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The only major reason I'm interested in the movie is because with Man Of Steel, BvS and what-have-you, they were movies that were just bringing iconic shit from the comics to life. Big, broody heroes and big, psychotic villains have the same battles they've had for the last, what, 75 years? But the idea of the Suicide Squad having a movie greatly interests me because the heroes are the villains. I mean, for fucks sake, THE JOKER is going to be in a movie that is in some small part about him and how he fucks shit up all the time. That's cool to me.

BvS is going to be good. But it's going to feature the same stuff I've seen before in comics, cartoons, and other animated movies. Regardless of if Suicide Squad is the best movie ever or not, it's at least something I personally haven't seen a lot of. So I won't know immediately how it's going to end(Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman all friends in the end against the big bad boot daddy).

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Wow did you know that DONTNOD's name is the same forwards and backwards? I just noticed that.

Anyway, I saved Chloe. I didn't want anyone else to die, but, well, that was my decision. My spunky blue haired waifu ain't dying.

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I'm still struggling with the decision I made at the end of the game. I felt like it was the right one, but it just felt wrong to me. Am I disappointed that Chloe and Max just ride away into the sunset without even bringing up "WELP, EVERYONE WE KNOW JUST DIED HORRIBLY. TIME FOR VACATION!"? Yes. A little. Maybe I'm not seeing 100% through the romanticized ideas of two lovers running away together, but holy shit dude. like literally everyone is dead. I couldn't stop thinking "WHAT ARE MAX'S PARENTS GONNA THINK? IS SHE GOING TO CALL THEM? DO THEY THINK SHE'S DEAD?"

I like the ending. Love it even. Sure I find faults with it, but it was mostly from me not being able to "get it" enough to not ask those kinds of questions. That's probably not what you want in your dramatic finale, but I just couldn't help it. You do so much, help so many, and then in the end, one of those choices basically makes it all moot. And all I have at that point are questions.

At the end of it all, I was actually more interested in knowing what Max's powers were. "Butterfly Effect" this, "Butterfly Effect" that, but how the fuck does that shit even happen? And two moons? Ghost deer? Dead animals all over the place? Max in the snow globe? I would have killed for some answers for all that mystical shit. Solve the murder, save/improve the lives of people around you, then speak to a warlock or something. I don't even know what I would have wanted to happen, but at least something.

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Nah man, you don't get it. See, Newtypes are basically Force Users. They have tapped into an energy source that exists outside of the reality that the people who use it live in. So, by tapping into this force, these Newtypes are able to manipulate reality itself. Which is why Newtypes can operate and maintain a Mobile Suit without ever having been in one before, all while being better than anyone else.

And what happens because of this is that the plot itself can sometimes bend and falter depending on the which Newtype is Newtyping it up the most. So what may at first appear as inconsistent plot-jambalaya, is actually the power of the Newtype themselves.

Think of it like Speedforce. The multidimensional power that The Flash uses to run faster than light itself. By running super fast, he can tap into the Speedforce and run through time itself. Well, just like The Flash, Newtypes are so powerful that they can bend logic and character motivations. Also like a Jedi mind trick.

Just wait until you get to the part where Newtype ghosts appear. I hear it's a hoot.

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Bloodborne and Syndicate. The combat and game design of Bloodborne with the cyberpunk setting and interesting cyber abilities.

I think the game director humored the idea of taking the Souls series into different directions, like a sci-fi setting. Ever since he said that, CyberSouls has been in the back of my mind ever since. The idea of bumping, atmospheric techno alongside giant, lumbering mechanical beasts. Instead of souls it's bytes or something. That'd be cool. Instead of "dying" you just download yourself into a new body, etc, etc.

I need this.

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Was watching a movie when Luke Mably British Dan Ryckert decided to show up.

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@humanity: Yeah that was awesome. Mullet just did not give a fuck.

Wish we would have gotten a sequel to that game. I understand why we didn't, but that phantom pain still lingers.

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Syndicate is great. Deniably undeniable.

Syndicate was unique in that it went a direction and chose not to get bogged down in stupid bullshit. For once, you aren't playing as the "GOOD GUY", they make it explicitly clear that the corporations and militarizes from around the world formed into giant conglomerates known as "SYNDICATE(S)". And that set such an impression on me. I'll never forget that part of the game where you're with Mizalik, or Mullet, or whatever his name was - the raspy voice guy - in the train. He's moving around, car to car, seat to seat, blasting these innocent bystanders in the fucking face. AND IT'S NO BIG DEAL! You are allowed! You're covered by your Syndicate!

It was great. You've got narrative freedom where you're still just a gun with arms blasting dudes in the face, but this time they can be innocent bystanders, they can be innocent researchers for a rival Syndicate who get in the way, or police or whatever. It's the same, but different. Italicized for Emphasis. Emphasis.

I mean, sure, the story got bogged down eventually when they decided this game can't just have a guy going around blasting dudes because his boss tells him. Noooooo, he's gotta have personal stakes and shit and so Rosario Dawson's character kind of pivots the story into a direction I was not comfortable with and also personally despised. They give you a choice, in the game, and they play it up like it has consequences, but it doesn't. The same thing happens for both of your decisions and I was not happy with that. I wanted to go back to being a good little soldier boy and blasting rival corps in the face. But no, I've got moralistic integrity, or some shit.

Even if the story dived into a direction that it wasn't, in my personal opinion, able to recover from, I still rate it highly at 5/5, 10/10, 100/100 whatever the best score is, because Syndicate was, the shit.

It's worth the $3.99.

Also I liked that the character was 19 in the story, which I was at the time of release, which was a day after my 19th birthday. So the stars aligned and that was kool.

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I love his pudgy little knees. They add so much personality.

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Did anybody else think that the homeless lady was going to end up being Max after Max started wearing the leather jacket in the last episode. I was suspecting that at the end of all this she was going to be stuck in some kind of time loop and end up a late middle age lady talking to young Max, possibly by indefinitely time traveling trying every which way to save the town from the tornado.

Also, anybody else notice the homeless guy won the lotto in the San Francisco timeline? He's on the flight to San Francisco.

When she started talking about the spirits of Arcadia Bay or whatever she was on, I thought for sure she'd be a lot more important than she ended up being. I was very surprised to see her just straight up disappear after a point.

I made sure to finish the game before watching the GBeast crew finish it.

After that finale, I'm emotionally spent. I don't want to speak ill of the game, but I was crying by the end, half because of the emotional impact, and half because I was so fucking confused. Good time travel stories never reveal the full extent and rules of their time travel, but that last episode is impossible to follow. I was convinced that there was another entity controlling the latter half of the episode because none of Max's experiences made any fucking sense in terms of traditional time travel. How the fuck is she supposed to be in the memory void, or in a snowglobe, or in the frozen diner hearing everyone's thoughts? It's all just so incoherent, which is actually a great way of conveying Max's own frustration and confusion with the entire situation.

This will all take some time to process. I enjoyed it and I'm glad I played it, but I honestly don't understand what it is that I did.

I let Arcadia Bay get destroyed. Chloe lives on.

Yeah I didn't understand that part. I mean she has a conversation with this alternate version of herself, as sort of this "devil on her shoulder" type of thing, while Chloe comes in and acts as the "angel on her shoulder". I guess you could interpret it as anything if you want to, since it's all vague and cryptic. But at that point I was definitely expecting to see something like a higher being or some other power wielder or something. Something something.

I still stand by my decision and all, but man, you make your decision and the game is over. No time to dwell on what could have been, it's time to go. Just wish I could have had some questions answered. But in a way, I think it works better the way it did. I mean, I'm super conflicted, but.