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@Colourful_Hippie said:

@Bell_End said:

what do you find so horrible about itunes. i've used it for nearly 10 years now and think its great. just interested to know whats so terrible about it.

iTunes on Mac is great, it's shit on PC. I've managed to avoid using it for a while when I had an iPhone because I just hate using it. The program sucks up a lot of resources and it still ends up being laggy and hitches up countless times.

Yep. Basically, exactly what he said. I had that experience in college when I was "required" to use it for a couple of my classes. It really made me hate iTunes.

I don't own a Mac, and I don't really care to own one. It wouldn't serve any purpose. I own 2 Windows computers - one desktop for games, and one laptop for work. I've got to make powerpoints on a weekly basis for work. Getting a Mac for iTunes so that I can use an iPhone seems like a dark path to go down. Plus, I'd imagine that there would be restrictions on what type of music I could buy while I'm in China. I'm not that into Chinese music.

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@Bell_End said:

@Ariketh said:

@JeanLuc said:

My mom just bought a iPhone 5 and I was helping her learn how to use it. It's a pretty sexy and well made phone.

Never been big on the iPhone, which is why I didn't mention it.

I am really not deeply interested or invested in the Mac side of things. I think I've bought maybe 1 song from iTunes, and that was for charity. I've got nothing against Mac, I just have 0 interest in it. I did use one when I had to edit together some audio and video files in college, but the school provided that. I never really got what all the hype was about.

This may sound really weird, but from what I have used of iPhones, they feel really clunky and super limited in a lot of ways. Of course, most people litter their phones with applications out the wazoo, which I really hate. I don't really use phone apps much either. I use my phone for calling, texting, translations, checking my Weibo (Chinese Twitter) or RenRen (Chines Facebook), occasionally checking my email (especially during trips), and some fairly limited web surfing. I also watch GiantBomb videos on my phone sometimes.

what ways did you find the iphone limiting.

Keep in mind, I have very limited experience with the iPhone, and it could simply be my own misinformation. So please excuse me if I have any mistakes.

From what I understand, there are limits on what you can put/use on the phone. For example, if I want to throw some music on there from my computer, it's more difficult. For example, I like to plug my phone into my computer, throw on some music or the most recent Bombcast, and then go to work. I don't really want to bother with iTunes or any of those iPrograms. Also, I've heard that you are limited to a set number of ringtones, which bugs me too. I know you can jailbreak it, but I know nothing about that because I never owned one, nor have I ever needed to jailbreak a phone.

The inability to use widgets (I really like the widgets on my Android) is something else I don't like. For some reason, the ability to unlock my phone and press a button to start music seems really good. The alarm widget is useful too, because of how frequently I use/change my alarms. I use a bookmark widget, mostly for quick access to websites that I use on a daily basis, the weather widget is useful too, since it gives me easy access to the weather. I also have a setting widget which I use often enough.

I will admit, I have no idea how iPhone handles bluetooth, but I like how quickly I can turn bluetooth on with Android. I remember one person who had an iPhone was having a lot of trouble using their bluetooth, and they suggested it might be because I'm not using an iPhone. They also aren't very tech savvy, so I can't put all the blame on the iPhone.

Since I don't know much else about the iPhone, I'll stop here. You can correct my misinformation about the iPhone, and maybe help me understand it better. I'd go to Tested, but since they switched to YouTube, I can't look at anything on their website anymore.

@Subject2Change said:

Galaxy S3, have had it since Day 1 on AT&T and love it to death. My only issue is I feel the screen scratches fairly easily so get a screen protector. Not deep scratches or anything, just small ones from things rubbing against it in my pocket. So get a screen protector.

I always get screen protectors for my phones, regardless of how "scratch proof" it is. I'd rather not risk it. I get shells for them as well - usually rubber shells.

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@JeanLuc said:

My mom just bought a iPhone 5 and I was helping her learn how to use it. It's a pretty sexy and well made phone.

Never been big on the iPhone, which is why I didn't mention it.

I am really not deeply interested or invested in the Mac side of things. I think I've bought maybe 1 song from iTunes, and that was for charity. I've got nothing against Mac, I just have 0 interest in it. I did use one when I had to edit together some audio and video files in college, but the school provided that. I never really got what all the hype was about.

This may sound really weird, but from what I have used of iPhones, they feel really clunky and super limited in a lot of ways. Of course, most people litter their phones with applications out the wazoo, which I really hate. I don't really use phone apps much either. I use my phone for calling, texting, translations, checking my Weibo (Chinese Twitter) or RenRen (Chines Facebook), occasionally checking my email (especially during trips), and some fairly limited web surfing. I also watch GiantBomb videos on my phone sometimes.

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@EXTomar said:

It is almost like Diablo 3 is too "high concept" while Tourchlight 2 is too "low-fi".

Maybe they should make another Titan Quest.

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I'm going to buy a new phone in a month or two. I've been thinking about getting another Android or maybe even a Windows phone. I do plan to get a Windows 8 tablet at some point, and I wouldn't mind getting a Windows 8 phone.

I'm not concerned about network providers because I don't live in the states right now.

Any suggestions or comments?

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I say college when referring to a BA or an undergraduate student/situation, and University when referring to MA/PhD or a graduate student/situation.

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@Fallen189 said:

Hi, Picked up the game today, was pretty pumped. So, my friends play on Sorrows Furnace server, and the GB guild is on Yaks bend. Now, as is my experience so far, you can't make new characters on new servers, they're all account bound, and you just move around as you see fit, am 'I getting that right? It just seems so different to what I was used to on other MMO's like Rift, WoW, and...every other MMO I have ever played. Am I getting this right then? Can I, at will, pick any server at any time, and "Transfer" between them at any time with no penalty? So I'll try to explain my grasp on things so far: You make a character, which is bound to your account. Instead of having your character locked into a server, you basically pick an "Instance" then go in at any time? So I could just play with GB when my friends aren't on, then when they are, I can move over to play with them with no penalty? Sorry if it seems long winded and simple. Its just very unlike any other MMO's servers I have ever played

I'm in the same boat with you.

All my friends are on Sorrow's Furnace. Even my brother. We made a guild there, and I'll be sticking to that server. Besides, my brother and my friends will be active for a far longer time than the GB crew will.

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You know that it was a bug, the servers not changing. They were suppose to change on a regular basis from the beginning.

But I'm not playing on Yak's Bend anyway (I sent a PM to the guild leader, and he never answered). So I guess it doesn't really matter too much. Wish you guys the best of luck.

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@Nihilius said:

I mean he was static whilst attacking mobs not even bothering to try to dodge.


The game doesn't/didn't have a good tutorial at the very beginning. He has been playing it since Friday (according to the podcast) and plans to stick with it.

Relax. He thinks "Guild Wars 2" is a cool game, but he doesn't think it's revolutionary. And he believes it'll be successful. So chill out. Give him a week or so.

To be fair, it took me a little bit of adjusting to really get into GW2. But that was also because I was sticking with the same weapon (two handed hammer) which doesn't fit well with my play style. Once I tried out a couple of other classes, and switched to the two handed sword, I started to get a bit more into it. I also had my brother there, who had played the beta weekends, while I hadn't.

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Meh. Jeff doesn't like it. Who cares? He's bad at showing a genre of game he hates. So what? Give me a football game, and I'll give you an equally shitty quicklook, regardless of whether it's a quality game or not, because I don't give a rats ass about football, and Jeff doesn't care about most MMOs. If Jeff feels this way about Guild Wars, just imagine how I feel about football quicklooks.

GiantBomb isn't about quality videos or giving games a fair shake, it's about personal opinions. I respect Jeff, but his opinion is not the end-all be-all for me. And it shouldn't be for you either.