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#1  Edited By kmg90

I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that up until the end of last year the only way to get documents like these were from WIkileaks and similar sources?

Funny thing is I watched this interview earlier this week,  I haven't been a fan Jesse Venture for most of my life, but this recent interview has earned him big props my opinion...
Its a very eye opening interview.
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#2  Edited By kmg90
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#3  Edited By kmg90

When the homebrew/jailbreaking community isn't happy nobody is happy...

You have to admit it, this is mostly sony's fault, what did they expect when they sent out multiple court orders across multiple countries to people who just want to get more out of their system!

Instead of going after these "hackers" why not improve on a product instead of waging war on the last people you want to mess with (the otheros/jailbreak/hacking community)

How about ADDING features that make having the latest system software WORTH IT! Lets see the last free feature they added to the system..... Adding more options to the controller power save auto turn-off feature?!!

There are SO many things that can be improved on the PS3, just check out the Share site, lots of good ideas most of which have been ignored for months!    

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#4  Edited By kmg90
@drhans said:
" @Napalm: I might write a real review when I'm finished, but know that 1. I really am super forgiving of faults and bugs and problems in video games of all kinds and 2. I'm struggling to find anything positive to say about the game at all. =(  The shooting of dudes is functional enough (though all the guns sound almost identical), but it's really as if someone set out to make a game that includes every possible obnoxious thing about bad first-person shooters in the last decade. So, if you enjoy waiting forever for someone to open every door for you, having a character that runs slower than most folks walk, enemies that spawn out of nowhere five feet in front of you, squad mates that take the best cover spots and then don't shoot anyone, invisible walls, infinitely respawning enemies, infinitely repeated lines of dialog in combat, and on and on, then this is your game.  "
Exactly, all the FPS shooter cliches are present in this game, from the waiting for your worthless squadmates to break open a door or move something out of the way, to invisible walls 
What REALLY was a slap in the face to me gameplay-wise was that during one point the game lets the player OPEN a door and what i mean by open is break open the door and go slow-mo ala MW2 breach style...
This game had a good story going it just seemed they slacked in the gameplay department
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#5  Edited By kmg90

The funny part about this part? 
The first time I did it, I had NO troubles, I just went with flow of the game went right behind the guy and killed him, the second time I played through I kept "hidding" and getting spotted after the 3rd "fail" I finally realized the that the Objective marker switches over to the guy in question that you have kill...

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#6  Edited By kmg90

Having just completed the singleplayer campaign on Black Ops twice (second time to collect all the intel)
I just want to say that I NEVER want to play another single player mission again, ANY, NOT a single mission...
This is coming from a gamer that has played through the campaigns of all the previous games upto 5 times on multiple difficulties
The story was so bland, even for a call of duty game (which I know isn't know isn't the best place to find GREAT stories). I like the fact that they gave a voice to the played character but did they have to choose Sam Worthington? His dosier says he's an american but yet his accent is all over the place, you can hear Sam's aussie accent, slipping in and out all the time.  
And they had to use Gary Oldman's annoying  voice TWICE!?
However I did find Ed Harris to be a good pick for the character, however his story not  so much.
The press <button> to <insert action here> parts were just plain bad....


The AI was the worst I've ever seen for BOTH sides of the battlefield, I've been killed so many times following a sqaudmates (like the game instructs you to do) and have a enemies that IGNORES the friendly (that also is IGNORING said enemy)  shoot and kill me instead.
The "flashbacks" were annoying, seriously what a way to break the flow of game-play than to have short unskippble that does absolutely nothing but disrupt said flow.
I love the return of the infinite respawning soldiers and grenades, the Kahn San Level is absolutely a nightmare. 
The real only enjoyable moments?
The helicopter parts were a nice addition but that's about it
The only thing that stands out among all the other CODs that impressed me a lot, were the extras, the computer terminal and the offline combat "simulator"
I know some people would say that SP campaigns have never been CODs strong point but I bet some would agree this is probably the weakest single player campaign of the series
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#7  Edited By kmg90
@DukeTogo said:
" It's a relatively new feature that was added in a patch.  It wasn't that long ago when you couldn't download more than one thing at a time or even do it in the background. "
I remember the day I got my PS3, Feburary 20, 2007 having to wait 20 minutes for the Motorstorm Demo to Download and Install back when the PSN store was also a "webpage"
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#8  Edited By kmg90
@Asrahn said:
" @Malakhii said:
" I see a common theme to the Fallout New Vegas complaint threads. One of the first responses is always, on the PC you can fix that. Yet on consoles you had to wait a week to even get a patch.  "
Is that from Zero Punctuation 
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#9  Edited By kmg90
@tisdub said:
" i have sooooo many problems with this game  (PS3)1)ive played for about 30 hours and picked up a human companion who has disappeared with no trace and i cant pick another one up till i dismiss my disappeared one.... an impossible task and a handicap to one of the best aspects of the game (VERONICA)2)i go into V.A.T.S. but dont shoot, cant exit V.A.T.S. just wait till i die and start over (VERY ANNOYING) 3)i jump a hill but cant move any further, although it is flat land, have to move around which cant be frustrating with a map as large as FO:NV   ive only scratched the surface of storylines and hve this many bugs, i love fallout and my girlfriend and i have played every one religious  "
  You mean this "hill"?
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#10  Edited By kmg90
@Pokechapp said:
" The most annoying one I encountered was towards the Nelis AFB. When that guy who makes a living on people marching to their deaths tells you how to get to the front gate. The way I was walking had left it so that when the convo ended, I was looking at a wall that seemed to have a oath running up to a flat spot that could potentially land me at the front gate. So I hopped up there just to find an invisible wall about a foot in from the edge. Made no sense to me. It was clearly a path, the color was a bit lighter showing the area was heavily trafficked.   It is so frequent that sort of thing happens. Just minding my own business, jumping around the wasteland and climbing on heaps of rubble, then one of them just won't let me jump to the top. Or paths in buildings... they will be blocked by a bit of junk on the floor about shin high. Really love this game, but it does have it's flaws. "
You mean this one that I came across and thought was so REDONCULOUS  that I recorded it on video?