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The Millionaire Celebrities (or Why Piracy Isnt So Bad)

If theres anything thats been bothering me for over a year now, it's the money celebrities make. 
Hey guys, you know those million dollars we all dream of having? we work hard trying to earn? we participate in the lottery with our fingers crossed that we get them? and if we do, we'd blow up a small fucking country out of happiness and joy ? the million dollars you touch yourself while thinking about, and play the "what i would do with such an amount of money" game with your friends ?
Well, those pretty gals and boys, doing nothing but reading scripts and acting in movies with very comfortable conditions, they make those bucks that we'd suck a dick for, and they make them alot. 
Those sexy singers with the music videos and the glamour, doing nothing but write love songs that my asshole can write without thinking twice, and singing into a microphone just like we sing in the shower?  They make those millions too 
Are you catching my drift? those people, not any different from me or you except for a talent or a good voice, they make the big money and buy mansions and live like kings... what the FUCK? 
What right do they have to get our hard earned money and fill their bank accounts, while my and your hardworking fathers can barely keep the house running, even though they almost break their backs working for decades ? 

You see this cute boy and cute girl? they did NOTHING, and now they're millionaires.. Think about it, it'll blow your fucking mind. 
You see this cute boy and cute girl? they did NOTHING, and now they're millionaires.. Think about it, it'll blow your fucking mind. 

Pirating games may be very controversial, but i'll NEVER think twice before downloading a movie or album from a fileshare website.  
You want me to purchase? drop the prices so that the maximum amount of money you make is 500K dollars. That way you make a living, i enjoy the content legally, and nobody gets filthy rich while they dont deserve it. 
Which leads me to the next point: when it comes to pirating games, there are several wealthy developers/publishers who deserve the same treatment as the rich movie/music companies.  


 I just realized that all the people defending the hardworkers behind the scenes are pretty much doing this : 
They see a bunch of slaves working hard while their master rests in his villa, and what they do is leave the master alone (the company CEO, the celebs), and aid the slaves without changing anything about the fact that they're slaves (buy the products to help them make a living, while ignoring the fact that they are barely getting paid)..     


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Edited By AhmadMetallic

If theres anything thats been bothering me for over a year now, it's the money celebrities make. 
Hey guys, you know those million dollars we all dream of having? we work hard trying to earn? we participate in the lottery with our fingers crossed that we get them? and if we do, we'd blow up a small fucking country out of happiness and joy ? the million dollars you touch yourself while thinking about, and play the "what i would do with such an amount of money" game with your friends ?
Well, those pretty gals and boys, doing nothing but reading scripts and acting in movies with very comfortable conditions, they make those bucks that we'd suck a dick for, and they make them alot. 
Those sexy singers with the music videos and the glamour, doing nothing but write love songs that my asshole can write without thinking twice, and singing into a microphone just like we sing in the shower?  They make those millions too 
Are you catching my drift? those people, not any different from me or you except for a talent or a good voice, they make the big money and buy mansions and live like kings... what the FUCK? 
What right do they have to get our hard earned money and fill their bank accounts, while my and your hardworking fathers can barely keep the house running, even though they almost break their backs working for decades ? 

You see this cute boy and cute girl? they did NOTHING, and now they're millionaires.. Think about it, it'll blow your fucking mind. 
You see this cute boy and cute girl? they did NOTHING, and now they're millionaires.. Think about it, it'll blow your fucking mind. 

Pirating games may be very controversial, but i'll NEVER think twice before downloading a movie or album from a fileshare website.  
You want me to purchase? drop the prices so that the maximum amount of money you make is 500K dollars. That way you make a living, i enjoy the content legally, and nobody gets filthy rich while they dont deserve it. 
Which leads me to the next point: when it comes to pirating games, there are several wealthy developers/publishers who deserve the same treatment as the rich movie/music companies.  


 I just realized that all the people defending the hardworkers behind the scenes are pretty much doing this : 
They see a bunch of slaves working hard while their master rests in his villa, and what they do is leave the master alone (the company CEO, the celebs), and aid the slaves without changing anything about the fact that they're slaves (buy the products to help them make a living, while ignoring the fact that they are barely getting paid)..     
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Edited By EVO

If acting on a very comfortable set and writing songs with your asshole is so easy, then why don't you do it?

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Edited By mwng

I would not pirate High School Musical.

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Edited By xMP44x

Companies are not going to drop prices because of piracy. They are going to raise them because of the losses they make from not getting the predicted amount of legitimate sales. There's no way to rationalise illegally downloading music, games, or movies. You download it. You drive up the price in the future. Someone pays more. Company losses grow smaller because less people are paying more. And by you I'm making a general statement about all pirates. Downloading a movie is stealing, and it means the company that are producing and distributing the movie are losing that cash they need to potentially make a sequel, or quite possibly survive in the economic turmoil. I stand by the fact piracy is impossible to rationalise.

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Edited By fwylo

I can see what you're saying and it almost makes sense.  But I feel you aren't taking in to context what these celebrities are producing and putting in to our hands. 
Think about how many people buy a Justin Bieber CD or a Tom Cruise Movie.  It is unreal.  The fact that this many people enjoy the product that is being given to them, enough that they will go out and purchase it to support them.  Gives some sort of warrant to the amount of money they receive in the end.  
It is all relative.  If the Movie is going to make 60 million dollars.  And the lead actor gets paid 1 million (probably more) to star in it.  Then ya it makes perfect sense to pay the actor that much.  The only reason they are getting rich is because people want what they have to offer.

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Edited By emkeighcameron

I fully agree that actors are ridiculously overpaid for what they do. Fuck 'em.

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Edited By davidwitten22

Maybe you should, I don't know, become a good actor? You have the means to become one and the opportunity. It's your fault for not making a million dollars, not their fault. Don't blame them for your own inadequacy. 

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Edited By FiestaUnicorn

Why do people try to convince themselves stealing is noble?
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Edited By benpack

Actors may be overpaid, yes. But the other dozens of people who do slave labor-like work creating these movies, non-acknowledged writers and even smaller investors all rely on those movies making it big so they can work again. You aren't entitled to pirating something because it is overpriced or it won't hurt the celebrities.

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Edited By Sabata

Hey, maybe you'd suck a dick for money, but I sure wouldn't! 
P.S. You're dumb.

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Edited By actionTACO

i donno. if dumb people wanted to pay me millions to open my mouth and have someone else's words fall out of it on occasion i would do it. its not like its my fault capitalism sucks.

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Edited By jacksukeru

Not everybody dreams of having lots of money, common misconception.

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Edited By EVO
@xMP44x said:
" I stand by the fact piracy is impossible to rationalise. "
Would you rather 1 million people pirate your game, or just one person buy it?
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Edited By Diamond
@Ahmad_Metallic said:

You see this cute boy and cute girl? they did NOTHING, and now they're millionaires.. Think about it, it'll blow your fucking mind. 
You see this cute boy and cute girl? they did NOTHING, and now they're millionaires.. Think about it, it'll blow your fucking mind. 
If you want to pirate THEIR stuff, personally I won't raise a fuss.  There isn't really many situations like that inside gaming however.  Even Shigeru Miyamoto and Nintendo's CEO get less than $1 million a year.  Maybe you should be taking on Oil Company CEOs, something everyone can agree on.
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Edited By Video_Game_King
@EVO said:
" If acting on a very comfortable set and writing songs with your asshole is so easy, then why don't you do it? "
Because the people in control don't want that. And by people in control, I mean a combination of the upper class and us.
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Edited By DanielJW
@GlenTennis said:
" Actors may be overpaid, yes. But the other dozens of people who do slave labor-like work creating these movies, non-acknowledged writers and even smaller investors all rely on those movies making it big so they can work again. You aren't entitled to pirating something because it is overpriced or it won't hurt the celebrities. "
This. There is a ridiculous amount of people behind the production of a movie or album, none of which are getting paid a hell of a lot. They rely on their work being purchased to make a living.
I think you have a jaded view on what actors and singers do. It's still hard work. Sure they make a lot of money, but it isn't like that aren't working. 
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Edited By Sabata
@Diamond: I think you're on to something...All in favor of pirating gas say "Aye!"
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Edited By EVO
@Video_Game_King said:
" @EVO said:
" If acting on a very comfortable set and writing songs with your asshole is so easy, then why don't you do it? "
Because the people in control don't want that. And by people in control, I mean a combination of the upper class and us. "
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Edited By Video_Game_King
@EVO said:
" @Video_Game_King said:
" @EVO said:
" If acting on a very comfortable set and writing songs with your asshole is so easy, then why don't you do it? "
Because the people in control don't want that. And by people in control, I mean a combination of the upper class and us. "
 Huh? "
Sorry, a bit of insane residue left over from the Silent Hill 2 blog. But still, there is a point in there: if we want to change things...we have to change things. We can't just complain about it on the Inter-OK, still a bit insane :P.
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Edited By xMP44x
@EVO said:
Would you rather 1 million people pirate your game, or just one person buy it? "
Neither is the correct answer. Having one person buy it will not recuperate the losses, and having 1,000,000 people pirate it will simply ruin a company if they only have that one sale. I don't really see what you're getting at though.
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Edited By guiseppe

I just think that many actor's salaries are so ridiculously high. A couple of years ago I read that for example Ray Romano from Everybody Loves Raymond at one point got something like 1.8 million USD per episode. That is just insane, and I don't think that anyone in television and movies deserve that much money. It's even worse with the celebrities that are "created", as in, have no talent but still release albums using a magic machine that makes their voices great. They don't even do anything but dress in skimpy outfits and dance around in their music videos. Even worse than them, are the celebrities that are famous for being rich since birth (Paris Hilton). They do nothing for this world, and yet they are the persons that people read about. It's really sickening. I'm not saying that some actors and musicians don't have talent, because they do, but even so, they are being payed too damned much for what they do. Just imagine what that kind of money could have gone to, instead of boosting some already rich guys/girls ego.

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Edited By AhmadMetallic
@DanielJW said:
" @GlenTennis said:
" Actors may be overpaid, yes. But the other dozens of people who do slave labor-like work creating these movies, non-acknowledged writers and even smaller investors all rely on those movies making it big so they can work again. You aren't entitled to pirating something because it is overpriced or it won't hurt the celebrities. "
This. There is a ridiculous amount of people behind the production of a movie or album, none of which are getting paid a hell of a lot.  "
this is the problem with humanity.. instead of changing the fact that waiters dont get a good salary, we bow down to that and keep throwing tips around. instead of changing the fact that the tons of workers behind a movie or an album dont get paid shit, we let that slip and we pay for it by buying the overpriced product  
Please, dont ask me "how do u suppose we change it?" i didnt make a plan just yet.. this is about principles 
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I think you're forgetting the tons of other people that work on these projects as well that DON'T make millions of dollars.

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Edited By chaser324  Moderator
@Vito_Raliffe said:
" I think you're forgetting the tons of other people that work on these projects as well that DON'T make millions of dollars. "
Very true. Also, I have no interest in pirating episodes of iCarly or the latest Justin Bieber single.
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Edited By DanielJW
@Ahmad_Metallic: The product is priced the way it is so everyone can get paid. You know what drives prices up? When people steal their product. Less sales means less money to go to payroll. If nobody pirated their shit, they would have far more money coming in and could pay everyone what they're deserved. 
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Edited By demontium

Thats an unfair justification. 
It would be like robin hood stealing from the rich and then keeping it in spite of taxes.

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Edited By OllyOxenFree


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Edited By HandsomeDead

I'm guessing someone doesn't really understand the concept of economics and also, if you think Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens did nothing, then why don't you try being a multi-talented teen sensation, Ahmed?

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Edited By AhmadMetallic
@DanielJW said:
" @Ahmad_Metallic: The product is priced the way it is so everyone can get paid. You know what drives prices up? When people steal their product. Less sales means less money to go to payroll. If nobody pirated their shit, they would have far more money coming in and could pay everyone what they're deserved.  "
you're taking it the wrong way. what i want is for worldwide masses to protest that the lead actor gets 10 mil while the hardworking staff behind the movie get minimum wage. and to try and change that, not just pirate the stuff and let the hardworkers get screwed even more...  
I guess my idea revolves around a boycott, but i dont wanna resort to that yet because according to your opinion, boycotts are imaginary, im sure :P 
@Chaser324 said:
" @Vito_Raliffe said:
" I think you're forgetting the tons of other people that work on these projects as well that DON'T make millions of dollars. "
Very true. Also, I have no interest in pirating episodes of iCarly or the latest Justin Bieber single. "
Please read DanielJW's and my discussion. it concerns what you're saying
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Edited By kashif1
@Ahmad_Metallic: you do realize the celebrities are not the only people in the credits
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Edited By jacdg

Don't pirate stuff, just don't!

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Edited By DanielJW
@Ahmad_Metallic: Well you have to keep in mind that the star power is the reason people buy products. Take Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz out of "Knight and Day" and nobody would have seen it. Then nobody gets paid. Plus actors and singers don't have it as easy as you like to think. They might enjoy their jobs more than some people, and they happen to be in a very lucrative line of work, but it's still hard work.  
Boycotts can work if enough people actually follow through. But that still isn't the solution here. 
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Edited By chaser324  Moderator
I wish we lived in a world where celebrities and CEOs didn't make such a disproportionate amount of money compared to the hard working people around them, but I don't think there's any chance of that ever happening. The standards have been set and unfortunately the genie is going back into the bottle any time soon.
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Edited By ArchScabby

It annoys me more that actually talented musicians can be just as poor as me, and they work a million times harder then those shitty pop singers who don't even write their own music.

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Edited By benpack
@Ahmad_Metallic said:
" @DanielJW said:
" @GlenTennis said:
" Actors may be overpaid, yes. But the other dozens of people who do slave labor-like work creating these movies, non-acknowledged writers and even smaller investors all rely on those movies making it big so they can work again. You aren't entitled to pirating something because it is overpriced or it won't hurt the celebrities. "
This. There is a ridiculous amount of people behind the production of a movie or album, none of which are getting paid a hell of a lot.  "
this is the problem with humanity.. instead of changing the fact that waiters dont get a good salary, we bow down to that and keep throwing tips around. instead of changing the fact that the tons of workers behind a movie or an album dont get paid shit, we let that slip and we pay for it by buying the overpriced product  Please, dont ask me "how do u suppose we change it?" i didnt make a plan just yet.. this is about principles  "
You're taking yourself way too seriously. Instead of creating threads where you bitch about something you have no solution to and trying to justify your guilt for pirating, do something.
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Edited By AhmadMetallic
@GlenTennis said:
" @Ahmad_Metallic said:
" @DanielJW said:
" @GlenTennis said:
" Actors may be overpaid, yes. But the other dozens of people who do slave labor-like work creating these movies, non-acknowledged writers and even smaller investors all rely on those movies making it big so they can work again. You aren't entitled to pirating something because it is overpriced or it won't hurt the celebrities. "
This. There is a ridiculous amount of people behind the production of a movie or album, none of which are getting paid a hell of a lot.  "
this is the problem with humanity.. instead of changing the fact that waiters dont get a good salary, we bow down to that and keep throwing tips around. instead of changing the fact that the tons of workers behind a movie or an album dont get paid shit, we let that slip and we pay for it by buying the overpriced product  Please, dont ask me "how do u suppose we change it?" i didnt make a plan just yet.. this is about principles  "
You're taking yourself way too seriously. Instead of creating threads where you bitch about something you have no solution to and trying to justify your guilt for pirating, do something. "
you're taking life too seriously. instead of spending your time being a tool and "doing something" until life passes you by, think about stuff even if you cant change some of them.
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I agree that celebrities make too much money, but I support free enterprise and do not support theft. Thus, I do not pirate. 

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Edited By benpack
I fucked up my edits.
I'm glad you think it's better to philosophize about how the world could be better than trying to do something. I'm also glad that your big goal in life is to make piracy more acceptable, rather than cure something like hunger in Africa, or even here in America.
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Edited By Cretaceous_Bob

Since we're going to be distributing money based on merit and worth, I say first order of business is seize the assets of thieves whose only contribution to society is demands to be given a fair share of money they did nothing for.  
If you want to talk about people's fathers, then I'd say you have a skewed fantasy regarding a working living that was brought about by the fact that your father was the same scum not worth wiping off of society's boot that you are. 
Show me why you deserve what you have more than fucking starving crack-addicted children of Liberia. Fair distribution of wealth, pig. You have an easy time squealing about how you got the short end of the stick, but you're the 100lb Swedish model talking about how fat you are. The police of holding people to their word should kick in your door and strip you of everything you own; at least poor people that would get your shit would do everyone else the favour of not whining. 
All citizens of first-world nations get paid too much, not just actors. Anyone with internet access who whines about not getting enough of the pie deserves to be deported to somewhere that doesn't know what the pie looks like.

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Edited By Akrid

No gain is undeserved. Those CEOs, however dastardly, use their brain and make decisions in order to make their companies a big deal, and even more so to essentially embezzle their respective fortunes from them. A friend of the family started a business, took big risks, and managed to come out of it retired at 40 with 3 houses across the globe. I see no reason to begrudge them that.
And those kids may be talentless actors/musicians, but it's not an easy job being a star, they work hard to achieve and maintain their fame, even if there's an agent making every decision along the way. 
That said, the paygrade is the often wrong way up, the hardest workers are the ones paid minimum wage. But would we have it any other way? It would be a dull world if work actually equaled pay and your decent desk job was brought into line with the actual amount of work you do. There would be no solace that some day you may be able to make your life easier AND fill your pockets a bit, if you work hard enough.

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Edited By zidd
@Ahmad_Metallic: your post reeks of ignorance. You don't think that there are other people at work making a movie or an album? What about all of the producers, audio engineers, cameramen, writers, set builders, PR People, special effects crews, stuntmen, directors and everyone else? Have you ever looked at the credits for a movie or an album? A lot of people are doing a lot of work to make that possible and they deserve to be compensated for their work. Regardless of what you may think of the celebrities that are the face of the product you are forgetting about everyone else. When you pirate something you aren't screwing the celebrity you are screwing everyone else.
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Edited By KillerBears

I hate it when people try to justify piracy. It's stealing. You're a thief. I [hypothetically] pirate music, and   [hypothetically] even games occasionally, and I'll be the first to admit that, yes, I'm  [hypothetically] stealing.  
 Just because someone makes a lot of money off of a thing someone likes doesn't mean you don't have to pay for it. While it's true that most people making millions of dollars doing an art form would still do it for much less, if they wanted to give it away for free, they would.

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Edited By tunaburn

well i pirate movies all the time. i have a family and cant afford to take me and my girl and daughter to the movies. its like 40 bucks just to get in the theatre. nevermind the 40 more on snacks. im sorry but the prices are outrageous. im not being noble or whatever else you will bitch at me for. im just sick of the fucking price gouging.

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Edited By Scooper

You could write all these songs. You could act in these shitty movies just as badly as they do. You could, but you're not. Instead you're complaining about them. They went there and siezed the oppertunity and done it and made alrite for themselves. Now, I have no respect for what these teeny boppers do, I think their work is terrible and crap, but if they went out and made some good money then well done to them. You're just delusional and jelous.

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Edited By Nasar7

Hate is strong in this one.

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Edited By Jack268
I spent time making this with google+paint. Send me cash on paypal or else viewing this thread is piracy. 
And yes. I fucked up on the lower border. Hate me. I can take it.
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I kinda agree, but sadly its not as simple as that.
It's good to think like that tho once in a while, hate can be a good motivation! 
(To work or something, not kill! XD)

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Edited By AlwaysAngry
@ArchScabby said:
" It annoys me more that actually talented musicians can be just as poor as me, and they work a million times harder then those shitty pop singers who don't even write their own music. "
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Edited By iamjohn
@EVO said:
" If acting on a very comfortable set and writing songs with your asshole is so easy, then why don't you do it? "
Thread should have ended here.
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Edited By zidd
@AlwaysAngry said:
" @ArchScabby said:
" It annoys me more that actually talented musicians can be just as poor as me, and they work a million times harder then those shitty pop singers who don't even write their own music. "
These people will always exist because marketing demands someone they can exploit.