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Width vs. Depth: Nintendo's New Interest in Fans

If you're to believe Satoru Iwata's rhetoric, Wii U will be for the core. Mostly.

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There were plenty of terrific consoles games released for Wii I’m guessing most people never played. I accept that.

Zach & Wiki. LostWinds. Bit.Trip. Sin & Punishment: Star Successor. Kirby's Epic Yarn. No More Heroes. Donkey Kong Country Returns. Rhythm Heaven Fever. World of Goo. Xenoblade Chronicles. Little King's Story. Nyx Quest. And Yet It Moves. Swords & Soldiers. Cave Story. Fluidity. Many came to other platforms, but they were on Wii first.

Once Wii became known as a console for the masses, it was tough for Nintendo to shake that perception. Of course, Nintendo didn’t do enough to push back against it, either.

If you believe Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, that lesson has been learned, as Wii U's launch unveiling looms. Iwata outlined his feelings on the future of Nintendo in a Q&A session with investors, published today in English.

With Microsoft and Sony's next hardware likely set for 2013, all eyes are on Iwata at E3.
With Microsoft and Sony's next hardware likely set for 2013, all eyes are on Iwata at E3.

“Regrettably, what we prioritized [on Wii] in order to reach out to the new audience was a bit too far from what we prioritized for those who play games as their hobby,” said Iwata.

Nintendo announced Wii U at E3 last year, and while I found the machine promising, the overall reception was muted. It wasn’t a technological showcase, there wasn’t much more than demos (albeit interesting ones), and it seemed to have a little too much in common with an iPad. It will be introduced again at E3 next month.

If we’re to assume the overall industry tide is turning against Nintendo, one way Nintendo can hang on is by doubling down on its fans. That wasn’t Nintendo’s strategy when 3DS launched, a symptom of the company’s arrogance with the platform. When 3DS experienced a slow start, who did it appeal to? The fans. And that’s going to be the same strategy with Wii U, except it’s going to happen much faster this time.

It will be a balancing act, though.

While Iwata admitted it lost devoted fans over the last few years, expanding the games to a wider audience is important to Nintendo. 3DS' launch lineup consisted mostly of a gimmick, and it created momentum through placating to the hardcore. It has not, however, found itself the same mainstream gold that was Brain Age or Wii Fit.

“We are making efforts so that we will be able to make several proposals even from the launch period that can eventually become evergreen titles for the Wii U,” said Iwata. “We have learned the lesson that we have to make that kind of preparation for the Wii U, or the Wii U will not gain enough momentum to expand its sales.”

Iwata explained this balancing act as width and depth. Width represents the expansion of possible consumers, the kinds of users who wouldn’t call themselves “gamers.” Depth is the realm of the gaming hobbyist, the player who will happily spend dozens of hours engrossed in game worlds. There wasn't enough depth on Wii, he argued.

“With the Nintendo DS and the Wii,” said Iwata, “the approach of ‘width’ was well accepted by many people; however, what we did in terms of ‘depth’ was not satisfactory for some consumers.”

Nintendo has not produced a Wii Sports or Brain Age equivalent since, but Iwata says it's on it.
Nintendo has not produced a Wii Sports or Brain Age equivalent since, but Iwata says it's on it.

Nintendo reached more customers with DS and Wii, but that came at a price, especially when it came to perception with the devoted.

“Once consumers have a notion that ‘this system is not for us,’ we have learned that it is extremely difficult to change their perceptions later,” he said.

Many of those players never came back, and allowed their Wii to collect dust. But it's safe to assume they remain Nintendo fans.

Cue the hyperbole, right? Wii U will launch with a new Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and Super Smash Bros simultaneously! Probably not, and Iwata cautioned against expecting too much right out of the gate.

“There is always a limit to our internal resources,” he said. “The company now has to develop software for the Nintendo 3DS, has to prepare for the Wii U launch and has to finalize the hardware functionalities. With these circumstances in mind, if I said that an overwhelmingly rich software lineup would be prepared from day one, it would be too much of a promise to make.”

Hopefully, he's just tempering buzz. Nintendo needs a thunderous, excited fan base coming out of E3.

3DS has become a bit of a rolling thunder, especially if you’re paying attention to the eShop. In short: quality software on a regular basis. Whether Nintendo can find phenomenon-level repeat success with Wii U won’t be known for months, but we do know Nintendo can still make terrific software, and it appears prepared to unleash that weapon.

E3 is just a few weeks away.

Patrick Klepek on Google+


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Edited By HerbieBug

If Nintendo wants me back as a fan (I haven't owned any of their consoles since the N64), I require two things:
1.  Online functionality equivalent to services offered by their competitors
2.  They must repair their relationship with all third party developers

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Edited By Doctorchimp

@AhmadMetallic said:

@Doctorchimp said:

@AhmadMetallic said:

...Why are they trying to get their devoted "hobbyist gamers" back? They made unprecedented BANK on the Wii by designing it for the casual masses, what do they care about the true fans?

Are you being sarcastic?

It's been proven that all those wiis just sat in the family room with nobody buying software for them where the company makes most of their money.

Oh so the hardware sold like hotcakes but the games that came after were barely touched by the Wii-owning masses? Damn.

Yeah, it actually makes it look worse for Nintendo because they have this huge install base that didn't buy anything for their Wii so Nintendo has to prove to them to take another stab at a Wii U.

They're in a tight bind right now, their biggest fear is everyone who bought a Wii that turned down all the Wii games will continue to turn down Nintendo products and the Wii U. They more or less showed a huge population of potential buyers that they don't know what they're doing with games and there's a good chance they won't try the Wii U. I know I won't.

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Edited By MmaFanQc

two nubs instead of proper joystick? how is this can even be called "hardcore"?

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Edited By Dalai

I'm just happy Iwata didn't go into his "length vs. girth" schtick this time.

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Edited By kindgineer

Honestly, I just want Nintendo to focus on making great first party games that they have been famous for. I look to consoles for my casual experience, and sometimes a dedicated competitive one (like Trials). Other than that, I really stick to PC for the competitive and hardcore "scene."

I just want my beautifully fun and engaging Nintendo games!

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Edited By AhmadMetallic
@Doctorchimp said:

@AhmadMetallic said:

...Why are they trying to get their devoted "hobbyist gamers" back? They made unprecedented BANK on the Wii by designing it for the casual masses, what do they care about the true fans?

Are you being sarcastic?

It's been proven that all those wiis just sat in the family room with nobody buying software for them where the company makes most of their money.

Oh so the hardware sold like hotcakes but the games that came after were barely touched by the Wii-owning masses? Damn.
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Edited By Branthog

I'm certainly going to buy this, but I doubt I'll actually bother playing it. The last time I played my Wii was the week that Boom Blox launched and I think that was about four years ago. I packed it up when I bought my house two years ago and I have no idea where it is, now. I unpacked every other console and piece of gaming equipment. I just couldn't be bothered to hunt down which box had the Wii in it. Might still be out in the garage. Or maybe lost in transport. Or maybe it's a doorstop upstairs. Or maybe someone stole it. Makes no difference to me, though -- while the couple of Mario and Zelda games might be nice, it was mostly a shovel-ware platform.

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Edited By liako21

i want to believe the wii u will be a great console. i took a leap of faith with the 3ds and I honestly have to say i have very very few regrets. bravely default, the new fire emblem, paper mario, luigi's mansion 2, and new super mario bros 2. sounds pretty good to me.

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Edited By Justin258

@DoctorWelch said:

“Once consumers have a notion that ‘this system is not for us,’ we have learned that it is extremely difficult to change their perceptions later,” he said.

Well they have pretty much already done this exact thing with the Wii U. I am pretty sure no one thinks that this crazy screen gimmick is going to cater to the kinds of people that they lost and are trying to gain back with this console, especially on a console only as powerful as the ones in the current generation. Obviously there is no way in knowing what the Wii U's future is, but I personally don't think it's very bright, at least not in regards to the "depth" they are talking about.

I think they could do it. Nintendo have dug themselves out of ditches before, and I don't think this time is any different.

As for the nutty controller? I hated the idea of the Wii mote from the time I first touched one. I don't hate it as much as I hate the idea of complete motion control a la Kinect, but I hate it nonetheless, and not in the cheap sense that overuse of the word "hate" brings. However, aside from concerns with the weight, their new controller has me far more intrigued. There's a possibility of mapping many things to the touch screen or using it in ways that help gameplay and not hurt it like the Wii mote did. And then remember that the Wii U's controller is set up so that traditional games look perfectly feasible - you could port an Xbox game to it, for instance, without a ton of control changes. If the Wii had had enough power and you did that, you would have to remap and reconfigure everything.

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Edited By TheGorilla

Not with those awful pads.

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Edited By FreakAche

I don't think Nintendo even knows what their target demographic is anymore. I still like the majority of their games though, so I'll probably still keep supporting them.

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Edited By Danterion

Hey, people are finally realizing that the Wii was a gimmick console, and not "the next evolutionary step in games". That only took what, five years?

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Edited By Jayzilla

I loved Nintendo when I was younger. Their sensibilities don't appeal to me anymore. I want a mature gaming experience without the language and nudity.

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Edited By mo60

I'm really excited for this console.

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Edited By MindOST

I honestly hope the WiiU does well.

The DS showed that the second screen could be used to great effect when put in the hands of clever developers and even though I'm not a huge fan of the waggle, I'm glad that the Wii did something different. Traditional controllers (As well as keyboard + Mouse) are good and well, but I'm not exactly ready to say that they're the be-all and end-all of gaming.

After all, gaming is an interactive medium; and the quality of our interactions can only be as good as the quality of our input devices.

And if the WiiU experiment ends up sucking then hey, we have two other big, successful consoles to fall back on.

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Edited By egg

They lost me with N64 and Gamecube, I doubt I'm even on their radar.

Still, well said:

“Once consumers have a notion that ‘this system is not for us,’ we have learned that it is extremely difficult to change their perceptions later,”

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Edited By huser

@bonorbitz said:

@soupbones said:

No mention of Muramasa the Demon Blade, but mentioning No More Heroes makes me want to go all Hulk on Patrick's hair.

But I won't, cause I'm cool man.

There were a bunch of other Wii games not listed as well, but he probably didn't want to go all Family Guy with listing off every single game like Peter Griffin did with all the cancelled Fox shows.

Along with Muramasa that didn't sell well, there's A Boy and His Blob, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Metal of Honor: Heroes 2, Rage of the Gladiator (an extremely fun Punch Out clone), Boom Blox Bash Party, Red Steel 2 (one of my favorite Wii titles and one every Wii owner should try), and Dead Space Extraction.

I hated that bit. It's funny taken shallowly, but for a canceled show that clearly believes it was canceled unfairly to throw stones at OTHER canceled shows...not exactly the most self aware moment, especially given what the show has turned into since.

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Mario, Zelda, and Metroid are all great, but if I'm honest with myself, I have to say that the reason I don't play Nintendo much anymore is that I can only play the same thing so many times before it starts to get old. Perhaps this isn't so much of a knock against Nintendo though, and something that's simply inevitable.

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Edited By retrovirus

The only games I would want to play on Wii U are exactly those: Smash Bros, Metroid and Mario, but I can't see myself justifying a purchase when I really only want to play 4-5 games.

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Edited By huser

@Zor said:

@algertman said:

@patrickklepek said:

@Goldanas: I wouldn't make the argument Wii had as much quality content as Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3, only that much of its quality content was ignored because people had written off the console, interested in playing games elsewhere.

People seem to ignore Wii had a far better exclusive line up than the other consoles.

I think that might have been greatly affect by the constant 'it's a fad' remarks that were made against it for the first 4 years it was out. From what i saw over the years (checking video game news sites and forums (because i like those things, not because i was researching it)) it seems like a lot of people wrote it off from the start, so they ignored anything on it that was good, on purpose.

Seriously. The isht thrown Nintendo's way even before it came out was prodigious. I had to leave a sports forum because of the bad feelings based on the vitriolic rejection.

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Edited By BlatantNinja23

As long as it doesn't have the name zelda in it... can't wait to see what comes out for this thing

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Edited By Skanker

Yo you forgot to put Monster Hunter Tri in that list.

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Edited By Brackynews

@Goldanas said:

I personally felt the Wii lacked more quality titles than either the Gamecube or even N64.

That's easy to agree with. I own more Wii disc games (~30) than GC & N64 combined (~25), but every one of those earlier generation games is a showstopper or collector's item that I didn't trade away, and I paid full price for less than a dozen of my Wii titles. I just got Sin & Punishment at $15 for chrissakes. Same as I paid for Lost In Shadow.

It's entirely possible I have spent more on Wii points cards than retail discs. That seems absurd as catalogues go. The fact I can get more hyped about a VC release than a new Zelda game is equally absurd. But maybe that's part and parcel with being "oldschool"?

I still haven't got a 3DS, but if I have the money I'll probably be in line to get a Wii U. It will be really interesting to see what the third parties try to do with it. Shovelware be damned.

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Edited By zor

@algertman said:

@patrickklepek said:

@Goldanas: I wouldn't make the argument Wii had as much quality content as Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3, only that much of its quality content was ignored because people had written off the console, interested in playing games elsewhere.

People seem to ignore Wii had a far better exclusive line up than the other consoles.

I think that might have been greatly affect by the constant 'it's a fad' remarks that were made against it for the first 4 years it was out. From what i saw over the years (checking video game news sites and forums (because i like those things, not because i was researching it)) it seems like a lot of people wrote it off from the start, so they ignored anything on it that was good, on purpose.

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Edited By veektarius

If they're trying to move away from consumer brand perception toward the Wii, then branding this new device as an extension of the Wii seems illogical.

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Edited By ptys

I was Nintedo exclusive in the GameCube era, but they screwed me with the Wii, which I ended up trading for an Xbox. I want a 3DS, but only when they refine the design and give it dual sticks. I really have no interest in the Wii U as an avid gamer, part of the fun of a new console is seeing how the visuals have improved since the previous generation.

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Edited By briangodsoe

I would love to be proved wrong but I'm getting to the point where I don't want Mario, Zelda, and Metroid to go away but I don't want to play them on a Nintendo console either. For several years I went Wii only and I had some good times there are some really really great games on that system. But when I finally got a 360 and just dove head first into it, then my Wii stopped being where I spent my gaming time and ended up becoming my Netflix machine and that was only until I got blu ray player that runs Netflix in HD. Now It gets used by my wife to play some shite dancing game or I might play Link to the Past or something when I'm feeling nostalgic.

There were some great games on there though, some I would have overlook completely if I had another console at the time. For instance, if I had a 360 and you told me that I would have fun playing The Godfather: Blackhand Edition, I probably would have laughed at you. But I threw dudes through windows, into bakers ovens, and chocked the shot out of them and had a great goddamn time doing it!

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Edited By MormonWarrior

@hollitz said:

Calling No More Heros a terrific game seems like a stretch. I liked the game a lot, but there are equal parts awesome and terrible in it.

And Zack & Wiki. And NyxQuest. And many of the bit.Trip games. And Yet It Moves as well. Most of those he named are...alright. Most of them are very flawed or just quirky and small.

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Edited By MormonWarrior

I am one of those fans they lost. I was a SNES kid, thought the GameCube was the best of its generation, the GBA and DS are fantastic, and I was looking forward to the Wii so much, but aside from the Mario Galaxy games I left very, very disappointed. I don't own a Wii now - I got an Xbox and never looked back. It's definitely met my gaming needs this generation (the PS3 has had some cool stuff too that I've played) but I'm considering trying Nintendo out again next generation if the Wii U (terrible name) turns out to be legitimately awesome and worth getting.

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Edited By vinsanityv22

The problem is the disconnect between Nintendo Japan and Nintendo of America. With Reggie in charge - the goon that came from marketing - they'll just keep focusing on nongamers. Because they're more profitable when something comes out that does resonate with them. Except instead of Wii Sports, it's now Kinect, or Angry Birds, so they're not there. Core gamers, at best, give them sales of 10 million-ish (Super Mario Galaxy), but those idiots that are sometimes labeled as "casuals"? When they show up, they'll propel a title to 18 million in sales, like with New Super Mario Bros. or Mario Kart Wii or something. Since Reggie's an idiot who is only concerned with getting THEM to buy games, that's what they'll focus on. NOA is retarded now.

They're also cheap as shit. They need to advertise, but they're too fucking cheap - and have seen too much success NOT doing it (how DID Wii Sports and it's ilk sell so fucking well, anyway?) - they refuse to advertise anything. If they DO advertise stuff, it's only first party Nintendo ads. Whereas Microsoft and Sony will gladly have ads that show off all sorts of games for their platforms, Nintendo refuses to do it - haven't done it since the "Wii would like to Play" days of the Wii launch. As long as NOA refuses to support third party exclusives, they'll fail. And we saw it with the Wii; it's painful watching games like Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Fragile Dreams, No More Heroes 2, and Xenoblade die at retail.

NOA needs a massive shakeup. Until then, this is all just bullshit.

Oh, and it's also BS that they can't launch this thing with a rich software lineup. I mean, it's an HD console. There are HUNDREDS of developers who have been working with that tech for 5 years+ now. If Nintendo insists on launching technically backwards consoles, they should AT LEAST be able to launch it with a ton of solid games.

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Edited By algertman

@patrickklepek said:

@Goldanas: I wouldn't make the argument Wii had as much quality content as Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3, only that much of its quality content was ignored because people had written off the console, interested in playing games elsewhere.

People seem to ignore Wii had a far better exclusive line up than the other consoles.

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Edited By downtime58

The strange position Nintendo finds itself in is something that fascinates me - somehow they ended up a victim of their own success and now reside in some kind of console maker limbo.

Last year, I wrote an epically long post about the possible Wii U and its potential challenges - and now reading Iwata's comments, clearly Nintendo isn't sugar coating the issues it will face come fall of this year.

This is the main challenge I foresee for Nintendo regarding the Wii U::

I suspect Nintendo will try to appeal to both worlds – using an upgraded system to leverage its unique IPs in order to appeal to core gamers , while trying to provide enough quirky functionality to try to appeal to the casual market again.

The risk they run is simply this – go too far towards core and they’ll lose the casuals and end up competing with better prepared competition that will eventually have better hardware.

Go too far toward casuals and they repeat the Wii’s mistakes – make a system that’s difficult to develop for, and doesn’t sell enough to justify the effort – thus being relinquished to the dreaded causal zone.

I’m curious and hopeful for Nintendo’s efforts, but honestly it’s the most treacherous path I think they’ve ever taken. Because as the old saying goes…try to satisfy everyone and you end up what….?

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Edited By BonOrbitz

@soupbones said:

No mention of Muramasa the Demon Blade, but mentioning No More Heroes makes me want to go all Hulk on Patrick's hair.

But I won't, cause I'm cool man.

There were a bunch of other Wii games not listed as well, but he probably didn't want to go all Family Guy with listing off every single game like Peter Griffin did with all the cancelled Fox shows.

Along with Muramasa that didn't sell well, there's A Boy and His Blob, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Metal of Honor: Heroes 2, Rage of the Gladiator (an extremely fun Punch Out clone), Boom Blox Bash Party, Red Steel 2 (one of my favorite Wii titles and one every Wii owner should try), and Dead Space Extraction.

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Edited By patrickklepek

@Goldanas: I wouldn't make the argument Wii had as much quality content as Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3, only that much of its quality content was ignored because people had written off the console, interested in playing games elsewhere.

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Edited By BBQBram

I want to believe!

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Edited By Enigma777

I'll believe it when I see it. Till then, Ninty can go suck on my dong.

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Edited By fargofallout

I've been thinking a lot about Nintendo recently, and I'm surprised at how successful they have been (not in the last year, but prior to that) while not giving a shit about whether their hardware is capable of delivering the same sorts of games as the competition. I have purchased all of the Nintendo home consoles, but unless I find myself with more money than I know what to do with, I won't be picking up a WiiU. I only played about 8 games on the Wii, so it was sort of a waste of money (especially those three extra controllers), considering how many I've played on the 360 and PS3. Nintendo can only create so many of their own games, and if history is any guide, the big third party games won't be on this system. If I have to choose between a console that will get Bethesda, Rockstar, 2K, and BioWare games, and a console that will get Nintendo games, the choice is pretty easy. Nintendo can say they plan on being friendlier toward third parties all they want, but they always say that, and they always seem to fail.

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Edited By Tarsier

nintendo has been ignorant of what the 'core' wants for years.

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Edited By Draxyle

While it's probably all PR and fluff, I'm glad to hear this. The casual crowd is all well and good, but they are a finicky bunch that will leave once they get bored. You can't build a business around them exclusively, you need the fanatics around.

The debacle surrounding Xenoblade and the others was kind of the last straw for the Wii, but I hope that was a learning experience for them, since they eventually caved. I have felt let down by them, but I'll still keep encouraging them in the right direction.

@soupbones said:

No mention of Muramasa the Demon Blade, but mentioning No More Heroes makes me want to go all Hulk on Patrick's hair.

But I won't, cause I'm cool man.

I didn't even notice that omission. Muramasa was awesome and definitely worth playing for any Wii owner. Some of the Wii's best titles were really swept under the rug in favor of the senseless shovelware, sadly. The Wii is still a damn good console if you dig deeper for the hidden treasures.

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Edited By Claude

If I love the Wii U half as much as I loved my Wii, I'm good as gold.

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Edited By soupbones

No mention of Muramasa the Demon Blade, but mentioning No More Heroes makes me want to go all Hulk on Patrick's hair.

But I won't, cause I'm cool man.

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Edited By Doctorchimp

@AhmadMetallic said:

...Why are they trying to get their devoted "hobbyist gamers" back? They made unprecedented BANK on the Wii by designing it for the casual masses, what do they care about the true fans?

Are you being sarcastic?

It's been proven that all those wiis just sat in the family room with nobody buying software for them where the company makes most of their money.

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Edited By Goldanas

@jakob187: He probably means--aside from first-party Nintendo software--almost nothing but shovelware games catering to the Wii's audience are released for the platform. Certainly there is shovelware on every platform, but the major 2, Microsoft and Sony, at least have a wealth of support from 3rd parties directed specifically at "core gamers". That's their primary purpose after all.

Of course, I agree with everything you write after that point, except for maybe the "ton of good games".


Patrick really laid most of them out, and even then, several of those are on other platforms, and some weren't even first on the Wii (I refuse to discount the PC as a platform). I can certainly think of several Nintendo products that I really enjoyed on my Wii, but apart from that, LostWinds and Tatsunoko vs Capcom are the only other titles that really come to mind when I think of games targeted for me.

I personally felt the Wii lacked more quality titles than either the Gamecube or even N64. Patrick really grasps for straws in that first statement, and it shows. You compare that meager list to what's on the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, or even just these past 3 years on the PC (not even as many years as the Wii has been out), and you'll easily outmatch that list.

I've had a Wii since day one, and I find I have almost no interest in even turning it on, with how infrequently games are released for it.

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Edited By Nicked

It will be interesting to see how the mainstream audience reacts to the controller. I think a lot of people bought the Wii because it didn't seem intimidating: I remember video after video of old people doing Wii Bowling. The screen on the Wii U seems hip, but I think the iPad is successful in part because there's only really one button (and volume controls/power, of course). Iwata seems to be trying to set investor expectations low for sales. Wii to Wii U isn't going to be the same as iPad to iPad 2.

I think the Wii U will do OK longer term, as Iwata suggests, but the market for it seems narrow. Realistically, how many Wii owners feel they need a half-step upgrade that seems more complicated? How many 360/PS3 owners want another console that's only as good as what they currently have? My view is that the Wii U seems too core for the mainstream, and unnecessary to the core gamer.

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Edited By ZenaxPure

Good article but it should probably be pointed out DKC: Returns sold like 4 million copies, not exactly sure I would rank it alongside the rest of those awesome games nobody played :P

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Edited By Shabs

The 360 has been serving my needs. Even if Wii U is geared to gamers, what exactly is it offering me that I don't have?

It doesn't appear to be more powerful than 360/PS3 and a less comfortable controller is not something I count as an asset (who cares about a second screen when you have to look away from your TV to use it?)

The controller not being multi-touch will also make it feel archaic to a generation that has used iPhones, iPods and iPads.

I concede that they certainly could present software that makes me change my mind but my first impression is not good.

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Edited By jakob187

@GenghisJohn said:

After years of shit shovel-ware I am super skeptical of anything nintendo

Then you should be skeptical of every console, because they can ALL be accused of having a ton of shovelware. It's just not a mini-game collection every single time.

I think people really gave the Wii more shit than it deserved. It helped to expand the industry's consumer base. It changed the way we look at the world of gaming. It had a ton of good games on it that people ignored because they wanted to whine about graphical power and such pitiful things.

The thing people hate about the Wii is that it was different, and people don't want to adjust to it. Hell, why do you think Sony has used the same controller for three generations?

With the Wii-U, my problem is that I don't understand what market they are trying to go after. Hobbyist gamers aren't going to want to hold onto that huge ass controller thingie whatchamacallit. Kids who want to play a game while their dad is watching some TV are going to say "well, I could be playing on my iPad or my computer or 3DS, etc".

I think the thing has a cool idea behind it, but I just don't understand why Nintendo doesn't let people use the Classic Controller Pro for games on a regular basis unless they use that big controller thing for some specific reason. Moreover, how many developers are going to get on board for programming this "unique device"? People were lining up to do development on the Wii-mote, but that died quickly after. Will it be the same thing all over again?

Nintendo's problem, I think, is that they have become a novelty company more than a game company.

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Edited By ArbitraryWater

And by core they mean they will release games from the same 5 franchises that they have sustained their core audience with for the past 20 years while their more niche stuff gets no love.