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new benchmark program

Maybe one day I'll be able to see Crysis run on this (or newer) PC of mine. My 8600 Nvidia card is right above the lowest video cards listed on the back & it still was rather hard to play with really low fps with the game set to the lowest settings. Shame as I thought that it was interesting looking & was wanting to really sink some time in playing with the SDK but if I have problems taking on a few guys with guns while prone in the woods, experience has shown me that the editor would start to really die at that point.  
Time to uninstall the maximum Crysis & all the patches/SDK for now as barely dented the game but the highlight was definitely trying to shut off the optional mission's jamming station (on the beach) by throwing chickens at it. Weapon mods in the game too are rather nice as I'd rather see laser sight over iron sight. Too bad it didn't save the screenshots at all or at least where I could find them in the program files, was probably in documents but apart from screenshots of flying chickens or flying crabs it's nothing I can't replicate again on a future computer with better power to run it.


My thoughts- Madame Fate vs Sleepy Hollow

After finding these both rather inexpensive PC games & playing through them not only do I have tons of screenshots of both but I found that Madame Fate is by far the better one as it's quite diverse with the 60+ puzzles where Sleepy Hollow only had a much shorter number. Plus the Madame Fate storyline was on it's own & not tied to the popular story of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, the Sleepy Hollow game was really atmospheric but it painted just about everyone in the game/town (except for the Headless Horseman) as a jerk. 
Madame Fate was also $10 cheaper finding it at Half Price Books over the new retail box of Sleepy Hollow ($20) but as for gameplay you can get through Sleepy Hollow in a few hours but Madame Fate took 2-3x longer to get through for the same style of gameplay of puzzles & hidden objects.    

surprised on dark athena

I'm sure others are in the same boat as I distinctly remember hearing it on one of the bombcasts too. After getting stuck at a checkpoint with one health in the mines I gave up on trying to escape from butcher bay on the 360 like I did on the xbox many years ago. So put in DA & figured it'd be a few hours to get through it as there's only so much they could cram in a disc with an earlier repolished xbox game on there as well.  I lost track of endings in DA or possible ones, especially wehn looking at the time past midnight & telling myself that I'll be fine with the game of killing the 5 relays & everyone runs out of the ruins of the city congratulates Riddick for saving them, gives him a space Harley, he says so long suckers & leaves, game over you win....nope. Didn't happen the other oodles of times either.
I am excessively suprised on all that they were able to cram on both discs, haven't touched the MP & prolly not going to as I've had enough of this to last for quite a while. Voice acting is really good compared to other games i've seen where the crazy characters seem quite memorable with good actors/writing.  
Highly recommended as a rental but give yourself a lot of time to get through it & prepare to swear a lot at the checkpoint save system that really should give the player one save per game (escape or DA) to do when they want to at least they won't have to deal with what I did on hitting a checkpoint with one health in an area where there's not a lot of health.


Woot, just hit 40k with the Xbox Gamerscore this morning. Actually 40,001 thx to some Japanese game (Bullet character meh game) with one achievement for 99 points. Way to throw off the 5 point interval Japan.


Best Buy WTF?

While buying Point Pleasant at Best Buy, well the card to redeem inside the classic 360 green game box, the clerk asked me if I wanted a 1 year warantee/guarantee thing for it while buying it along with the memory card for the 360 & two overpriced Monster coffee drinks...if I wasn't so tired from the heat & in a rush to get the hell out of that store I'd have sat there laughing at the clerk & best buy all afternoon long.


1v100 tonight

Have to admit that playing for MS points makes the game quite addictive (just got through playing tonight), even more addictive is me yelling at the tv when someone doesn't know something quite basic. I can understand not knowing some pop culture reference (which I often miss as I usually only watch a few cable channels like Discovery, History, G4, Travel, Food Network, etc. but stay away from network lineup of boredom), but when the first question is asking what the first 10 things are called on the great document called the U.S. Constitution & not only having people get it wrong but also the One asking for help. I'm glad that the foam Guinness bottle wasn't near me while playing otherwise I would have definitely chucked it at the commie psychotic rat bastards who didn't know that one. 

Is it just me or do we need another pair of avatars on XBL? One 10 year old & one toddler so that way in 1v100 we can better tell who the cerebral idiots are that we need to avoid. Which reminds me, for the ask the brain help, there needs to be a big floating brain over the person that's the top leader.


Just Cause thoughts

I found was fun yet broken in a lot of places. For me the broken part was the most prominent with the small island in the south with the military base to capture. After trying about a dozen or so times I lost track on how many times there were tanks parked on all the barracades which will ignore every enemy & not only shoot at me but rapid fire juggle me in the air with multiple explosions. It's the last thing to capture & I figured that once I completed the story mode or attempted it enough times that the computer might switch things out & actually make it possible to finish it. Some of the other side missions I noticed were broken where I couldn't turn in a vehicle or the helicopter would be shooting at the npcs nearby & killing them before I could get to them.

Apart from the weird acting AI (esp. when in stunt position on a car) where the AI drivers are always swerving in front of you. The one parting note I have for anyone wanting to try out this game, DO NOT get in a vehcile for the liberation side missions things. Countless times I'd find the liberation stop if I got in an attack helicopter or more often, I'd see whatever vehicle I was in almost instantly die. So jump in to get rid of the driver but once you're at that point just run around shooting people.

Random good points that come to mind. The stunt positions, enough said, just plain fun & really needed in other games. Trying out some main or side mission of getting rid of some guy in a vehcile a few times like any other game (where you are hunting them down, blocking the road & using enough explosives to level small countries) maybe dying then try out something else where you get on a motorcycle, chase down the guy, activate the parachute, grapple to the vehicle & ride it for a while before taking control of the vehicle & instantly killing the person when you kick them out while driving at top speed. That or destroying the helicopter side missions by grappling to it & taking control of it, sending it to fly into a mountain & parachute out at the last second. The game's worth playing to see the insanity but keep a few beers or a book of swear words nearby as the glitches will definitely be painful shots when they happen. Save often enough & it might not be that bad.

Luckily for everyone, the sequel looks infinitely more fun & better but it's going to be a wait to get to play it. Hoping that Eidos actually patches this game as it's worth it yet the glitchy moments definitely hurt the gameplay.


quitting FEAR2

Waiting around for the 1v100 but I hope sincerely that I'm in the right spot for the lobby (in the screen with the tell a friend & reminder ) for a specific show in 13 min. Hope that they upgrade the lobby system as it is a little confusing to someone who's never played it before. From the quick look I really want to play it now that I have time to see it before tomorrow with the prizes yet leaving the controller to sit on this screen for 20 min seems a little doubtful on being at the wrong screen. With my luck I'd get picked just this time & with no prizes :P.

EDIT:Ok finally got in on the 9:30pm game & apart from it being the extended play of trivia which I apparently didn't know quite a lot outisde the streak (hit 50k in points before the server on XBL side died), the game itself is a lot of fun & should be more entertaining when the prizes & stats & achievements are available.



Can't believe what happened with Fear2, beat the armored mech boss early on in the game. At full health but nearly no ammo, killed the dude/bot, started the elevator up but didn't realize how close I was to the edge. Fell off the elevator, died & oh look you can just reload the checkpoint...WHICH WAS BEFORE THE BOSS FIGHT..grrrr.



Replacement 360 (from 10/2006) that got to replace the original one I bought back at the start of the 2006 just died with 3 red rings. First time it was under warranty so it was just a simple switcheroo. Last time the power supply died & this time the power light was green so no telling what the hardware issue is. Kicker is that when I went to get the repair done (showing up as $0 so it's just waiting on it unless the site has some issues), the xbox site kept kicking the bucket after I tried to send in the request for the repair.

At least according to the emails I got today I won the Netherlands & Icelandic lottery. Funny I didn't buy any lottery tickets when I was in London not too long ago.
(yes I know it's spam, just trying to alleviate the pain of nto having a 360 for some time). Debating on just going out & get the arcade version & plugging my HD on it instead of dealing with the month plus of repairing it or however long it takes.

So far I'm glad that it lasted this long without any other problems aside of running out of MS points when something interesting came out or buying some XBL game that's lackluster on playing more than just the demo.