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Soul Calibur V: Why the Hate?

Holy Christ.  The existence of Soul Calibur V has been officially known for about one day now, and people are already questioning it.  Mainly, why does it need to exist, why is Namco still wasting their time with these games, and will Ivy's back still be able to support the increasing weight of her...assets.

 It's a fair question.
 It's a fair question.

But what are we complaining about?

What do we actually know about the game so far?

  • It's Soul Calibur, which means that the game will likely involve weapon-based fighting in 3D arenas.
  • The game takes place seventeen years after Soul Calibur IV and will have a largely all new roster.
  • Siegfried and Nightmare are returning.
  • Sophitia's son Patroklos is a new member of the roster and will have a fighting style based off of hers.
  • Namco Bandai can't decide if "Soul Calibur" is one word or two.
  • The create-a-fighter system is returning.
  • There may possibly be a guest character from another franchise, which the developer is neither confirming nor denying.

What can be inferred?

  • At least some of the newcomers (like the aforementioned Patroklos) will have movesets based on retired fighters.
  • There's a possibility that Ivy may not even be in this game for people to mock.
  • The game will more or less play like past Soul Calibur games.
  • Ivy or no Ivy, breasts will in all likelihood bounce.

What does this all add up to?

Who knows?  Other than it being more Soul Calibur with a revamped roster, I haven't got a goddamn clue.  And frankly, neither does anyone else.  All I know is that I enjoyed the heck out of Soul Calibur II, was largely disappointed by Soul Calibur III, and Soul Calibur IV, while a step up from III, wasn't as good as SCII.  In short, I know it's more Soul Calibur.  And despite the latter entries not living up to the majesty of the second (or to some, the first), that's not inherently a bad thing.  I mean, no, Soul Calibur IV isn't the best game in the series, but only recently I was at a friend's apartment, playing it with a group and having a grand old time.  Flaws aside, it's not a bad game.

You want to know what a bad game is?  Mortal Kombat: Armageddon.

 So many characters.  So much shit.
 So many characters.  So much shit.

How many of you have actually played this game?  This, more than any other fighting game I have ever played, felt like nothing more than the developer throwing in the towel.  A ludicrous number of fighters piled onto a flawed combat system with some of the most pitiful character balance you'll ever see in a major fighting game release.  Armageddon is a piece of shit; one that left me with no hope of the series ever recovering.  And MK vs. DC felt like a desperate grasp for anything resembling relevance.

Then Mortal Kombat happened.

Redemption, just like that.  Not that the game is perfect; Shao Kahn's boss A.I. is so infuriating it almost takes the fun out of the otherwise excellent story mode.  But my point is that even though Mortal Kombat was at its lowest point, the developer came back and managed to deliver something that's actually fun, plays well, and lives up to the legacy of the first three games.  Who's to say that Soul Calibur V won't also be a return to form?

That's not to say that the game will be.  With the past disappointments, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking things will only get worse.  And they certainly could.  But given what little we know about the game and what heights the series has seen in the past, it seems unreasonable to start the dog pile before we've seen anything resembling gameplay footage.  The developer should be allowed to show their hand before we call them out.

So while some may remain content to roll their eyes, I'm looking forward to seeing what Namco has up their sleeves this time.  While it's possible that the game may once again have the feeling of treading water, it's equally possible that they're cooking something up that's just as good as, if not better than Soul Calibur II.  There are no guarantees, but I'm willing to at least give them the benefit of the doubt.  Until then, I'll be left wondering, and thinking deep thoughts.

 Like how the Red Dead Redemption
 Like how the Red Dead Redemption "ninja cougar" joke could be applied to a Taki that's seventeen years older.


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Edited By xyzygy

I really hope that most of the current roster is gone. So many characters in that series are completely forgettable.

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Edited By penguindust

I am looking forward to Soul Calibur V.  And, what's more, I'd also welcome a new Dead or Alive.  I am not very good at fighting games.  I stuck at Street Fighter IV and can barely manage Mortal Kombats and Tekkens.  But, I fair okay with the SC and DOA franchises for some reason.  I am able to learn just a handful of moves (through trial & error) and button-mash my way through.  I liked the addition of the character creator in SCIV but I missed the single-player journey from SCIII.  I hope they include both in SCV or at least bring back the create-a-character and then do a single-player like the current MK9.  As for the over sized boobs, well I am a fan.  SC has never seemed to be that well balanced, hardcore fighter like SF or Virtua Fighter to me.  Rather, it's just a fun, over-the-top romp like Guilty Gear.  And, sexy characters are part of that complete departure from solemnity.  Too many people seem to want to turn it into just like some other game, well we already have those other games.  Let this one be jovial and outlandish. 

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Edited By WatanabeKazuma

I liked the last SC, I was bad at it online but thats another thing entirely.

As long as Voldo returns I'll be cool, also Hilde, who was my go to choice last time around.
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Edited By elyhaym
@SlashseveN303 said: 
"Oh and get rid of that stupid character creation system with items giving bonuses so my characters don't look like freaking clowns."

This. A million times.
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Edited By Icemael

Seventeen years later?

Man, Ivy's sag is going to be fucking crazy.

@ryanwho said: 

" What happened was Street Fighter 4 came out and a wave of legit fighters came out in its wake. And then you go "oh that's right, fighting games". "

With very few exceptions, all the post-SFIV fighters would've come out even if Capcom never revived Street Fighter. All the other fighting game developers have constantly put out new stuff for the past decade. People just think there was some sort of "wave" or "renaissance" because before Street Fighter IV, they didn't actually bother checking out any new fighting games.
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Edited By Yummylee

I skipped past SCIV, though I freakin adored Soul Blade and SCII (never played the first SC admittedly), and SCIII got a lot of enjoyable playtime out of me for its dearth of single player content, with that RTS story-mode being my favourite part. SCIV with it's less balancing tributes between single player and multiplayer lost me unfortunately, but with my fond memories of the classic entries I'll be certain to keep a close eye on the upcoming details. The one factor I'm hoping is for a much more substantial array of single player options. I would still never get it for full price mind you, but that's the way with any fighting game I'd ever decide to buy.

Oh and I'll admit to having little qualm with the over-saturation of boobs... it's when there's a spin-off beach ball game or a fanservice filled anime that'll force me to facepalm. 

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Edited By Oldirtybearon

I've never been into Soul Calibur. Even during the dark times of fighting games I was still mostly sticking to 3rd Strike and whatever compilation Capcom or Midway decided to chuck into discount bins. It wasn't until last year I played Soul Calibur 4 with a friend of mine, and the only downside I can really think of is that it tries to play too much like a standard 3D fighter (if the standard is Virtua Fighter, let's say). It has weapon combat, yes, but those only seem to determine animations and don't really bring anything else to the table. Also the control scheme is pretty shit, I think. Maybe it has its audience, but I honestly don't see Namco investing in a new engine nor do I see them giving the fighting mechanics a serious overhaul. As it stands, the combat feels way too stilted. It feels like playing with lifeless puppets. Tekken 6 felt the same way for me, so maybe it's just the way 3D fighters are animated that I have a problem with. 

Then I look at something like MvC3 (a game I severely dislike) or Mortal Kombat 9 and I think "Nah, Namco's just lazy".
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Edited By Vexxan
@Enigma777 said:
" I haven't really seen any hate for this game... "
Me neither.

Anyone care to fill me in on where I can find this "hate"?
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Edited By Yanngc33

You just reminded me of how huge the breasts are in this game. I think people remember the balancing issues that plagued 4 and don't really want to go for another round

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Edited By SteamPunkJin
@Devil240Z said:
" I really hope its like SC 3. I love the RTS mode it had. 

I think IV was worse than 3 because it was missing the RTS mode. Which basically makes the Create-a-character meaningful. 
Pretty much this. The RTS mode was a brilliant edition and wish it would have come back for IV, and if they want my money they will put it back in V.
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Edited By Hailinel
@Doctorchimp said:
" Aren't you the dude that was super dismissive over Street Fighter IV arcade edition?People don't like certain things and love other things. "
Nope.  I mean, I'm not a fan of Evil Ryu or Oni by any means, but I otherwise have no problem with Arcade Edition.

@xyzygy said:
" I really hope that most of the current roster is gone. So many characters in that series are completely forgettable. "

I'm curious to see which characters they actually intend to keep.  Some of the old guard have been around since Soul Edge/Soul Blade.

@StarvingGamer said:
" I'm pretty sure most of the people hating on SC haven't actually played SC. Those games are amazing mashy fun for casuals and incredibly deep for the hardcore. Sure Hilde broke the metagame of IV a bit but there's nothing wrong with S tier IMO. Personally I cant wait for SCV and just hope they give us an even better character creation mode with adjustable character height. That and maybe get rid of just cancels, I fucking hate those. A grown up Amy that folds in more of Raphael's techniques would be awesome. And give Ivy less clothings please. "

This brings up the question of how much clothing Ivy has left.  However, a grown-up Amy with more of Raphael's skills would be a good addition to the roster.  A more open character creation system would be welcome, as well.

@Elyhaym said:
" @SlashseveN303 said: 
"Oh and get rid of that stupid character creation system with items giving bonuses so my characters don't look like freaking clowns."

This. A million times.

Well, maybe no welcome by everyone.

@Vegsen said:
" @Enigma777 said:
" I haven't really seen any hate for this game... "
Me neither.

Anyone care to fill me in on where I can find this "hate"?

It's just a general attitude about the game that seems to have carried in lot of forum responses since the game's announcement.
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Edited By Aetheldod

Wait what SC IV was a bad game ????? 0_0 you dudes are crazy , I had a ton of fun with it and I like it also what was wrong with Star war characters??? Really you all need to chill out man.

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Edited By WrathOfBanja

This series has been on a steady downhill slide since 2.
I'm still buying it though. Its the only 3d fighting game series I like.

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Edited By InfiniteGeass

I like fighting games where I can mash buttons and see cool shit happen. Soul Calibur has facilitated this for me in the past, so I'm somewhat interested in another SC game. Also, I like boobs.

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Edited By shirogane

SCIV just lacked a lot of stuff that was in previous games that made them awesome. It feels like the same thing they've done to Tekken, taking out a whole bunch of modes and stuff in previous games.


And man, what are they doing to Ivy, she was already pretty creepy, she gets worse and worse every game.

Are they seriously taking out Sophitia? Man, i liked her...Cassandra not so much.


Oh and, i never finished the RTS in 3 cause of that bug, urgh, screw you bug! Got pretty far once though...

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Edited By Hailinel
@Shirogane said:

SCIV just lacked a lot of stuff that was in previous games that made them awesome. It feels like the same thing they've done to Tekken, taking out a whole bunch of modes and stuff in previous games.


And man, what are they doing to Ivy, she was already pretty creepy, she gets worse and worse every game.

Are they seriously taking out Sophitia? Man, i liked her...Cassandra not so much.


Oh and, i never finished the RTS in 3 cause of that bug, urgh, screw you bug! Got pretty far once though...

They haven't announced a final roster, but Patroklos is Sophitia's son and apparently fights based on her moveset, so that's what it sounds like.  The dev team is apparently using this generational shift in the storyline as a way to change things up and bring in a whole host of new characters.  Some old characters will be returning, but it doesn't appear that Sophitia will be one of them.
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Edited By TheFreeMan

Unfortunately, I don't expect Taki to be able to be in a "ninja cougar" joke - Namco is going to capitalize on the plot justification to have her 17 year old, just as busty daughter show up instead. It's what I expect to happen for most of the characters, actually.

Cept for Mitsurugi. Because elderly samurai are just cool, man.
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Edited By SethPhotopoulos

Can't really comment on SC outside of saying that the RTS element was a good idea that needs to be expanded on in later sequels. 

I thought MKvDC was the sign that things were looking up for the series.  It was a good game that was easy to pick up but difficult to master.  Some of the kombos in that game were crazy.  Definitely did the right think by making MK9 2d again though.
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Edited By Hailinel
@TheFreeMan said:
" Unfortunately, I don't expect Taki to be able to be in a "ninja cougar" joke - Namco is going to capitalize on the plot justification to have her 17 year old, just as busty daughter show up instead. It's what I expect to happen for most of the characters, actually.

Cept for Mitsurugi. Because elderly samurai are just cool, man.
Yeah, I can just see Mitsurugi wandering the countryside, still trying to perfect that fighting art that will let him stop bullets and hunting for evil swords because he's just that awesomely stubborn.  As much as I'm sure she'll be replaced, I'd actually prefer for Taki to stay on the roster, though.  I mean, otherwise that purely tasteless joke will come to naught.

@SethPhotopoulos said:
" Can't really comment on SC outside of saying that the RTS element was a good idea that needs to be expanded on in later sequels. 

I thought MKvDC was the sign that things were looking up for the series.  It was a good game that was easy to pick up but difficult to master.  Some of the kombos in that game were crazy.  Definitely did the right think by making MK9 2d again though.

I agree on the RTS element.  It was the best addition to Soul Calibur III in my opinion.  I just wish that it didn't have that memory card-wrecking bug.

As far as Mortal Kombat vs. DC, I never played it to a great extent, but from what I did play, and from everything else I've seen on it, I never really got the sense that it was a good game.  It may have been better than Armageddon (though that's not really saying much), but it just felt like they were reaching for something to latch on to with the DC characters.
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Edited By ZombiePie

I have never played a Soul Calibur in my life.

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Edited By Hailinel
@ZombiePie: I see what you're saying (if I highlight your text).  You should give at least one of them a shot.
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Edited By Nettacki
@Hailinel said:
" @Shirogane said:

SCIV just lacked a lot of stuff that was in previous games that made them awesome. It feels like the same thing they've done to Tekken, taking out a whole bunch of modes and stuff in previous games.


And man, what are they doing to Ivy, she was already pretty creepy, she gets worse and worse every game.

Are they seriously taking out Sophitia? Man, i liked her...Cassandra not so much.


Oh and, i never finished the RTS in 3 cause of that bug, urgh, screw you bug! Got pretty far once though...

They haven't announced a final roster, but Patroklos is Sophitia's son and apparently fights based on her moveset, so that's what it sounds like.  The dev team is apparently using this generational shift in the storyline as a way to change things up and bring in a whole host of new characters.  Some old characters will be returning, but it doesn't appear that Sophitia will be one of them. "
Sounds like Tekken 3 to me. Let's see how it goes from here...
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Edited By fox01313

Hard to hate something that isn't out but based off the last few SC game on console, btw the early early SC games I loved playing in the arcades, it might have been slight improved over the last one but the last console version grabbed me with enough power equal to that of a rather sleepy puppy so beyond playing it for a few hours that was all I wanted to do. The silly cash in of putting in vader & yoda didn't help sell the franchise much more. It seemed that the last SC game had quite a lot of possibility to move around & improve on the previous one with the gameplay but instead of just the players looking a little bit better there wasn't that much more to it beyond a massive character creator. Frankly to me the SC franchise is one where it is better left on a portable system, something small on the XBLA/PSN where it can probably get more attention & be more reasonably priced than a full disc game or just stay in the arcades/consoles in Japan where the demand is probably better.  

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Edited By ThePhantomnaut

The Soul series is all right...

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Edited By harinosho
@ZombiePie said:

I have never played a Soul Calibur in my life.

i ..i have no words for you besides these words that im currently typing at this time.. 
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Edited By Yanngc33
@Aetheldod no way, yoda was too smal to hit and starkiller was overpowered
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Edited By dbz1995

I enjoyed Mortal Kombat: Armageddon.
I have no place in your blog.

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Edited By Yamoto

I really liked SC4 much more fun than the new mortal combat