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Bit.Trip Void: Your Minimalistic Ikaruga

My Mind: Sufficiently Blown
by Randy Marr
I don't know if this game is yet hitting the forums but here I go anyway because I find forums to be a cesspool that must be avoided lest I succumb to the raging beast inside of me and become The Incredibly Bulk. What? I don't know, it's late and I'm tired. Where was I?
Bit.Trip Void, yes. You've heard of the series? Bit.Trip this and that. Well here we go, a video trailer for the amusement of one's visual receptors. OBSERVE!

Interesting, yes? Sort of an Ikaruga premise made simpler, and more techno. Less anime. Well I can say Giajin has done it again, I want another game. Now if only some money. Funny thing 'bout being fired, leaves you wanting more things than you thought.
Anybody excited about this game? Big fans of the series in general? Been fired recently for wrongful accusations, like myself? Drop us a comment. It's gotten quite lonely. Maybe I should go ranting more about how stupid everything is. That always seems to rile some folk up for my amusement. Like throwing rocks at a hornets nest, only the hornets can't even see me and are probably not as smart as hornets should be.
I recommend some music here. I dunno. I've got a signed copy of the Earthworm Jim Anthology by Tommy Tallarico. It's good. Listen to that.