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Best of 2014

Weird year this year for me as halfway through I had a baby... so I missed out on a LOT of games. What I did play though was pretty good!

List items

  • Game of the Year 2014! A fantastic experience from start to finish.

  • Biggest surprise of the year for sure! GotY Runner Up

  • A great driving game and a great way to round up my top 3

  • Sunk quite a bit of time into this bad boy, #4

  • A game I wish I have been able to put more time into! If so it may have made it into my top 3 but I just haven't been able to dig deep enough into it yet. Top 5 finish though!

  • A expansion with enough new content to completely reinvent Diablo 3, I played this a huge amount, #6

  • Had quite a bit of fun with this, I'm not sure the legs on it are super long but played it enough to crack #7 on my list

  • This may have gone higher but I just didn't pay it enough, from what I did play though it seems like a return to form for Call of Duty, slots in at #8

  • A game I forgot came out in 2014! Had a blast with it though and definitely deserves to be in the top 10 at #9

  • Got me through hours at the hospital during the whole baby situation, incredibly good, I normally do not play cell phone games but man this was a fun puzzle. Great way to finish off the top 10

  • Honorary #11 spot. I don't think Destiny is actually that great but around the time the baby was born this got me through some long nights and I played it quite a bit

  • There were 3 games that I just haven't had enough time with this year due to baby that I'm giving honorary spots to as if I had been able to play them they would have rated for sure. Far Cry 4 takes spot 1 as the 30 minutes I've played of it were very solid

  • #2 Amazing First bite goes to Captain Toad, the hour or so I played of it were magical

  • Finally #3, I know that the MCC has had a lot of issues but when it's working properly, one hell of a release. Just haven't had the time to really explore it yet.