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Something about bullet points.

  • So OMG the NGP PSP! Looks neat, but if Nintendo can't convince me to go portable, how will you Sony?
  • Another Kirby game? Looks like a GameCube game... probably because it was? Big Final Fantasy sword confirmed so meh.
  • There's this new Wii game announced called Pandora's Tower. Have fun with that, Japan. Because you know nobody else will.
  • People need to stop bitching about the snow. It's winter for Christ's sake! I fucking love the snow! You should too.
  • Tested mugs? Call me when the Tested fondue pots are announced.
  • Egypt is one crazy place. They have pointy buildings.
  • There's something about bullet points that just works. Keeps things simple.

Scared moms and creepy Miis.

Well this is a marketing tactic I haven't seen in a while. I can remember the days where I'd browse through my latest Nintendo Power and see some advertisement boasting a game's cutting-edge graphics or its extreme attitude. One of the more interesting marketing tactics was to portray said game as too extreme or too gross for parents. And now, Dead Space 2 brings back that ad trick. 

Your mom hates Dead Space 2? Maybe this worked back when the majority of gamers were teens and young adults, but what is the Dead Space 2 demographic? People who are old enough to buy video games on their own. This ad is clearly aimed at people who aren't old enough to walk into a Gamestop on their own and buy Dead Space 2. Unless you're 15 or younger, that tagline is downright stupid. And I think the young teens on this site might find it just as dumb. And does that mean your mom might like the upcoming Gears of War 3? Bulletstorm? Actually in the case of Bulletstorm, that might be dumb enough to work. 
I just don't see this advertising gimmick working in an industry where violence and scary shit is fairly commonplace. Now if this marketing ploy makes it to the cable news networks, maybe I will eat a little crow since everybody knows news coverage is free advertising, but EA fucked up this time, in my opinion. 
Yet the worst advertising I've seen this week goes to Mario Sports Mix and its creepy Mii mascots. YOUTUBE CLIP GO! 
I guess it's great to see Nintendo actually recognizing that Miis still exist, but they couldn't have picked a creepier way to use giant life-size Miis. The whole SportsCenter vibe is pretty corny as it should be. It is just a Mario sports game after all. Yet they had to use Miis here? I think they could've went with a fake Stuart Scott/Scott Van Pelt combo yet they go with a stoned Mii with a pedophile mustache. And at the 0:08 mark, I think the lady Mii is flipping the bird. 
So Dead Space 2 ad... seriously? Is this the best they can do? 
And Mario Sports Mix ad... really? Big Mii head mode? Thoughts?

So apparently I get G4 now.

And I wonder if Comcast can make a trade. I'll give up G4 for something else. Like IFC or Boomerang... anything. I don't care. I don't need another channel that shows COPS in syndication. 
Maybe I'm ranting to the wrong crowd. Perhaps a stern letter to Comcast would be more effective. 
Also, I started playing video games again. Mass Effect... so far so good.


You guys want my opinion of the 3DS?

Well don't expect to get an expert opinion on the subject of handheld games. 
I'm probably in the small minority of people here who has never owned a handheld. Ever. Hell, I don't even like the idea of playing on a mobile phone. So that's why I rarely ever talk about anything related to the DS or PSP because I just don't play those games. So as a biased observer, I can honestly say that the 3DS looks pretty cool. Wait, what? 
Yeah... I think the lineup looks pretty awesome, but a piece of advice for Nintendo. Please stop with the Nintendo 64 remakes. They're completely unnecessary. 
Weekend. Enjoy yours. 


Hey, I've got something to say.

Hey guys it's snowing outside and everything is all white and I'm not doing anything tomorrow so you can all come over and play some NBA Jam or Wii Party I'll make hot chocolate and s'mores and play Snow's Informer on a loop because we're awesome and don't give a shit!


When did plants become our last defense against zombie attacks?

It was a slow week for me when it comes to the world of video games. In fact, I've pretty much been staying away from long and even video game sessions of moderate length all year. It's one of these lulls I find myself in every few months. Perhaps this withdrawal process could be beneficial, but somehow I found myself one day playing Plants vs. Zombies with my brother and having a fucking blast! 
Tower defense, right? It's like somewhere between match 3 puzzle games and virtual hamster simulators on the casual meter, but... wait a minute. I like matching 3 of something. But this tower defense is good. Really good. And surprisingly deep and requires strategy and critical thinking at times. Maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but I'm not lying about its quality. We had a fucking blast with this game and I'm gonna recommend it to you, the viewing audience. 
I guess there's a reason PopCap is a giant in the casual gaming industry. They make some interesting shit. 
But the real question is the title of the blog. Is that all we need to protect us from the undead? Because I don't think all the peashooters in the world can take out one of them fast 28 Days Later/Left 4 Dead zombies.


Oh right, I still have 3 copies of World of Goo to give away.

I almost forgot I have more Christmas cheer to spread... nearly 3 weeks after Christmas. So I have 3 copies left to give since I got a bit chat drunk and gave some away to some epic people. Don't know what I was thinking. 
So... you can win if you correctly guess what the review scores for the following games will be. 

  • Bulletstorm
  • Dead Space 2
  • LittleBigPlanet 2
Gotta have a Steam account (preferably active) to claim your prize. In case of a tie, the first 3 who guess correct will win. 
And DO NOT EDIT YOUR POST! I don't allow cheatin', son. 
In other news, I really should start playing video games.

A poorly organized blog about why I will love Bulletstorm.

I've said this a number of times before... I think, but Bulletstorm is one of my most wanted games of the year and 2011 has barely started. Why do I have this mancrush on such a ridiculous game? Let me count the ways. 
I won't make this list too long so consider yourself lucky... and consider myself lazy. 

  1. Bulletstorm might be over-the-top than Duke Nukem. 2011 is shaping up to be the year of stupid fun and Bulletstorm, not Duke Nukem Forever, is going to lead the way. Nothing against Duke since we normally would bet on him, but the dialogue in Bulletstorm is going to be more childish and more retarded.
  2. Stupid fun works. Too many serious games are serious. Bulletstorm is not a serious game and I fully endorse that style.
  3. Dicktits.
  4. You can kick dudes. Not enough games allow you to actually kick dudes.
  5. Variety is the spice of life. You guys remember MadWorld? The idea was to mix up your attacks and perform crazy combos in order to create the most brutal deaths. It sorta worked, but Bulletstorm should improve on that concept.
  6. The asshole appears to be an important target.
  7. Shiny.
  8. ...
I'm excited. And sleepy. 
And for the record, I don't wear hats.

Flagpole jumpa.

If you've played Super Mario Bros. at all during your life, chances are you've wanted to see what would happen if Mario cleared the flagpole just to see what was beyond it. Well... I'm sure it's been done before and YouTubed and all that junk, but here it is. World 1-1, flagpole jumper. 

Oh yeah, bad language and stuff. 
Now that I think about it, this is a stupid idea. Isn't the goal to ride that pole like a stripper? Mario, you dirty skank.

Signs of the apocalypse are all around you.

We're all gonna die and possibly sooner than we all thought. The end times are near and there's nothing we can do to stop it! You might think I'm going nuts, but the signs of the apocalypse are all around you, hence the title of this blog. But let's skip the lengthy intro and let me show you what is going on in the world. 

  • No more profanity citations in Pennsylvania. Perhaps it's not the most noticeable signs, but I never expected this to happen... that being agreeing with the ACLU. It is now okay in Pennsylvania to tell a cop to go fuck himself. So if you're gonna tell off a police officer, do it in my home state because the cops can't do shit about it. Hopefully the next step will be to rid of some of those pesky public nudity laws.
  • More than 8 million people watched the Jersey Shore premiere. I betcha those are the same 8 million that bought the Kinect last year. Seriously, this is an obvious sign of the end of the world and the worst part is that Snooki looks like she can survive a famine longer than the rest of us mortals.
  • Mass animal deaths are normal. 2011 started off kinda weird with the mysterious death of thousands of blackbirds in Arkansas on New Year's Eve, but after top men gathered together to discuss this and the weird fish deaths in Arkansas (what the fuck is with you, Arkansas?) they stated that this shit is normal. So... now my cat is thinking about moving to Arkansas. Thanks, nature!
  • You can't get away from Roseanne Barr. Former TV star and all-around mouthy uber-bitch Roseanne Barr wrote a book and I can't turn on cable news anymore. Maybe that's a good thing, but how am I supposed to know about blackbird suicide cults in Arkansas? Anyway, I've seen her on TV more this week than I had in the past 20 years and it's making me throw up in my mouth. I think I speak for the rest the world when I say, "Who gives a fuck about Roseanne Barr?"
And so that's the apocalypse... or the aflockalypse, or maybe the afuckalypse? The abarrcalypse? The snookacalypse? Whatever, I'm gonna move to the moon if Earth explodes.