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Blog: Mellon Collie and the Infinite Vinny

The Walking Dead

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I bought The Walking Dead on disk a few weeks ago. As someone who cares about story in video games, and hearing all the praise it's been getting, I just needed to check it out. It completely blew away my expectations. Let me get all of the negative out of the way first: Some may argue that as a game, The Walking Dead is a pile of trash. And I could agree with that, to a certain extent. While the whole adventure game aspect of the Walking Dead is totally fine, the parts where they make you shoot zombies can be mediocre at best. The aiming ridicule that they give you feels way too lose and sensitive, and I never got the hang of it. Not to mention that the game has tons of frame rate drops constantly to a point where it looks like a PowerPoint presentation, which makes those shooting parts even more frustrating. And let's not forget about the technical issues that could happen in the game. While I never had my save just straight up ruined, the game did retcon one of my earlier choices in the next episode. (SPOILERS: In episode four, the game changed the choice I made with Kenny killing Duck. Which is for the better, I guess, since I realize that making him do that is horrible, but it still bugged me.)

All of that aside, The Walking Dead has become one of my favorite games. What it does for story telling in video games is important and I think developers need to take note of this if they ever aim to make a story driven game. Like David Cage. Look, I really appreciated what Heavy Rain tired to do and all, and I know that Telltale drew inspiration from that, but the story of Heavy Rain feels really stupid and pretentious compared to Walking Dead. The Walking Dead never had you take a shower or put on eye-liner on or anything stupid and useless like that. And The Walking Dead actually moved me. I felt like I actually cared about the characters and the game had me in tears by the end. Heavy Rain didn't do any of that for me. But I guess the fact that The Walking Dead is episodic benefits Telltale to make improvements and really nail down that parts that they want to get right.

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So while the The Walking Dead isn't the best playing game by any means, the fact that it has some of the strongest writing that I've ever seen in a game completely makes up for that. And the fact that you can interact with the characters and they react upon how you play only brings even more life to these already well written characters. The fact that I was able to get so into the story and the fact that the ending emotionally impacted me in a way no other game could is why I fucking love the Walking Dead.

Persona 4

In between episodes of Walking Dead, I've been playing Persona 4. I'm at the last dungeon on the true ending path. Again, as a Giant Bomb user, I think Persona 4 is fucking awesome. But it seems like the last dungeon is a bit of a grind. I guess that the last boss is going to be pretty hard, so maybe that's for the best. I just can't wait to finish it so I could eventually go back and play it on New Game Plus. Unlike Persona 3, I feel really compelled to go back and see all the social links and stuff that I missed the first time around, mostly because the characters are so much more likable than the S.Links in 3. And I can't wait to see what Persona game they make next.

Arkham City


I've been going back to Arkham City after finishing Walking Dead and it seems like that game just gets crazier and crazier. Like the Ra's Al Ghul boss or the Mad Hatter side mission, all of that stuff seems completely crazy in the best possible way. In terms of the story missions, I just got done with the Mr. Freeze boss, which I thought was really well done. I did it without looking at any of the hints, and I thought it was really fun thinking of possible ways to damage his suit. But like I said earlier, the open world nature of Arkham City mixed with the fact that Batman's dying makes little sense, but at least they address the passage of time in certain scenes.

Other than those three games, I haven't really been playing anything else. For Christmas I got an iPod Classic which was much needed since none of my music could fit on my stupid old iPod Touch anymore. I don't even remember why I got that piece of shit in the first place. I guess I was just a stupid 12 year old. Also, I changed my Gamertag. It's still completely stupid, but stupid in a way that I like and can get behind. And if I like it, that's all that matters...right? At least it's just not embarrassing to me anymore like adolescentnerd. Bleh. Anyway, that's all for now, and I hope you all enjoy the rest of your vacation, what's left of it, anyway.

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This is pretty much the best gift ever.

Today is me and my girlfriend's one year anniversary. Along with getting me a Pixies' Doolittle shirt, she also got me this poster.

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It's hard to tell from the image, but it is signed by Tim Schafer. (Bottom right, just above the Double Fine logo.) I can't tell what my favorite poster in my room is, this, or my OK Computer poster. But I guess, like my girlfriend, Psychonauts holds a special place in my heart.

Also, that Giant Bomb Beta is some crazy shit. The design looks really slick and I love how blogs look on profile pages. Can't wait for it to launch for realsies!


Blog: I've Been Playing Way Too Many Video Games

It seems like I've been very much in a video game-y mood lately, even more so than usual. I have now four games that I want to juggle between, three of which are on my 360. This is probably the most I have ever used my Xbox since I got it. Hell, a few months ago I wanted to sell the damn thing. And now that it has a certain game on it, I'll probably never consider it again.


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If you know anything about my taste in games then you know that I consider this my favorite game to date. Although the gameplay isn't perfect, I just love how crazy it is and the humor still holds up. I grew up playing the PS2 version, and it was almost instantly apparent that the Xbox version, despite the emulation flaws on the 360, is the better version of the game. It looks a lot better than the PS2 version and the load times are almost non-existent probably because it's all on the hard drive, but I remember it was something that really bothered me when playing it on the PS2. Regardless, it's very fun playing it for old time's sake and remembering things about to that I once forgot (as well as getting more of the humor now that I'm older), and I want to play it to completion. And if you somehow haven't played it yet, that game is everywhere at this point, it's not hard to snag a digital copy.

Persona 4

I'm about 55 hours in Persona 4 at this point, and I'm getting pretty close to the end. I am at the part where I have made "the choice" and I'm headed on the path to get the good ending. It's weird that even though I know exactly what happens to certain characters in that game, playing it for myself still makes a little emotional. The game has a very powerful third act, and a lot of the voice acting sends chills down my spine at certain parts.

Batman: Arkham City

Gamestop's Black Friday deal for Arkham City GOTY Edition was too good to pass up. I'm not too far into it, but far enough in to confirm that it's totally like Arkham Asylum and playing it reminds me of how awesome that was. The combat is just as satisfying and sneaking around guys feel just as badass. I'm very excited to play more of it along every other game on my to-do list.


Mass Effect 2: Lair Of The Shadow Broker

I purchased Mass Effect Trilogy last month because I love that universe despite not owning the games, and I wanted to play the third one. But as I was playing Mass Effect 2, I really wanted to see the content that was in Shadow Broker, as well as purchasing From Ashes to have that character in my ME3 game from the get-go. I've been holding off on that for money reasons (see: every other game I bought lately) but this afternoon I decided to just go for it. I bought and played the large add-on for Mass Effect 2 and it was completely worth it. The pay-off at the end especially made it worth the price of admission. It's a really good way to end my ME2 romp (with me making it out alive with every character alive!) and when I get the chance I'll start playing Mass Effect 3. With all the hate died down, it'll be nice to see what's in it. Although I know everything about the cheap color-coded endings and such, I have no clue what happens for the bulk of the game. Other than the kid. God damn it, the kid.

So, that's just about all I've been up to game-wise. In terms of real life, last Thursday I played bass in front of people on stage at school, so that was cool. I also got my licence, and it's nice to drive without having my parents nagging to me about things that I already know. And this Thursday this me and my girlfriend's anniversary, and I can't wait to celebrate that! Going to a record store about an hour away from here. Should be fun.

That's all for now! Gotta get back to playing all these games...


Blog: Journey into the Mass Effects and the frustration of Meat

It's November. All the big games are out: Halo 4, Black Ops 2, Assassin's Creed 3. What game have I been playing?  
...Mass Effect

Hot new release, guys.
Hot new release, guys.
On November 6th, instead of buying Halo 4 like any other normal person, I bought the Mass Effect Trilogy. I've already played the first two, but only owned the first one as an Xbox Live download, and I liked the second one enough to decide I wanted to own it, and I'm interested enough to play the third one despite all the hate. Thus my decision to buy it, and I haven't regretted it at all. I decided that I would play through the entire series with a whole new character, and it really feels like I'm getting the most out of it since I'm not rushing through the games. When I played Mass Effect 2 for the first time, I pretty much just kept renting it from Blockbuster, which doesn't exist where I live anymore. (Hence the reason why I don't play as much games.) So this time around I can take as long as I want completing the game without having to worry about returning it a week from now. Those games aren't meant for you to speed through, because it can be easy to miss some things when you do. Let's just say, on my first playthrough of Mass Effect 2, I didn't think upgrading the ship was that important. Yeah. 
 I really hope Mordin doesn't die in my game. Again.
 I really hope Mordin doesn't die in my game. Again.
I'm at least 1/4 of the way through Mass Effect 2 right now, I'm guessing. (7 hours in.) I just got the first wave of squad members, and the Illusive Man is sending me to a colony where Ashley is. (I killed Kaiden in ME1 with this character.) Already, I'm spending way more time playing ME2 than before, but I didn't spend much more time in Mass Effect 1. My initial playthrough of Mass Effect was about 8 hours, and this one was 10, mostly because I did that stupid moon mission and I saved Wrex. ME1 played a little better than I remember, but it's still clunky compared to the other games in the series. Mass Effect 2 is a massive step forward in terms of gameplay, though I wish they would've kept more of the RPG elements, but perhaps that's for the best. I don't need to tell you about how awesome Mass Effect 2 is. I'm addicted to it. Which, I guess, is a good thing, since most of what I've been playing this year has been Persona. (Side note: I'm 35 hours into Persona 4, just beat the void quest. Haven't really touched it much since I got ME.) 
I also bought Super Meat Boy not too long ago, which is awesome and frustrating. I cannot get past Rapture. I don't know how you people do it. That game is insane and I love it for that. I just wish I had the skill to beat it! I also played Costume Quest in October, to hype myself up for Halloween. It's a nice little game and I recommend it if you ever find yourself longing for a Halloween game. And I've been playing Persona 4 Arena here and there, and by playing I mean reading, because that game is still barely a game, but I'm enjoying it for the most part. I just wish the game didn't force you to view everyone's stories before continuing. I wish it was animated, too, because clicking through all of that stuff gets super boring after a while, but obviously that is not a realistic request.
That's pretty much all I've been playing. I saw Wreck-It Ralph yesterday with my girlfriend, which was decent and enjoyable, though it has a plot hole that I cannot get over: 
Anyway, that about all I have to blarg about for now. I'll do this again when I play more games. Until next time, Bombers.  
And remember:   
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Bulleted Thoughts - 10/8/12

I haven't updated on Giant Bomb in a few weeks, and I feel pretty bad about that. I don't feel like I have much to talk about, though, so for this blog I'll just put everything in bullets and call it a day. Deal? 

  • I've still been playing Persona 4. I'm at the part where you see Mitsuo Kubo on the midnight channel. That game is pretty awesome, and it's a huge improvement over Persona 3. Hell, I even loaded up Persona 3, and it was pretty hard to play compared to P4. But maybe it was only because I attempted to play "The Answer." Because that thing sucks. In today's market, The Answer would've probably been DLC, right? Maybe they would produce disks for folks with no internet or people who are scared of downloading things in the year 2012, but I guess it would probably be DLC. Probably the most disappointing add-on ever. There's so much stuff packed in there, yet I don't find any of it appealing at all. I'll just have fond memories of Persona 3's ending and move on.
  •  Phil Fish chillin' in a swimming pool. What the fuck were the points of these shots in the documentary? It came off and stupid, pretentious, and laughable.
     Phil Fish chillin' in a swimming pool. What the fuck were the points of these shots in the documentary? It came off and stupid, pretentious, and laughable.
    I spent more than 30 bucks on Rock Band stuff last week. I bought Rock Band 3 and exported the Rock Band 2 stuff to play in Rock Band 3 and Rock Band Blitz. It reminded me that Rock Band 2 had a kick ass soundtrack, and a lot of those songs are fun to play in Blitz. Rock Band 3 seems pretty solid, too, though I get tired of it if I try to play for long periods of time, mostly because I've been playing rhythm games for so long. Doesn't mean it's not a good game.
  • I've been doing some of the challenges in Rayman Origins, and it's really fun in a "I want a quick thing to play, and I want to listen to this thing at the same time" sorta way. The levels are challenging but not too hard, I can normally beat the speed runs and the treasure chest chase levels in about two or three tries. 
  • Played a tiny bit more of Jak III out of boredom, but still not enough of form any meaningful statements about it.
  • I watched Indie Game: The Movie last night with my girlfriend, who I hung out with pretty much all weekend. The movie was great, very interesting and inspiring in a way, especially the stuff with the Team Meat guys. I actually want to buy Super Meat Boy now. Also, Phil Fish is fucking crazy. Decent sense in fashion, though, I give him that.
  • Just got the Giant Bomb 2013 member shirt ordered, which makes me want to go and play Wipeout HD. Actually, I might do just that.
I'll end this blog with the song that plays in the end credits in the Persona 4 Anime.
Enjoy the absurd rapping of Lotus Juice.  
Really, it's fucking stupid. 
"It's OK to remove, copy, and paste." 

My Progress In Persona 4, And Other Video Game Entertainments

With school back in session and the season of summer coming to an end, it's no  surprise  that I don't have as much time as I like to play certain games. And sometimes when I do, I don't take advantage of it simply because I'm either not in the mood or just tired. (First world spoiled teenager problems, I know.) Despite this, I managed to play some games!  

 This is an...awkward persona to have control of.
 This is an...awkward persona to have control of.
I played some more Persona 4 this weekend, which is still really fun. It's amazing how great that game looks, regardless of it being a PS2 game. I guess a lot of it has to do with the art style the game has, but it still looks great, a lot better looking than Persona 3. It also seems a lot more  challenging  than Persona 3. Perhaps they made the easy mode way less easy, or it's because of the slight difference in structure between those two games, but in Persona 4, you simply cannot blow through a dungeon like you could in Persona 3's easy mode. The spells that the characters learn and the stats you get while you're grinding in the  dungeon  are needed to beat those boss battles, which are much more  challenging than Persona 3's. It's also a lot harder to hit shadows before going into the battles in P4. Again, I'm only comparing the two games on the lowest difficultly setting, so I can't really say for sure which one's harder than the other. 
The date is 5/30 and I just rescued Kanji. I feel really good about how I'm playing it. I'm having tons of dreams about the characters I have social links with (what exactly triggers those, anyway?) and at lunch I have like 4 people coming up to me at lunch at a time. My Wizard Lizard is a pimp.  
 You can't tell from this tiny screenshot, but Rayman Origins looks incredible.
 You can't tell from this tiny screenshot, but Rayman Origins looks incredible.
I also finished playing all the main story levels in Rayman Origins, and then skipped the credits sequence because the credits in that game are fucking ridiculous, much like every Ubisoft game. Rayman Origins is a very fun game! If you haven't played it yet and you're looking for a great platformer, check it out. I haven't done much of the side levels where you're chasing the chest, but I'm probably going to go back to do that stuff, too. 
Besides the occasional Rock Band Blitz, that's pretty much all I've been playing. I still have the story mode of Persona 4 Arena to "play," and I plan on getting to it, but I want to play more Persona 4 before I do.  
Also, last night my wonderful girlfriend (who is the master of kittens) gave me a wonderful gift of a Giant Bomb premium membership! I know some people feel like they aren't doing enough with the premium memberships, and I wouldn't know because I didn't have one before, but going through and seeing what I missed is a lot of fun. The benefits of getting to use the mobile site, the HTML 5 viewer, the radio show, and the archived TNTs on the site seem worth it already, I just hope they do enough subscriber features throughout the year to make it more awesome. Oh, and the thing that happens when you sign up for it is great, too. 
That's about it! I don't know how often I'll update this blog from here on out, but whenever I want to talk about games I'm sure I'll do something!  
(Not that you really care or anything.)  
For whatever reason I have No. 13 Baby by the Pixies stuck in my head, so I'll end my blog with that because I don't know how to end a blog post. 

Blog: Rock Band Blitz, "Vacationing" in NY, and Gaming Withdraws

I'm writing this blog in my grandma's house. It is extremely hot outside, and this house has no air conditioning, only fans. I am sweating like a motherfucker while using my laptop, while my other family members, all adults, are outside having a barbecue. The one person in the family who I actually get along with the most, my youngest aunt, is at work. This is how I spend my last Saturday night of the summer. Queens, New York. But before we drove up here, I played some video games.  

I bought Rock Band Blitz on the day of release because some dudes on Twitter said I should buy that instead of Sound Shapes. And they were probably right, because once I started playing Rock Band Blitz, I couldn't stop. I just couldn't. What's a Persona? I don't know. The only game that exists to me is Rock Band Blitz.  
But seriously, the game is really fun and it's feels very well put together. As someone who is very bored with the traditional Rock Band gameplay, Rock Band Blitz seems very smart. It imports all of your Rock Band stuff, Rock Band stuff that I once considered deleting off of my hard drive because it just took up so much space. But having that stuff is all worth it, and it just makes me want to go buy more Rock Band DLC to play in Rock Band Blitz. I even want to export those Rock Band 2 tracks to play in there too, by borrowing a friend's copy of Rock Band 3. Rock Band Blitz is a really good idea to get people to use their Rock Band songs again, and it may get people, like me, to buy even more songs. Great move, Harmonix, now all of my money will go down the drain because of Rock Band Blitz. 
It's very hard to explain why Rock Band Blitz is fun to me. To me, it's something you need to play by yourself to see if it's really for you, because I find watching other people playing it to be boring. So if you're interested but not sure about it, I recommend checking out that demo. 
So being here in New York led me to miss playing games, specifically Persona 3 and 4. Persona 3, especially. I really want to play that game again. Looking at the page for Persona 3 FES, there were social links that I just straight up didn't even know were in the damn game. Like that monk hanging out at the club? I didn't even know there were people worth talking to in there! So...yeah. New Game+, here I come! Eventually! Between school and homework and all the other games I want to get to, it might be hard. 
I also played Jak II to a point where I didn't want to play it anymore because this difficulty is insane and the checkpoints in that game are just stupid. If I were to play more, I think my controller would be out the window. I heard Jak III was easier, so I just looked up the ending to Jak II online and started playing Jak III. Can't really say much about it because I only played about 15-30 minutes, but it looks great in HD and it already seems way more interesting than Jak II. 
So yeah, that's about it. We're heading back to Virginia tomorrow night and school starts on September 4th. Summers was too damn short. Kinda looking forward to school, though, just to see friends and my girlfriend. But that's really it. Until next time, duders.

Blog: Beat Persona 3 And Started Playing Persona 4 (P3 SPOILERS)

Don't read the text that is covered by the spoiler marks if you don't want Persona 3 spoiled for you! 
Don't read the text that is covered by the spoiler marks if you don't want Persona 3 spoiled for you! 
It was hard for me to say goodbye to that game when it all ended. Soon after I beat it, I started a new game plus and played up to the part where they introduce you to the combat just in case I get an itch to play it again. (And to do some stuff that I missed the first time around.) Though, I imagine it'll be a little rough after playing Persona 4, with the direct control of the characters and such. I don't have a PSP, but if I did I wouldn't mind getting P3P just to have those systems in there and to see any other changes they made to it.  
Now, I have two questions regarding the ending and the events that happen after. Perhaps you guys can answer them: 
I started playing Persona 4. And by started, I mean I played about 9 hours of it, and defeated Yukiko's shadow. (I'm on date 5/6 right now.) Whoops, don't know how that happened. I don't know if I should write about how much I like Persona 4. I'm a Giant Bomb user, after all. But that game is pretty awesome. It's obviously better gameplay-wise than Persona 3 and I feel like the social links are handled better. Although I think P3 might have the better ending, it's been a while since I've seen the end to P4 so I'll see how it goes.
I also played a little bit of Persona 4 Arena. I played Yosuke's story to the "To Be Continued" point and I played a little bit of Kanji's story. The story mode in that game is...meh. I mean, I'm all up for seeing those characters in another story, but it gets to a point where I feel like I'm not even playing a game. And when I am actually playing, it's so damn easy. Maybe the story gets better after a while, but right now I think it's a bit boring. 
That's about all I've been playing. I suppose I probably should play something other than Persona games every once in a while. Maybe. I still have to finish Jak II and play Jak III, and I hear Sound Shapes is pretty cool... 
Anyway, if anyone is up for talking to me about Persona 3 spoilers in this thread, I'm totally up for it. Until next time, duders! 

Blog: My Journey Into Persona 3 Thus Far

I haven't written a proper blog on Giant Bomb in a while, and that's mostly because of the fact that I hardly played any games. As you can tell by the title of this blog, I've been playing Persona 3, or Persona 3: FES: The Journey to be specific. I downloaded it off of Playstation Network a few weeks ago, and if you follow me on Twitter, you know that I'm having fun with it. But I would like to go more in depth with it and maybe have some discussions, MOSTLY SPOILER FREE of course, because I'm not finished with the game yet. 
For those wondering where I am in the game:  

I think I knew from the start that I was going to enjoy this game. After re-watching some of the Persona 4 Endurance Run with my girlfriend, I was wanting to play a game like it. Since I already know how Persona 4 ends, and the fact that Persona 3 FES is only 10 bucks on PSN, I decide to try it out. And hey, I'm loving it. It is pretty similar to Persona 4 in that you're in high school and you're fighting shadows and protecting this town and all. I guess the main difference here is the overall tone. It's clear to me from the start (as well as some of the events that have happened so far) that Persona 3 is a much darker game than Persona 4. I mean... 
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...yeah. But I'm glad it's like that. I don't mean to say that Persona 3 doesn't have it's funny moments, because it totally does. This is clearly the same people who worked on Persona 4, and that shows with stuff like "Operation Babe Hunt." And the writing is basically the same. You have moments where characters realize things that are already extremely obvious to you (the team finally realizing that strong shadows come out when it's full moon, for example) and that can be a little annoying at times. Nevertheless, I'm really enjoying myself and I can't wait to see what comes next in the story. 
One of my problems with the game doesn't come from the game itself, but with the emulation. While there are some bugs that I don't mind, like flickering textures, there are other ones that kind of upset me, like a save issue and an unavoidable long freeze that apparently happens on 9/5. I have encountered the save issue a few times, and it's really unnerving when it happens. You get an error saying that there is no memory card inserted and the save failed. And sometimes when that happens, it just wipes your save. Hopefully, if you catch it, you can just save over it, but if it's like my game, it might not let you save over it. I cannot save in slot 2 anymore, because I get that error every time I do. It's a really bad bug and the fact that it hasn't officially been addressed by Sony or Atlus really bothers me, especially with a game as long as this. I'm keeping 4 redundant saves now, and I hope I don't run into that bug again, because I really enjoy the game regardless. 
Persona 3 has been taking up pretty much all my game time. I am completely hooked. I even downloaded the soundtrack, because it's just so damn good. (side note: the animated cutscenes in the game are very beautiful, as well) I did get Persona 4 Arena, but I really want to finish Persona 3 before I jump into that story mode, and from what I hear, it's pretty awesome. I played some P4A with my girlfriend the other day, and I fucking suck at it. I need to do some of the practice mode before I can really get myself to enjoy it. Also, I ordered Persona 4 from Gamestop because...because. I was playing Jak II before I got into Persona 3, and although I would like to go back and finish that up (I'm about 9 hours in) I don't see me doing that for a while.  
Persona 3 is a great game, and I can't wait to get more into it. I'm playing on easy, mostly because I'm just in it for the story, but I'm also enjoying the combat as well. What do you guys think? Do you agree with my thoughts on Persona 3? Have any tips for me, without spoiling anything? Am I stupid for comparing it to Persona 4, even though this one game first? Am I a baby for playing on easy? 
(I don't really care if you think I am)