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Misogyny and Game Woman - Double Standards "equality" debate...

I've been hearing a lot of hoopla about women in the game industry in all forms, whether it be actual digital characters, or booth babes or whatever else, and I'm really tired of most peoples quotes with regards to how they are being treated. Not tired of the subject, but I'm tired of the stupid double standards where it's okay for a roided up male character to run around curb stomping other dudes, but if it's a girl then oh my god the world is ending because women can't possibly be hurt or killed in a video game without it being some sort of rape fantasy... I hold the unpopular opinion that majority of people don't really understand what it means to be a feminist or hold the ideal that women and men should be treated equal. In fact most of the time when people say they want equality, it's more like woman should get all the benefits a male is afforded (this is of course totally reasonable and something we should strive for) but none of the down sides.

I don't understand why ANY of the Tomb Raider stuff has been brought up at all. What makes Lara different then every other male character in any video game ever? I mean, the typical Lara Croft of old games was a pretty sexualized character, but in this new iteration, she's a more naturally proportioned younger looking character. So why is it so terrible that a girl "oh noes" is getting the shit beat out of her? I've heard people say she moans a lot. Perhaps more then Drake does when he gets beat up. But the thing is Lara in these new demos is also being subjected to a more cartoony brand of violence, perhaps due to the animations, and it's happening more rapidly... So obviously she would be moaning after sliding down a river smashing into a crashed airplane, falling out of said airplane, opening a parachute, crashing into a bunch of trees and then falling to the ground... WHY is she moaning...? WHY?

Another thing is the Hitman trailer... The first time I watched that, I was like "ow that's brutal" and perhaps in my own wierd sexist way thought, "I don't like seeing woman hit in that fashion (or any fashion for that matter)." I then began thinking, why do I not like that idea... I mean why is it acceptable to see the Gears of War dudes get curb stomped, or Issac from Dead Space get mutilated, but when it's girls... ASSASSIN girls mind you, it's suddenly the worst thing ever. But then I've been reading about the idea that that trailer was sort of a rape fantasy apparently because 47 is hitting sexy woman... WHAT? Where did that idea even come from? Who makes that sort of connection. Why is it taboo to show violence towards woman but violence towards men is completely accepted. Equality right guys? I mean I get it: On a personal level I have a deep distaste for violence against woman... But these are A. digital people, B. Assassins...

Next thing is booth babes. I understand that the distaste stems from the idea that gamer's think that companies put the booth babes there because we're all nerds apparently and they will attract us. It sucks that they have such low opinions of us and that should change. But aside from that I recall reading that someone (a female who said they were "fit") in the gaming press felt uncomfortable because she felt like she walked into a a strip club and was being compared? I could be mis-remembering the exact quote but regardless, why is the mere presence of woman such a weird taboo thing? If the booth babe is confident in her own looks and comfortable standing there as a model of sorts then why do others feel uncomfortable around them? There is some sort of underlying insecurity you should probably think about. The show is a giant spectacle akin to many other trade shows and car shows and what not... Yet no one complains when a booth babe stands next to a Ferrari...

The above argument probably makes more sense with regards to cosplayers. For example people have been complaining about people like Jessica Nigri and her being the spokesperson of the Lollipop Chainsaw game... Why is it so weird that she's wearing those sexy clothes if she feels comfortable in showing off the gifts god gave her? I mean it is representative of the character from the game.

The games industry hasn't grown a up single bit since the days of Final Fight where the female character of Poison was turned into a transvestite in order to have players not punch a woman. Because punching a transvestite is apparently more reasonable. I mean as long as it has a penis right?

Anyways I may be missing the point as to where the controversy is coming from and if I am please clarify, but to me it always seems like people say we want equality, except OH MY GOD SHE'S A LADY, SHE CAN'T BE SHOWN IN PAIN... That's voyeuristic apparently...



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Edited By Ace829

@CL60 said:

On an unrelated and off topic note, it pisses me off that, that women on Kickstarter talking about misogyny in video games has made almost $200,000, while an actual worthy Kickstarter is barely getting any attention at all.

I've been following that story since it broke. One of the most bittersweet stories I've read in a while. That guy is pretty amazing.

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Edited By No0b0rAmA

@hoossy said:

@Oldirtybearon said:

The rest of the world is far more realistic, logical, and in general less annoying than these people.

Are you kidding me? That is one of the most absurd things I've ever heard. So a little Bay area liberalism/equal rights talk is WORSE than the opinions of North Korea's totalitarian regime? Worse than Ahmadinejad's threats towards Israel? Worse than neonazi and KKK beliefs of racism?

Also, let's remember that while Gamespot and GiantBomb are located in San Francisco, most of the other journalists who have criticized Tomb Raider are spread across the country.

Yes. North Korea and Iran's influence is limited purely to it's borders. Liberalism is a fucking wildfire that is destroying our youth. I'd rather live in North Korea than around liberals in the Bay Area.

Honestly, people are taking this too far. Is it really that controversial?

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Edited By napalm

Protip: we really, really, don't need more topics on this. If you feel your opinion is important enough to warrant a separate topic, it's probably not as important as you think, and it could have just gone in the existing thread(s).

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Edited By Lively

@No0b0rAmA said:

Yes. North Korea and Iran's influence is limited purely to it's borders. Liberalism is a fucking wildfire that is destroying our youth. I'd rather live in North Korea than around liberals in the Bay Area.

Honestly, people are taking this too far. Is it really that controversial?

I'm probably going to regret asking, but how is liberalism a wildfire destroying our youth? I know you're engaging in hyperbole for dramatic effect, but I'm interested in an earnest answer.

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Edited By No0b0rAmA

@Lively said:

@No0b0rAmA said:

Yes. North Korea and Iran's influence is limited purely to it's borders. Liberalism is a fucking wildfire that is destroying our youth. I'd rather live in North Korea than around liberals in the Bay Area.

Honestly, people are taking this too far. Is it really that controversial?

I'm probably going to regret asking, but how is liberalism a wildfire destroying our youth? I know you're engaging in hyperbole for dramatic effect, but I'm interested in an earnest answer.

Hahah it's actually mostly sarcasm.

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Edited By MrKlorox
Clearly the typos singularizing "women" were meant as intentional sleight to all members of the XX pair, and has nothing to do with the obvious fact that standard browser spellcheckers don't know context and can't adjust spelling based on assumed grammar. What a sexist!
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Edited By mystakin

@CL60 said:

On an unrelated and off topic note, it pisses me off that, that women on Kickstarter talking about misogyny in video games has made almost $200,000, while an actual worthy Kickstarter is barely getting any attention at all.

Why does that upset you so much that you would choose it as an example over, say, the Pebble watch making $10mil? There's problems on both sides of the fence, and both sides should have their stories told. I'm really interested in his story and I hope it gets funded, although I wish one of his pledges made it clear that you would receive the movie... maybe you don't, iono. It just so happened Sarkeesian's story reached mass media coverage because of the attacks made on her, which skyrocketed her project. I don't think any feminist in their right mind would say that the Brian Banks project shouldn't be funded as well.

This was originally a blog post... I don't see anything wrong with someone posting to their blog and sharing it.

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Edited By Lively

I can't get mad at Anita Sarkeesian making all that bank. I think it would be a great gesture if she gave some to charity, but as far as I'm concerned, she's earned it. She's proven that she is a popular and accessible voice for this subject, and this windfall allows her to make it into a full-time-job, if she wants it.

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Edited By rollingzeppelin

It's funny because 99% of the people complaining about this Tomb Raider issue are men. Just another fucking stupid, insignificant internet controversy.

That's the real problem with everything that the internet touches. The format of the media we use to communicate naturally leads to aggressive arguments, otherwise it would be pretty boring. There's no point in replying to a topic if all you're going to say is "yes, I agree with the OP". So almost every post is criticising some other poster. And eventually everyone works themselves up into a fervour over completely mundane topics.

This is an endemic problem on every forum, and I think it will continue to be until we figure out a better way to easily and anonymously communicate on the internet.

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Edited By flindip


Wasn't that game designed by a woman?

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Edited By JasonR86

@Anwar said:

I hope everybody who paid that lady to talk about important issues like feminism is aware what kind of quality they'll eventually get.

Ugh. You know, Bayonetta as a character could be discussed in a really intelligent way. The negatives and positives about her character (the biggest negative being the fact that her primary feature are her...features) are complex and require good, strong analysis. The point of the analysis might focus on the most relevant question; is Bayonetta as a character inherently sexists and, if so, why and what can we do differently. The goal would be to be objective, realistic, and fair. This lady dumbs it down to pointing out the obvious, bitching about the obvious, and tying the obvious to odd, left-field things like Japanese subways. There's nothing inherently wrong with feminism and I think most people, men and women alike, want women and men of all races, orientation, and creed to be treated equally. But she isn't doing that movement any favors. This just sounds like pointless bitching for bitching's sake with no real analysis or avenues for change added to improve the aforementioned bitch-worthy topic.

EDIT: And the advertising was pretty clever. Likely sexists and objectifies an objectified character. But clever none the less.

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Edited By hoossy

@No0b0rAmA said:

@hoossy said:

@Oldirtybearon said:

The rest of the world is far more realistic, logical, and in general less annoying than these people.

Are you kidding me? That is one of the most absurd things I've ever heard. So a little Bay area liberalism/equal rights talk is WORSE than the opinions of North Korea's totalitarian regime? Worse than Ahmadinejad's threats towards Israel? Worse than neonazi and KKK beliefs of racism?

Also, let's remember that while Gamespot and GiantBomb are located in San Francisco, most of the other journalists who have criticized Tomb Raider are spread across the country.

Yes. North Korea and Iran's influence is limited purely to it's borders. Liberalism is a fucking wildfire that is destroying our youth. I'd rather live in North Korea than around liberals in the Bay Area.

Honestly, people are taking this too far. Is it really that controversial?

well Bon Voyage. If you were over there we'd never hear from you again.

More importantly, the fact that they can express their views, and you can express yours, speaks greater volumes to the freedoms we are afforded here in this country. Again, I don't think hyperbole is really making your case.

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Edited By Oldirtybearon

@JasonR86 said:

@Anwar said:

I hope everybody who paid that lady to talk about important issues like feminism is aware what kind of quality they'll eventually get.

Ugh. You know, Bayonetta as a character could be discussed in a really intelligent way. The negatives and positives about her character (the biggest negative being the fact that her primary feature are her...features) are complex and require good, strong analysis. The point of the analysis might focus on the most relevant question; is Bayonetta as a character inherently sexists and, if so, why and what can we do differently. The goal would be to be objective, realistic, and fair. This lady dumbs it down to pointing out the obvious, bitching about the obvious, and tying the obvious to odd, left-field things like Japanese subways. There's nothing inherently wrong with feminism and I think most people, men and women alike, want women and men of all races, orientation, and creed to be treated equally. But she isn't doing that movement any favors. This just sounds like pointless bitching for bitching's sake with no real analysis or avenues for change added to improve the aforementioned bitch-worthy topic.

Fuck you, you sexist piece of shit! How dare you criticize this fucking woman for being a subpar pundit who can't form thoughtful analysis!

In all seriousness, yeah, she's pretty terrible at what she does, but of course the problem with her proposed video series is the fact that she's doing it, not that she won't do it justice.

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Edited By Clonedzero

@RollingZeppelin said:

It's funny because 99% of the people complaining about this Tomb Raider issue are men. Just another fucking stupid, insignificant internet controversy.

That's the real problem with everything that the internet touches. The format of the media we use to communicate naturally leads to aggressive arguments, otherwise it would be pretty boring. There's no point in replying to a topic if all you're going to say is "yes, I agree with the OP". So almost every post is criticising some other poster. And eventually everyone works themselves up into a fervour over completely mundane topics.

This is an endemic problem on every forum, and I think it will continue to be until we figure out a better way to easily and anonymously communicate on the internet.


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Edited By MeierTheRed

Too much whine not enough biscuits.

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Edited By Fozimuth

I don't want to hear about Feminist Frequency.  Couldn't stand her.  Not fun, charismatic, or analytical.  Deserves somebody better who's actually going to come up with something more productive than "UGH STUPID ADOLESCENT BOY FANTASIES."  So mature and thought-provoking.
Anyway, it's a medium.  There's going to be crap everywhere.  Even in a single game, like Mass Effect 2 or 3.  You have goddamn fascinating characters like Mordin Solus, and then you have shit like Diana Allers and stilted conversations all over the place.   I don't think we can change it any more than we can books or movies.  But at least we can start being more critical of shitty character motivations like "THEY'VE GOT UR WIFE" and immediately expecting us to sympathize with the main character, and be motivated (don't mean to be picking at Dom here, although plenty of people take issue with his storyline).   There's a lot to look at, but you should just do what you would do for any other medium, right?  Pick out the good stuff and exalt it over and over again, pick at the bad stuff, hope somebody catches on?

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Edited By SathingtonWaltz

@Jimbo: No, it just means he made a fucking spelling error. Jesus Christ people...

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Edited By SathingtonWaltz

@Animasta: Why would you think that Conservatives *hate* women? Also, any sane human being doesn't automatically disqualify someone sources based on ideological differences. You should at least look into them, as I seriously doubt that just because said source has an agenda that they could outright lie or make shit up.

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This is getting boring n I reall hope that games can move past this issue. Women are represented in an object kind of way but I feel games are getting a lot closer to what movies are at with story telling. Meaning women are getting eqaul treatment as men but it ain't there yet n the solution to me is make more female protagonist that are strong yet still be feminine or just seem kool. Examples being= Alex(HL2), Claire Redfield, Samara n Liara(ME 1 2) n I'm sure there are more but I can't remember them lol.

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Edited By mitsuko_souma

@Dagbiker said:

I like how all the Female posters on this board aren't having nearly as bad a reaction to this stuff as the Male posters. I think its interesting.

@tourgen said:

@Oldirtybearon said:

You need to remember where all of this angst is generally coming from - the Bay Area. California is, let's say, a dream-like world where people have unreasonable expectations, to say the least.

The rest of the world is far more realistic, logical, and in general less annoying than these people.

I think you might be on to something.

The average gay man is far more histrionic and overly sensitive than the average woman.

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Edited By Jimbo

Funny how many people defending the OP apparently didn't even read it. Not surprising of course, but funny. Leave my boys' club alone, wahhh :'(

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Edited By SathingtonWaltz

@Jimbo: OP never said anything about "leaving his boys club alone".

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@Anwar: I just don't understand how being a single mother is a PRO for a feminist. No pro's that it's a female character thats beating up demons from hell and the like to oblivion, standing as an equal and more with men and supernatural forces alike. No, it's that she's a single mother and ironically not to SPOIL too much here but if you played the game you know that she isn't even that.

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Edited By Quarters

I think a great comparison is everyone cheering loudly at the guy getting his face blown off during The Last of Us demo(whether that was for the demo or the shotgun blast is debatable). If that was a woman, people would've went ballistic. I understand why people don't like violence against women, as I agree there is definitely something disturbing about it, but the fact that it gets totally singled out while countless dudes get murdered in infinitely more horrendous ways without anyone batting an eye seems to set back this entire equality movement about seven hundred paces.

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Edited By algertman

@Humanity said:

@Anwar: I just don't understand how being a single mother is a PRO for a feminist.

So she can indoctrinate her child without any type of father figure around.

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Edited By BigChickenDinner

@algertman said:

@Humanity said:

@Anwar: I just don't understand how being a single mother is a PRO for a feminist.

So she can indoctrinate her child without any type of father figure around.

Single moms, best thing since sliced bread. Good for you, good for her, good for the child, and great for the prison system!!

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Edited By EXTomar

As pointed out by Rebel FM, often times those cheering at those moments are the guys who made the game who are rightly proud of what they've accomplished and is being presented and often times it is also marketing people who "paid" fans to come into the presentation and will cheer at anything. I can't blame anyone who has worked hard on a demo and seen it pulled off in exactly the way they imagined it live and on stage from cheering. The other is a bit more dubious.

Does this need to be fixed? The way to do that is to simply limit the size of the audience to keep only those attendees to keep only "outsiders" and press in the seats but who wants to show they have a much smaller audience who is much less "cheerful"?

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The fact that women were getting hurt was not the issue that people took with Tomb Raider or Hitnan, like at all.

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Edited By algertman

@Milkman said:

The fact that women were getting hurt was not the issue that people took with Tomb Raider or Hitnan, like at all.

Yes, it is. If you replaced to women with men then nobody would care. So it has everything to do with them being women.

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Edited By Milkman

@Milkman said:

The fact that women were getting hurt was not the issue that people took with Tomb Raider or Hitnan, like at all.

Yes, it is. If you replaced to women with men then nobody would care. So it has everything to do with them being women.

No. The controversy with Tomb Raider stemmed for the producers comments that effectively said "you're going to want to protect Lara because she's a girl." And the Hitman "controversy" (which wasn't really controversy at all) stemmed from the trailer just being dumb pandering bullshit that doesn't represent the product at all.
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Edited By Sergio

@Anwar said:

I hope everybody who paid that lady to talk about important issues like feminism is aware what kind of quality they'll eventually get.

First time I've watched something of her's. Taking the leap of the ad in the subway as somehow promoting groping women makes me think that her tropes vs video game series is going to be worthless, masturbatory drivel that tries to serve her agenda. She may make one or two good points, but it'll get lost in the noise of her own making.

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Edited By Still_I_Cry

At this point..I am tired of it all.

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Edited By Sergio

@mystakin said:

It doesn't matter what they intended, it matters what the content of the product is. The content of the product places women in sexy, revealing outfits and glorifies violence. No one sits in front of a piece of media and says "Wow, sex and violence... I'm going to associate those now." It's a subconscious thing and there's been plenty of studies linking this kind of imagery to beliefs in lesser punishment for rapes. I described why I believe people would call the trailer a rape fantasy, but it's only a guess. You certainly don't have to agree that it is what they say it is, but I do believe that the trailer is harmful for the reasons I stated in my earlier post. I wouldn't have even brought it up as a rape fantasy if someone else had not asked about it.

This is like saying violence in games are subconsciously training our children to be killers. Who knew Jack Thompson was right after all? He had studies linking the two; and there were studies disproving it too.

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Edited By flindip

@Milkman said:


@Milkman said:

The fact that women were getting hurt was not the issue that people took with Tomb Raider or Hitnan, like at all.

Yes, it is. If you replaced to women with men then nobody would care. So it has everything to do with them being women.

No. The controversy with Tomb Raider stemmed for the producers comments that effectively said "you're going to want to protect Lara because she's a girl." And the Hitman "controversy" (which wasn't really controversy at all) stemmed from the trailer just being dumb pandering bullshit that doesn't represent the product at all.

That came later, there was already mumblings about Tomb Raider being misogynistic before those comments were made.

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Edited By SteamPunkJin

@JasonR86 said:

Gender roles and social norms are huge issues and, unfortunately, the most vocal on the subjects are often those who are the most rigid, most careless, and least reasonable.

And people screaming that there are no issues to discuss have their head buried in the sand. It's pretty appalling how many people simple can't or won't see that some things are very real, and just because they don't apply to you doesn't make them any less real. Thanks for having some common sense. (this is not a sarcastic reply)

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Edited By mystakin

@Sergio said:

@mystakin said:

It doesn't matter what they intended, it matters what the content of the product is. The content of the product places women in sexy, revealing outfits and glorifies violence. No one sits in front of a piece of media and says "Wow, sex and violence... I'm going to associate those now." It's a subconscious thing and there's been plenty of studies linking this kind of imagery to beliefs in lesser punishment for rapes. I described why I believe people would call the trailer a rape fantasy, but it's only a guess. You certainly don't have to agree that it is what they say it is, but I do believe that the trailer is harmful for the reasons I stated in my earlier post. I wouldn't have even brought it up as a rape fantasy if someone else had not asked about it.

This is like saying violence in games are subconsciously training our children to be killers. Who knew Jack Thompson was right after all? He had studies linking the two; and there were studies disproving it too.

Ummm, no it's not. My statement is based in controlled experiments and data, and claims that violence turns children into killers is based in ignorance and misunderstandings. Violence can have negative effects on consumers, but turning them into killers is not one of those effects. Coincidentally enough, one of those theories is Moral Panic Theory which describes Thompson's agenda to a T.

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Edited By AlexanderSheen

@Still_I_Cry said:

At this point..I am tired of it all.

I was already tired of it 3 days ago. And we're still at it.

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Edited By flindip

@AlexanderSheen said:

@Still_I_Cry said:

At this point..I am tired of it all.

I was already tired of it 3 days ago. And we're still at it.

I concur.

But I suspect that it is going to be addressed on this weeks bomb cast. Then we will have a whole other cycle of arguments.

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Edited By Seppli

2 Live Crew disagrees, and so does my dick... (yeah - there's more to the issue, and to me - but here 'ya go!)

P.S. Ontopic - I'm no Space Marine. I work out on a daily basis, but that doesn't get me there. I don't take offense, and neither should women. Hell - you got like 1 in a 100 chance to be born with a naturally gorgeous body that's up to highest beauty standards, and every mistep you make in your life will leave marks on such perfection.

Just think of the harrowing task of growing a perfect set of boobies! No wonder almost all females are cheats.

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Edited By NMC2008

@flindip: I hope not, I hope the bombcast is free of this talk, please god. I think GB needs to leave it in the article and talk about games and stuff, this whole controversy has brought nothing but pain and anger on both sides, why keep it going?

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Edited By Euphorio

I've always had beef with this issue because it's a two way street. Sure, women are always portrayed as perfect-bodied women in games, but so are men. Look at Drake, the beastly Marcus Fenix, Male Shepard, Duke Nukem, Agent 47, etc. etc....they all seem to be super-fit males with sculpted muscles. If we could show male package in the same way games show off womens "assets" I'd bet their junk would swing between the knees. It's the fact that it's a game, it's not supposed to be reality.

Women look the way they look because it's hard to find a male who demands a girl lacking in physical attraction, but has a super cool personality. That same person would probs be more happy if the girl was attractive as well. In the same sense, no guy wants to save the world as a tub of lard that can sprint for only about 2 seconds before needing to stop and breathe. If thats the protagonist, the game better be comical and over-the-top. I'd rather save the world as some boss version of me, with the loaded muscles and manly stature. I'm not offended that women are constantly taught that they should be saved by muscular, brooding, chivalrous men....should I be? It holds me at quite the high standard as well.

As for booth babes, they are being paid to do it, and applied to do that job. They shouldn't become unemployed because people are offended by their physical shape. If people don't like it, then don't go to those booths. The execs will understand and stop hiring them if they don't bring in a crowd, but so long as they do, they will continue to be utilized.

It's the same kind of misunderstanding that goes with professional athletes. If there is a demand for that kind of thing, then there will be a supply. That supply is directly proportional to the demand, so there will be booth babes so long as there are people that want them. If no one wanted them, they wouldn't be there. They get paid because they actually are bringing in people. Speak with your actions, not your words.

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Edited By DanteFaustEsq

@Oldirtybearon: As a Californian I take a great deal of offense to an ignorant inane blanket statements like these, next time you want to try and make a point don't lump a group of people who have almost nothing in common other then a general geographical location, It will help lend weight to an argument and make you sound less like an ignorant jerk.

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Edited By jerseyscum

@Hizang said:

This is all really bad on video games as a whole, I hope this blows over soon.

I have a perverse desire for it to get worse.

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Edited By otzlowe

The reason why no one gives a shit when dudes kill dudes is because of nature. Males are the hunters in our species and breaking down into tears every time another guy died would've spelled the end of humans pretty damn fast. We had to be the high risk-reward automatons that did the shitty, unpleasant and unsafe jobs that have a high mortality rate attached to them. Not giving a fuck about your fellow man is an ancient coping mechanism.

Women, on the other hand, had to be more emotionally diverse, as their job was specifically in dealing with and raising other humans. The reason men also want to protect them is because a woman is more important for reproduction and the continuation of the species. Thus, they were treasured and jealously guarded. Ironically, this also leads into why they were repressed.

Now we've come nearly full circle and the problem is that men are still seen as having inherently less value than women (unless they make a lot of money). See how these things are related?

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Edited By bwheeeler

I hate these topics, because they get absolutely nowhere. People yell TOMB RAIDER IS KINDA SEXIST! and then other people yell YOU'RE RIDICULOUS FOR THINKING TOMB RAIDER IS KINDA SEXIST! and that repeats for like 400 posts because everyone has to say their variation of one or the other.


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Edited By flindip

@bwheeeler said:

I hate these topics, because they get absolutely nowhere. People yell TOMB RAIDER IS KINDA SEXIST! and then other people yell YOU'RE RIDICULOUS FOR THINKING TOMB RAIDER IS KINDA SEXIST! and that repeats for like 400 posts because everyone has to say their variation of one or the other.


Its because most people, in any contested subject matter, want validation. Not discourse(because that requires thinking, and compromise).

Welcome to the planet Earth.