played with abstract art divine. Coupled with the fact that they are trying to make a family movie that directly tackles the afterlife…is admirable. I really enjoyed this film. While the implications of what happens to the main character's body can come across more disturbing than intended, I still found the representation in this film provided a step in the right direction.

3. Onward -Trailer Link-

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Nerdy, Moving, Colorful

So many tears by the end of this. I’m just so happy Pixar made a movie steeped deep in Dungeons and Dragons Nerdom. So happy.

2. Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom -Trailer Link-

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Powerful, Visceral, Clean

The powerful presence of Viola Davis’ portrayal of Ma Rainey is so potent, you could be in another room, in the car or down the street and still be like “woah…you feel that?”. Every inch of this movie is clean. From the natural performances, to the smokey sets, to the bluesy music. Top notch adaptation of a play to film. It was also a wonderful chance to experience Chadwick Boseman’s heartbreaking talent once more.

1. Emma -Trailer Link-

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Mesmerizing, Witty, Surprising

Damn. I fell in LOVE with this movie. Every single part of it. It was the last movie I saw before COVID hit, which does place it fondly in my memory as we got to see it in the theatres, worry free. Anna Taylor-Joy is so much fun to watch. Her quizzical demeaner always leaves you wondering what she’s thinking about. And the apex of this film left me in stitches. Such a great movie.


Quite Moved (97 movies watched)

1917 (2019)Stunning! -Trailer Link-

Dammit am I said I missed seeing this film last year. It is raw and miraculous. The Immersion that presenting this WW1 movie in one continuous shot is nothing short of jaw dropping.

Aladdin (1992) This is Great

Yea this was a weird lock down thing. I got it in my head to re-watch all three Aladdin’s back-to-back. So I did. This was my favorite Disney movie as kid

Aladdin: The Return of Jafar (1994) It is Good

Alright real talk, I love this movie. I especially enjoy the love song Iago sarcastically sings to Jasmine. I was literally humming it this morning randomly

Aladdin King of Thieves (1996) It is Good

The story is rather touching. Aladdin’s dad shows up at their wedding to steal shit and then they gotta deal that. This made for a fun night.

An American Pickle (2020) It is Good

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I like Seth Rogan. I grew up with him so yeah, I also enjoyed this Jewish American comedy. It was actually sweet and incredibly silly, I mean, it’s about a man who survives 100 years by accidentally pickling himself. What else do you need to know?

Angel Has Fallen (2019) It is Good

I don’t know why I love these “Fallen” movies. There’s nothing to them, but dammit I love watching Gerad Butler get pissed and kick stuff.

The Apollo (2020) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

This was an HBO Documentary about The Apollo Theatre in Harlem. It is inspiring to say the least. I remember watching the televised “Showtime at the Apollo” as a kid and loving the energy I got from it. This Movie shows you how it all came to be.

Back to the Future (1985) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

I think Manda and I watched this while stuck at her parents’ house pre-covid. Nothing more to it than that. Still a great freaking movie. Crispin Glover continues to be an absolute star

Bad Hair (2020) It is Good

This is a Hulu original Movie. It’s about a Black Woman in the 80s who is disfranchised due to her looks and gender. She is told by her boss to go to a salon where they put a weave on her that has spooky supernatural… tendencies. It also imbues her with great confidence, but slowly things get bloody and bloodier. It’s fun!

Batman Assault on Arkham (2014) eh, it’s not horrible

After watching HBO’s Harley Quinn Animated Series, I got really interest in the Suicide Squad, so I watched a few movies that starred them. They were mostly underwhelming, but still fun to watch.

Bicentennial Man (1999) It is Good

A Lockdown watch. No reason behind re-watching this. As always with Robin Williams movies, you should watch them again as an adult to get all the refences he made.

The Birdcage (1996) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

This was my FIRST time seeing this movie. Holy crap is it good. It made me laugh, made me tear up, I just loved every second of it.

Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn (2020) not for me

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Luckily, I saw this before the Kaley Cuoco animated series. Because if I didn’t, my expectations for Birds of Prey would’ve been much higher. In short, I really think this movie did a disservice to the awesome characters that were in it.

Black Panther (2018) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

Watching this didn’t even feel like a choice, the night I heard Chadwick passed I found myself up late watching Black Panther. It’s beautiful and I was sad.

Borat Subsequent Movie film: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2020) It is Good

I saw the original Borat film twice in theatres. My 20 year old self thought it was... the perfect movie. Since then, I’ve learned who Sasha Baron Cohen is, watched the Ali G Show, seen his follow up films and now Borat 2 is here and I feel like I might’ve changed a bit since that initial Borat viewing. I still reveled in all his elaborate pranks and was impressed by the genuine underlying story of a father/daughter growing closer to each other. But once the credits rolled on Borat 2 and I was able to think back on what that film did, I was more torn about whether I thought it was good or not. While a part of me giddily loves how he makes fools out of people who disagree with my views, another part of me feels bad for those people. It’s easy for us to laugh at those who believe in conspiracy theories that we find ridiculous, but those people who have trust issues just got duped by man pretending to be their friend for days. Like how much deeper did his actions send them further into conspiracy holes. Also back when this movie first came out, men who looked middle eastern were called Borat as a slur, and that’s not cool. Also finding someone’s broken English accent funny is not funny to me anymore. I still respect what Cohen does and I think it’s daring performance art, but I think I’m ok to both like it and dislike at the same time.

Captain America Civil War (2016) This is Great

So, after I watched Black Panther, I just had this hankering to watch more Chadwick Boseman, so I popped in Civil War and continued to pay respects to the man.

The Christmas Chronicles (2018) not for me

Ugh, I really wish I liked this more. I think maybe Kurt Russell’s coyness got to me. I either wanted him to meaner or jollier, but instead I found him kind of annoying. It made the film feel much longer than it was. I wanted to watch the sequel too, but alas this first movie just turned me off

Da 5 Bloods (2020) This is Great

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Chadwick Boseman was in a Spike Lee movie that came out this year. While his role is small, it’s impact on the characters is very big. This war movie is about a group of black Vietnam vets who are all in their 60s and coming back to undercover a chest of gold they buried in the hills back when they served. It’s a great, fun premise and the actors all bounce off each other with great chemistry. Spike Lee movies tend to be a little sloppy to me and I like that. Lee doesn’t conform to the “ standard film making rule book” he tells a story the way he wants, and I dig that.

D2 the Mighty Ducks (1994) It is Good

This is one of the movies I watched the most of as a kid. I have not seen it since I was kid. I thought it held up well. While yes, it’s super corny there’s a heart there that still beats fondly for this rag tag group of misfits. Kids in the ‘90 were jerks.

D3 The Mighty Ducks (1996) It is Good

Continuing with my theories of kids in the 90s being jerks, I am remembering all the movies that were popular at my age. Rookie of the Year, Angels’ in the outfield, The Mighty Ducks. The kids in those films all seem to be wise cracking a-holes…eh…is this why I never played sports

Dolemite (1975) It is Good

Hell yea! Dolemite! A seminal blaxploitation film that I had last seen in high school. Turns out, while the action and fashion are still top notch, the heavy misogynistic tone of the 70s ARE NOT

Donald Glover Weirdo (2012) This Is Great

After watching Community, obviously, I needed more Donald Glover in my life. He’s amazing, no surprise there. Next year Ill finally watch Atlanta

Dragonheart (1996) eh it’s not horrible

Lockdown Pick. Manda and I decided to watch every film in the Dragonheart Franchise. What’s that? You didn’t know they made 5 movies? Neither did we!

Dragonheart A New Beginning (2000) not for me

The second in this franchise was interesting I thought. It fleshed the universe in interesting ways, ultimately still just as camp as the first movie

Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerers Curse (2015) not for me

Yea I stopped trying to watch all the Dragon Hearts after this one.

Emma (2020) Stunning! (link above)

Damn. I fell in LOVE with this movie. Every single part of it. It was the last movie I saw before COVID-19 hit, which does place it fondly in my memory as we got to see it in the theatres. Anna Taylor-Joy is so much fun to watch. Her quizzical demeaner always leaves you wondering what she’s thinking about. And the climax of this film left me in stitches. Great movie.

Enola Holmes (2020)This is Great

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Millie Bobbi Brown is a powerhouse and this standalone detective thriller further cements that. This movie was an enjoyable, thoughtful romp. It kind of tripped up on itself towards the end, but as a whole, was a great watch. Also. Henry Cavill is… BEEFY HOLMES.

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Reunion (2020) This is Great

As a kid who grew up on this show, watching all the actors come back together to reminisce and shed some light on it was “oh so darling”. Seeing Will Smith patch things up with the actress (Janet Louise Hubert) who first played Aunt Viv, was special. As a kid he wronged her badly, as an adult he’s owning his mistakes and asking for forgiveness. ‘Twas powerful. It was nice getting to reflect on how important that show was and still is to me

Happy Death Day 2 U (2019) It is Good

I have a soft spot for all things that are like a Ground Hogs day. The original Happy Death Day was a bloody version of that. What’s impressive, is that the sequel doesn’t merely chose another day to make repeat ad nauseum, instead it takes you into a parallel timeline that leads to a whole host of new bloody opportunities. I found it way more interesting than I thought it was going to be

Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets (2002) This is Great

Lockdown watch. Just felt like watching it. Kenneth Branagh is a gem

Harry Potter Sorcerer’s Stone (2001) This is Great

Random Quarantine watch.

Hell Boy (2019) not for me

Oh, it’s SO not for me…I… wow. I really didn’t care for anything in this film, I’m sorry. Overreaching plot, uninspired dialogue. Riddled with cliché. Yea…sorry…

Her (2013) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

This was just as beautiful, sad, and weird as I hoped it would be. A great film.

The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey (2012) This is Great

We got to start a new D&D campaign this year, so that made me wanna re-twatch The Hobbit, it’s delightful. Those dwarves singing is eveything

The Hobbit the Desolation of Smaug (2013) This is Great

Fun fact. When I first saw this in the theatre, my wife and I had gotten dinner first and I had probably one to many beers. Apparently, I had fallen asleep halfway through the movie then woke up near the end. I didn’t know this…until I watched it this year and saw a whole different movie than I remembered. You know what? It’s a lot better when you watch the whole thing

Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993) This is Great

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I just wanted that warm feel-good vibe one night. An easy watch calmed my nervous brain. It was nice. Tried to watch the sequel, but I got sleepy.

Inception (2010) This is Great

I tried to watch Inception in the theatres, front row. But I fell asleep. All the talk about sleep, and seeing the characters repeatedly nodding off, made me nod off. I woke up at the very end…very confused. After a year I tried to watch again…same thing happened. FINALLY, I decided to watch it RIGHT this year. I made some coffee, did some stretches, got the blood pumping and started it up. “Phew” I made it through this time and I’m glad I’m did. It was such a fun heist movie, reminded me of the matrix. I didn’t enjoy them shoving exposition down my throat for a majority of the film, but I also don’t have answers on how they could’ve gotten all that info to you any better so…

Indiana Jones and the Raider of the Lost Ark (1981) This is Great

Lockdown pick. Manda and I got it in our heads to watch EVERY Indiana Jones movie in a row. And we did.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) This is Great

Fun fact I had never seen this one, it seems my foggy childhood memory had convinced me that I had seen it, but I definitely didn’t. That scene where they eat monkey brains is gross

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) This is Great

This was my favorite one growing up, I don’t know why, it’s just as good as the others.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) It is Good

Alright hear me out. I really disliked this movie when we first saw it in the theatres. Corny, farfetched, eye rolling. But watching it after marathoning the others….it’s not all that different from them. They are all corny and far-fetched films, and I love em for it. I just don’t think modern movies with that old comedic style/motif work anymore, it just feels dated. Crystal Skull doesn’t get the benefit that the others did of being made 30 years ago. The monkey swinging part is still dumb, I got no excuse for that.

Ipman (2008) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

After seeing Donnie Yen in this years’ Mulan, it reminded me that I had never finished the Ipman series. SO, that very night, I booted up Netflix and got to watching this fantastic martial arts movie

Ipman 2 (2010)This is Great

The setting gets dark as the economy breaks down. Ipman and his neighbors are forced into poverty. Seeing him fight his way through it. however, is still a wonder to watch

Ip Man 3 (2015) It is Good

So, Mike Tyson is in this and it’s kind of weird. The rest of the story is pretty gripping, as Ipman tries to balance his personal life with his duty to be in the service of others.

It (2017) This is Great

This is the reboot movie. As a professional healthcare clown, I get nervous watching stuff that demonize my work. However, this reboot focuses more on the relationships of the kids versus the scary clown stuff. And I think it excels at that. They really nailed that chemistry that the original kids had.

It Chapter 2 (2019) This is Great

I love that they broke the film up into two parts. I think that was a super smart move and allowed the audience to invest in a different way. Also, that Bill Skarsgard kid is incredibly good at carving out his own creepy version of Pennywise

Jerry Seinfeld 23 Hours to Kill (2020) eh, it’s fine

I got nothing but love for Seinfeld, but If I am being honest, a lot of the jokes in this special did not land for me. That’s just me, it all felt too formulaic and less natural than I had hoped for.

JoJo Rabbit (2019) Stunning! (link above)

10 out 10. One of the most brilliant movies I’ve seen in a long time. I LOVE being surprised, and its not often when a piece of media can do that, but damnit did JoJo Rabbit achieve this and much more, if you haven’t seen this, please go watch it.

Klaus (2019) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

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Klaus has so much heart. They tell the TRUE origin story of Santa Klaus, but they do it in one of the most enriching, heartwarming, funny ass, Christmas movies to date. I loved it.

Knives Out (2019) This is Great

A fun whodunit, with a loveable cast of characters. There is a quirky pace about it that really drives the story forward with a fun amount of electricity

Kung Pow Enter the Fist (2002) It is Good

I worshipped this movie as a teenager. Now that I’m older, I still think it’s random humor works, but damn is it really insensitive to Asian and gay stereotypes

Little Women (1933) It is Good

Funny enough this was NOT a lockdown pick. We got it in oUr head to watch EVERY movie adaptation of Little Women we could find. I hadn’t seen any of the movies nor read the book. This first one was fun, starring a very in your face Katherine Hepburn. It was fine but didn’t light any fires for me

Little Women (1949) It is good.

This version starred Elizabeth Taylor as the younger sister. Once again, a fine tale and I enjoyed seeing how it compared to the previous one

Little Women Jo’s Story (1950) This is Great

Now I REALLY liked this version. Deciding to focus more on the main character, it went a little deeper and I felt more connected to the whole story because of it. The performance by Mary Sinclair was really grounded and natural for its time. Noteworthy indeed

Little Women (1994) This is Great

This is the movie my wife watched the most of growing up. I really liked it. There was a chaotic playful energy about it, that the previous films lacked. I got a better sense of the story as well, since they added scenes that had been cut in previous iterations

Little Women (2019) This is Great

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I think Greta Gerwig nailed this. She breathed more life into this story than I had seen previously, and the ending, well I still think about it some time with how interesting it was.

Longshot (2019) It is Good

As mentioned before, I like Seth Rogan. He feels like someone a grew up with in high school who is making movies now. This Movie is a fun laugh, doesn’t overstay it’s welcome

Ma (2019) It is Good

Yep, this is that movie where Octavia Spencer, gets creepy with some high school kids. A fun/sad horror movie

Ma Rainey’s Big Black Bottom (2020) Stunning! (link above)

The powerful presence of Viola Davis’ portrayal of Ma Rainey is so potent, you could be in another room, in the car or down the street and still be like “woah…you feet that?”. Every inch of this movie is clean. From the natural performances, to the smokey sets, to the bluesy music. Top notch adaptation of a play to film. It was also a wonderful chance to experience Chadwick Boseman’s heartbreaking talent once more.

Maleficent (2014) It is good

Lockdown Pick. I always meant to watch this, but never got around to it. I found it way more entertaining than I expected. I had no idea they were going to add this extra fantasy world on top of this character… and it was weird… and I was for it

Maleficent Mistress of Evil (2019) It is Good

I also didn’t mind that the story continued. I still think the lore they fabricated to explain Maleficent cool. Like, I was fine with it.

Mansfield Park (1999) eh, it’s not horrible

Another fun romp into Jane Austen movies I haven’t seen. My wife showed me this one, and while I remember enjoying at the time, I found it awfully hard to remember by the end of this year. To be honest, I don’t know how I remembered any of the things I’m writing about from this year it’s probably time this gets a remake.

Message from the King (2016) It is Good

Continuing to watch Chadwick Boseman movies, I came across this one. He played the brother to a sister who was victimized and sets upon on a revenge quest. This felt very much in line with the Taken style revenge movies of late.

The Mighty Ducks (1992) it is good

I was able to key more into the story of Coach Bombay’s arc this time around. That was nice

Misery (1990) This is Great

My first time watching this Stephen King classic. It’s just as good as everyone said it would be

Mulan (2020) not for me

While still visually stunning, the overall movie left us quite underwhelmed. I set my expectations too high after seeing the trailer a year ago. It WAS nice to watch it on Disney Plus though.

The Mummy (1959) it is good

We read an Edgar Allen Poe Short story based on a Mummy and decided what the heck, it’s Halloween, let’s go classic movie monsters tonight. This film was fun and had a strong mummy performance by young Christopher Lee that’s worth seeing

Murder on the Orient Express (2019) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

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I want Kenneth Branagh in everything I watch for the rest of my life

The New Mutants (2020) not for me

A rather shallow plots plagues what could been a slick ensemble flick

Onward (2020)Stunning! (link above)

So many tears by the end of this. I’m just so happy Pixar mad a movie steeped deep in Dungeons and Dragons Nerdom. So happy.

Overload (2018) not for me

This zombie Nazi movie kinda fell flat for me. I feel like it hit one great note, then never found a new one.

Point Break (1991)This is Great

Ever since my friends compared the first Fast and Furious to this movie, I’ve wanted to see it. Well this year was my chance and I really liked it. Patrick Swayze was an interesting dude. It’s corny-ness won me over. Got Kind of long in the tooth by the end but I didn’t mind.

Prince of Persia (2010)not for me

This Jake Gyllenhaal vehicle really didn’t click with me. I love these games, and I enjoyed the time bending aspect of it. The rest of the movie did not age well at all

Project Power (2020) It is Good

This is that film where you pop a pill that gives you superpowers. I really liked seeing a superhero story NOT tied to Marvel or DC. It was refreshing.

Queen & Slim (2019) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

A great/sad chase film. Queen & Slim go on the run after defending themselves against a trigger-happy police officer. They cross the country as wanted criminals, finding safe havens and…well unsafe havens along the way.

Rebel Without a Cause (1955) This is Great

Never seen it, always wanted to. HBO Max has Turner Classic Movies so that worked out. I totally understand why everyone made a big deal about James Dean. In a time where over exaggeration was normal in acting, Dean found a way to play his character rather subtle and natural in a time where other actors didn’t. It was a very modern performance I thought.

Robocop (1987) This is Great

Re-watched this movie because Mortal Kombat was releasing him as a new playable character. FUN FACT. Robo Cop was the first kid costume I ever wore for Halloween

Rogue One a Star Wars Story (2016) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

After Watching Star Was Rebels, it was easy to see how Rogue One was a movie epilogue to that series. It’s a great film.

Samurai I: Musashi Miyamoto (1954) This is Great -Trailer Link-

At first, I really didn’t like this samurai film. The fighting seemed amateurish. The cinematography wasn’t memorable, and the story was hard to follow. But I was wrong, because most of those choices were intentional to set up its subsequent films. All of which blew me away.

Samurai II: Duel at Ichijoji Temple (1955) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

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This was the samurai movie I was hoping for from the first film. What I didn’t know was that the character hadn’t learned the ways of samurai, so he was purposefully amateur and untampered. This film taught him how to wield the great responsibility of the Samurai.

Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island (1956) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

And the third film brought it all home as he takes on a student and tries to live a peaceful life. Even though swordsman want to fight him to test their strength. All in all, it was a great Samurai Trilogy that scratched an itch made my Ghost of Tsushima.

Sonic The Hedgehog (2020) It is Good

Was that this year?.no…really? Was it? Don’t tell Jim Carrey that, I liked him just the way he was

Soul (2020) Stunning! (link above)

The Music in this Pixar film by itself, already sets it as one of my favorites. On top of that, I found the challenging artistic designs that played with abstract art divine. Coupled with the fact that they are trying to make a family movie that directly tackles the afterlife…it’s daring. I really enjoyed this film. While the implications of what happens to the main characters body can come across more disturbing than intended, I still found the representation in this film provided a step in the right direction.

Star Wars 1 The Phantom Menace (1999) This is Great

This was the year I realized Obi-Wan Kenobi is my favorite Star Wars Character. I found myself with a thirst to watch everything related to his story…and I did. So here’s my take on these films focusing on Obi-wan’s path.

Star Wars 2 Attack of the Clones (2002) eh, it’s not horrible

Seeing how the death of Qui-Gon Jin has made Obi-wan more loose with his Jedi mentoring is both understandable yet scary

Star Wars 3 Revenge of the Sith (2005) It is good

I took the entire animated series of the clones wars in with me when starting this movie. That context makes watching Obi-Wan’s arc that much more tragic. He struggles so hard to help his Jedi brother, but in the end it’s Anakin’s consumption of feelings that destroys him. The guilt of mismanaging Anakin’s emotions makes looking after Luke that much more special.

Star Wars 4 A New Hope (1977) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

Continuing my Obi-Wan adventures, which spanned into Star Wars Rebels, I finally a made it to A New Hope. When Alex Guinness popped up and said, “Hello there”, I almost teared up. Getting to watch Obi-wan from a short haired kid, to a bearded old hermit was amazing. And I’m only more jazzed for the TV show starring Ewan Mcgregor coming out next year.

Star Wars 5 The Empire Strikes Back (1980) Stunning! -Trailer Link-

While Obi-wan isn’t in this movie, I still felt like he was. Vader was at one point an extension of him.

Star Wars 6 Return of the Jedi (1983) This is Great

Finally getting to see Obi-wan and Anakin reunited at the end was heartwarming and gave me resolution to seeing Kenobi’s arc to its completion…”man quarantine is weird.”

Stephen King’s It (1990) This is Great

So, I wanted to watch the new “It” movies, but I hadn’t seen the original. This movie is almost 4 hours long, because it was a multipart tv event. I watched it all and loved it. Penny wise got to be a bit much in the second act. Like “we get it”…you laugh a lot and make us see things. I was becoming desensitized to it all. Still, I really enjoyed this movie as a whole

Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay (2018) eh, it’s not horrible

Another watch because I wanted to learn more about the suicide squad. It was fine. I find they made Harley Quinn too dumb in this one. Deadshot however gets a compelling story

Terminator Dark Fate (2020)It is Good

I really like Mackenzie Davis as the new terminator. She had a killer look in her eyes the whole time. I also did not mind how they expanded the fiction of the future story. It was cool seeing Linda Hamilton back in action too

Trolls World Tour (2020) This is great

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Delightful, truly. Continues to be the best franchise for licensed music these days. Great tale of overcoming our differences too.

The Two Popes (2019) Stunning!

Can I watch two old dudes talk at each other for two plus hours straight? Turns out yes, and it turns out I’d find it riveting from start to finish

What Did Jack Do? (2020) This is Great

This is an odd art film by David Lynch where he interrogates a monkey…so obviously a must watch for all.

Wild Hogs (2007) not for me

I’m embarrassed by this one. Nothing like a lockdown to convince you to watch movies you know are bad. It’s so lame. I’ll leave it there

Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) It is Good

I like that they not only made a movie that took place in the 80s, but the film itself feels like it was MADE in the 80s. So there’s this extra level of camp that is glazed over the whole film. While it may feel less impactful than the first movie, I still found it to be a great way to spend a aturday night on the couch with my wife.



AND THAT’S A WRAP! Happiest of New Year’s. Damn I hope 2021 is kinder to us and if not, let’s be kind to each other. Peace.

If you’re a glutton, here are links to my reviews dating back to 20-freaking-12:

2019 Reviewt Scamander

2018 Olivia Reviewton John

2017 One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Review Fish

2016 A Review Askew

2015 Reduce. Review. Recycle.

2014 Reviewsical The Musical

2013 Reviewtiful Joe

2012 A Review to a Kill



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Wow, that is a weighty write-up. I like your scoring system.

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@sparky_buzzsaw: hey thanks for perusing. Yea, my fingers still hurt from writing it.