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Playstation Move kind of looks lame

Remember when Sony had their demo of the "Move" during E3 09?  People were divided into two camps.  People who said "Fuck this shit, it is the poor man's Wii remote!!!" and the people who said "This really looks like it has a lot of potential."  I will say I am in the latter.  Looking at the tech demo they had, everything about it blew me away.  First was the fact that the pointer didn't twitch, which is comparable to the Wii which is quite frequent with the exception of a few games (e.g. Dawn of Discovery).  I was looking forward to Move because it seemed more intuitive and smoother than the Wii remote.  Now it seems like they are just imitating Nintendo then out doing Nintendo.  No matter how impressive the hardware is, you need software to back it up.
They have a nice idea with this game.  It was the kind of support people wanted with the Wii remote when it first came out, only left dead at the alter for the lackluster Red Steel.  A game  that controlled poorly and didn't show off the best of what the Wii can do.  I played SOCOM game before on the PS2 at a friends house.  It was then that I learned that I was Dual Analog stick illiterate when it came to First Person Shooters or for that matter, any shooter.  The Wii remote was the first time I showed any interest for the Genre on the consoles.  Still not as good as the Mouse and Keyboard but at least I can play the damn games.  The game itself is very conduitish, in a way that it still makes it seems boring regardless.
TV Superstars
 Did anyone really care for You're in the Movies?  Apparently 450,000 people actually did.

  Just look at that video.  What so interesting about this game?  So you launch dudes into the sky and play jump rope.  It feels like Sony is trying to make a cheap knock off of what Microsoft attempted, and it seems like they are doing worse.
The Shoot
I don't hate rail shooters.  The problem is that they are forgetting the appeal of what made Rail shooters so awesome.  People like these kind of games to have an arcade feel to them.  The Shoot just looks like it is a flash gameplay with polygons. Take Link's Crossbow Training for example.  It was simple, accessible and fun.  The might as well throw Time Crisis 4 in the mix because has some pull for me personally, and it was already made for the PS3.
Motion Fighter
  Lame.  Maybe it is just poor presentation, but it looks so fucking slow.  Wii Sports Boxing was pretty frantic, a much more interesting take.
  It's not that bad of an idea, sort of looks like Nintendogs.
I want to have sex with my Eyepet.
Move Party
 Sony is jumping the gun.  They need to wait for the casual crowd to care about their new Playstation Move first.
Sports Champion
 Looks like Wii sports, but trust me, it isn't.  They lost it somewhere in translation and it seems to be missing that Charm.
  Maybe it is because they are using realistic looking characters?  Maybe trying to look too technical.  I don't know, I might pass on this since I already have Wii sports resort.

It actually makes it compelling in the same fashion as physics puzzler.  I actually liked World of Goo, so perhaps this could be up my ally.