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I thought about it, since the family is out next week and I have a few evenings to myself to get my game on. But then I saw GoW Ascension on sale for $8 and decided on that instead (on PS3). I was completely in love with Demon's, I enjoyed the combat in Dark Souls 2 so much that I happened to plat it. But I guess I'm feeling a little too soul'd out to shell out for a new console for it. Especially if the other games that interest me on said console are remakes of games I already played (Borderlands, DmC). Well, maybe the GoW3 remake can sway me. I never played that one.

p.s. If there is anybody left in the ascension pvp scene I am sure I will get my a$$ handed just like in bloodborne :p

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@shalashaskauk666: i dont understand why you're playing it then. Finish the extra level in rayman legends if you want to prove yourself on something truly difficult AND have fun :)

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@hassun: why, proper duels are the only pvp I am interested in. Of course I invade, but few good fights comes out of it.

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@zevvion said:

I'm not saying parrying is this amazing gameplay mechanic that is the most fun, but most bosses are designed around it. It sure is more fun for me to just parry them, instead of picking away at their gigantic health bar, slowly. Especially if they then just start to heal a good chunk of the health that took you so long to chip off.

Off topic, but parrying can be a very fun mechanic. In MGR:R it is absolutely required on the higher difficulties but never a problem becasue it is so well executed. Or in Bayonetta (although arguably the dodge is the safer choice here), so I guess next time From should let Platinum design the combat. Which I would pay to play that game! Or no more heroes way back on the Wii. Had you parry with the wii-mote :) In dark souls it was never really required. And the timing never felt intuitive to me.

Even more off topic, Shadow Tower hits PSN next week. Them's the roots!

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#5  Edited By HaniBall

@karkarov: When you guys say stun, do you mean proper stun or interrupt an attack animation? Like in Ninja Gaiden I throw a shuriken at a caster. In that case why would you have to time it like a parry? Or proper stun like I stun the first sentinel in power stance. But again, wait for opening, hit r2, stun. No timing. Or an honest parry like you would a black knight?

All very confusing. I wish there was a demo.

And yea, the limited playstyles sounds un souls-like.

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@humanity said:

@haniball: Personally I don't think any single game is worth getting an entire console for. It's a fun game that still has the great amazing highs and infuriating lows this series is known for. At the end of the day it's still just another souls game. You got blood echoes instead of souls and you have transforming weapons, gun parries, but it's very much the same gameplay loop except now you don't get a choice in shielding or not. In some ways it even takes a step back in evolution as Dark Souls 2 had some smart game design they decided to forego in this one. Not being able to warp from lantern to lantern is a weird choice especially since the load times are pretty long. Not sure how no one said anything in testing or why they would deliberately force the player to go back to the Hunters Dream just so they can warp to another area. There is no more equipment load and armor overall seems almost an afterthought, so that entire layer of heavy-vs-light strategy is completely gone. Camera seems worse than ever and they stripped out specific bodypart targetting that was introduced in DS2. When fighting bosses twice as tall as you it was handy to be able to target their legs so the camera wouldn't pan awkwardly up to the center body mass.

The more I play it and keep running into small issues like slowdowns and such the more I'm sadly coming to a realization that this is yet another game in this new console generation that needed a little more time in development to iron out some quirks.

Hmm, my Wii U is quite happy as a Bayonetta2 only machine. But that game is arguably the best character action game ever made. So it is an easy decision. Whereas I feel like a proper champions run might actually be a better .souls experience than this? I am only going by my gut here.

Well and the fact that I really don't like killing stuff with fur or feathers in games. I guess I'm weird that way :)

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@karkarov said:

The bosses are consistently cheaper and harder. It is like every fight is versus smelter demon and flamelurker only they now have crap tons of HP bloat. Strangely the levels themselves have posed little to no challenge to me which is kind of the opposite of how it was in Demon's Souls where normally the level was the challenge then the boss would be fairly easy to defeat once understood.

Wow, I guess that I never used shields should help me adapt, but the fact that you are struggling makes me nervous about the game. Which, once again, I am not feeling right now. I mean should I get a PS4 for this? When I havent even done a proper champions cov run of DkS2.

Right now moving my Maya over to the handsome collection seems like a bigger incentive. Which is very very sad for a console that has been out for a while.

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There was a thread about this on the Escapist. And I was left alone and stranded holding up Afro Samurai.

Samuel L Jackson.

As Afro.

And Ninja Ninja.

Damn. Fine. Work.

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@budwyzer said:

And now I'm upset that I missed this. D:

Dammit, I hope Co-op is local as well on PS4.

they wouldnt let me post when the kickstarter was still open :(

You probably saw it but there will definitely be local multiplayer on the wii-u. not sure about ps4. That stretch goal was a last minute addition. Their enthusiasm got the best of them :)

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I just downloaded the ps3 version last week on psn-sale, havent gotten around to it yet though.

You are exactly the player they have in mind. Very little time on their hand and no patience for filler :)

Curious to hear how you like it. I really enjoy it. You get all the moves from the getgo and only unlock secondary weapons as you go.

"it never gets easier, you just get better" :)