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The Community Spotlight - 03/29/2013

GDC Got Weird...In a Good Way!
GDC Got Weird...In a Good Way!

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight! There was a lot of GDC madness this probably already knew that though. There were crimes against pies and cakes committed by Ryan and a lot of great roundtable discussions during the livestreams. In other news the 28th was Sean Coonce's birthday! The PM glitch has been fixed! That means that when you read all of your site messages your inbox should tell you that you have 0 messages. With that here's @turboman's latest Best of Giant Bomb Quick Look video:

Community Activities

  • Giant Bomb's Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Community Hunting Nights - Get the Details and Join the Fun Over Here!

Wonderful Wikis

Bioshock Infinite is the big game of the week...and probably for the rest of the year, and if you haven't been able to play it read up about the game before you jump in. The madness of Divekick has overtaken the Giant Bomb community in the form of it's Dave Lang Approved wiki page. Luigi's second mansion caper and the concept page for GDC both also deserve looks if you have the chance.

Best of Blogs

Mento explains how he played a "perfect" game of Yakuza 2. Video_Game_King shares his thoughts on Jet Grind Radio as well as A Reckless Disregard for Gravity. Phatmac reviews Tomb Raider on his latest blog and UnhappyCanadian shares his interpretation about the controversy associated with Tomb Raider. IrishDoom explains why he think Mass Effect 1 is the best entry in the franchise whereas MooseyMcMan details his thoughts on the Mass Effect 3 DLC and Rayman Origins. Somberowl contemplates on games that he would be interested in being set in an open world. With the release of Bioshock Infinite Sunjammer blogs about the little things that bugged him about the game, and TwoLines felt inspired to go back to System Shock 2, a game he still loves. EpicSteve, Marino, and Fistfulofmetal all had plenty of fun at PAX East 2103 and have blogged about their time at the event. FLStyle gives you another update on the upcoming events of the Fighting game Community. Finally Pepsiman has created the most objective reviewing system for any games in the New Super Mario Bros. franchise...that system being Start to Wah-Wah.

Fantastic Forums

The poll of the week for this week asks which of Giant Bomb's GOTYs you think is your favorite. Mezmero asks you to contemplate on your favorite dive kicking characters in fighting games. Then we have a slew of BioShock Infinite related threads ranging from discussing the plot to the little things that you noticed and liked.

Lovable Lists

Supermike has created a list detailing why he thinks 2010 was the absolute best year in video games ever. BabyChooChoo on the other hand has created a list of his favorite video game characters.

Useful User Reviews