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#1  Edited By Roy42
Well the quote mechanic is messing with me, so I can't quote Alexander's last post and make my comments on it, but basically I agree with it completely, along with all his other ones on this thread, 2008 was great for the Wii, it's just that Nintendo did a cocking shite job of presenting it as such.
oldschool said:
"Having been in the corporate world my whole working life, I do not pay any attention to what executives say.  They are there only to espouse the corporate line, to build confidence in the marketplace for both the consumer and the shareholder, plus the business partners as well.  The fact that they are saying it, is both in reality an admittance that they have got it wrong and that they need to fix something.
However, that is just the corporate side of things.  As a consumer, I could care less how many crappy girl games are put on the Wii.  Why should I?  They are there because there is a market for them.  Most of those games are and always have been on the PC as well.  When I go to the store and look for a game, I just obliviously scan past them, safe and comfortable that there is and always will be games that I want, yet my wallet cannot afford - and I spend a lot of money on games, having a collection of near 700 of them.

Things will take their course as they always have.  Of course there will be plenty of so called 'hardcore' games coming, it just makes business sense for developers.  They will see sales dry up with many of their 'casual' party games as a glut will eventually bore even the most complacent and easy to satisfy consumer.  Then they will (and probably have behind closed doors) turn their attention to a significant, but as yet, market for better quality games.  We are still relatively early in the life cycle of the current generation.  I fail to see any reason for pessimism.

I think we all need to just ignore the 'troll' like behaviour of some, who will always take any opportunity to go on a Wii thread and say the same old stuff.  I will continue to enjoy my Wii, DS and PC, occasionally break out the PSP and eventually buy a 360 and PS3.  Life is sweet and we are all spoiled with great choice."
Great to hear a bunch of accurate points from another of the few people on this site with an IQ higher than the sites age in months, I also admire your huge library of games, but if you are still reading this thread, which i very much doubt, don't get a PS3, at least not until 3 months after Sony announces PS4 and stops caring about how much they mark up the PS3 and drop it to an affordable price, like, only maybe 100 dollars more than the wii (australian).

chazer127 said:
"Am I the only one who dosnt give a monkeys about grapics? I have a 360 and a Wii but I play on the Wii more because Its fun (so is the 360 but the games are getting a pit pricy so I havent gotten a new game in about 3 months) the Wii dosnt have enough hardcore games? the hardcore games are in the shops if you look hard enough. And I think AC,CF will be a great game *sound of chirping crickets* even if it isnt for the hard-core."
Roy42 said, because of the input box screwing up so it has to be in one of these boxes: YES!!!! Thank you, I am one of the others who doesn't care about the graphics, of course I like a game with nice graphics, but like hell I'll get (for a recent example) Shaun White Snowboarding for 360, which only looked awesome when you were at the top 100 feet of each mountain. I played it for less than 2 hours and took it back, refunding it to get the version for Wii, which I love, because it looks good enough to feel right when playing it with the balance board, plus when I use the board it feels like an immersive experience, the gameplay is actually decent, which is what the main focus of the Wii has been about, MKWii wasn't the greatest of all of them, but it sure as hell felt nice to be able to really turn the Kart. 
Wii Fit, now Ichi, I'm guessing you'd probably get pissy if the Big, fat, rich N came out with another console that was the most powerful console and years ahead of it's time, but released it with a basically perfect FPS that had all aspects of the game perfected, yet they called it "(insert console name here) Shooting" I mean, what, is it just automatically going to be a piece of crap just because they couldn't be assed to come up with a good name and slapped "Wii Terrorism" on the case.
I'd go on right now, but this input box is annoying the fuck out of me, so I'm leaving it at that for now, besides, my left hand is freezing from holding it out the window for the last hour that I was in a car.
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#2  Edited By Roy42
Meowayne said:
"Wii Music is the most awesome thing you can give to young kids. I have it, and while none of the criticism in the reviews is really wrong, young kids will have no choice but to love the living hell out of it. Best toy ever.
I'm gonna agree with that, Wii music is awesome, as a toy, not a game. Though, as it's nintendo, they still can at least include the mini games in the product, plus when he gets older you can get a balance board for him to try out the drum mode, but basically, Wii sports, maybe Play, definitely Music and I would recommend Kororinpa, I loved it, for the short 7 days that I 100%ed it, but I think Johnny will love being able to move the marble around with the wii remote, plus with all the different marbles he'll be occupied for at least a month, give or take.
For Grace, I would say Brawl, Galaxy, Z&W, MKWii, Sonic and the Secret Rings, maybe Shaun White, if you're going to get the balance board for Music you might as well get a decent priced, fun game. Obviously you can't get all of those, but of all those, the top three I would recommend:

Johnny: 1. Music.
2. Kororinpa
3. ??????

1. Brawl
2. Galaxy
3. MKWii
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#3  Edited By Roy42

I found it surprising that people felt a need to do this, I mean, lots of emulators, yay, we can go through a long process that has a chance of bricking the wii so we can do what's been possible on our computers from the start, just like all the homebrew games. The only reason I got and have homebrew is for GeckoOS/ocarina, because I wanted to have fun messing with the cheats in the games, not so I could waste the time of importing games from US just so that by the time they got here the game was a week from PAL release anyway, and to play DVDs, as redundant as it is with me having over 200 GB of movies/tv shows on my computer and the 360 already plays DVDs, it's still nice to say "I can play DVDs on the wii, so suck it!". Plus if someone eventually makes a media player like XBMC, then I can just dump it back at my dad's and let him use it instead of the slow ethernet of his old modded Xbox.

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#4  Edited By Roy42

could you just piss off back to the PS3 threads then?

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#5  Edited By Roy42

apparently, I'm glad I have a "sacrificial lamb" of a wii that I can use to run homebrew, it's basically got nothing on it from nintendo, no extra channels or anything, so I've nothing to fear of putting homebrew on and don't even need to put the update on.

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#6  Edited By Roy42

God, this game is AWESOME!

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#7  Edited By Roy42

I'm glad that the wii at my dad's hasn't been upgraded in crap knows how long, and since I don't use the shop there I may screw the update and put homebrew on it. Unless there's a workaround.

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#8  Edited By Roy42

My Brawl Code, not sure why it wasn't added from the last one: 2836-1528-6236

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#9  Edited By Roy42
Black_Rose said:
"Is it really fair to compare these two games? The Conduit will always win, FF is nothing but shit shovelware."
Amen, brother.
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#10  Edited By Roy42

For pre-alpha, The Conduit is looking great already, it's on the list now.