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Out of Many, One

On November the 4th, the United States of America will be electing a new President. They will be deciding who controls the House of Representatives and who controls the Senate. All of these are important decisions, but the former is even more important as it is not just important for the American people, but for the world.

For 8 years, America has been ruled by George W. Bush. And for 8 years, the world has grown steadily more out of love with the USA. From the heady days of Clinton, still the most popular President amongst non-Americans, to the single least popular President (At home or abroad) in history, it’s quite a come down.

Non-Americans never liked Bush. Europeans dislike him because he’s too right wing for instance. The man didn’t even win the election fair and square, it’s very likely Al Gore (Who was certainly the more qualified candidate) had enough votes to win. But life’s not simple, so he went home a loser (Before bouncing back as an environmental icon unlike any other in history).

He swept through the 2004 election on a Magic Carpet of American prejudice (Colourfully called “values”) and War on Terror-themed propaganda, shamelessly attacking his (Admittedly) weak opponent John Kerry. Kerry may have been a weak Democrat, but he would have been twice the President Bush has been and the cheek a draft-dodger like Bush has questioning Mr. Kerry’s political record is simply indescribable.

2 years ago, the Democrats got back in the game. They swept to power in the House and the Senate on a tidal wave of anti-Bush backlash. And who can blame the Americans for regretting their choice of leader? Bush has spent 4 years killing the economy, eroding civil liberties and ignoring national crises. He’s embarrassed the entire country, reducing what should be the greatest democracy in the world to an international punch-line.

Well, on November 4th, the American people have a final decision to make. They have a choice between two things. One the one hand, they can finish what they started 2 years ago, fix their problems at home and restore their standing on the world stage. On the other hand, they can finish President Bush’s hack-job.

The first choice, the only choice, is Barack Obama. Mr. Obama represents all that America pertains to stand for. He is inclusionary, smart & likable, he lived the “American Dream”. His popularity on the world stage rivals Clinton, rivals Kennedy. He gets it. Mr. Obama has shown he knows what’s ailing the US at home, and he’s shown he knows what must be done to restore America’s popularity in the world.

The bottom of the Democratic ticket too is a strong, good choice. Joe Biden is truly in tune with the “working man” of America. He’s a nice guy and he knows his stuff. More importantly, he is fit to lead should the unthinkable happen. Joe Biden is one of the smartest VP picks in a long time.

The second choice? Not a choice at all. A dangerous and damaging option, is Republican ticket McCain/Palin. John McCain has betrayed everything he has ever stood for. He used to be a passably acceptable moderate Republican, but has sold his soul to become...Another Bush.

The Republican party may wish to continue on the dark path set up by Reagan all those years ago, but Reagan was of his time. Things have changed, and we do not need another Bush. McCain has demonstrated he will continue the failed social and economic policies of George Bush. he has demonstrated he will use the same foreign policy as George W. Bush. he has pent 2 years distancing himself from George W. Bush. But throughout that time, he has shown he is now a veritable Bush clone.

And the kicker? He agreed with Bush more than 90% of the time, including on all the issues that really matter.

Perhaps worse, is Sarah Palin. Palin is a fool. She is, in fact, worse than that. She has every capacity to be incredibly intelligent. She simply chooses not to be. She represents Bushism at its worst. She is a divisive, arrogant liar and unfit to lead a dance recital.

Why is a Governor of Alaska who has supported the treasonous secessionism rampant in that state being allowed to run for Vice President of the United States? The RNC has decided their slogans are “Country First” and “The Change you deserve”.

Palin is married to a former member of the Alaskan Secessionist Party. Palin warmly welcomed that party to their conference this year. Their slogan is “Alaska First, Alaska Always”. Which is it Sarah? America or Alaska? VP or Secessionist?

Palin and McCain are Bush and Cheney warmed over. Apparently the RNC thinks it’s funny. “The Change America Deserves” is, apparently, no change at all. Once again, the Republicans have anointed themselves America’s only valid opinion and decided to try and convince everyone else it’s their opinion too.

Well I sense the Change we Need. Hope.

Barack Obama represents and embodies the ideals and aspirations of so many people like nobody has in a long time.

E pluribus unum. Out of Many, One.

I love America. I love what it stands for and I love much of what it produces. I love the way its government is structured, even the way its road signs look. It’s not that I dislike the UK, and more that the US represents so many of my beliefs. Like in true freedom. The American Dream. And so much more.

It’s been painful to watch what became of the country under Bush. And I confess, he had me fooled too. At first. But as I watched, the more I realised he was wrong. His is not an America I can get behind.

And then, from nowhere, Blessing. Barack. Obama represents the kind of aspirational leader I feared I would never live to see. He appeals to me in the same way Kennedy does. And his policies, his attitude, his ideals...He represents all that I love about America.

And so whilst it may seem to you like I have no stake in this election, you’re wrong. And in case you hadn’t guessed...

No way. No how. No McCain.

I support Barack Obama for President.

I have a new website!

So I finally got around to making myself a website. I've been putting it off for some time, but it's so easy now I just had to.

It'll be the place to find my Blog (I'll still sue this one though, but only for gaming stuff), the videos I make and more. Also, check out the My Stuff page. I have some neat stuff.

Here it is!


Bomb Should Have My Face

Yep, I edited this one folks. On my sexy Mac mini (Which also just made a website for something at school, butt hat's a whole 'nother story). This week we discuss a whole hot of crazy things. From the sex obsession which has taken hold here on Giant Bomb to advertising on Giant Bomb, a long (Seemingly endless) rant about WAR and I've even left a special comedy treat at the end.

So, it's the usual drill folks:

You can subscribe on iTunes here

You can download it as an MP3 here

Or stream it below:


Bomb Should Have A Face Episode 2: You're SO Twelve

Episode 2 of BSHAF, the Giant Bomb Community Podcast, has now gone live. We call this one "You're so Twelve" after the internet insult I am trying to spread. Basically, whenever anyone does something dumb, immature or like what idiots on Xbox LIVE do you tell them "you're so twelve". Cos everyone says those people are 12.

It makes sense, I promise.

This week's episode features community moderator Hamz, bringing the Scot quotient to 3 and making this the most Scottish blog on the internet (We assume). Topics of discussion include Moral Decisions in games, Gaming Identities, the Jensonb & Co. Vs. MB and The Forums spat.

So join me, MattBodega, TokyoChicken, Disgaeamad and Hamz for our crazy dose of inside jokes, Bombcast-comparison-defying hosting style and lack of ability to stay on topic. Oh, I think we talk about games and Giant Bomb (It's a website about the aforementioned) at some point.

Once again, you can hit up the podcast here.

Subscribe through iTunes here.

Download (Right Click>Save As) here.

Or stream it right here.


If last week was the Firstcast, this week is the Scotcast! This week, MattBodega, TokyoChicken, JensonB, and Disgaeamad are joined by community moderator and all around strong man Hamz, giving the Scottish complete control of the podcast! GB user Sweep gets the group talking about Moral Decisions in games while GB Otacon blog encouraged game players to respect our gaming identities! Also, JensonB hates the forums, Jayge has an awesome page about Dead Head Fred, and everyone make inside jokes! References and more on the podcast about the community matters that matter most!
Music Credits:
(like they're gonna write a song about it) by Midnight Brown


Zen and the Art of Ruining a Community

General observations which are self-evident.

1) If you demand I take what should be a public debate to the PMs, you bet your ass I'm going to blog about it.

2) Communities with no rules cannot possibly be managed.

3) Being a mod does not make you unquestionable nor does it make you right.

4) If someone points out a legitimate concern in a reasonable way and you as a moderator react by simply taking the piss, they're going to be pissed off at you.

5) A biased Mod is worse than a fanboy.

6) Deleting liberal views but leaving debates about masturbation is nonsense.

7) If you're going to be a biased Mod, for god's sake don't go repeating the offense so we can track it.

8) Bannings without warnings are a dick move.

9) When The Staff have abandoned the users to the mercy of the mods, the users are screwed.

10) Bomb Should Have A Face*

11) I will always defend the little guy.
*And you bet your ass it will.


Bomb Should Have a Face Episode 1

It's up folks! The first exciting episode of the Giant Bomb Community Podcast, Bomb Should Have a Face (BSHAF for short) is now available for your listening pleasure. There are two ways to join the fun with MattBodega, TokyoChicken, PureRok, Disgaeamad and myself as we run through topics as serious as video game criticism being critiqued and as insane as how having Atheistium post on your blog is like sex to TokyoChicken.

(She totally posted on mine by the way. He hates that.)

The easiest way, one which should prove popular no doubt, is to hit up the iTunes Store. Either click that link or search for Bomb Should Have a Face from within iTunes itself and subscribe! You'll get Episode 1 and all future episodes will automatically download, leaving you to simply double click them to play!

Or, you can just listen to or download (Right Click>Save as) Episode 1 here.

Plus, introducing Special Edition 3rd Way, AKA "The Lazy Way"....

Just listen to it right here in this page!


It's the very first episode of Bomb Should Have A Face! Join MattBodega, TokyoChicken, JensonB, PureRok, and Disgaeamad as they highlight the community matters that matter most!
Featuring blogs by LouChou and Pepsiman!
"like they're gonna write a song about it" by Midnight Brown