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#1  Edited By baconbutty
@Subjugation The only thing I disagree with here is your point about criminals being criminals regardless of gun control meaning no gun control is needed.

We have strict gun control in the UK, and criminals do indeed still shoot bank tellers, shop owners and eachother.

But what this gun control prevents are the people who aren't criminals from killing multiple people in succession using a firearm designed to kill multiple people in succession. People who have snapped, or are mentally ill and have their judgement severely impaired. These people aren't criminals. And they're often kids.

Our laws are more strict, but I can fairly easily own a shotgun if I want to. Getting the license is easy, and the rules surrounding it are simple to follow. (Locked gun case, that kind of thing). I have fired guns many times at my in law's and I enjoy it.

But does anyone need to own an Assault rifle or a Tech 9? Do they need to be able to buy ammunition for these guns at Walmart?

Do they fuck.
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#2  Edited By baconbutty

@TruthTellah: I was apologising for immediately derailing the thread.

I don't... Know that I "offended" anyone? I coaxed opinion. So no, I don't apologise for offending anyone.

(edit) and then you edited your post because I didn't quote it. Classy move, guy.

Jeez, I really earned myself a tar and feathering here didn't I?

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#4  Edited By baconbutty

@The_Nubster: Holy shit I didn't even read your post.

Okay. Yeah. I owe people an apology.

I do not live in America and I am ignorant on the nuances of gun control and the constitution.

So yeah. I didn't mean to turn this thread into that.

[EDIT] "Live by the sword, Die by the sword" is exactly the kind of *observation* I was trying to make. I mentioned gun laws because from our perspective, YouTube channels like FPS Russia are weird, scary and at a glance, dangerous (but entertaining!). And it all fits in with the feeling I got when I read this dude had been shot to death.

Again. Not a statement.

The mistake I made here was briefly mentioning gun control, because holy fuck, apparently that gets rootin tootin' gun totin' yanks fired up huh?!

(That may have been a subtle statement about control, but only that last part)

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#5  Edited By baconbutty

Okay, so. Yeah. I made that post while I was at work and then came home to see lots of replies.

I'm a Brit. Our gun laws are different to the point of US gun laws seeming utterly bizarre. I was merely pointing out that there is some kind of logic, or macabre poetry to this guy having been shot to death. I wasn't like. Making a statement about gun law, or anything.

To me. From my perspective. It's... y'know what. Fuck it.

I wasn't making a gun control statement.

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#6  Edited By baconbutty

Obviously this is very sad, since a dude has died.

But as a brit, it's also kind of .... well, it's in keeping with my opinion that gun law is fucking bizarre in America.

Like, yeah. Of course someone involved with FPS russia has been found dead, after having been shot. With a gun. Yep. I can believe that completely. Didn't even do a double take. Yup. With all those guns around you, and gun business and dealings with guns. yes. Someone got delierately shot to death.


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#7  Edited By baconbutty

Absolutely with you on the RPG stuff. Witcher 2 sticks out in my mind as being particularly bothersome because I loved the story and the characters so much while I was playing it consistantly. But it is exactly those factors that are stopping me from going back. I feel extremely intimidated by it because important nuances like character names, roles, story archs, deaths, etc etc will have slipped away from me, potentially turning it into a watered down, confusing experience. - So, what is the answer? Read a story synopsis until I start to recognise where I left off? Watch all the cutscenes on Youtube? Or the dreaded *START AGAIN*? It's a tough one.

This is also true of Dark Souls. But there it's more about Game mechanics and accumulated knowledge. As the weeks go by though, I am slipping more towards leaving Dark Souls behind. This game was an experiment for me - seeing if I could tackle something so deep and difficult - and it was a successful one. I adore Dark Souls. But I am proud enough of myself for getting so far in it, and what with a sequel having been announced already, I think I can make my peice with having played enough Dark Souls to have been satisfied by it until the new one arrives. I certainly got more hours out of it most games.

On the abstainence of game purchases - I think I should be able to do it, right up until GTA V comes out. That's my most anticipated release of 2013, and it's being played regardless of how my backlog stands at that point.

I guess that's my ticking clock right there.

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#8  Edited By baconbutty

Hey, sorry for resurrecting my thread after a couple of days. but things actually got pretty interesting after the initial "My backlog is bigger" shit died down.

I spent the weekend playing Assassin's Creed III and had a great time. I didn't rush, I actually spent a lot of time doing side stuff. Bugs and stuff aside, this is a great game, but more importantly my girlfriend didn't feel like strangling me. She either read her book, or engaged in the game with me, asking questions and stuff and marvelling at the violence and story beats.

I guess my initial concern, which I failed to mention, was my girlfriend had literally just moved in, days earlier. And I was worried about splitting my time between her and my gaming related exploits (including GB). Which is almost a different discussion entirely - as gamers get older, what challenges have they found in keeping up their heavily engaging hobby?

As for my backlog - It's still there and it still bothers me somewhat - But I played about 8 hours of Assassin's Creed III over the weekend, and my significant other was perfectly lovely about it. We also watched all three Nolan Batman movies together, and I didn't feel like I'd lost gaming time at all. I think as long as I can keep the purchase of new games to a reletive minimum over the next few months, I can finish and play through what I feel like I really need to.

Maybe I *can* do this after all.

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#9  Edited By baconbutty

A couple of people have said their backlock is bigger than this. I guess in a sense, mine is also bigger - BUT I have accepted there are some games I have absolutely no chance of ever properly playing.

There are games on the original playstation, and even the Megadrive that I still would love to play and finish but I am NOT GOING TO.

My original post was a list of the games which are currently at the forfront of my mind and are demanding my attention NOW. Not a full list of games that I want to play, in the history of games.

If you're realistic about it, I very much doubt your actual, real backlog of games you're actually, really going to play, is really that massive.

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#10  Edited By baconbutty


I'm with you. The steam sale has recently made things worse. Every day I really want to buy something, but I don't because I know how much I already have to play. But then I regret *not* buying it, because WHAT IF. WHAT IF I SUDDENLY FIND A BUNCH OF TIME TO PLAY IT ALL, AND I LET THAT CHEAP GAME GO!?


I work a full 8 hour day, get home around 4:30 pm. I live with my girlfriend and we eat dinner together. To be honest if I push it, I probably have 3/ 4 hours a night I could play games in, but I feel guilty if I spend that much time with them. Weekends I have totally free unless we plan to do something together.

The fact that I stop games before I finish them is a fair criticism, but it's not because I have a hard time keeping focus or because I dislike the games - It's usually because something in my life happens and I get pulled away for a week or so, and then going back to those games becomes harder and harder. I genunely LOVE Witcher 2 and Dark Souls, but they're not easy to go back to, and thats part of the problem.

I am very glad we're in a dry period of game releases at the moment, but I know it's going to pick back up soon, and it terrifies me.