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2010 in another nutshell... brain stimulators.

Now with more Brain!
Now with more Brain!
Puzzle games might be the sole reason I don't finish as many games as I normally would. Games that involve puzzle solving can have the same effect, but it really comes down to which game is more addicting. A number of games didn't make this list for a variety reasons, but maybe I should just give a few shout-outs to pad this list. Machinarium, the two hours we had together were magical and I want to play you again soon. Droplitz, you're a cool little game. Same with you, Puzzle Agent and Bob Came in Pieces. Puzzle Quest, I will get to know you even better, possibly after this blog. P.B. Winterbottom, you'll have to wait until 2011, old man. And with that, let me highlight the following games that I loved in 2010. 


Tetris-like puzzle games are nothing new, but Chime added the music element to create something different and memorable. The goal, unlike Tetris, is to fill the board with blocks... that's about it. I wish there were some more substance, but for a game that was made for charity I can't complain. Chime was a game that had me hooked for a good week or two. Not to shabby, Zoe Mode (if that's your real name.) 

Peggle/Peggle Nights

2010's 2007 video game crack of the year
2010's 2007 video game crack of the year
I am a recent convert to the addicting nature of Peggle and its counterparts. I know it's 2010, but I'm not limiting myself to this year. Anyway, Peggle might be Latin for heroin because I spent hours and hours bouncing tiny balls around the screen. The hyper-casual aesthetic might be off-putting to some, but if you're like me, you'll immediately forget about the pretty colors and unicorns and just strategize your next move. This is truly PopCap at its finest. 


I am also late to the Portal party, if you must know. And holy shit Valve has a masterpiece in their hands. I remember my Portal run lasted about 4 hours keeping me glued to my seat for the final half of the game. The beginning is quite cool with all the GLaDOS stuff and the nifty chambers, but the final half kept me playing even though I knew in my head that maybe I should stop, have a snack, go to the bathroom, and go to sleep. So if you hadn't already known, Portal is awesome. It's why Portal 2 is one of my most anticipated games of 2011... or 2012. Maybe 2013? 

Sam & Max series

Mario isn't the only one with a faceship.
Mario isn't the only one with a faceship.

The first two seasons of Sam & Max started off my year with a laugh. I was first introduced to Telltale with Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People, but I had never played its flagship franchise until 2010... and I sort of regret waiting so long. There's more funny packed in the series than probably all the other games this generation combined. Sam is the perfect straight dog, I love Max's warped mind, and the supporting cast... I would buy a Bosco adventure game, but fuck those Soda Poppers. Sam & Max made me chuckle a lot this year and although I haven't played all of The Devil's Playhouse, it could easily be one of my favorites of the year based on the first episode alone. 
See? It's not all platformers. I might just clump the rest of the games tomorrow since they vary greatly. Expect some odd choices.