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Drew's Games of the Year He Played - 2016

2016 was a really good year for games. Aside from 3 games over the last two years (Witcher 3, MGSV, and GTA V - three classics) I would take about this whole list over all the games I played those years. I contemplated just doing 8 or so games but there were a few games I just refused to put on my list and I've been cramming in new ones at the end of the year here.

List items

  • I am a huge series fan and coming off Absolution I am shocked Hitman came back to glory. Not even old glory either, but new and exciting ones. At the core the game plays better than any in the series, with great feedback to the player so that they are truly poking around in a clockwork world they can totally understand. Every bit of it as a living and episodic game was not only pulled off but with a lot of foresight and confidence which is very impressive. Some maps are uneven (Bangkok and Morocco are bad Hitman levels) and there are less maps than a usual Hitman game but when it's on it's really on.

    This game might not quite be my GOTY this year if not for how much I also watched it on GB and had a great time doing that. Hitman earned it.

  • Witcher 3: Blood and Wine. Witcher 3 is one of the best games ever and they put out a really amazing expansion of sorts for it. It had to have a spot on my list. I think some of the character work was a bit below my high CDProjekt standards but otherwise it was incredible. It also really fixed my issues with the RPG progression in the game and added new fun stuff to find in a world with a very new vibe. Outstanding stuff.

  • I had dabbled in Harvest Moon and liked some Animal Crossing, but this one really grabbed me. I think it has to be said this is done a lot better than those games though, to my taste, and that deserves credit. I was going through a very hard time earlier in the year when this came out, and the warm feelings and positive growth it allowed to me to go to was special.

  • This is one of the most beautiful games ever, absolutely no doubt. It is beautifully hand crafted and looks like a painting many times (and feels as carefully constructed as static art like that which is breathtaking). It goes amazing places with extreme confidence, while leaving room for interpretation which is not something games like to do all that much. Loved it.

  • This game is very underrated. I think it really improved on XCOM 1 in every single area. Not that it is perfect but it has cool destruction, more tactical options, better character progression and customization, a better strategy layer, looks cooler. The story missions suck though at times.

  • Doom kicked ass. No other way about it. Great fast fun and a blast on mouse and keyboard. I didn't care about the fleshed out story at all but the basic Hayden/Doomguy dynamic was really funny. I loved that soundtrack was metal as fuck when you'd expect techno type stuff these days. For me it was that rare type of shooter I can start on the hardest difficulty with because I will know it's mechanics are strong and worth mastering because the game is so fun (last shooter like that for me was Max Payne 3).

  • NBA 2K! Like always great fun for me. This game doesn't improve in some areas as much as you want but the gameplay is cool and physical, with height, length, and strength mattering like never before.

  • I always like Commandos and was so shocked when this game came out of nowhere. Very good version of that type of game. I wish it maybe switched things up a little more but otherwise it's a very good game with a cool setting and well told story actually.

  • Amazing art and music. Fun cyberpunk world you are given very cool ways to interact with. More down to earth feeling characters with realistic problems. Parts of this game, and the main characters plight, hit close to home in a good way. The writing is sometimes kind of crude but often pretty funny and has heart for sure. A visual novel type game that feels this dynamic and interactive is worth applauding.