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Finally Got Around To Beating Torchlight On Very Hard

I died a shitload of times, particularly on Ordrak, but I finally got around to it, a year or so after I initially purchased the game.  What I found interesting is that this latest playthrough rekindled my interest in the game, and I quickly followed up with a sub-5 hour run (on easy) just to compare.  I'm now planning on doing a slower, more meticulous run on normal and see if I can get down to the 100th floor of the dungeon.  I've got to hand it to the developers, they put out a terrific, inexpensive game that's got a ton of replay value. 

She's pretty bad-ass, right? 
She's pretty bad-ass, right? 

I used that gun (Hannibal's Mortar) for probably the last half of the game. 
I used that gun (Hannibal's Mortar) for probably the last half of the game. 

 I'm a big fan of this helmet style, too.
 I'm a big fan of this helmet style, too.

Yes, my pet 's name is Abe Lincoln. 
Yes, my pet 's name is Abe Lincoln. 

This battle probably took close to 20 minutes. 
This battle probably took close to 20 minutes. 

Getting really close.... 
Getting really close.... 

About time. 
About time.