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Rise From Your Grave, True Crime: Hong Kong

Square Enix resurrects the open world reboot Activision cancelled earlier this year.

True Crime: Hong Kong won't be called that when Square Enix ships it sometime in the future.
True Crime: Hong Kong won't be called that when Square Enix ships it sometime in the future.

I was genuinely surprised when word arrived that Activision was dropping True Crime: Hong Kong after spending years of development on the series reboot with United Front Games.

Activision tends to prefer big with its releases, but it's been known to back some less-sure bets like Prototype, Blur and Singularity. True Crime: Hong Kong was not to have such a fate, with Activision cutting its losses.

Surprisingly, Square Enix has come to the rescue.

Gamasutra reports the Japanese publisher has picked up the development rights to True Crime: Hong Kong--but not the franchise itself. Square Enix will be re-branding the game, a change not yet finalized.

United Front is still working on the game in collaboration with Square Enix London Studios.

"When we first saw and got our hands on the game we fell in love with it," said Square Enix London Studios general manager Lee Singleton in his interview with Gamasutra.

There are plenty of details on Activision's decision making process in regards to True Crime: Hong Kong from my story this past May, wherein I broke down an internal memo explaining the cancellation.

"As many of you on the team know, I have a lot of heart for this game," said Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg, in a memo distributed to employees in February. "And there are many great things about it. Stopping now is a hard pill to swallow, because a lot of blood, sweat and tears have gone into getting the game this far. However, after two pushed deadlines and a huge increase in the original production budget, we needed to take a clear-eyed look at the reality of this game’s potential."

In short, Hirshberg didn't foresee True Crime: Hong Kong becoming a blockbuster on the scale of a Grand Theft Auto, and without blockbuster potential, it didn't make sense to compete.

"Even our most optimistic internal projections showed that True Crime Hong Kong was not going to be at or near the top of the competitive open world genre," said Hirshberg. "In an industry where only the best games in each category are flourishing, and for a game with a budget of this size, to be blunt, it just wasn’t going to be good enough."

For Square Enix, however, it's apparently more than good enough.

Patrick Klepek on Google+


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Edited By TheHT

Well hey, that's pretty cool Square-Enix.

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Edited By HubrisRanger

@PrimeSynergy said:

I saw the headline and just began to laugh uncontrollably. This is going to be great. Not the game, mind you, I mean the spectacle of this game tanking and Square coming up with some excuse as to why this game failed.

Always baffled when people are so eager for developers and publishers to fail.

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Edited By saddlebrown

@HubrisRanger: It just doesn't connect in some people's minds that this isn't a hobby for these guys. It's their job. It's years of their lives. It's how they feed their families and pay their bills.

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Edited By ArcLyte

@TheDudeOfGaming said:

The first two games SUCKED. I really don't see how they plan to make a good game out of a franchise that failed two times.

the first game didn't suck. in fact, it was quite good.

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Edited By TheDudeOfGaming
@ArcLyte said:

@TheDudeOfGaming said:

The first two games SUCKED. I really don't see how they plan to make a good game out of a franchise that failed two times.

the first game didn't suck. in fact, it was quite good.

Really? I always thought the second one was better...anyway, they aren't BAD games, but with games like Saints Row, Grand Theft Auto and Mafia, True Crime doesn't really stand a chance. I enjoyed both games when i played them, but True Crime is an average game, considering i usually play well acclaimed games by both players and critics, average may as well be bad. I hope Hong Kong will achieve greatness, we'll see. 
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Edited By sparky_buzzsaw

You know what? I don't care about this one fig. Square Enix seems bound and determined to lose its identity in mediocrity and half-assed games. I get that they want their share of the western market and have decided to steer their releases in that direction, but until they stop this half-hearted attempt and get out there to find out what it takes to make a great western-feel game, they're going to continue to pump out sad could-have-beens like The Last Remnant, Final Fantasy XIII, or Infinite Undiscovery. The last game they published that I really cared about was Just Cause 2, and even that, I purchased at a steep, steep discount. Square Enix is lost right now, and games like this are not how they're going to get me back as a consumer. I hope at some point to be a Square Enix fan again, so prove me wrong, Square. Make this game great.

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Edited By MeatSim

Square Enix funding a game that's not another awful Final Fantasy game seems like a plus.

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Edited By HydraHam

Best news i have heard in awhile, people can poo poo on it all they want but from all the gameplay footage i have seen it looked incredibly fun, and that's why i play video games, to have FUN.

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Edited By poltergeist13

good to hear its coming back, open world game in Hong Kong sounds awesome.

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Edited By Rirse

It would be cool if Square went back to the original ideas they were doing for this game, where it starred a female protagonist.

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Edited By HydraHam

@swomar said:

@President_Barackbar said:

Oh yeah, True Crime AND Square Enix, two names I immediately associate with quality /eyeroll

I know that it's cool nowadays to shit on Square Enix, but their games are generally of high quality whether you're into them or not. Of course they've had a couple of flops, especially recently, but every publisher has some of these. And they're the exception not the rule.

Completely agree, really bites my ass that gamers are so goddamn jaded these days, for how many years no decades has square given us quality titles? so what if they released some shitty ones are companies not allowed to have some shitty games? this isn't blizzard, these companies actually release more than 1 game every 10 years so everything can't be perfect.

First EA was shitted on, then Activision now capcom now back to SE it's ridiculous, play your games and be happy you are able to play them you jaded whining little babies, be thankful you have the money/ability to play your games, be thankful the gaming industry survived when it was supposed to die.

God forbid one of you actually make it a day in your life enjoying a video game instead of coming to the internet to complain about games you don't even care about, i used to think PC "elitist" were bad but the console kids are just ridiculous


Now i am off to enjoy FF13, yeah i bought it and enjoyed it deal with it haters.

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Edited By BabyChooChoo
@HubrisRanger said:

@PrimeSynergy said:

I saw the headline and just began to laugh uncontrollably. This is going to be great. Not the game, mind you, I mean the spectacle of this game tanking and Square coming up with some excuse as to why this game failed.

Always baffled when people are so eager for developers and publishers to fail.

I'd appreciate it if you didn't put words in my mouth. I don't want this game to 'fail.' I'm just fully expecting it to. You have a game that was cancelled well into development after some very, very less than stellar previews and a publisher whose latest 'track record' is more divisive than probably anyone else in the industry right now. Most people think they're the greatest thing since sliced bread and others see them as a total joke. When you put the two of them together, I don't exactly smell success.
And I get that there are actual people working on these games. People with families, homes, bills, etc etc. You don't need to tell me that. However, releasing a game that seems bound to fail critically and commercially doesn't seem like the greatest idea. If this game does in fact tank, then this just seems like another situation in which a ton of people will have to get laid off to recover some of the damage done and I fail to see how that is any better...
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Edited By Deusoma

Wouldn't it be great if Squeenix re-re-worked this game back into Black Lotus, the non- True Crime title it started life as before Activision decided they don't like female protagonists?

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Edited By cikame

Awesome news, loved where this game was headed.

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Edited By Stahlbrand

So, the game Activision killed, after spending boatloads of time and money on it, because the quality was bad (IIRC, that was the implication at the time) is getting scooped up by Sq/nix?

/picture of that drunk from TinTin laughing so hard he cries.jpg

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Edited By Gaff

Not to rain on people's parade, but for anyone sceptical about Square Enix's pedigree lately: Square Enix does have a hand in the Batman: Arkham series. Whether or not that makes up for their high profile duds is probably best left for another discussion.

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@Styl3s said:

@swomar said:

@President_Barackbar said:

Oh yeah, True Crime AND Square Enix, two names I immediately associate with quality /eyeroll

I know that it's cool nowadays to shit on Square Enix, but their games are generally of high quality whether you're into them or not. Of course they've had a couple of flops, especially recently, but every publisher has some of these. And they're the exception not the rule.

Completely agree, really bites my ass that gamers are so goddamn jaded these days, for how many years no decades has square given us quality titles? so what if they released some shitty ones are companies not allowed to have some shitty games? this isn't blizzard, these companies actually release more than 1 game every 10 years so everything can't be perfect.

First EA was shitted on, then Activision now capcom now back to SE it's ridiculous, play your games and be happy you are able to play them you jaded whining little babies, be thankful you have the money/ability to play your games, be thankful the gaming industry survived when it was supposed to die.

God forbid one of you actually make it a day in your life enjoying a video game instead of coming to the internet to complain about games you don't even care about, i used to think PC "elitist" were bad but the console kids are just ridiculous


Now i am off to enjoy FF13, yeah i bought it and enjoyed it deal with it haters.

Dear oh dear, where do I start with this one? I will admit, I give fuckall about Final Fantasy, but Square doesn't make what I consider to be quality titles. Not only that, True Crime is CERTAINLY not a franchise that's had ANY kind of quality in the past. And you automatically say I'm some kind of "console kid" because I'm skeptical of a product that was already cancelled once being revived by a company I don't think delivers quality entertainment? What the fuck does that even have to do with platform elitism? And saying you enjoy FFXIII doesn't make you some kind of "deep" gamer. Why do people think championing games that aren't very well regarded makes them better than everyone else?

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Edited By WiqidBritt

franchises never really die, they just go away for a while sometimes 
on one hand, I feel like we can have room for mid-tier games on the market, but on the other hand those games need to realize where they stand and price themselves accordingly, even $40 is pushing it I feel.

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Edited By jkuc316
@Eribuster said:
I'm glad Square Enix is taking a risk with this one. I like the city of Hong Kong and would like to see a good action game set in it.
I guess what Square Enix wanted Kane & Lynch 2 to be?!
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Edited By JohnDudebro

Didn't Activision specifically say they cancelled this game because it wasn't going to be good?

Yeah...not super excited about this.

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Edited By SpacePenguin

I  didnt think this game would ever be released, I'm genuinely suprised. I hope it doesnt actualy suck...

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Edited By Wiseblood

@BananaKid said:

Didn't Activision specifically say they cancelled this game because it wasn't going to be good?

Yeah...not super excited about this.

No, they cancelled it because they felt it wouldn't sell (not the numbers they wanted at least).

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Edited By Romination
@Wiseblood said:

@BananaKid said:

Didn't Activision specifically say they cancelled this game because it wasn't going to be good?

Yeah...not super excited about this.

No, they cancelled it because they felt it wouldn't sell (not the numbers they wanted at least).

and that was partly because it wasnt good enough to sell that much. Though Duke Nukem Forever should show them that sometimes, that doesn't matter HEY- OH 
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Edited By GreggD

@HS21 said:

@zoner said:

@FoxMulder said:

@Resident4t said:

@FoxMulder said:

....ugh why? Far better games have been cancelled I'm sure, why bring this series back fro mthe dead?

Answer to your questions
1. "When we first saw and got our hands on the game we fell in love with it," said Square Enix London
2. picked up the development rights to True Crime: Hong Kong--but NOTthe franchise itself." Those were both in the article :3 On Topic : I for one am excited, I liked the little footage that was shown of the game.

Thank you for answering my rhetorical questions!

You kind of asked for it with your uppity 'ugh! Why do people like stuff I dont!'


I do hope you're planning on cleaning that up.

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Edited By HydraHam

@President_Barackbar said:

@Styl3s said:

@swomar said:

@President_Barackbar said:

Oh yeah, True Crime AND Square Enix, two names I immediately associate with quality /eyeroll

I know that it's cool nowadays to shit on Square Enix, but their games are generally of high quality whether you're into them or not. Of course they've had a couple of flops, especially recently, but every publisher has some of these. And they're the exception not the rule.

Completely agree, really bites my ass that gamers are so goddamn jaded these days, for how many years no decades has square given us quality titles? so what if they released some shitty ones are companies not allowed to have some shitty games? this isn't blizzard, these companies actually release more than 1 game every 10 years so everything can't be perfect.

First EA was shitted on, then Activision now capcom now back to SE it's ridiculous, play your games and be happy you are able to play them you jaded whining little babies, be thankful you have the money/ability to play your games, be thankful the gaming industry survived when it was supposed to die.

God forbid one of you actually make it a day in your life enjoying a video game instead of coming to the internet to complain about games you don't even care about, i used to think PC "elitist" were bad but the console kids are just ridiculous


Now i am off to enjoy FF13, yeah i bought it and enjoyed it deal with it haters.

Dear oh dear, where do I start with this one? I will admit, I give fuckall about Final Fantasy, but Square doesn't make what I consider to be quality titles. Not only that, True Crime is CERTAINLY not a franchise that's had ANY kind of quality in the past. And you automatically say I'm some kind of "console kid" because I'm skeptical of a product that was already cancelled once being revived by a company I don't think delivers quality entertainment? What the fuck does that even have to do with platform elitism? And saying you enjoy FFXIII doesn't make you some kind of "deep" gamer. Why do people think championing games that aren't very well regarded makes them better than everyone else?

1. It's your opinion they don't make quality games, NES-Current games that square has made, millions of gamers agree they MAKE quality games, but it's all opinions

2. I never said YOU were a console kid, don't flatter yourself because i don't know who you are and frankly don't care, my comment was pointing towards console kids who only care about graphics and current gen

3. Never said i was better, never said i was a "deep" gamer because i enjoy FF13, either you are illiterate or assume too much.

And it all boils down to opinions, if you don't like them then you can well.. you know.

Rating, Sells and millions upon millions of fans can't be fake, square has and does make quality games, just because you don't think they do doesn't make it untrue. I think bungie sucks but doesn't change the fact they make and made quality games. Get yourself kid.

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Edited By TwilitEnd656

I can honestly say that I didn't see this coming. Who knows how the game was before Activision cancelled it, and it's even more unclear how it'll end up with Square applying the finishing touch. I'm hoping, but not expecting, for a nice result.

@Meatsim said:

Square Enix funding a game that's not another awful Final Fantasy game seems like a plus.

You... Must not notice Square's name on a lot of games, huh?

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Edited By JohnPaulVann

I LOVE the True Crime series...but I won't play this game if it doesn't have the name...I don't give a fuck if it has the same spirit, I want the name on the fucking box.

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Edited By JohnPaulVann
@cikame: Yeah but what does it matter if they change the name? Then the game becomes shit no matter how awesome it is. So for us die hard True Crime fans, this development is nothing but a sick joke!
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Edited By swomar

@President_Barackbar said:

@Styl3s said:

@swomar said:

@President_Barackbar said:

Oh yeah, True Crime AND Square Enix, two names I immediately associate with quality /eyeroll

I know that it's cool nowadays to shit on Square Enix, but their games are generally of high quality whether you're into them or not. Of course they've had a couple of flops, especially recently, but every publisher has some of these. And they're the exception not the rule.

Completely agree, really bites my ass that gamers are so goddamn jaded these days, for how many years no decades has square given us quality titles? so what if they released some shitty ones are companies not allowed to have some shitty games? this isn't blizzard, these companies actually release more than 1 game every 10 years so everything can't be perfect.

First EA was shitted on, then Activision now capcom now back to SE it's ridiculous, play your games and be happy you are able to play them you jaded whining little babies, be thankful you have the money/ability to play your games, be thankful the gaming industry survived when it was supposed to die.

God forbid one of you actually make it a day in your life enjoying a video game instead of coming to the internet to complain about games you don't even care about, i used to think PC "elitist" were bad but the console kids are just ridiculous


Now i am off to enjoy FF13, yeah i bought it and enjoyed it deal with it haters.

Dear oh dear, where do I start with this one? I will admit, I give fuckall about Final Fantasy, but Square doesn't make what I consider to be quality titles. Not only that, True Crime is CERTAINLY not a franchise that's had ANY kind of quality in the past. And you automatically say I'm some kind of "console kid" because I'm skeptical of a product that was already cancelled once being revived by a company I don't think delivers quality entertainment? What the fuck does that even have to do with platform elitism? And saying you enjoy FFXIII doesn't make you some kind of "deep" gamer. Why do people think championing games that aren't very well regarded makes them better than everyone else?

Referring to the Final Fantasy series "games that aren't very well regarded"

O.k. I get it now, will stop feeding you.

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Edited By Nettacki
@JohnPaulVann: It's just a name. Can you at least appreciate it as a spiritual successor or something?
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Edited By aidros

I'd give it a shot. Haven't tried a True Crime game before but I really enjoy the genre.

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Edited By Enigma777

Sweet. I was looking forward to the game before it was cancelled.

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Edited By PJ

@swomar said:

@President_Barackbar said:

@Styl3s said:

@swomar said:

@President_Barackbar said:

Oh yeah, True Crime AND Square Enix, two names I immediately associate with quality /eyeroll

I know that it's cool nowadays to shit on Square Enix, but their games are generally of high quality whether you're into them or not. Of course they've had a couple of flops, especially recently, but every publisher has some of these. And they're the exception not the rule.

Completely agree, really bites my ass that gamers are so goddamn jaded these days, for how many years no decades has square given us quality titles? so what if they released some shitty ones are companies not allowed to have some shitty games? this isn't blizzard, these companies actually release more than 1 game every 10 years so everything can't be perfect.

First EA was shitted on, then Activision now capcom now back to SE it's ridiculous, play your games and be happy you are able to play them you jaded whining little babies, be thankful you have the money/ability to play your games, be thankful the gaming industry survived when it was supposed to die.

God forbid one of you actually make it a day in your life enjoying a video game instead of coming to the internet to complain about games you don't even care about, i used to think PC "elitist" were bad but the console kids are just ridiculous


Now i am off to enjoy FF13, yeah i bought it and enjoyed it deal with it haters.

Dear oh dear, where do I start with this one? I will admit, I give fuckall about Final Fantasy, but Square doesn't make what I consider to be quality titles. Not only that, True Crime is CERTAINLY not a franchise that's had ANY kind of quality in the past. And you automatically say I'm some kind of "console kid" because I'm skeptical of a product that was already cancelled once being revived by a company I don't think delivers quality entertainment? What the fuck does that even have to do with platform elitism? And saying you enjoy FFXIII doesn't make you some kind of "deep" gamer. Why do people think championing games that aren't very well regarded makes them better than everyone else?

Referring to the Final Fantasy series "games that aren't very well regarded"

O.k. I get it now, will stop feeding you.

Name someting non Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games thats been good attached to the Square Enix name the last few years. I wont accept Kingdom Hearts since that series is not good.

SE are a far cry from what they once were. And the only interresting games coming out of SE are former Eidos properties like Tomb Raider, Deus Ex and Hitman.

The problems that Square Enix faces are problems that have plagued japaneese game development for almost a decade

The fact is that Japaneese game development has fallen so far behind that the only good or interresting games coming out of Japan are the batshit crazy ones or games that are completly unique. That would be good if they weren't so few and far between. Japan can no longer fight on the same terms in the game industry. They are forced to go so far of the beaten path just to get noticed in the west that they end up not appealing to the avarage gamer and don't sell.

Since the japaneese games don't sell well in the west, they focuse on making games that appeal to the japaneese market. The means that they can't have big budgets becuase they can't hope to make a return and thats why the games don't appeal to the big budget centric western market.

Just looking at this and next years most antisipated games they are almost all from western developers. It's not fun to see that since I grew up playing japaneese games but now they are eather stale, boring, uninterresting or down right bad. Its been a long time since I played a japaneese developed game that I really enjoyed AND that sold well.

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Edited By ZeroCast

 "When we first saw and got our hands on the game we fell in love with it," 

 I must say, Square Enix have been invested in too many affairs in recent months :P.

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Edited By sublime90

wow guys, miracles really do happen!!

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As cool as New York is we need an open world game of this nature taking place outside of America for once. Thank you Square Enix.

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Edited By avidwriter

Yea really. GTA has done open world American city to death already. Can we get open world.... somewhere else now? I mean it won't change much but at least seeing a slightly different scenery is a nice change.

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Edited By solidejake

Well, it depends on what they paid for it, but it probably worked out considering that United Fronts said that they were virtually finished with the game. So this could be done some time soon.

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Edited By probablytuna

So Kane & Lynch: Hong Kong?

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Edited By sickVisionz

Sounds like another SE open world flop...

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Edited By yukoasho
@ZeroCast said:
 "When we first saw and got our hands on the game we fell in love with it,"   I must say, Square Enix have been invested in too many affairs in recent months :P.
Not sure I agree with that.  They clearly need games, and their in-house Japanese take half a decade.  Square Enix has been shoring up their western development presence out of necessity; spending money now is worth having a revenue stream to pay off their exorbitantly-expensive Japanese development.  Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts games are clearly too expensive to be their only product now.
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Edited By wisdumcube

Square-Enix makes the weirdest decisions.

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Edited By StefanTheLegend

Thank God for this!! I was seriously looking forward the TC: Hong Kong after being super skeptical at first. After seeing more of the game and learning that a lot of the development team were made out for ex- Rockstar, Criterion and other talented people from studios i can't currently remember, i was super bummed it didn't get its chance. And it seems Activision were confident the game was going to be good, its just that they didn't beleve in its commercial success. At least now it has a chance. 

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Edited By JJOR64

Great news for the development team. Now lets hope the game shapes up.

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Flash forward to a year and a half later:

No Caption Provided
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Edited By zicolofoo

I wish similar fate for Shenmue 3.

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Edited By Branthog

This is still going to be so wonderfully awful, if it ever comes out.