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@kucheeky: realize this is a little late but ... exploration: there is the psp port part of the game where you have a hub town with the expected shops and Inn and such. Not super huge. All the towns on other floors are just menues, think P3P. In the main town on floor 76 you can team up with the main gals but also with almost every other NPC you run into. There is little side missions and stories to explore, but, tbh, given the bad engrish, I mostly fast forward them (actually hammer the circle button).

Then there is the native Vita part, the "hollow" region, this part is pretty much open world, with fast travel points every once in a while. You will also die a lot here if you explore too much :) So leveling up in the first part of the game is a good idea. But you are free to go back and forth between the two.

Disclaimer, I am far from done yet.

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I played it for a few hours on a long flight I just got off of. I guess I am having fun, but all the above criticisms apply. Very much.
I also get a almost dark souls like feeling from the game in the sense that you usually have no means of knowing which exit of the map to explore next. And 3 of 4 usually get you killed fast. Which kind of goes against the premise of the show. Dying isn't encouraged in the death game. Plus you lose your exp when you die. Which can make the grinding a little frustrating.

But, like I said, I was still having fun.

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#3  Edited By HaniBall

Turrets would be a nono for me in that fight. Bloodbirdies claws are pretty unavoidable and all the turrets would do is kill of my second wind skagg friends.

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#4  Edited By HaniBall

@vahleticar said:

@haniball said:
@charlie_victor_bravo said:

Little late, but I have to add this: playing trough this as solo commando was great. If you are having trouble soloing with other classes, try this - sabre turret rocks!

I am playing as a solo siren. Maya is TEARING through the game. Her phaselock paired with a good SMG is borderline OP.

Yeah same, found it much easier than commando. Too bad I just got fed up with the scaling of enemies and repetitiveness and stopped playing

Just as an update. My Siren has successfully solo'd Bloodwing on tvhm at lvl44. First time the game gave me some pause :) (*)

I also experimented with the co-op some more (on Vita!). And must say it is very hit and miss. Overall I find that folks joining my game are impatient and greedy. e.g. I would never pick up Eridium in somebody elses game, unless the host leaves it for me. I am actually having more fun helping others. So, if you play on Vita, that's my tip of the day. Help others. If you open up your game be prepared for jerkdom.

(*) key is to keep the skaggs alive to get second winds. And for me also non elemental weapons on all slots so I don't have to think about which to use when.

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Someone mentioned Rayman. Yea, but it doesn't force you enough. If you don't want to beat the time challenges you don't. Bayonetta falls into the same category. If you are already a good gamer you will play it like that. But you don't have to. That's the difference to Ninja Gaiden. If you suffer through it, NG will make you a better gamer.

On the fence about the Souls games. They will teach you patience I guess. So yea, put it on the list.

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I am having a similar debate with myself right now. Only I can rule out PC for me. I just don't have the time to keep a gaming rig up to snuff. For multiplayer it seems like there is more cheating going on? Otherwise, if you are ready to invest the time, it seems like the way to go.

For me, between the XB1 and the PS4? It's pretty much neither. There just isn't anything on them that interests me or isn't on PS3 too. (graphic differences aside, can't bring myself to care)

So, it is down to keeping the PS3, which is a given I guess. And getting a WiiU, which has some games I am interested in and cannot play elsewhere (Wonderful 101, Bayonetta, DKC TF, Xenoblade, Devil's Third, ...). But, WiiU is region locked. Which I HATE. IN CAPS. HATE.

So, I dunno. Guess I'm not much help.

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Vaklyria Chronicles. I know there were sequels on the PSP and I know one of them even made its way west. But where is a follow up home console release. It's been like ... 6years? That's a game I would buy a PS4 for.

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@49th said:
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Well that was a satisfying fight. No armour, no summons, final destination.

The thing that helped the most, aside from dodging better with no armour, was being way more aggressive. I noticed if you hit them 4 times in a row they get staggered, then you can get another hit in, heal or just recharge stamina. You usually have enough time for 4 hits between attacks. This is especially helpful when the second sentinel jumps onto the platform because he ends up with around half health by the time the third one arrives. Then just be extra careful when fighting them below, once you kill the second one it is easy.

congrats. with dual mace powerstance they get staggered in ONE hit :)

Funny how this boss seems hard the first time and once you get the hang it's not so bad. Whereas the Gargoyles after are easy the first time, but man, I think they were the toughest boss for me in NG+.

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Heide isn't terrible for this fight but you will have a tough time taking out the first sentinel on the platform and taking as much as possible off the second before jumping down. And dealing with all 3 involves a little bit of luck..

I would recommend getting 2 maces (blacksmith) or two clubs (hag) and upgrading them for a bit. Level up or redistribute your levels just enough to powerstance the maces/club. learn the timing on the powerstance L2 and go to town.

You may want to invest in some holy water to throw on the second sentinel before he jumps up for extra damage.

This strategy is pretty foolproof. If you aren't beyond summoning the NPC it actually turns the fight into a cakewalk.

@49th said:

@andrewb: It's a dex build using the Heide Sword for now. I only have points in end, str, dex, and adaptability. I played Dark Souls as a str character using the Zweihander and beat every boss solo, so I kind of want to do the same here, but it's a little more difficult with the lower damage.

I wasn't even aware that NPC summons had storylines so I have already missed out on that.

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Does it get more challenging co-op? I did a public coop session once and I did all the work but it seemed to be about the same.

I finished B2 solo at first, and co-op later on when my friends caught up.

Was a night and day difference in difficulty, this game is really geared toward co-op.