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Hey! Wow, kind of a coincidence. I wasn't going to say anything about cooking itself, but I was going to make an off-topic thread asking if there are any cooks on here that can recommend a really good, preferably what is considered the best non-stick pan. I'd like to get it for my mom for her birthday. I checked Google, so I can check that more, but I thought it'd be more interesting to do it on here.

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#3  Edited By NTM

I thought it was a well made one of those games, but it didn't become one of my favorite types of those games or one of my favorite games of last year. I liked it, but it wasn't amazing or anything like that. So yeah, I think it's a good game, but exceptional, not at all. As for you, it seems you just didn't take interest in it. It seems it's one of those games that you feel you should like, and there are many games similar to it that you love so you don't understand why you aren't into Owlboy? Only you can answer that. However, it's possible that Owlboy in this moment in time just isn't the game you desire to play. That can affect my enjoyment of some games.

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#5  Edited By NTM

@humanity: Perhaps you're not the new game plus type, especially for a game you don't fully enjoy the first time, but really understanding the game helped me, and it also delivered more ammo so the overall feel was a bit different due to that as well. If I were you, I would have just started over, but I understand not wanting to. The game isn't too clunky in terms of control to me, but the moving/animations are a bit stiff which might make it feel as such. Something I also realized is that the close-up FOV isn't as much an issue. If I could change it, I probably would, but it's also something that factors into making it scarier since you can't see what's behind you. Yes, the lever to the chambers/pits was almost necessary to kill her as you have to time it correctly by having her be down there.

It is actually a relatively easy and quick part if you can lure her into the pit right off the bat, and you won't waste ammo on anything. Honestly, I typed up a whole thing about something else since I thought you were referring to another area in the game but had to erase it because I don't want to spoil anything. So, you're still kind of early in the game then. As for the 'shrieking lady', you learn more about her later, though for me, I didn't even know how she related to another character until I read about it on the main menu's submenu, or I simply forgot. That said, the game still seems to only hint at larger things, and it leaves it up to the player to read and listen to the collectibles, which I am not sure I did. I just want to say, if you're curious about whether to do fight or flight, there are a few scenarios in the game that want you to mainly do flight as you're being chased, and you need to either shoot things to get through somewhere or turn wheels by tapping A fast.

You should just know that before wasting ammo, but I won't go into full detail so I don't spoil it. On a new game plus, one of those scenarios is actually good to get a bunch of green gel. I should also mention that I played it on casual difficulty as I do with the majority of games the first time through, and you can't change difficulty on new game plus, unfortunately, which I would have done, going onto the hardest difficulty. I only mention this because like I said earlier, they patched the game so casual difficulty specifically allows more ammo to be dropped. It's not excessive, but it seems like a better amount than I remember. There are a handful of moments in the game that guys will one hit kill you if they catch you, so I died about ten times even on casual difficulty new game plus in the 13.5 hours it took to complete it. Normal dudes aren't worrisome though.

There are just too many moments in the main game that have a bunch of dudes, or a boss that require ammo, then on top of that conserving ammo in the game would really limit upgrading. I didn't like that aspect the first time through; it was balanced badly. I know I sound like a broken record here, but playing on a new game plus is just a much better experience and makes the game better realized as to what I thought it would/could be. I'm also really liking the DLC, and would fully recommend it for anyone wanting to learn more about the overall story as well as anyone that is interested in the sequel. I'm going to start playing the second part of the DLC now. Control wise, if you mean how the character moves as well as animates, I agree that it's not as good as it could be, but there's no real issue in terms of button layout.

Oh, one more thing about DLC, it's all stealth pretty much, so you're not dealing with upgrading or guns and ammo.

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#6  Edited By NTM

I just wanted to update and say that I got the season pass. I played through the first Kidman story DLC, The Assignment and I liked it a lot. I'm pretty tired now, otherwise, I'd go straight onto the next, but I'll do it later today. Honestly, it's kind of unfortunate this wasn't a free thing or something, as it is pivotal to understanding in detail what's going on in the overall story from the original, and what will continue onto the next, so if you played the main game but not the DLC, you might be confused when going onto two. That's what it seems like to me anyway since they explain more about how the characters' fit into it, as well as bring a new character in. It also delves deeper into the true antagonist when it was only vaguely hinted at in the main game.

I'd say it's very much worth it if you hadn't played it, but want to play the second. While the overall story (evil corporation wants something to control the world) can be seen as pretty unoriginal, I still think it has a fine enough twist to it and is well designed. I'm really disappointed I didn't garner more excitement over the main game and its DLC initially because now it's a game that's pervading my mind and I can't wait to play the sequel, putting it alongside other highly anticipated games from later this year for me. I'm putting off Sundered to go back to play this, though that game is going to get an update soon so I thought it was a good time to jump back to this for some time.

Edit - Instead of posting a new post and bumping the thread again. I just wanted to say that I'm playing the second one now, and maybe almost done? I'm not sure, but I'm at the part where Kidman is now heading the Beacon hospital in the city. I like this DLC a lot too, and to reiterate again for those that are interested in two, play this DLC.

The last edit - Finished the second DLC. It was also good. I'm really glad I played the main game again, and happy I picked up the DLC before two. I'm really excited for the sequel now. The DLC takes six to seven hours which is a good amount of time. You might say it's half as long as the main game. To say for one final time on here, I'm really disappointed in myself for not taking the time to play it again and give it another chance.

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#7  Edited By NTM

I like Sundered, but it doesn't feel entirely like a Metroidvania (the whole 'get new powers to get to a new place' doesn't feel as pivotal, though it's in there), nor does this other game I'm going to mention, but you should try Outland. It is actually like Sundered, but it's slower (slower attacks, fewer enemies on screen) and has an Ikaruga inspiration where you dodge two different colors by switching your body color. If you're looking for something with more action, then... Sundered.

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#8  Edited By NTM

Sorry to say, but games generally are the total opposite. I recommend laying down and watching a movie or a TV show you like, maybe setting the timer on your TV to sleep after ninety minutes. Video games actually make me stay up, but if I'm stressed to some degree and thinking about my obligations for what comes in the next day, I won't be able to play a game because I'm too concerned with what comes tomorrow sometimes. Games for me are about getting into those worlds and losing myself, I can't do that if I'm thinking about what's going on in reality since I don't feel I can lose sight. I was just thinking about making a thread (but I won't) about whether your (as in the people on here) job gets in the way of their passion for games and other things, or whether their job is their passion. To me, my job is easy/challenging enough and I don't absolutely hate it, but it's not my passion to do it, so for me, it does get in the way of what I love to do, and it's kind of depressing. I know, my problem, but still.

Edit - Also, I second the idea of working out for a short session unless you're too fatigued after working. Jumping jacks ;). TV's artificial light has been said to keep you awake. Some, however, like to fall asleep to the sound of what's going on, on the TV. I actually can't do that myself, so I'll turn it off when I know I'm tired and about to fall asleep.

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#9  Edited By NTM

I liked the game fine. I would probably put it somewhere in the eights if I scored it (probably low eights or heck, four stars... three and a half stars?) The game just lacked any real innovation. The characters (as likable as they can be) were ripped right out of the Bioware playbook so it was predictable, and the way the story unfolds by the end was also predictable even though I still enjoyed the 'everyone you met throughout your journey is now together fending off the evil dudes!' The games side activities were extremely dull which is probably the worst aspect to me. Dragon Age Inquisition had this issue, but everything around it was superb so that aspect was negligible to me. Doing everything, I really felt like I was wasting time by trekking across the world to go from point A to grab something at point B (maybe even C, D, E, F, and G), then hoof it back to A to get nothing other than some experience or something.

I was in awe of some environmental pieces, like on the desert planet where the towering alien structure was off in the distance. The planet with the big ass worm dude that comes in and out of the sand. Lastly, I was lucky enough to have played the game through on launch, and I had very little issue when it pertains to glitches. I got some that made me have to restart from a previous save, but nothing that pervaded cutscenes and took me out of the experience in that way. I would go back to the game to see what they had fixed as they had been putting out patches since I've played it, but the fact that they seem to be done with the game really makes me lack the motivation to ever play it again honestly. Plus, you don't even have to mention how, in large part due to the lack of innovation, the game really just lacks the appeal of what the trilogy ended on, which isn't expected anyway, but disappointing nonetheless.

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#10  Edited By NTM

Neither really, actually. I mean, I might sometimes if there's a game I want to hear talked about, but it's not often that I listen to the podcasts. As for which one I listen to more when I do, the Bombcast, but I don't remember the last time I listened to an entire episode. I think it's great that they are doing it in video form now though. I like the staff here, otherwise, I wouldn't have made a profile and started visiting Giantbomb when it started, but I kind of just want to hear about the games I'm interested in, so I don't spend much time listening to or watching their stuff.