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Discriminatory Speech, Giant Bomb, The Gaming Community, And You

So if you’ve been perusing the forums over the past few days you no doubt know about Ryan’s recent blog post apologising for his use of homophobic language, and you may also be familiar with the slew of homophobic and racist slurs that have hit that comments section, as well as the discussion about whether such language is appropriate to use in general. In case you’re still wondering, it is not okay to use homophobic or racial slurs on this site in any capacity. It’s something we in the moderation team are being blunt about, but this is a message that we’ve tried to get across through the rules documentation, on the forums, and on Twitter, yet people still seem to be unaware of it.

I was somewhat in two minds about making this post because I didn’t want to start more hostile arguments like the ones we’ve seen on Ryan’s blog post, but I thought it was important that I made some kind of statement on this for two reasons: 1. I think it’s better for us to talk things through rather than there being an uncomfortable undercurrent of mistrust and misunderstanding over the issue, and 2. The moderation team obviously needs to do everything we can to get the message out about what is and is not okay on the forums.

What I’m Talking About

I thought we'd made this clear before but apparently not.
I thought we'd made this clear before but apparently not.

The really disheartening thing for me is I could understand that some people haven’t read the rules or have severely misinterpreted them, and thought that such language was okay on the site. That wouldn’t mean I thought it was okay or they wouldn’t be moderated, but I could at least understand it. I could also understand to a small degree how people also thought Ryan’s accidental use of a homophobic slur on the live stream made it okay for everyone to use it. What I find it much, much harder to understand is that even after Ryan said that such terms were hurtful and indefensible, and that they had no place on this site, that people still felt it was okay to post them.

The following are purely my thoughts and don’t reflect those of the Giant Bomb staff or moderation team, and I understand if you disagree with what I have to say, but please, if you do respond keep it calm and civil. I hate to have to say this but I think it’s been proven necessary by this point: I will delete your posts, I will send you warnings, I will suspend you, and I will lock down this thread, if it proves I have too. We cool? Okay.

Why It’s Not Alright

Sadly this is not a new issue for gamers.
Sadly this is not a new issue for gamers.

The gaming community, or at least a certain portion of it, has long had an image of being exclusionary of certain groups, and being a rather sequestered and non-diverse group of people. To some degree I don’t think this reputation has been deserved, but it can’t be argued that social spaces like Xbox LIVE have become infamous for being awash with blatant sexism, racism, and homophobia, and that there are sizeable portions of the internet where the wild west anything-goes attitude has led to potentially offensive epithets getting thrown around like confetti. It seems almost every time this issue is brought up though, there’s a rather uncomfortable lack of understanding from the gaming community about why exactly this kind of behaviour is so wrong, and I think we all need to be a little more aware of the people around us. It’s the year 2012 and this kind of behaviour has to stop.

I’ve seen a lot of people complaining that it’s hypocritical of Giant Bomb to censor discriminatory language for being offensive, while openly allowing and using just about every other swear word under the sun, but do you really believe that saying “fuck” and using homophobic or racist slurs are the same thing? As Ryan said the words carry a lot of emotional baggage. You have to remember that when people have experienced their race or sexual orientation being attacked, these are the words they might well have come to associate that with. Heck, there are some people who’ve been bullied as children or throughout their lives with these words, it’s only natural that for them that they’ve come to carry the weight they have.

I’ve seen people on the forums saying that “They're just words” and “Context is important”, and while I agree with the latter to some degree, it’s obvious that for many people these aren't just words, and that regardless of context they do cause hurt and they do cause offense. If you believe they don't then I think you need to take a look around. How would you feel about using a homophobic slur towards or in the presence of a gay person? How would you feel about using a racial slur towards or in the presence of a person of that race? Just in the comments on Ryan’s post I saw people taking offense to such slurs, but even the act of taking offence some people seem to be attacking.

Taking Offence

You do not get to dictate how people react to things.
You do not get to dictate how people react to things.

Taking offence to something is an emotional reaction, it’s involuntary. We can train ourselves to try and develop less extreme reactions to certain stimuli, but you do not get to say “Because your involuntary reaction to this thing is different than my involuntary reaction, you’re dumb/silly/wrong/immature”. Really, at the point you’re telling people that their emotional response to something is incorrect, you start getting into “thought crime” territory. We’re not even talking about people demanding to be treated differently (which I think they’d be perfectly within their rights to do), we’re just talking about the basic, largely uncontrollable human reaction of people to what they find offensive, and already users are speaking out about this being “incorrect”.

To those of you saying that people would have an easier time in life if they weren’t offended by this stuff, I agree with you, but again, this is not something people are entirely in control of, and that still doesn’t give you the right to use offensive language however and wherever you want. By the same logic anyone would be allowed to come up to you in the street and call you a worthless piece of shit that no one will ever love because, hey, you’d have a much better time if you weren’t offended by that, right? And no, “I’m a person of the race/sexual orientation this word targets” or “I have friends of the race/sexual orientation this word targets” are not excuses. Who you or your friends are has no bearing on the effect these words have on people, and you as an individual member of this social group, or a friend of a member of this social group, do not get to dictate what is and isn’t hurtful, it doesn’t work that way.

Stopping This Behaviour

Wouldn't we rather a Giant Bomb and an online environment without this kind of thing?
Wouldn't we rather a Giant Bomb and an online environment without this kind of thing?

Often in these situations, those looking to prevent offence are accused of “just trying to be PC”, but censoring the use of these words doesn’t have to be about political correctness, sometimes it’s just about fostering an environment where people don’t have to risk feeling like crap to participate in discussion and where there aren’t unpleasant and needless tensions between people. You’re not robbed of your ability to talk about certain sexual orientations or races, or express your frustration, by these words being censored, but restricting the use of these words does lead to more welcoming and less hurtful communities.

I’ll be honest, yesterday was one of those rare occasions where I felt genuinely ashamed of a considerable portion of the community. Some of you left friendly and accepting messages towards Ryan and that was wonderful to see, but some of you behaved in a way that seemed to lack understanding, or in a way I’d associate with the less likeable denizens of Xbox LIVE. Eventually that discussion will die down, but this isn’t the first time we’ve had to moderate discriminatory language on the site, it won’t be the last, and it definitely won’t be the last time a large group of people in the gaming community show that they think it’s okay to use this kind of language. I believe Giant Bomb is better than what we’ve seen since the lantern run, and a lot of people have already shown that they don’t believe racist and homophobic language is okay, I only hope that we can all reach some kind of understanding on this issue.

Duder, It’s Over

As always, thank you for reading and if there’s any feedback you want to give me, positive or negative, whether you think I’m right or wrong, don’t be afraid of sticking it in the comments section below.



I want to preface this by saying that I’m very happy that this blog post has received so much attention, even if the comments section does seem to have devolved into a somewhat unlikeable mess. I couldn’t begin to try and respond to everyone individually but to everyone who has given me positive feedback, thank you, and to those who are disagreeing with me, I’ve come up with some answers to the most common responses I’m seeing here.

Posts That Contain Homophobic Slurs

I can’t believe I really have to say this, but the rules state this kind of language is not allowed, there’s a topic stuck to the top of the forums which says this kind of language is now allowed, Ryan said in his post that this kind of language is not allowed, and I explicitly state in the first paragraph of this post that it’s not allowed. There’s only so clear the mod team can make this, but I’ll give it another try: The use of homophobic or racist slurs on this site will get you moderated. We didn’t say “Only if it’s directed at a user”, we didn’t say “Unless it’s a joke”, it will get you moderated regardless of the context.

“But What About Context?/This is Just Political Correctness/They’re Just Words/Words Only Have Power If You Give Them Power”

There seem to be a surprising number of these posts. These are all issues that I’ve already tackled in the blog post. If you disagree with my conclusions on them or you just don’t want to read what I’ve written then that’s fine, but I feel like a lot of people here are making moot points and that doesn’t help anyone. Please, if you comment I recommend you read the post first.

“This Whole Ryan Situation Has Been Blown Way Out of Proportion”

Actually, this stopped being about Ryan a long time ago. Partly this is about the reaction to the Ryan situation though, and I didn’t think it would have to go this far, but a certain subset of the community made the issue this big. Despite repeated warnings against using discriminatory language, some community members continue using it, and until the message gets through I don’t see anything wrong with escalating our efforts to stop it.

This is about much more than even that though. It’s about homophobia and racism in the gaming community and even society as a whole. For an issue like that I don’t think a discussion of this scale is an over-reaction at all.

“If You Ban A Few Words Then You Have To Ban All The Words!”

I thought this would have been obvious but there’s a big difference between saying “poop” and the n-word. Different terms carry different baggage and degrees of offensiveness.

Addendum 2

I believe a lot of the things posted in the comments were not okay.
I believe a lot of the things posted in the comments were not okay.

I regret to inform you that I’m locking this blog post. The comments have largely died down now, but this was meant to be a place of civil discussion, and yet throughout the lifetime of the comments section people have openly violated rules I’ve clearly stated in this post, and acted in a hostile manner to each other. I’m not going to risk this kind of behaviour continuing. If you have any questions or comments that are civil and don't violate the rules though, please feel free to talk to me in private.

As a bit of a side note, I understand that some of you took offence to the last point in my first addendum to this post (which I've since removed), and I can only apologise for any offence caused, but I stand by what I said. I don’t believe that the c-word is the exact same thing as racial and homophobic slurs. However, I do think it’s important to note that at no point did I say the term couldn’t be offensive, or even state that in general it was any less offensive than racial or homophobic slurs. I just stated that I don’t believe they are direct equivalents, don’t believe that they get the exact same use in modern society, and that in general Giant Bomb hadn’t expressed a big problem with the c-word, while at least a small number of users had with racial and homophobic slurs.

I understand the term is offensive to some, I’ve never advocated using it to insult people, those who do use it to insult other users will be moderated, and should the message ever come down from the staff that they don’t want it on the site any longer, I’ll be happy to help make sure it’s use in the community is completely discontinued. One thing I do find myself rather baffled over though, is the fact that many people making the argument that the c-word or racial and homophobic slurs were highly offensive or shouldn’t be used, openly used them themselves. When you’re spreading the use of the exact words you’re fighting against, that seems a little self-defeating.

Sadly, while I’m sure many of you were genuinely concerned about the use of the c-word, I at least felt as though some were trying to say it should be banned just for the sake of arguing against the mod team on an issue they didn’t like. At least for the moment, I’ve become somewhat soured on the Giant Bomb community as a whole, and this discussion has made me not want to talk controversial rules through with the community in the future. Normal moderator policy would have been to lay down the rules, say they’re not up for debate, and leave.

I don't like to think about what the staff would think if they saw some of the comments here.
I don't like to think about what the staff would think if they saw some of the comments here.

While the rules still weren’t up for debate, I wanted to genuinely explain why I believe these rules are important, why I believe they’re a good thing, and try to address at least some of those who disagreed. This was met with users not reading the post, commenting, and then seeming to walk out while giving themselves a green flag to use homophobic and racist language, users putting words in my mouth, users treating me or other people like idiots for having a different opinion, users being outright hostile or insulting to each other, users throwing around racist and homophobic slurs as much as they liked, and in some cases users displaying a scary amount of ignorance.

There were people who spread this topic, agreed with me, and sympathised with me, and to those people I am very, very grateful. There were also users who disagreed with me but managed to do so in a respectful way and I appreciate their input too. I don’t regret making this post and some people have made me feel fantastic about it, so thank you to them. But I walk away from this with the rather uneasy knowledge that a sizeable portion of Giant Bomb won’t be using discriminatory language because we tell them not to, they just won’t be using it because there’s a hard rule in place saying they can’t, and for a lot of people that’s not even stopping them.

People have said “Giant Bomb is just as bad as every other online community” and I still don’t believe that, nor does the thought that everywhere else is really messed up make me feel any better, but I didn’t quite realise we had this kind of deep-rooted problem to the extent that we seem to. All that remains now is to start moderating the users who have violated the rules here, and hope people can remember to not use these kinds of terms in the coming days. Until next time guys, I’ll see you on the boards and hope we never have to run into this kind of situation again.




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"People need to start understanding they're on their own."

This is so key. You can talk about double standards and empowering words and what-not till the cows come home, but at the end of the day you are, as an adult, suppossed to have an idea how to conduct onesself, and in what context, even if it's for the moment. I heard the Ryan-slip, and he started apolgizing almost in the same breath he said it. He knew..wrong word. Now not for those who refuse to grow up, but for thoses who honestly have trouble telling, I do feel bad for you, because the world is screwed up and you have an impairement the impedes your knowing what and when. But I have no trouble, I know it is a word of hate and pain and in this context, has no place.

How it is.
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Edited By sweep  Moderator

@Dagbiker: We aren't robots, we have our own opinions!

@ThePickle said:

If it's only a mild curse then it shouldn't be banned. And sorry, I have no idea what a Luis Suarez is.

You have still not answered my original question: why is cunt acceptable but f****t and n****r aren't? Why draw the line there? Doing so is a textbook example of a double standard, quit trying to make it an international thing. You've just showed me the word does not have the same power over there as it does here. Just because British women won't be offended doesn't mean American women won't either and the word over here has the same power as the words in question here. It shouldn't matter if it only applies to those in a certain region.

And what about Ryan's constant use of "Jesus Christ" and "goddamnit"? What about the Christian GBers?

I'm going to trim down this quote tree ^__^

If you want to know why Giant Bomb has decided that one word is OK and another isn't then the answer is: I don't know. I don't make the rules. Somewhere up the chain this is obviously subjective; someone has decided that certain words are OK but certain other words are not. I don't know who made that decision and I don't particularly care. The point is that what you consider to be double standards will obviously not apply to someone else. That was the point I was trying to make with the international argument. There is no universal list of words that aren't cool to say - someone, somewhere, considers one word to be OK and another to be unacceptable. You happen to disagree with that list, which is fine - you're allowed to disagree. But while you are using this site you have to abide by those rules regardless.

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Edited By Baillie

@Hailinel: NO spamming or commercial advertising: Posting advertisements of personal sites for personal gain, making comments which have no discussion value such as "first" or "bump", quote pyramids or empty quoting, quest spam, YouTube spam, and creating any threads with little to no text where off-site content is linked or embedded.

Somebody ban them.

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Edited By wefwefasdf

@AhmadMetallic: What did you contribute, exactly? Quit acting like the community is your kin.

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Edited By TentPole

Fuck! This thread is going bad real fast.

I'm out.

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Edited By Hailinel

@Baillie said:

@Hailinel: NO spamming or commercial advertising: Posting advertisements of personal sites for personal gain, making comments which have no discussion value such as "first" or "bump", quote pyramids or empty quoting, quest spam, YouTube spam, and creating any threads with little to no text where off-site content is linked or embedded.

Somebody ban them.

I'm sorry, why are you stating this as a reply to me? I don't see the context here.

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Edited By sweep  Moderator

@SpikeSpiegel said:

@AhmadMetallic: What did you contribute, exactly? Quit acting like the community is your kin.

Knock it off, both of you.

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Edited By Sergio

@Sweep: I know you're trying to tell people that you are just trying to follow the rules, but knowing that c*** is offensive to others and continue to use it is very telling of the kind of person you are. You may not have the authority to ban people for using it (because of the rules), but you always have the power to control yourself. Trying to be cheeky and make arguments that it isn't offensive to you or others is the same as someone else saying that the n-word isn't offensive to them or their friends.

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Edited By dr_mantas

You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run.

I've had enough of these threads, I think. The important part, when walking away, is to know you are in the right.

And I know I'm right.

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Edited By Jimbo
@TentPole said:

@Jimbo said:

@ZombiePie said:

@LordAndrew said:

I think people might have had an easier time understanding if it wasn't considered A-OK to casually utter the word "cunt", one of the most shocking and offensive words available today. Where is the line drawn?

The line gets drawn when the staff say that they don't want users posting that word on the forums. That's happened with the homophobic slur that Ryan said, but it has not happened to the C-word.

In that case the argument being made amounts to no more than "follow the rules", which is fine, but a completely different issue as to the right or wrong behind it. You could say "don't use nouns" and it would have as much legitimacy as the argument you just made for 'faggot' being one side of the line and 'cunt' being the other.

If they wan't to make sure no absolutely sure no one gets offended this site is going to become really lame, really fast. So they have to draw the line somewhere and let "don't be a dick" carry it from there on out. This is probably as good of place as any.

Not as fast as if the rules are based on blatant hypocrisy and illogical censorship.  You can only leave it all down to common sense and expect it to work if the people enforcing the rules actually possess some.
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Edited By ThePickle

@Sweep said:

@Dagbiker: We aren't robots, we have our own opinions!

@ThePickle said:

If it's only a mild curse then it shouldn't be banned. And sorry, I have no idea what a Luis Suarez is.

You have still not answered my original question: why is cunt acceptable but f****t and n****r aren't? Why draw the line there? Doing so is a textbook example of a double standard, quit trying to make it an international thing. You've just showed me the word does not have the same power over there as it does here. Just because British women won't be offended doesn't mean American women won't either and the word over here has the same power as the words in question here. It shouldn't matter if it only applies to those in a certain region.

And what about Ryan's constant use of "Jesus Christ" and "goddamnit"? What about the Christian GBers?

I'm going to trim down this quote tree ^__^

If you want to know why Giant Bomb has decided that one word is OK and another isn't then the answer is: I don't know. I don't make the rules. Somewhere up the chain this is obviously subjective; someone has decided that certain words are OK but certain other words are not. I don't know who made that decision and I don't particularly care. The point is that what you consider to be double standards will obviously not apply to someone else. That was the point I was trying to make with the international argument. There is no universal list of words that aren't cool to say - someone, somewhere, considers one word to be OK and another to be unacceptable. You happen to disagree with that list, which is fine - you're allowed to disagree. But while you are using this site you have to abide by those rules regardless.

Well, at least you're honest. I really wish someone on the staff would elucidate this. I know they must be paying attention to this. A list of unacceptable words should include all unacceptable words. Which is the danger of making a list of unacceptable words and why it shouldn't be done. Because someone could take as much offense to Ryan saying "goddamnit" as someone does to someone saying f****t.

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Edited By sweep  Moderator

@Jimbo said:

@Sweep said:

@ThePickle said:

Can any mods make sense of why cunt is a perfectly fine thing to say but these words aren't?

Cunt is offensive, sure, but it doesn't have the same connotations that make racial or homophobic slurs unacceptable. It's not a word designed to offend based on prejudice. It's just really fucking rude.

Sorry, but this is just completely false. Where do you think 'cunt' as an insult stems from? It's every bit as derogatory against women as 'f****' is against gay people.

I accept your apology, but you are infact mistaken. In England the word has the same connotations as calling someone a "Dick". It doesn't carry the same prejudice and ignorance that, for example, a racial slur might. I'm not sure how that differs from America.

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Edited By Animasta

@ThePickle: if they were offended by that those people are long gone by now. they've only said c*** once

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Edited By Baillie

@Hailinel: You were part of the quote tree! Please, somebody, think of the quote tree rule.

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Edited By N7

Jesus Christ guys.
Some words offend some people, and some don't. Get that rebellious "I SHOULD SAY WHATEVER I MEAN, AS LONG AS THE CONTEXT IS GOOD" angst out of here.
You guys should just be glad the whole incident was, SPOILER ALERT, not really that big a deal and nothing really came of it but a sincere apology. If something was a big deal, Ryan would be fired and Giant Bomb would be on the brink of collapsing under the weight of losing their long time conspirator.
You guys are lucky.

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Edited By Hailinel

@Sweep said:

@Jimbo said:

@Sweep said:

@ThePickle said:

Can any mods make sense of why cunt is a perfectly fine thing to say but these words aren't?

Cunt is offensive, sure, but it doesn't have the same connotations that make racial or homophobic slurs unacceptable. It's not a word designed to offend based on prejudice. It's just really fucking rude.

Sorry, but this is just completely false. Where do you think 'cunt' as an insult stems from? It's every bit as derogatory against women as 'f****' is against gay people.

I accept your apology, but you are infact mistaken. In England the word has the same connotations as calling someone a "Dick". It doesn't carry the same prejudice and ignorance that, for example, a racial slur might. I'm not sure how that differs from America.

Though it has an international audience, this is an American website.

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Edited By Baillie

@Sweep said:

I accept your apology, but you are infact mistaken. In England the word has the same connotations as calling someone a "Dick". It doesn't carry the same prejudice and ignorance that, for example, a racial slur might. I'm not sure how that differs from America.

I'd like to point out, that here in Glasgow, cunt is another word for person. "Where is everycunt?"

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Edited By ThePickle

@dr_mantas said:

@Subjugation said:

You can't just pick and choose what flies and what doesn't. Hate speech is hate speech. This entire "f****t-gate" situation has become a joke to me because it has shown me how one-sided the community, and apparently some mods, are about it all. Go all the way or don't even bother. Defend and protect against all bigoted comments or enjoy being a hypocrite. The fact that you can be so up in arms about this and let so much else slide makes this whole argument fall flat on its face.

If f****t goes, then so does c**t. I don't care that you are from a different country, it is still hugely offensive to a massive population. And don't even get me started on all of the nasty things that are said in any thread that brings up religion. Once all of these things are treated fairly and equally I'll take you seriously, but until then just don't even try. It's disgusting.

To be fair, they pick and choose according to their audience and people that surround them. And on a video game site, let's face the facts here, you are much more likely to encounter a gay man, rather than a woman.

Picking and choosing according to their audience is worse than the words themselves. If they really are saying "well, most people on this site are guys (we think, there's no way of fully knowing), we'll say cunt is acceptable" then they are really despicable people. Just because there may be less women on GB does not mean their version of f***** should be ignored.

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Edited By ThePickle

@Animasta said:

@ThePickle: if they were offended by that those people are long gone by now. they've only said c*** once

Ryan only said f***** once and it was censored. And it's allowed on the forums.

@Sweep said:

@Jimbo said:

@Sweep said:

@ThePickle said:

Can any mods make sense of why cunt is a perfectly fine thing to say but these words aren't?

Cunt is offensive, sure, but it doesn't have the same connotations that make racial or homophobic slurs unacceptable. It's not a word designed to offend based on prejudice. It's just really fucking rude.

Sorry, but this is just completely false. Where do you think 'cunt' as an insult stems from? It's every bit as derogatory against women as 'f****' is against gay people.

I accept your apology, but you are infact mistaken. In England the word has the same connotations as calling someone a "Dick". It doesn't carry the same prejudice and ignorance that, for example, a racial slur might. I'm not sure how that differs from America.

I explained to you, it is every bit as bad as f*****. Just because it doesn't apply to all nations does not make Jimbo mistaken.

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Edited By sweep  Moderator

@ThePickle: For the sake of practicality though, that line had to be drawn somewhere. At the moment they have established a balance where they have outlawed the words they consider to be unacceptable within this community and yet given themselves enough freedom to act naturally when working. I think the fact that Ryan issued an apology is testament to the fact that they are very concious of that line and very aware that it shouldn't be crossed. I think most people here are happy with the current balance, and I'm one of them. I just throw the word cunt around because I'm obnoxious :D

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Edited By sweep  Moderator

@ThePickle said:

@Animasta said:

@ThePickle: if they were offended by that those people are long gone by now. they've only said c*** once

Ryan only said f***** once and it was censored. And it's allowed on the forums.

@Sweep said:

@Jimbo said:

@Sweep said:

@ThePickle said:

Can any mods make sense of why cunt is a perfectly fine thing to say but these words aren't?

Cunt is offensive, sure, but it doesn't have the same connotations that make racial or homophobic slurs unacceptable. It's not a word designed to offend based on prejudice. It's just really fucking rude.

Sorry, but this is just completely false. Where do you think 'cunt' as an insult stems from? It's every bit as derogatory against women as 'f****' is against gay people.

I accept your apology, but you are infact mistaken. In England the word has the same connotations as calling someone a "Dick". It doesn't carry the same prejudice and ignorance that, for example, a racial slur might. I'm not sure how that differs from America.

I explained to you, it is every bit as bad as f*****. Just because it doesn't apply to all nations does not make Jimbo mistaken.

I understand what you are saying, that in the context of this website it's a rude thing to say even though it is allowed, but I'm still going to say it because, to me, it means fuck all.

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Edited By Animasta

@ThePickle: I was making the comparison of c*** and goddamnit, not to c*** and the other F word

I think c*** should be disallowed too, for the record.

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Edited By ThePickle

@Sweep said:

@ThePickle: For the sake of practicality though, that line had to be drawn somewhere. At the moment they have established a balance where they have outlawed the words they consider to be unacceptable within this community and yet given themselves enough freedom to act naturally when working. I think the fact that Ryan issued an apology is testament to the fact that they are very concious of that line and very aware that it shouldn't be crossed. I think most people here are happy with the current balance, and I'm one of them. I just throw the word cunt around because I'm obnoxious :D

Most people are happy with the current balance? Over 1,000 responses on Ryan's blog and already 9 pages on this one. I certainly am not comfortable with the balance. And throwing around cunt isn't "obnoxious" and doesn't deserve a cheeky ":D". You're a mod. Just because cunt is a mild curse in your country doesn't mean nobody gets offended by it and mods should know and act better than that.

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Edited By Animasta

sweep you literally ruined any valid point gamer made, rock on

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Edited By Jimbo

@Sweep said:

@Jimbo said:

@Sweep said:

@ThePickle said:

Can any mods make sense of why cunt is a perfectly fine thing to say but these words aren't?

Cunt is offensive, sure, but it doesn't have the same connotations that make racial or homophobic slurs unacceptable. It's not a word designed to offend based on prejudice. It's just really fucking rude.

Sorry, but this is just completely false. Where do you think 'cunt' as an insult stems from? It's every bit as derogatory against women as 'f****' is against gay people.

I accept your apology, but you are infact mistaken. In England the word has the same connotations as calling someone a "Dick". It doesn't carry the same prejudice and ignorance that, for example, a racial slur might. I'm not sure how that differs from America.

I'm in the UK, and yes it still carries prejudice and ignorance. "Dick" only gets a pass in this regard because historically males have never been oppressed based on their gender- the same logic which makes slurs against white people not carry the same weight as slurs against black people.

It doesn't have the same impact because we're just more used to hearing it, but the prejudice behind it is still there. Just like it's there in 'bitch' and in 'f*****".

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Edited By ThePickle

@Sweep said:

@ThePickle said:

@Animasta said:

@ThePickle: if they were offended by that those people are long gone by now. they've only said c*** once

Ryan only said f***** once and it was censored. And it's allowed on the forums.

@Sweep said:

@Jimbo said:

@Sweep said:

@ThePickle said:

Can any mods make sense of why cunt is a perfectly fine thing to say but these words aren't?

Cunt is offensive, sure, but it doesn't have the same connotations that make racial or homophobic slurs unacceptable. It's not a word designed to offend based on prejudice. It's just really fucking rude.

Sorry, but this is just completely false. Where do you think 'cunt' as an insult stems from? It's every bit as derogatory against women as 'f****' is against gay people.

I accept your apology, but you are infact mistaken. In England the word has the same connotations as calling someone a "Dick". It doesn't carry the same prejudice and ignorance that, for example, a racial slur might. I'm not sure how that differs from America.

I explained to you, it is every bit as bad as f*****. Just because it doesn't apply to all nations does not make Jimbo mistaken.

I understand what you are saying, that in the context of this website it's a rude thing to say even though it is allowed, but I'm still going to say it because, to me, it means fuck all.

Ok, so we completely ignore context with one word, and ban it outright, but with another word that's just as offensive, you can toss it around like a football because in your country it means fuck all.

Wonderful. Well, what if to me, f***** meant that dish you were referring to, or f** meant a cigarette, does that mean I can use it in all my posts?

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Edited By Cloudenvy

Oh jeebs, this has already gone totally sideways.

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Edited By kpaadet

uhh double standards how I love ya.

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Edited By sweep  Moderator

@ThePickle: Honestly mate, and this I think is the most important thing here, I don't actually care that you are offended. If I'm not living up to your expectations of how you believe a moderator should act well... I don't actually care about that, either.

I have work tomorrow and I'm already trying to maintain about 6 arguments in this thread so I'm just going to surrender and call it a night right now. Peace out, everyone.

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Edited By tourgen

Walking up to a person on the street and calling them a useless, unlovable piece of shit is completely different than letting loose with foul language during a moment of frustration, particularly when it's not directed at any one person. Trying to draw an analogy between the two is a pretty classic "false analogy" logical fallacy. It's not helpful to the conversation and it's misleading.

I'm all for keeping Giant Bomb civil. If we are going to call out a list of bad words though put EVERYTHING on that list. Whitewash this mother fucker.

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Edited By Hailinel

Apropos of well, this thread, does anyone know how to file a formal complaint about a moderator?

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Edited By sweep  Moderator

@ThePickle said:

@Sweep said:

@ThePickle said:

@Animasta said:

@ThePickle: if they were offended by that those people are long gone by now. they've only said c*** once

Ryan only said f***** once and it was censored. And it's allowed on the forums.

@Sweep said:

@Jimbo said:

@Sweep said:

@ThePickle said:

Can any mods make sense of why cunt is a perfectly fine thing to say but these words aren't?

Cunt is offensive, sure, but it doesn't have the same connotations that make racial or homophobic slurs unacceptable. It's not a word designed to offend based on prejudice. It's just really fucking rude.

Sorry, but this is just completely false. Where do you think 'cunt' as an insult stems from? It's every bit as derogatory against women as 'f****' is against gay people.

I accept your apology, but you are infact mistaken. In England the word has the same connotations as calling someone a "Dick". It doesn't carry the same prejudice and ignorance that, for example, a racial slur might. I'm not sure how that differs from America.

I explained to you, it is every bit as bad as f*****. Just because it doesn't apply to all nations does not make Jimbo mistaken.

I understand what you are saying, that in the context of this website it's a rude thing to say even though it is allowed, but I'm still going to say it because, to me, it means fuck all.

Ok, so we completely ignore context with one word, and ban it outright, but with another word that's just as offensive, you can toss it around like a football because in your country it means fuck all.

Wonderful. Well, what if to me, f***** meant that dish you were referring to, or f** meant a cigarette, does that mean I can use it in all my posts?

Nope! That would be against the rules. Context is not the issue here - this rule is very black & white. You do not say those words. Ever.

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Edited By ThePickle

@Sweep said:

@ThePickle: Honestly mate, and this I think is the most important thing here, I don't actually care that you are offended. If I'm not living up to your expectations of how you believe a moderator should act well... I don't actually care about that, either.

I have work tomorrow and I'm already trying to maintain about 6 arguments in this thread so I'm just going to surrender and call it a night right now. Peace out, everyone.

What exactly is the job of a moderator? Doesn't it involve at least some level of care for law abiding users of the site? Just because I'm exposing a double standard doesn't mean you can ignore me outright. What if I was a woman and I was offended by what you said? Would you just say "sorry love but 'ere in the UK cunt doesn't mean a bloody thing." Whatever happened to the Giant Bomb forum golden rule: don't be a dick.

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Edited By Jimbo
@ThePickle said:

@Sweep said:

@ThePickle: For the sake of practicality though, that line had to be drawn somewhere. At the moment they have established a balance where they have outlawed the words they consider to be unacceptable within this community and yet given themselves enough freedom to act naturally when working. I think the fact that Ryan issued an apology is testament to the fact that they are very concious of that line and very aware that it shouldn't be crossed. I think most people here are happy with the current balance, and I'm one of them. I just throw the word cunt around because I'm obnoxious :D

Most people are happy with the current balance? Over 1,000 responses on Ryan's blog and already 9 pages on this one. I certainly am not comfortable with the balance. And throwing around cunt isn't "obnoxious" and doesn't deserve a cheeky ":D". You're a mod. Just because cunt is a mild curse in your country doesn't mean nobody gets offended by it and mods should know and act better than that.

I feel like I should point out, just in case any of you actually visit the UK and think it's ok to go around saying 'cunt', it really, really isn't in most company.  It's certainly not a 'mild curse' - it's still considered the 'worst' of the common naughty words to say.  Certainly much worse than 'fanny', for instance.
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Edited By Zleunamme

@Gamer_152: What you wrote needed to be said and I'm glad you did. Giant Bomb and most of the community has done a better job than most websites on moderating feedback. Look at comments posted on Youtube or new sites like CNN. After reading an article or watching a video. Below that is a long stream of vitriolic and vile commentary. You wonder if the people who wrote them are even human beings. There will be a time and a place for discourse. There is no expectation of ever body agreeing on everything. It does not give people the right to be rude and disrespectful to one another. I know that some people will read that and think that I am idealistic fool. If that is how they feel then so be it. The moral of the story that everyone should take from is this. Don't be an asshole and don't ruin it for everybody else.

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Edited By TentPole

@Sweep: For the record I am fine with where Giant Bomb is drawing the line, but I want you to understand why so many of the Giant Bomb community are lashing out at you.

The word cunt carries the implication that women are only good for fucking.

It is often used as hate speech that is used in the context of rape, sexual assault, and other forms of misogynistic behavior. It does not carry this weight for everyone but it does for some.

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Edited By stalefishies
@MattyFTM said:

I just want to touch on the subject of context for a second. Yes, saying "Ryan said ****** on the Lantern Run" is very different to saying "You're a fucking ******", and we'll naturally deal with those offences in different ways. Initially I was firmly against imposing a straight up ban on that word. If people want to mention the word in an entirely non offensive context and do not promote the usage of that word, I was fine with it. For example, if someone were to say "****** is a horrible word. People shouldn't discriminate" - there is clearly no malice, discrimination or hate in that sentence. The person is denouncing the word and it is certainly not going to cause offence to anyone.
HOWEVER: It has become clear that the use of that word in such instances where offence is neither intended nor caused has lead to other people believing it is OK to use it in a context which does have the potential to offend. As such, we need to take a zero tolerance policy on it's usage. Obviously punishments will vary depending on context - if someone uses it with malicious intent they will most likely receive an instant suspension. If someone mentions the word in a context clearly unintended to cause offence they'll likely just receive a reminder of the rules. But the usage of that word in any context leads to issues with other people using it in other contexts, so we have had to take this stance. I hope you guys understand why we've had to take these steps.

This is a ridiculous policy. You want to stop bigotry? Then fine, take action on users who use words like faggot in an offensive manner. But to say that all uses of the word are banned is to ignore the main issue: it is the insult that is offensive, not the word. To ban the word is to avoid the issue entirely, and avoiding the issue does nothing to make it go away.
I'd perhaps be more sympathetic if the argument from the mods was that this is is an internet discussion board about video games, and so this isn't the place to have discussions of this nature. This would give no reason to have any acceptable use of the word, meaning a blanket ban would be more acceptable. But think this forum and this community are better than that, and I think you can do your job better than that. You, as human beings, can decide whether someone is being offensive or not, and don't need to take the easy way out and just ban the word entirely. After all, that's what you've been doing this entire thread with the word 'cunt'.
Incidentally, use of the word alone is completely within the rules as written:

NO discrimination or victimization directed at users: Racism, homophobia, sexism, or any hateful personal attacks against another user.

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Edited By sweep  Moderator

@TentPole: Fair enough.

@ThePickle: If someone was offended by the way I behave then I would say, as I have said to you: Take it up with a member of staff. I don't think I'm being offensive using that word, but then, as I have already said, it doesn't matter what I think.

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Edited By sweep  Moderator

OK seriously you guys I have to go to sleep now -________-

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Edited By Anupsis

As far as I am concerned if anyone from Giant Bomb says a word is off limits then it simply is. They run this site so they have the ability to do that and if someone wants to use this site they have to accept that. I agree that words like that should not be said and I know that some people disagree with that and I have no problem with that. I just hope we can get back to being fellow duders here at Giant Bomb.

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Edited By Fallen189

@Sweep said:

OK seriously you guys I have to go to sleep now -________-

I'm sure the internet will go on without you

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Edited By Jimbo
@stryker1121 said:

@Jimbo said:

@shivermetimbers said:

As I stated in Ryan's blog, I can understand being offended by something if he used the word to say some hateful message about the homosexual community, but I can't really understand why the word by itself would be considered offensive. This site uses the word "bitch" constantly, couldn't that offend women that use the site?

Of course, but you have to realise that it's not that most people are against the use of these words on principle, or based on any kind of coherent logic. They're against their use because the societal bubble they exist in has collectively decided that these specific words are off-limits, and they don't want to be judged negatively by the people around them for using or condoning them (no matter how random the logic behind that judgement is). For most it's about protecting their own image, not about protecting the people the words are derogatory against.

There is no logic whatsoever which makes 'faggot' off-limits but makes the use of 'bitch' or 'cunt' ok - that's just how it is apparently. It should go without saying that it's completely fucking inane to remove posts simply because the words have been used in the course of discussing the use of said words, but that's about par for the course.

That's more than a little cynical and off base, IMO. How about people don't use those words b/c those words have a long history of causing pain for very specific groups of people? I keep repeating myself here, but "cunt" and "bitch" don't have anywhere near that baggage.

Are you kidding? You don't think "cunt" or "bitch" have just as much baggage of offending a specific group of people called 'women'?  You know, one of the most oppressed groups of people in history?
Just because those words are freely used against anybody and anything now doesn't make them any better than 'faggot'.  'Faggot' is used in exactly the same way - exactly the way Ryan apparently used it and then apologised for.  We're more desensitised to 'cunt' and 'bitch' through sheer amount of use, but the history and prejudice is still there in exactly the same way.
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Edited By leg_of_time

Sigh... Right, not posted much on the forum but have been a fan of GB for a while. While I don't normally involve myself in Internet arguments, will make an exception here... Firstly @Gamer_152 Your post was excellent. You got to the heart of the controversy and IMO have taken the right stance. Anyway, on to my comments: I'm gay, I don't particularly find the f-word offensive. Partially because here in the UK it's not used that much/with as much history of hate surrounding it (well, not from my experiences anyway) and my first introduction of it was from LOTR (same with f*g, growing up in London has always meant cigarette to me first). So, while I wasn't particularly offended by what Ryan said I was grateful that he recognised that it was wrong to say and offensive (in terms of it bein used as hate speech) and apologised. What I have been offended by is the reaction by some members of the community. Everyone obviously has the right to have an opinion to what should/shouldn't be said, usually defined by their upbringing and country of origin. But, you do not have the right to say if someone should/shouldn't be offended by a specific word (in any context). And that, largely, if it's a perjorative directed at a specific minority group it's that group who gets to say how offensive it is as a whole - to be able to reclaim it (like queer has been) or to say that this shouldn't really be said and that in any context it is deemed offensive to that minority (obviously individual members of that minority may be perfectly happy with others saying it - but this is for social groups only IMO, and the Internet/out in public is not a 'social group'). So, words I am not comfortable with people saying (if anyone cares): F-word R-word N-word C-word - I am guilty of using this, but I recognise it's wrong and only really use it when I'm very annoyed. Which, I know, isn't an excuse... K-word (there are probably others that my mind is blanking of at the moment) So, basically my stance is: Don't actively try and say things that you know some people find offensive and if you do say it and people are offended accept that they have a right to be offended and apologise for offending them. (This is not directed at anyone specifically, just at some of the sentiments I've noticed surrounding this issue. Not attacking anyone, just wanted to have my say).

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Edited By sweep  Moderator

@Fallen189 said:

@Sweep said:

OK seriously you guys I have to go to sleep now -________-

I'm sure the internet will go on without you

I feel obliged to answer evey question. I know this is an issue of much contention recently. I'm probably just making it worse, though :D

Fuck, I'm doing it again! I need to turn off my computer...

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Edited By leg_of_time

Sorry that's come out as a wall of text... Apparently you can't even put in paragraphs while on the iPad :/

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Edited By Meowshi

What anyone here actually offended by Vinny using the word "cunt" during that segment of the Bombcast?

I feel like people are more concerned with what goes on in the forums, which is a completely separate issue. I doubt anyone would care if they outright banned cursing entirely on the forums, but suggesting that the Bombcast be censored in any way seems very silly.

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Edited By Sign

@stalefishies: The thing a lot of people seem to ignore/don't understand is that it isn't the mods making this policy, they simply enforce it. As Sweep noted, this came from higher up the chain than themselves. We all may say it is a dumb policy and we can argue it all day and night (as it appears this forum is wont to do) but the fact of the matter is the decision has been made, and those are now the rules.

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Edited By Jimbo
@Leg_of_Time said:
Sorry that's come out as a wall of text... Apparently you can't even put in paragraphs while on the iPad :/
I keep doing that and I forget it's going to happen every time.
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Edited By DeeGee

@Sweep said:

I just throw the word cunt around because I'm obnoxious :D

Words cannot express how disgusting this comment is.

@Sweep said:

I accept your apology, but you are infact mistaken. In England the word has the same connotations as calling someone a "Dick". It doesn't carry the same prejudice and ignorance that, for example, a racial slur might. I'm not sure how that differs from America.

I'm just going to assume you're not actually English, because that's a flat out lie. "Cunt" is considered one of the worst swear words over here, and it's had just as emotional bagage as the word you're censoring. Discrimination against women is cool, but when it comes to gay people, that's not allowed?

@Sweep said:

@TentPole: Fair enough.

@ThePickle: If someone was offended by the way I behave then I would say, as I have said to you: Take it up with a member of staff. I don't think I'm being offensive using that word, but then, as I have already said, it doesn't matter what I think.

I'll do exactly that. Please point me towards the member of staff that is capable of handling my complaint against you.

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Edited By Fallen189

@Sweep said:

@Fallen189 said:

@Sweep said:

OK seriously you guys I have to go to sleep now -________-

I'm sure the internet will go on without you

I feel obliged to answer evey question. I know this is an issue of much contention recently. I'm probably just making it worse, though :D

Fuck, I'm doing it again! I need to turn off my computer...

I wouldnt sweat about it mate. You don't need to defend other peoples actions. You're only human.