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Gaming Update #4: I Need Answers

Last week wasn't a very exciting one as far as games go. I simply went about my day doin' whatevs. I did manage to get back into The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and started mopping up some achievements I missed. I managed to finish the Mage's Guild and I'm currently in the middle of completing the Thieves Guild. The latter of which is hard for me because sneaking in video games really isn't my thing. I prefer to go in guns blazing (or in Oblivion's case, swords a-swingin'). Other than that, I was either playing Call Of Duty:

It's likely my dad was caught in that explosion
It's likely my dad was caught in that explosion
World At War or watching my dad play some Battlefield 1943, which happens to be hilarious. It's the only thing he plays now, but he gets mad frustrated. He can't seem to grasp the fact that it isn't Call Of Duty, meaning the other players won't die in three shots. Whenever he jumps on the turret of a friendly tank, he gets furious if the driver doesn't immediately start moving somewhere. Instead of getting out the immobile tank, he'll sit there and then get upset when he gets sniped. Everyone on his team is an "A-Hole" to him, and he turns into a maniac when the planes are gone. Besides that, we got more Microsoft Points. I'm saving 800 points for World At War's Map Pack 3, and I spent the other 800 points changing my gamertag to iTz LuchaDeer because my last one sucked. Before anyone else calls me a moron, please know that I realize "iTz" is the Halo 2 clan In The Zone. Because, you know, "a3ec" is obviously a much better gamertag. Anyway, moving on.
A few days ago I posted a thread in the Left 4 Dead 2 forum regarding a comment someone made about the game. Apparently, Left 4 Dead 2 is racist because there are african-american zombies in it. This kind of ridiculous thinking is the reason why I'm beginning to question the sanity of humans. Why can't we live like the world of Oblivion, where humans can be considered a race? Why does the color of your skin have to determine what race you are? We are all human, but some people in this world fail to see that. Saying that a game is racist because the zombies are not just Caucasion is ignorant to say the least.
Now it's time to discuss something that isn't game related. I need some help with my guitar. If you play, perhaps you can help me. Today we went out to get guitar strings. I hadn't played in nearly a month, which was kind of a bummer because of my broken G string (lulz) and the move to Maryland. When we got there, the lady asked us what gauge of guitar strings we wanted. I had never been asked that before. She explained it by saying it meant different thicknesses. Confused, I told her to just give me whatever was the medium/normal size. When I got home, I attempted to put it on my guitar, but something is wrong. I put it on correctly, and I made sure it was the right one. But for some reason, it won't tune. I use an electric tuner that works fine for every string but the new one, the G. Whenever the display says it's at G, the string sounds like an A or a D. I've tried tuning by ear, but it still won't cooperate. What should I do to fix the situation? I'm 100% sure it's the right string, because the package says the green knob on the end of the string means it is a G. 
This photo is extremely insignificant
This photo is extremely insignificant
Last week I finished a book I've been reading for a few weeks now. Flags Of Our Fathers by James Bradley is a fantastic novel detailing the lives of the six men who raised the American Flag on Mount Suribachi during the Battle Of Iwo Jima. It talks about their lives beginning with their childhood, their enlistment, their training, the actual battle, the flagraising, and finally the post-war events and the 7th Bond Tour the surviving flagraisers reluctantly attended. What makes this book even more special is the fact that the author's father was one of the soldiers in The Photograph that touched a nation. Fantastic read.
Because nothing too exciting happened this week, I spent a lot of time on Giant Bomb going around the forums, making some wiki edits, watching some videos, you name it. Hopefully by my next few updates I should have some more exciting news because I have some family coming over to spend the week. We'll be visiting some places in Maryland and hopefully we'll be able to visit Washington D.C. because I've never been. I figure I'll know my way around after spending so much time with Fallout 3.
Until next time, children.
EDIT: Oh, and I got my second S-Rank in the Giant Bomb Achievements!

Gaming Update #3: Yet Another Glorious Return

Greetings from Maryland! As some of you may or may not have noticed, a few weeks ago I was away from Giant Bomb because my parents and I moved from the state of Maine, where I've lived all my life, down to the home state of Bethesda Softworks: Maryland. This is the biggest move I've been on, and it was quite a slow process getting here. We were able to get some packers to come to our old house and put everything into boxes, which literally took about 6-7 hours. We spent the entire day waiting outside while they did their thing. That was not fun at all. After that, we have movers come over a few days later to take all the boxes and load them onto this huge 18 wheeler.  

I now live in the same state as Todd Howard!
I now live in the same state as Todd Howard!
Unfortunately, they arrived about an hour late, so we didn't begin our 8 hour drive until around 4:00 PM, which was a bit of a bummer. While we were driving (my dad took his car; I rode with my mom. We communicated with walke-talkies) I listened to a Bombcast and read some of the book I was in the middle of, Flyboys. At around 9:00 at night, we had to stop at a hotel for the night because my mom literally could no longer see the road. There was a large swan standing outside of the rooms that walks up to you. My dad went to pet it, and the swan went for his testicles. We finished our trip the next day. So, instead of provide every single detail of the move, let's get onto the games that I played during the two or so weeks that I was away.

First off, I got some Microsoft Points. 1600 to be exact.

Red Faction: Guerilla

Just another day on Mars
Just another day on Mars
Along with the points I got Red Faction: Guerilla, which happens to be an amazing game. I was turned on by the Geo-Mod 2.0 engine, which is simply outstanding. Being able to smash apart buildings brick by brick is one of the most satisfying things in a video game, and hardly ever gets old. While I thought single player was decent, the real magic in my opinion lies in the multiplayer. It's astonishing how much fun I've had with the multiplayer in that game. There is an obscene amount of things to unlock, multiple different challenges, lots of weapons and special Backpacks, and more. Red Faction: Guerilla has some of the funnest multiplayer I've played in a while.

Battlefield 1943

Ah, I remember the Battlefield 2 days. I spent such a long time playing that game, and what's really outstanding is how I was able to compensate for the constant lag, glitches, and bugs that came from my non-gaming laptop that I ran it on. Bad Company was a lot of fun,
although the two games seem drastically different. Despite Battlefield 1943 being pretty small, it is a fun game. It even manages to keep up some of the classic Battlefield traditions, such as being abandoned by your teammates on the aircraft carrier and having to swim to the battle! Any fan of Bad Company will most definitely enjoy this game, while people looking to go to 1943 from one of the PC Battlefields will probably loathe it.

Geometry Wars Retro Evolved

Because I only had 400 points left after installing Battlefield 1943, I decided to buy my first arcade game. I made that game Geometry Wars Retro Evolved. This game is a load of fun, but is probably the most challenging thing I've ever played. My current high score is around 285,000; I have no clue how I managed to get that high. I took a look at the highest scores in the world and nearly passed out. 600,000,000 points? As if. Still, I will practice some more and try to keep playing it whenever I can to see if I can break 300,000 points, and maybe get even higher.

Well, that's all for this week. Hopefully I won't have any more disappearences or internet loss so I can keep this up. It would be nice to have more than 2 blogs in a row.

Until next time, children.

Gaming Update #2: A Week(end) Of Loss And Gain

Originally, I had planned on writing a short blurb for each of the celebrities that we unfortunately lost during this rather somber week. However, I ultimately decided that it had been brought up enough times, so I will therefore keep this blog purely about games.

First of all, I was reunited with an old friend not long after I posted the first blog in this series. I remember back in the day when I was growing up with my Nintendo 64. Oh, those were the days. I remember playing classics such as Goldeneye 007 and Banjo Kazooie for hours and hours, not caring what I was doing in the game as long as I was enjoying it. And enjoy it I did. However, there was this one futuristic racing game that was probably the my favorite game for that entire system. The thing is, I struggled for years and years after the 64 was sold at a yard sale to remember what the game was actually called. That was all solved one night while playing around with my iPod Touch. I went to GameFAQs, did an extensive search, and my head exploded when I somehow managed to actually find the game. It's name was F Zero X, which I'm sure you've probably heard of.

Probably the biggest news of all is the fact that I managed to get a game I've been wanting for years now. The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion is sitting in my Xbox 360 right now. Gamestop had two Game Of The Year Editions left, so I nabbed a used one for a mere $26. Let me tell you, this game is simply awesome. I because addicted to Fallout 3 due to it's open ended gameplay and the fact that you could create and shape your character as you see fit. I've only had it for a few days now, and I've already put over 25 hours into it. For some reason, I don't have as big of a need to explore the land as I did in Fallout 3, but I think this is backed up by the fact that there is an obscene amount of side quests to take on. In just a few hours of playing, I had filled my quest log with missions from all over the land. I have yet to complete them all due to the fact that I've been busy doing odd jobs for the Fighters Guild (which I finished today) and helping out my new family at the Dark Brotherhood. So far, the game is a blast. Looking back, I'm starting to notice something different in the pattern of games I've been playing. I used to be a simple first person shooter fan who only played games such as Call Of Duty. Now, I seem to be getting into much more complicated games (Oblivion obviously) and Fallout. By complicated, I mean games that are much larger and games that have a lot more content in them than the simple FPS.

Besides that, last week was pretty quiet for me. I spent most of my time playing Oblivion and really doing nothing else. My sister managed to get my iPod Touch working after it decided that it wouldn't work untli I plugged it into iTunes and got the recent software update. My laptop has also started working again, so I don't need to rely on my mother's for my Giant Bomb needs. There are still some games that I want (mostly Red Faction: Guerilla), but I'm sure Oblivion will hold me over until then. That's all for this week. If Giant Bomb decides to cooperate with me for once (it isn't right now), I'll add some images or something later if I feel the need to.

Until next time, children.


Gaming Update #1: The Beginning

So just a few minutes ago, I've decided to start a blog about things I've been doing involving video games during the weekend. I've decided to do this every Monday, and it will be a recap of games I've been playing over the week and weekend and things I may have achieved. Now, you probably noticed that this is Tuesday, but the next one will continue on Monday as planned.

As far as things that I've been playing goes, I really haven't been up to much lately. I've been playing a disgusting amount of Fallout 3 using my 5th or 6th character. I've basically just been running around doing side quests and other things that any Vault Dweller would do. Today I did the Reilly's Rangers quest, which only ignited my hate for that quest once more. It literally took me about an hour and a half to complete, because I kept getting lost in the Hotel and had no clue where I was going. You'd think after completing the quest a number of times I'd be able to finish it faster, but that wasn't the case.

Anyway, I'm expecting a lot more information next week because I'll hopefully be picking up The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for the Xbox 360 during the coming week. I'm extremely excited, because I've been wanting that game even before I had a next gen console. I love Fallout 3 (if you haven't realized that already) so I figured Oblivion would be just right for me. We'll see how it goes.

Until next time, children.

*Note For Mod*
I wasn't sure whether this belonged in Off Topic or General Discussion, so I apologize beforehand if this blog belongs someplace else


Back In The Saddle

Some of you may or may not have noticed this, but a while ago I vanished from Giant Bomb. You see, my laptop finally met its inevitable doom and was killed off by viruses and spyware, so I could obviously not go on Giant Bomb anymore. The other day, my mother was nice enough to let me use her laptop whenever I want, so that means that I'm back to my regular duties as a Giant Bomber.

Just thought I'd let everyone know.


Some Big Changes Coming To My Life...

So there are a few pretty big things coming up. First of all, we're moving to Maryland. Well, we're most likely moving to Maryland. My mom recently landed a job down in Washington D.C., and we'll be living within a few miles of the place, which is really neat because I've never been there. My sister (who has a son - my nephew) is excited because she wants to leave Maine as well. However, my brother is pissed because he doesn't want to leave Maine and he thinks we're just after it for the money (we will supposedly be ridiculously rich from this job).

Besides that, school is almost over. Unfortunately, this is easily the most stressful and worst last month of my life. We have a test and/or a project in literally EVERY SINGLE DAMN CLASS. Now, I don't care at all about tests. They don't bother me in one bit. It's the projects that have gotten me worked up. Also, we have a large project in Technology class due soon. Basically, we're making wind turbines using wood and saws and other heavy duty shit. We were all divided into groups of two, and I got so unlucky when I was assigned one of the, this may seem harsh, dumber classmates. I consider myself pretty sloppy when it comes to problem solving and building stuff, so we make a pretty terrible group. What is so weird about this whole "end of the school year" thing is that we had our Middle School graduation thing last week, which means I technically don't even need to be attending school any more because I already got my "certificate". What's even worse is the fact that, if we didn't have any snow days this year, we would be getting out in 5 days. Instead, we still have about 10-11 school days left. Damnit.

Anyway, that was just a quick update about what's going on. As far as games go, I'm actually starting to get frustrated with the fact that there are so many good games coming out. I have become completely overwhelmed, and I have no clue how I am going to afford all of them (although my mother said multiple times that after we move, we'll have so much money that I can just ask for a game and I'll get it). I've been playing A LOT of Fallout 3 ready. I'm trying to get to level 30, and it's been VERY hard when I've discovered every location and completed every quest in the game. I'm getting there though.