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Kazona's forum posts

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#1  Edited By Kazona
Shotaro said:
"bjorno said:
"I have a better one "Make games worth buying.""

Piracy is so rife now that the people who pirate games won't stop

The best thing the distributors can do is treat the consumer with respect and stop putting off the average consumer with over-restrictive DRM"
Thirded. Plus I think that all these problems and headaches these DRM issues cause for consumers will push them even more towards pirating games. I mean, why would you risk running into things like your copy not working because of faulty DRM, then having to suffer through the headache of either getting a new copy or a new key or whatever, when you can far more easily download the game off some pirating site and play it the very same day without hassle?

Also I already see one major flaw in the TC's logic. What if you buy a game in the store but you don't have internet? Exactly how would you go about registering the game then? Another problem is that these so called keys may be unique, but they are completely randomly generated and for a publisher to keep track of all this they would have to roughly go about the following steps:

  1. Keep track of which copy belongs to what key
  2. Follow which copies exactly are shipped out to retailers
  3. Check a registered key against all the keys/copies that were shipped to those retailers
It would be completely time and cost inefficient to go through such lenghts to prevent piracy. And even then, it won't put a stop to it.
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#2  Edited By Kazona
Black_Rose said:
"I'm against it because people would easily abuse this system to get more points. I do however like the idea of having a spot for the best user reviews."
How would you easily abuse a system that has even stricter requirements than the wiki editing?

I mean, really, is this any more silly than the rating tools for the forums which very easily allows trolls to just spam the - sign?
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#3  Edited By Kazona
MasturbatingBear said:
"I agree with the no points for reviews things. When I want points ill go write a lengthy article. If I want to write a review I write it, I have written multiple reviews and don't care about not getting points from it. When I want points ill edit a page or write more to preexisting articles. if this happens every jackass is going to write shitty reviews for points or less reviews would be up cause they may have to be approved first. To much hassle."
Hence why I said there should be a minimum words requirement, And I'm talking about a minimum of at least 500 words to qualify for points. Anyone who writes a review with less than the minimum requirement should still be able to post their review, but just not qualify for any points. That should immediately weed out anyone looking to get their points raised easily while still allowing those who just want to share their opinion without worrying about points to contribute as well. I just find it silly that people who just upload images en-mass can raise their points in no-time flat, while someone who writes a well thought out and lengthy review that could potentially help people decide whether a game is worth buying or not doesn't really have anything to show for it.
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#4  Edited By Kazona

Actually this announcement makes me want to give Molyneux and his team a pat on the back. The way i see it, MS probably forced them to release the game without the co-op, and seeing how hard Molyneux and Lionhead have worked on getting a patch out for it on day one... Yea, definitely some thumbs up for them.

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#5  Edited By Kazona
Sir_Ragnarok said:
"Why?  Getting points for spouting your opinion? 

Those who invest time in writing a review probably did so because they wanted to, not because they wanted to use the review as a means to a different end.  Besides, points only grant you power over the wiki pages.  User reviews and wikis are about as unrelated as oranges and athlete's foot. "
Don't people write wiki entries because they want to as well?

Reviews aren't just a matter of spouting your opinion. It's something other people actually use as a guide for getting a game. And since the GB staff isn't going to review every game that comes out, just the ones they think matters, I think people will depend even more on the reviews of other users in helping them make a decision to buy a game. So yea, I think users who invests a good deal of time into writing something that may aid other people in their decision should receive some kind of reward.
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#6  Edited By Kazona
Sparkcil said:
"Me, when I added the game to the game list wrote:
"In Crash of the Titans, there is an unlockable move called the Norris Roundhouse."
Don't you mean unBLOCKABLE?
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#7  Edited By Kazona

Here's a completely crazy idea... First make an ace game for this generation that focusses on what Sonic is good at, and then, and ONLY then start thinking about adding more shit.

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#8  Edited By Kazona

I think points should be awarded for user reviews as well. However it should not work like the wiki pages. Here's how I think it should work:

  • A minimum number of words
    To keep people from spamming the site with five word reviews to raise their points
  • One set number of points
    A review is an opinion of a game, and whether a person takes 1 page to express their opinion or 10 should not make a difference.
  • Create some sort of featured reviews list for those that have earned the points
    This would only really work if the minimum of number of words is set high enough so that people who are in this 'featured' list actually deserve to be

So yea, I really do think that a user who invests time into writing a review and posting it on this site should be rewarded somehow. After all, even though it may be only an opinion, those who read the review can most definitely use it as a guide in deciding whether a game is worth buying or not.
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#9  Edited By Kazona
breton said:
"Snail said:
"I had never heard of it until I visisted this page so I learned something with it. So it shouldn't be deleted"
That's a shitty logic.
I agree. What's the point of learning about a game that doesn't exist? It'd be much more useful if this MMO actually gets announced with a title and some actual information. Also I think pages like this only lead to confusion, especially once the game has been cancelled.
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#10  Edited By Kazona

I also bought a G9 a couple of weeks ago, so now I have that and the MX Revolution. And I have to say, the two are totally different mice. I loved the MX Revolution but it wasn't really ideal for the games I play so I got the G9. But man it feels so very different that it took me a while to get used to.