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Games Completed in 2013.

Another year, another list of games I finished. This time I'll remember to put a date for when I finished each title.

List items

  • -- Date Completed: 1/11/13 ;; Version: PC --

    As Vinny said, it's just crazy, goofy fun. I actually purchased it when it came out for PS3, but returned it a few days later because my backlog was so massive as the time. In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have done that, but on the other hand I was able to play the graphically superior PC version - which wasn't out at the time. I don't think I've ever seen a game do rain better then this game. Anyway, I really liked it. Maybe 2013's 2012 Game of The Year???

  • -- Date Completed: 1/22/13 ;; Version: PC --

    Another crazy open word game. I haven't played a SR game since the first one years ago, but after hearing so many great things about this game last year I really wanted to give it a try. Of course I didn't have time to play it when it was new and everyone was still raving on about it. On the plus side, playing it so late after release I was able to get it for quite cheap. I think I paid somewhere around $7 for the THQ Humble Bundle, which included this game and several others. Anyways, it's a good game with some really funny writing. I can't wait for the next one.

  • -- Date Completed: 1/31/13 ;; Version: PC --

    This was a quick one. I have to say, I wasn't sure if I was going to get this or not. I am not a huge DmC fan, and my only experience with the previous games came last year while trying to get through the entire HD Collection. I finished 1 and 2, but only got about 75% of the way through 3. Regardless, the new look for Dante never really bothered me; sure I thought it was kind of strange to do such a drastic redesign, but it wasn't ever a deal breaker. Anyways, after hearing Brad rave about this game, I decided to go ahead and try it out. I am certainly glad I did. This game has one of the most striking art designs I've seen in a while. It also controls beautifully, is well written and genuinely funny, and a blast to play. It's a shame so many people have totally written this game off based on something that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

  • -- Date Completed: 2/10/13 ;; Version: iOS --

    I was debating on whether or not I would include iOS games on these types of lists, but if GiantBomb is now doing quick looks of such games, I think I can go ahead and put them on here. I finished this the day after watching the quick look on the site and subsequently deciding to purchase it. I really enjoyed it and am very excited for The Room 2 and whatever content they plan to add to this version.

  • -- Date Completed: 3/13/13 ;; Version: PC --

    I really enjoyed this game and I'm looking forward to where they take the series from here. This was a solid Reboot, and probably the best hair in a video game to date. The only thing that kind of disappointed me was that it wasn't a true open world, but damn if it wasn't beautiful on PC. (Which I'm starting to notice a trend of most games being PC in this list...)

  • -- Date Completed: 3/25/13 ;; Version: PC --

    This was actually the first time I've played Starcraft 2, despite buying Wings of Liberty when it came out. I guess I'm more of a Zerg fan; I've always liked weird bugs aliens over redneck space truckers. Anyways, I thoroughly enjoyed the campaign, even if the story was a bit weak. I really liked the way it was structured and delivered. It reminded me of Mass Effect in some ways. Speaking of Mass Effect: Abathur.

  • -- Date Completed: 4/17/13 ;; Version: PS3 --

    This was an excellent little metroidvania game that I honestly wasn't sure was going to be any good. The name alone is enough to make one cautious. I'm glad it turned out as well as it did. When I think of what a good action game for XBLA or PSN should be, it's games like this.

  • -- Date Completed: 5/1/13 ;; Version: PS3 --

    About a month ago, I got an urge to play a JRPG. I haven't actually played one since Persona 3 way back in 2007. I'm not a huge fan of the genre, so this was definitely a strange urge for one such as myself to be having. Anyways, I made a topic on the forums here asking for some suggestions for JRPG's that had excellent stories. Needless to say, it didn't get very many suggestions and there was much merriment to be had in mocking the quest for such a thing. (Some claim they don't exist) But eventually, some genuine suggestions started to come in. The name Nier kept popping up despite not being a "true" JRPG, but I decided to pick it up along with Lost Odyssey. A few weeks later I'm done with Nier and I'm not quite sure what to think of it. The entire reason I wanted to play this game was for the story, and I'm not sure if it lived up to the praise I was reading for it or not. It wasn't a terrible story by any means, but it also wasn't what I would classify as "excellent" either. Regardless, the game itself was competent enough that I never felt like I was forcing myself to play just so I could reach the end. (Although I don't really care for all of the different endings requiring separate play-through's from the half-way point) I did experience them all, and I think it was a pretty good game overall. If this game were an essay I would grade it as a solid B+.

  • -- Date Completed: 5/12/13 ;; Version: PC --

    Probably the most overrated game of 2013, and possibly the most overrated game I've played in quite some time. Not to say it's a horrible game; it's quite good actually, but it most certainly isn't a 10 or 4 star game and doesn't deserve most of the praise heaped upon it. It especially doesn't deserve any praise for it's gameplay, IMO; and while the story was good, it wasn't as excellent as it's being made out to be.

    That's what I think anyways.

  • -- Date Completed: 5/18/13 ;; Version: PC --

    My God, I have been meaning to finish this game for years! Finally, I have done so in preparation for playing Zeno Clash 2. This game isn't great in terms of it's mechanics or it's voice acting, but damn if it isn't interesting based solely on it's weirdness. The main driving force for playing this game isn't in actually playing it, but in the desire to see what weird-ass thing you'll be shown next. On to ZC2!!

  • -- Date Completed: 6/2/13 ;; Version: 360 --

    Man, what a great experience. As I stated above with Nier, I've been on a JRPG kick recently. I picked up Nier and Lost Odyssey at the same time and opted to start Nier first, since I knew LO was going to be a large time investment. But man was it worth it! I haven't played many JRPGs over the years, but this one easily ranks up there with some of my favorites. While not the best one I've ever played, it sits comfortably at around the third position. It's really a shame more people didn't play this; especially considering it's pedigree of developers involved. (Hironobu Sakaguchi, Nobuo Uematsu) Oh, and as many others have said, the "Thousand Years of Dreams" short stories written by Kiyoshi Shigematsu are friggin superb!

  • -- Date Completed: 6/22/13 ;; Version: PS3 --

    I really enjoyed this game. It's a shame more people didn't buy it. The art style is excellent, and while the story isn't superb, it is competent; although I may be a bit biased, because I like WW2 history, which this pretty much is. This game reminds me of a 3d version of Advance Wars, but with only one tank, sometimes two. I would gladly be making plans to start playing the second game in the series, but I do not have a PSP, nor do I really want one. Perhaps it is for the best though, because I would probably just want more after finishing it, and it is a fact that Valkyria Chronicles 3 will never see a U.S release.

  • -- Date Completed: 6/23/13 ;; Version: iOS --

    I bought the Phoenix Wright HD trilogy off the App store a few weeks ago, and having already played through PW1 back in the day, I decided to jump right in to the second one. After playing through this, I learned that it is considered by most to be the worst in the series; and looking back, I can kind of see that now. The first case was pretty good, but the second and third weren't all that great. I'm also not a fan of many of the characters prominent in this game, so there's that too....Luckily though, I hear that Trials & Tribulations is the best one, so I have that to look forward to.

  • -- Date Completed: 6/29/13 ;; Version: PS3 --

    An excellent game. I absolutely loved Ellie; She made the game for me. And while I still don't know how I feel about the ending, my opinion of the game remains high.

  • -- Date Completed: 7/5/13 ;; Version: DS --

    I'm not sure what possessed me to purchase and play this game. But, I did. I'm kind of glad I did.

  • -- Date Completed: 7/21/13 ;; Version: PC --

    I really liked this game! It has some pretty creative puzzles, and the atmosphere is amazing. I kind of wished it was a wee bit longer but, that's always a good thing, right? Definitely one of my favorite games I have played this year.

  • -- Date Completed: 10/11/13 ;; Version: PC --

    Wow, it's been a while since I've completed a game, hasn't it? Regardless, this was an excellent - if very short - game. I was already a fan of the Fables universe, and I think it has a lot of potential to tell some great stories. I am greatly looking forward to the next episode!!

  • -- Date Completed: 10/15/13 ;; Version: PC [Episode 1]--

    After finished the first episode of The Wolf Among us, I figured I'd go back and try The Walking Dead again. I had previously played through about 30-40% of the first episode last year when everyone was raving about this game for GOTY. I liked Episode 1 enough to go ahead and purchase the entire season. But, I have been wise and taken to heart the advice given by the late Ryan Davis, who said not to play the entire season in one sitting, because it will depress the hell out of you. So, I have been taking it slow; playing an episode to completion every week or so.

  • -- Date Completed: 10/16/13 ;; Version: PC [Episode 2]--

    Since I had already played through a bit of Episode 1 last year before finishing it a few days earlier, I decided to go ahead and play though Ep2. Man, that was a messed up Episode; but I kind of saw the whole cannibal thing from the moment those creeps showed up.

  • -- Date Completed: 10/26/13 ;; Version: iOS --

    After seeing the quick look, I promptly purchased this little gem. Although I opted for the iOS version, because playing it on a mobile device was more convenient for me. The only drawback of course, is it's pricing scheme. You pay a fair bit extra up-front for the PC version but there are no micro-transactions (I assume) whereas they are plentiful on the iOS version. Still, it's a fun little game, even with the terrible pricing model. Stupid hint coins....

  • -- Date Completed: 10/30/13 ;; Version: iOS --

    I decided to get this after reading Patrick tweet about it a few times. I found this game to be incredibly creative and unique. It makes perfect use of the iPad format, and while I didn't find the story or especially it's conclusion very interesting, some of the puzzles were superbly designed and easily made up for that shortcoming. The visual design and productions featured in this game are second to none, and it is probably the hardest game to describe to someone that I've ever played. Although I've never played Year Walk (plan to fix that soon), I can't wait to see what Simogo Games does next!!

  • -- Date Completed: 11/04/13 ;; Version: iOS --

    Naturally this was the next step after finishing Device 6. Unfortunately, I didn't like Year Walk anywhere near as much as D6. I really didn't care for Year Walk in general. I'm not a fan of horror games, if you could even describe this game as such. But the main reason I didn't like this game was the lack of any real meaningful gameplay. The premise is certainly interesting to me, but that is about it. A bit of a disappointment after hearing such praise for this game.

  • -- Date Completed: 11/13/13 ;; Version: PC --

    I'm not sure why so many people have written this game off completely. I mean, sure it wasn't developed by the original Rocksteady guys, but all the tech is the same; and really, isn't that the best part of these Batman games? Sure there wasn't much new stuff being done, although I really liked the increase in crime scenes and the whole analyzing stuff with Detective mode. I think the camera scrubbing system was really cool. The main story is a little campy, but I still feel this is a solid Batman game, with solid Batman combat, and I think far too many people wrote this game off without giving it a chance. It was a really cool game. Not superb, but certainly not terrible.

  • -- Date Completed: 12/9/13 ;; Version: 360 --

    I don't see why people hate on this game so much. Now, granted, I played the HD version on 360, so there were no framerate issues like in the 3DS version. And, I've never played more then 15 or 20 minutes of the holy grail of Castevania games, Symphony of the Night. But still, I thought this was a really good game. I also enjoyed the game this is a spinoff of-- Lords of Shadow. I also enjoyed the demo of Lords of Shadow 2 included with the purchase of this game. ;) I would still recommend this game to anyone who enjoyed LoS or fans of 2D metroidvania style games. And yes, I am aware this is not a true 2D game. I am glad I picked this game up and gave it a shot.