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Video Games Live to broadcast on BBC in August!

If you've never seen Video Games Live, you're missing out. Tommy Tallarico and Jack Wall have put one of the greatest live shows together where your favorite video game hits are played by a live orchestra. There's stage performances, contests, and even a chance to play a live-action game of Space Invaders! I'm psyched to be seeing the show next weekend (Saturday June 12), and this news piece strikes perfect timing for me to talk about it. You can read the full press release for their big show on PBS here
How awesome is Video Games Live? So awesome:

I'll be attending the Dallas show on the 12th, and the Indy show in August (during GenCon). Anybody else plan on attending these shows? Do you have any Video Games LIve stories to share?
As always I can be followed on Twitter @docrandle.