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E3 Report! Sony's Conference!

All over the place, but with the right intentions.

I feel like it's hard to pinpoint exactly what narrative Sony was trying to deliver at their keynote conference. Honestly, as far as presentations go, I thought it was kind of terrible. It was too long, too unguided, and generally hodgepodgey. They could have cut that comic book/TV guy out completely. There was no need for that "Millions of our fans wrote in" load of horse shit. And I don't know that anybody cared about Sony TV. But what Sony did do right was pack that abomination of a show to the rafters with real game footage of new and announced games alike. And that's what ultimately won me over.

It started with Destiny, which still looks weird and sophomoric to me, but hey the kids love it. Then it went on to some gameplay of The Order: 1886, which I really hope isn't as button-mashy/quick-time event filled as it looked. And after that it was just everywhere. They showed off a game called Entwined, which looked to pretentious for my tastes. They showed off Little Big Planet 3, which looked fine. I could never get into those titles myself, but I recognize a quality product when I see it. And that was a major announcement for a game coming out this year, which is something Microsoft had none of, and for which I am thankful.

They also had their share of sans-the-gameplay announcements, though. Bloodborne, Dead Island 2, and Uncharted 4 all showed up. I'd complain about sequels right now, but honestly there was enough interesting content that I didn't come away from this feeling sequel burn.

There were a lot of mentions of great partner deals with publishers like Devolver, so it's good to see crazy amounts of little games like Hotline Miami finding homes on the PS4.

My most curious game of the conference was No Man's Sky. It was announced last year, but seeing more of it made me salivate for a chance to play. That may be the game that gets me to buy a PS4 if it doesn't come out on PC at some point. Procedurally generated sci-fi worlds has me all kinds of excited.

Overall, it was a shotgun spray of announcements, news, and fuck-all that we could care less about. But when they were on their stride, Sony was doing great, and it should be commended that there are some serious contenders in there for game of the show.