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Love Exposure is a work of genius

The free games on the PS store finally went up last night but I had to do something while they downloaded so I the switched the signal to DTV and Love Exposure was on Film 4. When I saw it was 4 hours, I thought perfect amount of time to wait on downloads.

Little did I know that the film was properly amazing, it has to be one of the best films that I have seen in years. Despite being 4 hours long I never got bored or thought the film dragged, it constantly kept me interested.

The director is sort of like the Japanese Tarantino in the way he structured the film with the first 3 chapters focusing on different characters, their back story and how they come to meet. The title card doesn't even show up until like an hour into the film!

My only problem with it was although the soundtrack was great, they used the same songs too many times but with a 4 hour film I could see how that happened. Also the first half is definitely a bit stronger than the 2nd half but the 2nd part changes the tone.

The film somehow reminded me of the Yakuza 4 storyline and how it had the same style of storytelling, part of me wonders if the film influenced the devs to tell the story in this way.

Anyway this film is an amazing achievement because it made a 4 hour film seem short to me, with it only being $10 on Amazon there is no reason not to pick it up


Yesterday was a good day for the Playstation brand

With the store going back up with a ton of great games and free demos such as Infamous 2, it seems that Sony are on the right track to recovering their brand image just before E3 
Also the news of MGS and Silent Hill collections for PS3 is great for them 
I won't be surprised if Kojima announces his new game at the Sony press conference on Monday


PS Store is finally back

I'm on the store now downloading the Infamous 2 demo, can't wait to get the game next week. How I missed being able to stuff that I was used to like downloading demos on the PS store.

The free welcome back content still isn't there but according to a blog update it is coming very soon, can't wait to get playing Wipeout and Dead Nation.

I also have my L.A Noire DLC code to redeem and I really want to play some more fresh content in that game because I love the world and how they tell a story. I may also buy the Rockstar pass but I'm holding off putting my debit card info back on the PSN


Still playing L.A Noire

I have been hearing a couple of people say that L.A Noire is too short, I don't know what way those people are playing the game because it took me 20 hours to finish the game.

Now I'm doing all the street crimes that I have left to do, I think they are great and have way more story than there needs to be for what is a side mission. Also trying to get all the vehicles but it's hard when they all look so similar (think I need a guide for that).

I also started going back to old cases and I'm trying to get 5 star in all of them to see how much divergence there is in the story if you do so.

I will post a review once I check out what difference getting 5 star makes to the first couple of cases in terms of story content you see


L.A Noire is an incredible experience

I finished the story in L.A Noire and the build up to the ending was so well done, it kept me up to 3.30 am playing. Too bad the ending is a bit of a wash.

But I loved the game the whole way through and it feels it does what Heavy Rain set out to do but better


Getting sick of L.A Noire saying I have caught the wrong guy

I was doing a case in L.A Noire last night and out of the 2 potential suspects I caught the right one and got a 5 star rating. Feeling good I start up the next case and 10 mins in they are like "that guy you caught is the wrong guy"

When stuff like this happens it makes me wonder why the star rating system is in place, if I charged the wrong suspect in the previous case I would of got a lower rating but he would have been the wrong guy anyway.

It's a small problem but it bothered me, only have 3 cases left and I can't wait to see what happens at the end because the build up is awesome


I'm becoming a better detective in L.A Noire

I getting better at L.A Noire because I got a couple of 5 stars and a 4 star ratings in the L.A Noire cases I did last night and the only reason I got a 4 star in the one case was because of my damage total.

I think it's is because I have finally figured out the questioning part of the game. Early on in the case if someone is lying you should doubt because you have no evidence. Then when interviewing someone else after that who you think is lying you should accuse them of lying because you can check the evidence and if there is isn't any you can back out and doubt them instead.

My problem early in the game was that I was taking doubt to mean the middle option, you would be safe to pick that instead of outright accuse someone of lying but now that I know the system isn't that, I'm doing way better in the questioning and finishing cases quicker. I was already getting all the clues so that wasn't my problem.

My only problem with the game currently is that it most street crimes are half way across town, I done one last night that felt like it took 20 mins to get there. But that is side stuff so not a big problem.

I was already enjoying the game even when I messed stuff up but I'm enjoying it even more now that I feel like a proper detective.


Sick of my internet at home

The past couple of mornings it has took me like 3o mins to just get my wifi to connect to my laptop, it is becoming such a pain in the ass that I think it is about time that I changed who I get my internet from

Anyone got any advice for good UK ISP?


MW3 trailer doesn't excite me

I just watched the mw3 trailer and it just looked like the same old COD, it also seems to gone away from what made COD4 so awesome which was it's pacing, everything in the trailer just looked over the top crazy.

I'm not one for judging a game before it comes out but the fact that they are using the old version of id tech the same year the new version comes out and Battlefield 3 looking better than every other shooter at this point, I just don't see what the game can do to get me interested in it.

Also if it's true that Raven are working on the multiplayer, they are being wasted. I would rather have Singularity 2 than another COD game


Loving L.A Noire so far except for one problem

I could sing the praises of L.A Noire all day and talk about all the stuff that has already been said like how amazing the faces look, how accurate a recreation of L.A the game has and so on. But I'm going to talk about about my little annoyance with the game which is the questioning portion of the game.

When playing the game I'm fine at everything else like the finding clues (which is supermeely satisfying) and I enjoy the mechanics of the shooting and driving but I suck so bad at the questioning.

It is just not me because when I used the ask the community feature on question I knew I was right on, only 9% of people got the right answer, I think it's because it is hard to know when to doubt or outright say the person is lying. I'm getting better at it though because I only got 3 questions wrong in each case last night.

Another problem for me was that despite getting all the clues on a case and only one question wrong, I got a 2 star rating on a case because I picked the wrong suspect even though I had no evidence on the other one that the Captain wanted me to take in.

But rant over, I think the game is fantastic and everyone should be playing it now because it is one of the best games this year just behind portal 2