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Female Shepard to be on ME 3 CE Box Art - Well it's About Time

It always seemed odd to me that the male version of Commander Shepard always was billed as the 'canon" version of Commander Shepard. It was especially curious considering she had her own voice actor that I always felt was superior to the male voice actor. Maybe when the Shepard "arc" of the Mass Effect universe comes to a close they can something like KOTOR vs. KOTOR II when it comes to the main charcter. For those that are unaware Darth Revan from the original Knights of the Old Republic in the Star Wars canon is male but the canon version of The Jedi Exile in Knights of the Old Republic II is female. To me this was always a fun little touch that was interesting for those that care that seriously about the Star Wars mythos. But it would be an interesting twist that isn't that big of a deal but I would at least look forward to it.

Now it's not like I'm going to go on a massive feminist rant. Nor am I going to talk about how the only reason why I care about female Shepard is because she is sexually appealing to me. Instead I always felt like FemShep was a better character especially in Mass Effect 2. When it came to the romance options female Shepard had the better characters I could have a relationships with specifically Garrus and Thane. In Mass Effect 1 however I want the record to state that I think that Kaidan Alenko is one of the most boring characters I have ever seen in a BioWare game and I did not hesitate to cheat on his ass when presented the option. Also worth talking about is how I think her voice actor is much better than the male voice actor for Shepard. For the male version of Shepard he always seemed very serious even when I selected the renegade options during dialogue sessions. With female Shepard she always seemed snarky and self aware which is exactly how I would carry myself if I was motherfucking Commander Shepard, "Savior of the Universe." Also BioWare always had these little genius touches in their NPC's dialogue where you got a faint sense of sexism in characters that would underestimate female Shepard, and that made it all the more gratifying when I kicked their butt.

I also never really have liked the look of the default male Shepard in the Mass Effect series. Something about him if you will. Yes I know I could have customized the look of him. But the default version of either Shepard are the versions that animate best and look superior to any abominations you can create. I always tune out when BioWare talks about how you can customize your character. Partly because no matter how much I try the only thing I end up creating is space Bruce Willis or an even more ugly version of myself. All I ever did to female Shepard was make her hair the most brightest color of pink I could possibly make to just further establish that this is the future and in the future people have neon colored hair.

So with that I concluded my mixed messaged filled blog about female Shepard. Who in my books at least is the one true Shepard in the Mass Effect universe.