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Worth Reading: 11/16/12

A few thoughts on Wii U just days from its launch, pondering the impact of YouTube broadcasters on games writers, and your regular assortment of games, articles, and random links.

Whether Wii U connects with an audience outside the Nintendo faithful remains the big question.
Whether Wii U connects with an audience outside the Nintendo faithful remains the big question.

We’re just days away from the Wii U launch, and much about the platform remains unclear. The online features are being rushed to completion, resulting in the delay of TVii into, at least, December, and a promised patch to introduce Miiverse, the eShop, and other features, remains in limbo, as of this writing. Whether the Miiverse ends up moving the needle will mean little to Wii U’s success.

Thanks to a shipping snafu, I might not have a chance to bring my Wii U with me over Thanksgiving. Wii was a huge hit with my parents and friends, and I was hoping to use them as outside-the-bubble barometer of this machine’s appeal. I’ve given up on declaring whether or not a Nintendo-made machine is going to be a mainstream success or not, since the last decade has seen Nintendo manage to succeed against all odds (DS, Wii) and weirdly flop when seemingly destined for triumph (3DS).

In any case, Wii U won’t be a flop in the literal sense, it’s just a matter of whether it’s perceived as such after Wii’s pop culture phenomenon. If Wii U ends up GameCube-like, appealing to a devoted Nintendo audience and not much more, that will hardly be enough to keep shareholders happy, and increase the demand for Nintendo and Apple to find harmony on iOS or something equally crazy. Nintendo won't change its ways until it absolutely has to, though.

The armchair analysis, ultimately, means very little. Nintendo continues to produce quality games, and I will both buy and play them. If that’s all Wii U amounts to, I’ll be getting of hours out of it.

Hey, You Should Play This

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Here’s an experiment: take a game usually self-sold on your website and make the whole thing available for free on Newgrounds. You earn money when people play on Newgrounds, making the site itself a form of DRM. That’s what Magical Time Bean did with Soulcaster, and if you like what you’ve played, you can pick up the sequel for only a few bucks on the company’s website. It’s free-to-play without sacrificing the developer’s need to make money, even if the amount of money the developer’s making is a fraction per unit. The parallels to music and Spotify are interesting.

And You Should Read This, Too

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One of the more interesting challenges facing future games writers will be rise of YouTube broadcasters. Blogging leveled the playing field of games writing to an extent, even if it didn’t allow that many people to make a living doing it. It remains to be see if enough amateur broadcasters can make money that it becomes a career pipeline for folks. Hell, part of the reason I started doing Spookin’ With Scoops from my apartment is because I wanted to have a better sense of how streaming works, what it’s like to talk on your own, and to engage directly with an audience.

Inspired by montages of no-scope sniper kills, Tom first armed himself with a capture card four years ago - going through several false starts before hitting the big-time when he knuckled down with The Syndicate Project. "At the time there were maybe a few hundred other people doing it on YouTube - because it was pretty expensive," he explains. "You had to get a recording device that was in Standard Definition. There was a guy called Shaun Hutchinson, also known as Hutch, and he didn't just post these sniper kills just as kills - he did a commentary over it. He talked about his life and gameplay. You'd learn about who he was - you'd grow a personality around him. You'd become a fan of who he is, and what he stands for. I still look up to him to this day."

If You Click It, It Will Play

I Don’t Know About This Kickstarter Thing, But These Projects Seem Pretty Cool

Valve Just Launched Greenlight, So Here’s Some Games That Don’t Look Terrible

Wii U Launches on Sunday, And People Are Writing About It

Oh, And This Other Stuff

Patrick Klepek on Google+


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Edited By Y2Ken

Big fan of Syndicate, he's done a great job for himself. He's committed to what he does and he works hard to please his audience. He's always upbeat and enthusiastic right through every day, and that's gotta be pretty hard to keep up for as long as that even when you are in a great situation like he is.

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Edited By Nodima

I agree, especially since he says he hasn't done shrooms much. I haven't had any since freshman year of college, but I did them around ten times between my junior year of high school and that first semester at Nebraska, and the most I EVER had was, MAYBE 7 grams. Usually it was more like 3 or 4. And while I had some awesome experiences with it, the times I upped my dosage I'd either feel super sick for most of the time or get completely lost in my mind. I laid outside in my friend's backyard and apparently endured a thunderstorm I don't remember at all; I thought I was in a foxhole in the middle of Resistance, and then all of a sudden I was walking home and soaking wet, but the rain had stopped and the world around me was wet.

Trying to double THAT dose, and play a VIDEO GAME? Nope.

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Edited By Sneakybadger

I have the pleasure of knowing Tom "Syndicate" personally. The article hits him bang on the head he is a great guy.

On the negative side, I'm one of his 5 friends he has on battlelog, so I get friend requests up to my ears.

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Edited By WarlordPayne
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Edited By biggiedubs

@WarlordPayne said:

@biggiedubs said:

@BlazeHedgehog said:

Soulcaster and Soulcaster 2 are on Xbox Live Indie games too, I think.

Edit:$1 each

And they are both fantastic, too. The same guy made Escape Goat, as well, which was pretty good too.

I've only got about 5 Xbox Indie games, and those are three of them. That guy is really talented.

I bought a bunch of his soundtracks from his bandcamp page, which are pretty awesome in themselves, but he noticed I had bought them and sent me an email saying thanks. I talked to him a bunch as well, he's a nice dude.

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Edited By Soffish

While the Assassin's Creed series plays fast and loose with history, that article is completely off base. It's clear the person who wrote it hasn't actually played the game and is making completely false assumptions about AC3 in order to push some agenda. Why would Scoops support such trash?

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Edited By abendlaender

@EXTomar said:

@Abendlaender said:

Is the 3DS really a "flop"? I mean come on, it already sold more units than the PS3 in Japan (almost), that can't be so bad, right?

Considering cheaper and more powerful things like the Nexus 7 and iPad Mini are going going to blow past let alone the bazillion of phones people in Japan buy it I'd say "Yes, the 3DS is a flop".

The 3DS isn't a phone though. I don't think you can compare that.

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Edited By jasondesante

good article this week

MS and Sony's answer to the Wii are both jokes. The app store has more games than every other console combined, also with a record number of bad ports. They even managed to make sonic 2 a horribly shit game. They even fucked up Metal Gear Solid! They even fucked up Resident Evil 4!

If Wii U supports people using Origin.....I would assume it could support people using Steam. If there is a lot of Steam support, then everyone else is dead. How dare you Patrick think Wii U might become another gamecube, with the casual audience alone they will demolish gamecube numbers. Every kid that gets an ipod touch because they want to play a game that costs a dollar will get reality smacked in their face and then will get filled with desire to get a 3ds once they see someone else with one. It just needs to take a little time, but it will definitely happen.

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Edited By bombystark

Superbly done

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Edited By yukoasho

@DarkbeatDK said:

Oh there's no Miiverse at launch? Weird. It comes out on the 30th in my end of the world.

Anyway, I think it's ridiculous that EVERYONE expects every new console to sell like the Wii did. Consumers does it and Publishers does it. The 3DS took a year to take off, but that's how it is... I don't know why people expected otherwise or why Nintendo felt apologetic and lowered the price. It takes a while to get killer apps out there and it's extremely rare for anyone to have that for launch day and even as a pack-in like the Wii did.

People give the Vita a hard time and I do too, because the only game I've felt warranted my purchase of the machine so far is Gravity Rush. I don't really get why everyone seems to be so excited for a port that they might already have played before, but I guess it's something.

Maybe it won't take so long for the Wii U to take off. At least I know that there are thingsthat I am excitedforalready and I'm hoping we will see even more awesome games for it over the next year.

Well, superfluous crap isn't going to make or break the Wii U the way some pundits are making it out to be. Though I guess if Fox News has taught us anything, it's that constant negativity and pandering to the lunatic fringe gets ratings.

Comparisons between the Wii and the Wii U are also absolutely bonkers. The Wii was a system that was built on novelty. I don't mean that in a negative sense: It was a pop-culture phenomenon that likely won't repeat itself for another 20 years or more. It appealed to people who didn't - and still don't - give a crap about video games. However, that was part of what did the system in long-term, as there was never the vibrant market for software that was seen on the 360 and PS3. If anything, getting gamers back in is in Nintendo's best interest, as they're the ones who are going to buy software for years after the hardware purchase is done. The Wii U's success will hinge entirely on how well software that doesn't feature a Nintendo mascot sells on the system, period. The "Nintendo systems are for Nintendo games only" is the only thing standing between Nintendo and prolonged success in the home space.

As to the 3DS, it's absolutely ridiculous to call it a flop. Yes, it had a hard launch. However, Nintendo took the necessary measures to right the ship, and now the system looks like it's going to be yet another dominant outing for Nintendo in the handheld gaming arena. And while I'm at it, I really wish the pundits would shut the fuck up about mobile phones killing dedicated handheld gaming devices. How many people buy iOS and (especially) Android devices primarily for gaming? How many dedicated gamers are going to shun Tales of the Abyss 3D in favor of Cut the Rope? While the era of charging $35 for brain training games is absolutely over, throwaway time-wasters aren't going to replace traditional games, no matter how many times the media says so. the 3DS' success is undeniable proof of that. Hell, the only reason they lost money last year is because they bet hard on the 3DS being another Wii. Now that they've settled for it being another DS, they're probably going to be better off.

And Nintendo isn't going to go to iOS, so the investors might as well sit the hell down. This isn't Sega we're talking about here.

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Edited By Orbitz89

@Kaiserreich: I guess some of my fellow country-men are getting so sick and tired of the practically zero representation Canada gets in American media it's starting to get to them.. I'm a Canadian myself and I find this attitude more embarrassing than anything.

But then I took a minute to remember that ACIII was made in Montreal.. which is technically part of Canada. Oh shit I don't know what the hell is going on anymore!

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Edited By bybeach

Concerning the Dyad play,,14 grams...REALLY??????

I do not know anymore these days, but most Cubenis (DRIED) tend be a way bit stronger than that.

still maybe that was it.. either very weak or hey, fresh.

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Edited By fjordson

Love the shoutout for Primordia. Looks amazing!

A shame that Valve can be really dumb sometimes and still deems it necessary for someone like Wadjet Eye to have to use Greenlight.

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Edited By Mendelson9

The GMod video has a remix of the best song from Super Mario Galaxy 2.

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Edited By RVonE

@Fjordson said:

Love the shoutout for Primordia. Looks amazing!

A shame that Valve can be really dumb sometimes and still deems it necessary for someone like Wadjet Eye to have to use Greenlight.

It does seem strange, indeed, but maybe Gemini Rue didn't do well sales-wise on Steam? I don't know.

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Edited By dropabombonit

That Dyad article was super interesting especially since I have finally got to play the game. Only came out on UK PSN last week

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Edited By Elwoodan

I like that article on historical inaccuracy in AC3, which then goes on to be even more incorrect than AC3.

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Edited By StarvingGamer

I love these articles as they give me a lot of good reading for the slow times at work over the weekend, but I have to ask you something. Did you read the ACIII "historically inaccurate" article yourself?

It should be clear to anyone who has actually played ACIII that the writer has never spent a moment with the game in his life. The game he describes is one where Connor and all the other Native Americans band together with the colonists and fight back the evil British army. That doesn't sound anything like the game I experienced.

It was a huge letdown. I assumed I was clicking on something articulate and insightful, but ended up inadvertently supporting some good old-fashioned yellow-journalism. I realize you're a very busy man and can't scrutinize everything that comes across your desk, but it seems out of character for you to promote an article you haven't vetted yourself.

Anyways, sorry about my bitching. Keep up the good work.

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Edited By Angelise


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Edited By jackopm

Man, a bunch of the comments on Eurogamer's Syndicate article are infuriating. There are tons of people bitching about how they don't "get" it and how it's a shame that he makes so much money for doing nothing and on and on. Like, I hadn't heard of the guy either, because I'm neither a big CoD guy nor a YouTube guy, but to begrudge what sounds like nice, hardworking, savvy kid his success just because his success is so outsized and built on a new form of media strikes me as childish and petty.

I mean, if you get right down to it, the majority of Giant Bomb content is a higher production value version of the same thing, just with a much clearer focus on the games proper rather than the vlog-ing aspect. Ugh, I'm rambling, but it just really made me mad. That's all.

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Edited By Quantris

I wonder if WiiU would have been better served launching a few weeks later; I'm having trouble seeing how this launch will come anywhere close to the launch of the Wii given that none of the "casuals" that I know have even heard of it. I guess Nintendo is happy right now with the preorder numbers but I'm looking forward to Christmas-time to see if there is any hint of a repeat of "Wii-mania".

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Edited By xxizzypop

@bybeach said:

Concerning the Dyad play,,14 grams...REALLY??????

I do not know anymore these days, but most Cubenis (DRIED) tend be a way bit stronger than that.

still maybe that was it.. either very weak or hey, fresh.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who had this thought. 14 grams of mushrooms is... kind of a lot. Not even kind of. That's a whole lot.

And that Canadian article, oh my word. I expected something maybe a little thought out or informed when I went in, but this seems like the kind of article that a butthurt blogger would have published six months ago based entirely off of select promotional material. It's so off base, it hurts.

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Edited By Dan_CiTi
@jasondesante: I am struggling to make sense of this. How did they mess up RE4 and MGS? And yeah, it would be awesome if Steam supported the Wii U like it did for the PS3 and Portal 2.  
Anyway Chapter 2 in the Hoopz Barkley Saga is the best gaming news of all time. The original was one of the best games ever made. 
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Edited By jasondesante

@Dan_CiTi: oh, iOS messed up RE4, because....have you played "resident evil 4 platnium edition" on ios? Its ridiculously bad!

And then "metal gear solid touch" is another piece of shit on iOS.

Thats why I think iOS took a giant shit on RE4 and MGS. :D No other system has raped that many franchises.

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Edited By Dan_CiTi
@SatelliteOfLove: ???  
@jasondesante  said: 

oh, iOS messed up RE4, because....have you played "resident evil 4 platnium edition" on ios? Its ridiculously bad!

And then "metal gear solid touch" is another piece of shit on iOS.

Thats why I think iOS took a giant shit on RE4 and MGS. :D No other system has raped that many franchises.

Ah, I didn't realize you were talking about iOS. 
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Edited By nicolasvh

Lots of reading to do! :o

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Edited By fox01313

Found the one video of 'if doom was done today' hilarious to watch & quite well done. Thanks for that Patrick & the great read on the rest of the article.

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Edited By darkstorn

@xxizzypop said:

@bybeach said:

Concerning the Dyad play,,14 grams...REALLY??????

I do not know anymore these days, but most Cubenis (DRIED) tend be a way bit stronger than that.

still maybe that was it.. either very weak or hey, fresh.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who had this thought. 14 grams of mushrooms is... kind of a lot. Not even kind of. That's a whole lot.

And that Canadian article, oh my word. I expected something maybe a little thought out or informed when I went in, but this seems like the kind of article that a butthurt blogger would have published six months ago based entirely off of select promotional material. It's so off base, it hurts.

I was thinking the same thing. They must have been fresh shrooms or else he wouldn't be coming back from the void.

It would be an interesting idea if shrooms were a simple hallucinogen. Instead, they are capable of much more profound thinking that doesn't lend itself to playing with shapes on a screen.