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JasonR86's forum posts

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#1  Edited By JasonR86
@Fenrisulfr said:
" @StaticFalconar:   Korea =/= Race  Korea, as a single piece of land, is not a race.  It's a country.  People who come from there are Koreans, which are (if you want to be picky) Pacific Coast Asians (since Asia is really fucking big and encompasses a wide array of races).  Yes, I have this nagging issue with everyone that claims racism when another insulting a state.  It's like me being called a racist for insulting Great Britain when I'm American. "
He said South Koreans would let their children die while they play Starcraft.
Not racist huh?
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#2  Edited By JasonR86
@Bennyishere said:
" Hey guys, have you heard about this thing called Freedom of Speech? It lets anyone, even douchebags, say what they want. I think that's pretty cool. "
Freedom of speech is fine but he's representing a company with this review.  I doubt they would really care about his freedom of speech if there was a big back-lash due to this.  
Ultimately, you're right.  He can say whatever he wants.  He can also be unemployed and penniless.  It's about professionalism.
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#3  Edited By JasonR86

I don't think politics should come in to play when discussing the review of a product (video game, movie, book, etc.).  It should be judged on its own merits.  I understand saying that the story premise seems a little odd and farfetched but to go on an Anti-North Korean and South Korean rant is unprofessional.
I don't think he needs to be fired.  But he needs to be reprimanded and taught what is appropriate for a review and what isn't. 

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#4  Edited By JasonR86

I think when people think about 'oldies' music (whatever that terms means to that person) they tend to think only of the good music.  I've listened to quite a bit of music from a lot of generations and I can say that the one thing that I've learned is there's always going to be good music and bad music.  Regardless of the generation of music discussed, there are just as many bad songs as there are good songs.  
So, to answer the OP; you're opinion is just as valid as mine.  But I would challenge you to look for bad music from the era of music you enjoy and good music from more modern eras.  I think you might see that the 'oldies' are quite as golden as they seem and modern music isn't as shitty as you might think.

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#5  Edited By JasonR86

I would like to see a new version of All Quiet on the Western Front.  I would want it to be somber and cold.  I wouldn't want it to be Saving Private Ryan with trenches but, rather, a little slower moving and without the big set pieces.  It would need to really emphasize what it was like to be in a war of attrition and how that affects the mind's of the soldiers just as the book intended.

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#6  Edited By JasonR86
I skipped over the reading classes.  Reading is for jerks anyway.
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#7  Edited By JasonR86

I like how now this thread has become the spot where the Patriots(andBillMaher)AreGod and MrKlorox get to have their childish name calling contest out in the open for the rest of us to watch.
...where's my popcorn?

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#8  Edited By JasonR86
@Vodun said:

" @JasonR86: So in your opinion, the only way a game can influence a person to violent acts is "heat of the moment" things like those times people have been killed over games of Counter Strike or StarCraft. Moments which could have occurred in any competitive situation? "

Not necessarily.  Like I said, there can be many precursors to violence.  I'm afraid I can't imagine all of the different ways that a video game might affect a person.  But the same could be said of movies, music, books, or anything else.  Ultimately, I think that there are a lot of other things that occur before a violent act that lead to the violence.  A video game might be the last behavior before violence occurs but I doubt that it would ever be the direct cause.  Rather, I would say that there was a history there that built up over time.
Obviously, though, as you have said there are some people who appear to react in the heat of a moment in a violent way.  But, I would argue there is a history there that had predisposed that person to react that way in that situation.
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#9  Edited By JasonR86
There are a lot of different views on how a mental disorder develops.  I wouldn't say that the mental disorder places a person in any situation exactly.  I would say that the mental disorder as it is conceptualized is an extension of the situation(s) the person has been, and is currently, in.  As for what dictates behaviors, there are numerous theoretical orientations that have attempted to answer that question too.  Unfortunately, there really isn't a single, perfect answer.  In my personal opinion, I think a person's thought processes dictate their behaviors and emotions.  These thought processes are affected by everything like the environment, culture, those surrounding us, etc.
There are some people who believe that disorders like Anti-Social Personality Disorder or Conduct Disorder (in kids) may predispose an individual to act more violently.  But there are just as many people who say those disorders shouldn't ever be diagnosed in the first place.  In my personal opinion, I think violent behavior is to complicated to boil down to one causal factor.  Plus, I think mental disorders are just an extension of one's environment, social support, family support, and sense of belonging that have affected the nature of one's cognitive processes which, in turn, affect one's behaviors and emotions.
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#10  Edited By JasonR86
A psychological disorder in and of itself doesn't make a person prone to violence.  Violent acts are perpetuated by a number of different things and a disorder has a lot of different components including the realization and effect of the label on the labeled, the stressors around the person, etc.  
I do believe that there is a point in mentally disorder individuals being placed in inpatient care if they are suicidal and have made plans to kill themselves and are clearly on the verge of carrying out those plans, if they are a danger to other individuals, and so on.  But the vast number of violent crimes are not committed by the mentally disordered.  Here's a site that backs up this fact;
I think the manner of their treatment should be decided by the client, or whoever is caring for the client, and the therapist or physician (or, in some cases, the therapist and physician).  
What I tried to bring up is this irrational fear people have of the mentally disordered.  There are many, many, many functional, rational individuals who are mentally disordered.  Even if they are placed in inpatient care, they shouldn't be treated as ticking time-bombs.  I just find that attitude a bit disrespectful.  I do believe that psychotherapy, and psychotropic medication if need be, are great ways to help those with mental disorders.  I don't think exposing them to video games will necessarily negatively affect many of them.  But, I'm judging this from afar.  As was brought up, the therapists on staff will have better ideas as they are the ones who are there all the time.