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Final Fantasy Dissidia Impressions

Heya guys, I just got my copy of Final Fantasy Dissidia through the mail from Japan and started playing and I got to say wow... that game is simply amazing! It's no difficulty playing even though all the menus are in Japanese, you can easily tell what each object does as the notations are with words such as HP, PWR, DEF, BRAV... also the different combos can be easily assigned so no problem there. The gameplay is really cool too and I really love the graphics and all really adds some power to the game. I just finished the campaign as Cloud, Leon and Tidus and working on the rest now. The difficulty is average depending on the characters. They all have different attacks and styles and stories so the bosses are different and the gameplay stays fresh.
Anyways I didn't start online playing yet, I'm waiting to get better but I'm really happy of this import and can't wait for my copy of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days to arrive here in a few days!



Heya guys no updates in a while but yeah I can't ignore E3 can I? Specially if it goes back old fashion :P So here is the list of what I really want to be shown at E3 and given a date or something! They make me wet my pants every time I think about it :P Anyways, on with the games:

Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep / Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Being a real Kingdom Hearts fan, I can't wait for those two games. I have both platforms and got my import ready for 358/2 days from Japan so any extra information about the game is welcome. But yeah I really want information about Birth By Sleep because it looks crazy sweet. SO BRING ON THE KINGDOM HEARTS!

Metal Gear Solid for 360

No need to explain do I? But yeah I can still wish right?

Assassin's Creed 2 / Splinter Cell Conviction

I was a big fan of the first game so I really want to see what Ubisoft did with a bigger team and all. Also I want to see their works on Splinter Cell, it's been too long since I've got into any stealth game so can't really wait to get back as Sam Fisher.

The Saboteur

I love original games. And this one got me puzzled and soooo excited! Looks amazing, the concept and everything.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Loved first one, can't wait for the second one. Can't wait to spend all my time on it.

And finally two Bioware games

Mass Effect 2  / Star Wars: The Old Republic

I loved Mass Effect so much! Stole many of my gametime aand played through it twice and going through for the third time on Hardcore difficulty to get the achievement and also get all my choices right before the second installment.
I love MMOs. Always did. Always will. And Bioware working on a MMO makes me want that MMO! I love Star Wars and that game looks really good! I gave up WoW and still am a bit hooked to Warhammer Online but yeah.


New Zelda
DJ Hero
Batman Arkham Asylum
Alan Wake
Thief 4
Dead Rising 2
No More Heroes 2
Little Big Planet PSP
Max Payne 3


Jak and Daxter was funny

Well the first one was kinda platform and silent in most of the period but still during the cutscenes they were some funny moments. The Second and third one continued the laughs a bit more in my opinion. I didn't play a lot of funny games to be honest preferring serious stories or shooters (except most of the Square Enix games but they're not funny).
The Jak and Daxter trilogy was the only game saga that made me laugh at some points and I seriously enjoyed it a lot so Jak and Daxter for the win :P.


New site rockz!

Heya guys it's been a while I wasn't on and all because of many things but yeah now I've just passed to see how the forums were and wow. The website is really cool! I mean all those fixes and all and the main page looks freakin' sweeet! Kinda reminds me of NXE in a way but yeah still pretty cool :P I'm not really planning on being more active but will definetly hang around a bit more now that I finally got Giantbomb to work on my iPod xP
Anyways cya guys later and short blog posts ftw!


Do I really need to say it?

I think I have the same needs as most gam3rs... I can't wait for Street Fighter 4 and F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin. That's it :P
I mean Street fighter 4 is going to be insane online as we all converge on Xbox live. I can't wait to learn all of Akuma's moves (fav. character for me :P)
O and FEAR 2 because I loved the 1st one (not so much the expansions) and the demo made me feel like it's going to be a lot like the 1st one... Which is in my opinion a great thing :)


Square Enix will own my world.

Kingdom Hearts Birth By sleep, Kingdom Hearts Coded, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Final Fantasy Dissidia, Final Fantasy XIII (both), Final Fantasy Agito XIII. And Resident Evil 5 lol but mostly the ones I listed


Resident Evil 5 dDeMoO

Hey guys quick update really mainly to talk about resident evil 5 demo. I ripped it on cd and played it on my unmodded 360 (this process is legal so no flaming please) and loved every second of it.

My expectations weren't blown away though because it's exactly like resident evil 4 but with graphical update. I think everyone should take the time to try it, it's amazing! The only thing I hate is that they didn't fix the strafing while aiming problem. But yeah cheer up Resident Evil fans it's going to be awesome!

The demo only includes 2 levels but they are pretty open specially the first one that allow a lot of movement and different ways to play the level. Can take many different paths and try different tactics.

So can't wait for March!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!


MGS:i / Insane

Hey guys long time no blogged! Just a small update, first concerning the new MGS announced for Ipod Touch 2G/Iphone! I'm pretty happy although I would have prefered a 360 version of MGS4 of some sort, I got an Ipod touch 2G so yeah ready or that baby lol.

And I finally completed Gears of War 2 on insane! Got the achievement and damn that was hard! I played it solo so yeah it was a real pain in the ass and I can finally concentrate on the multiplayer content more =D

Take care y'all


My Gaming Awards / End of the year

Hey guys, 2008 is nearly over so I thought I might start doing the whole Awards thingie and give a short view on the games that clearly were impressive in my eyes with a short explanation. Let's jump right into it!


Gears of War 2

Don't even need to clarify myself, game is simply EPIC! From the intro until the ending making you want more, this game will lead you on a crazy shooting ride. As you go on, you will master the art of realistic shooting even more and this game simply had to be my top 1.

Game of the Year

Grand Theft Auto IV

A lot of people are going to say that Gears of War 2 is the game of the year but I gotta admit, GTA IV was quite a big hit to my personal self when I first played. This game is really amazing and as a fan of the series I got to say this game gets my vote for game of the year. Graphics, gameplay, story,... Everything is in there.

Role-playing game

The World Ends With You

I think a lot of people missed out on that game that is a personal favorite of mine as it only came out on DS and didn't make much noise in the industry. HOWEVER, this game was really awesome and I think a title is well deserved in this category as it had a lot of elements that made it unique specially its storyline.

Fighting Game

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

To be honest, this is the only fighting game I played this year with Facebreaker so of course the vote was pretty easy.

Sports Game

NHL 09

I know there's not a lot of hockey fans in this website but I personally love the sport and this addition to the series was simply too good to be true, the new controls added to great graphics and updated rosters made it a fav for me.

Best DS Game

The World Ends With You

As specified in the Role-playing game category, this game had a lot of aspects that made it great like the story and the gameplay. And all those aspects/elements just made the experience so much more fun and enjoyable making it great to kill time on the bus/tram/etc.

Best PSP Game

Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core

First of all, I am a big fan of Square Enix and the Final Fantasy franchise just keeps on amazing me so of course I had to pick that one up and I loved it. The story of Zack is great and appreciated as it filled some blanks in the FFVII story. God of War would be my first but I'm too much of a Final Fantasy freak...

Best Visuals

Gears Of War 2

Amazing how a three-year old engine can still keep up to expectations and deliver such amazing graphics. Wow is an understatement when you first glance at the game as the proportions are huge and the details can still be seen from so far away. GoW2 had no difficulties climbing to the first rank in this category.

Adventure Game

Grand Theft Auto IV

Great game that lasted a long time and that pushed me to want more and discover who's the traitor. The adventure took us on three different islands and every new story element was exciting led the player through the game easily and which so much fun. This is by far one of the greatest game ever.

Best Xbox 360

Gears of War 2

Developed exclusively on Xbox 360 this title was amazing in both singleplayer and multiplayer.

Best Wii

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Great fights and so much to play online or with friends.

Best PC Game

World Of Warcraft: Wrath Of The Lich King

Yes, I'm one of those lol. While the Burning Crusade was a huge disappointement for me, I got to say that this time Blizzard made a great move and released an expansion that blew me away! From the Death Knight to Northrend, everything is so much fun! While the addiction grows, I got to put my thumbs up for this one as it is a great game.

Best Online Game

Gears of War 2

First I thought of adding WoW or WAR but then I realised how much fun I had on Live while playing this game online, must it be on Horde or the other modes, I always had fun. The game kept and will still keep me hooked only thanks to the multiplayer and I love it.

PS3 owners don't be hating lol I just don't have a PS3 so I didn't put any PS3-exclusives in there nor a Best PS3 as I have no experience with any game personally...


Finally patched!/Gamespot problem

Hey guys long time no blogged, was busy with work for school and all with my exams coming next week but yeah finally Gears of War 2 got patched! Getting into games is now easier than ever and I'm enjoying it :D Other than that I was planning on posting reviews for both World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King and GoW 2 just to give a small opinion on the games. I'm also excited for the Rock Band 2 instrument kit coming out in Europe this week or the following one (they said the beginning of December) :DDD

  Anyways lately my blogs been quite short but I really can't see the point of writing anything major until somethin major happens... Like the TR:U (Tomb Raider Underworld) reviews, they weren't allowed to have a review of less than 8/10 for its first weekend...It's the whole Gamespot problem all over again! When will the industry learn? I mean gamers are pretty well informed and this was meant to leak out so yeah its gunna give us another reason not to buy the game no?

That's my opinion
so LethalKi11ler signing out