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#1  Edited By Grelik

I've been using Firefox since it's first year of release, and never have I felt like I'd made a wrong decision.  I love FF4, and it hasn't crashed once for me yet.
I just wish they'd fix their mobile browser on android.  It's slow and choppy and doesn't hold a candle to Dolphin HD yet.  I want it to get better so I can make use of the cool browser sync feature it has. 

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#2  Edited By Grelik

If I hadn't grown so attached to using their mobile site on my phone... (I view more GB content from my phone than my PC).  They pretty much have me by the balls on this one.  But in a good way you know?  Regardless. I love this site, pretty much only use this site for gaming now.

(Edit: As it's more of a Whiskey Media thing, I do get moderate amounts of enjoyment out of Tested and Screened.  Rarely do I click on any Comic Vine links at the bottom, and I think I've been to Anime Vice twice?  So overall the price is worth it to support everyone.)

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#3  Edited By Grelik

If you're under the belief that music has progressed in any sort of positive manner because people were getting more money for it, you'd be wrong.  If anything, the seemingly easy amount of money that can be gained has just made everyone and their sister think they can sing, or have musical talent.

Regardless, quality music can and will always be made due to people's passion for music, not because millions of dollars were thrown at some shit groups feet like the Black Eyed Peas.

So all this "piracy killing the industry" BS can go fuck it's self.  If killing the industry means they don't have as much money for the extensive studio sessions where 40 technicians spend hours and hours auto tuning some marketable piece of meat into something resembling a passable singer, or said "artist" (i use that loosely) can't live in their multimillion dollar mansion, then I'm all the happier.

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#4  Edited By Grelik

I could play most anything.  I was never strictly forbidden from any particular game short of playing something really violent with people dieing when company was over, or my mom was walking around. (she mainly had a problem with guys screaming in pain when they died or something).

Now I did get all sorts of "You know that's not real, right Matt? You can't do that In real life" or "You'd never use a gun like that right Matt?", yadda yadda voice of reason.  As much as I hated it back then, now that I'm 25, I'm glad she went through the effort of making sure I kept my head on straight.

To be fair though... Violent when I was a kid/teen was things like Doom, or Turok.  Games where the violence wasn't nearly as fully realized as today.  I know for a FACT that my mom would have kicked me off the games if I tried to play some of the "M" rated games of today.

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#5  Edited By Grelik

Every Valve game (at the time of it's release) was simply amazing.  Half-Life 1 single handedly reinvigorated the FPS genre as a whole.  A well told story throughout and one of, if not the first FPS that didn't just plop you into a "Shits gone bad, now kill shit, find keys and open locked doors to finish the level" scenario.   It also dropped the independent level game structure and more or less had one single continuous game through its use of slightly more frequent, but extremely short load times between sections of the game.

Needless to say, Valve games are the type that make popular (and in many cases introduce) new game design mechanics that you then see turn up and become standard for the genre.  Also going the extra mile to make the Source engine so user friendly, powerful and open to anyone who wants to use it, keeping all that great user content coming.

I'm also assuming you played each Valve game at the time it was released, and not 5-8 years later, as then this entire thread is worthless because it would be like saying that you don't understand why people like SMB for the NES so much after playing it a week ago.

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#6  Edited By Grelik

I find it's not the greatest, I only get pissed off when a team objective match starts fresh and I'm starting beside two members of the opposing team... Not sure what they were thinking.

But yes. I trend to agree

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#7  Edited By Grelik

I think we really need to bury the whole "dumbed down" buzz phrase (?). It's become quite tired and I'm sure would like to go to sleep (die?).

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#8  Edited By Grelik
@imsh_pl to the players like us who are familiar with e-sports, we are aware of what is supposed to be considered polite. Unfortunately the majority of people who play starcraft aren't aware of these unwritten rules.

Two days ago my friend who has only been playing about a month and doesn't play games competitively whispered me "some guy just said gg wp, what does that mean?"
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#9  Edited By Grelik

People who get bent out of shape over the absence of a couple letters need to get over themselves. Not GGing at the end of a game is in no way shape or form a "rage quit" either.

I'm quite positive no one here actually cares if the opponent has good luck or has fun, so typing four meaningless letters serves no purpose other than insincere lip service.

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#10  Edited By Grelik

I'm quite happy giving it a 4/5  I'm 12 hours in (playing on PC), and as per usual, the game has just received a ton of unwarranted hate from all the overly self entitled gamers out there who think this is their game or some shit and that Bioware wasn't allowed to make any changes.
My only real complaint?  I wouldn't so much mind the copy/pasted dungeons if they would just have removed the blocked off parts of the levels from the minimap.  It's annoying running one direction, only to find out that there's a dead end, even though it shows the rest of the level on the minimap.